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Alvin Moon - Antag Behavior as nonantag

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 11:02 am
by Sweaterkittens
My Byond Account: Sweaterkittens
My Character Name: Jayne Hightower - Briareos and it's variants as silicon (Briareos.Hecatonchires this particular round)

Their Character Name: Alvin Moon
Their Byond Account: Unknown

Server and Time: Sybil, about 2:30 am PST

Description of what happened: This was a semi-lowpop traitorling round. I am playing AI, and the one changeling is an absolute nightmare to deal with. So I'm scrambling all over as he headslugs not once but twice, the security team trying to find him and deal with him etc etc. Hectic for a lowpop round. Meanwhile, Alvin Moon joins as a lawyer, and immediately goes and gets tools and breaks into command EVA. I alert security, and he steals a suit and leaves, all the while spouting "Lawyers in spessssss" over and over. The shit continues for the rest of the round. He gets set to arrest pretty quickly, and a short while later, he starts breaking into the armory from space. Some security officers get hardsuits and go chase him off, and I'm not much help because I don't have eyes out there. Next, he breaks into the HoS's office from space, creating a breach that was never fixed, before he's chased off again. Then he comes and breaks into my satellite, again talking in all caps "AI CAN I COME IN AND HANG OUT WITH YOU". I set pingsky on him and he runs off. For the last time, he attempts to break into the armory again (security had finally sealed the breach in the armory and locker'd up all the guns) and an officer heads outside and detains him, finally. This shit had gone on as soon as he arrived until the end of the round, probably 30+ minutes.

Why they should be banned: This guy occupied the most of my and security's time second only to the goddamn changeling. He did multiple heavily antagonistic things, like breaching HoS's office, AI sat, and armory from space, creating breaches that did not get sealed, and to a lesser extent hacking a ton of doors and breaking into several places to steal things. He wasn't an antag, and this shit goes beyond simple greytiding.

Re: Alvin Moon - Antag Behavior as nonantag

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 3:07 pm
by imblyings
This is badwrongfun but it's not that bad of a badwrongfun.

I've certainly done it before, I know one particular former headmin took some pride in being really skilled at being a shitter this particular way, and breaking into the armoury/hos office from space/ the lobby of the AI sat, aren't really offences we've ever banned for. It'd cross the line if this was all this ckey ever did as a non-antag but doing these things once or twice isn't really actionable.

I also spawned a fuckton of meatyores that round since all the antags had died out, some of the breaches may have been caused by me rather than him, unless he broke into those places before I did those things.

Re: Alvin Moon - Antag Behavior as nonantag

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 3:19 pm
by AlivnMoon
I'm posting as a courtesy to an admin that requested it. I'm sorry you can't shock doors or coordinate your security or have a sense of humor. Bay station might be a good server for you. Also I actually saved the cap by spess lawyer'ing that round so really I helped more than any lawyer has in the history of spess law. You're welcome.

Re: Alvin Moon - Antag Behavior as nonantag

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 3:53 pm
by imblyings
If you rack up a history of minor grief but then proceed to act snarky about it your time here will be pretty short.

I'm almost sure I added a note to this guy for being a cunt in fnr if I haven't I will next time I log in.