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Dr. Pepper - being shit.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:28 pm
by InsaneHyena
Your byond account: InsaneHyena
Your character name: Rodrik Svenson
Their character name: Dr. Pepper
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): No fucking clue.
Server and time: Sybil, round at 2015-11-18, 18:00~ server time.
Logs and/or screenshots: Well, I have those
Rodrik Svenson says, "Wow, Emily."
Dr. Pepper says, "2 high-level crimes. I hope you're both happy."
Rodrik Svenson says, "I..."
Emily Ranger says, "Sorry."
Emily Ranger says, "I messed up."
Dr. Pepper says, "Now you're going to labor camp."
Rodrik Svenson says, "SOmehow thought you would do better."
Emily Ranger says, "Dr. You arrested us on bogus charges."
Dr. Pepper buckles Emily Ranger to the chair!
You unbuckle yourself from the chair.
Emily Ranger says, "And are keeping us here under bogus pretenses."
Rodrik Svenson says, "Yeah, this is some shitler leverl shit."
Emily Ranger attempts to unbuckle themself!
Rodrik Svenson attempts to remove the handcuffs!
You attempt to remove the handcuffs... (This will take around 1 minutes and you need to stand still.)
Dr. Pepper says, "No, you're arrested for endangering the workplace. That wasn't a serious crime"
Emily Ranger says, "I hope the gods won't mind robusting this guy."
Dr. Pepper says, "What you just did, is."
Rodrik Svenson says, "I mean, you are the worst HoS I've seen since Futur."
Dr. Pepper says, "So you basically incriminated yourself. Like a dumbass."
Emily Ranger nods.
Rodrik Svenson says, "And Futur burned people alive for no reason."
Dr. Pepper says, "Execution. They're done."
Usha-Ula hisses, "Nice attempt"
Micks Tape puts the stunbaton into the security backpack.
Usha-Ula has stunned Emily Ranger with the stunbaton!
Nyanbot has analyzed Dr. Pepper's vitals.
[Common] Malphas Grant says, "AI open please"
[Common] Lullaby states, "He's not dead just yet, thankfully."
Emily Ranger says, "We tried Rodrik."
Dr. Pepper says, "Yes, I need medical help, but i'm fine."
Rodrik Svenson says, "At least I die with honor."
Usha-Ula asks, "Why did yu ssshave them?"
Malphas Grant says, "A good ole prison riot."
Dr. Pepper says, "Captain, I say we execute them."
Joey Kirkson puts the stunbaton into the security belt.
Dr. Pepper says, "They tried to kill me"
Emily Ranger says, "At least I'm not the HoS."
Emily Ranger says, "Rightfully so."
Rodrik Svenson says, "РщЗю"
Rodrik Svenson says, "HoP."
Malphas Grant says, "Same, Rodrik."
Rodrik Svenson says, "Hos arrestd us for no raisin"
Emily Ranger asks, "HoP. Are you sane?"
Rodrik Svenson says, "Permabrigged us"
Malphas Grant says, "Yes I am sane."
Rodrik Svenson says, "And now wants to EXECUTE us for resisting."
Micks Tape says, "HoS, permission to put Emily in isolation"
Malphas Grant asks, "So uh, whats goin on here?"
Emily Ranger says, "HoP, the HOS arrested us for fighting consensually in the holodeck, threw us in interrogation, said we were lying, and kept us there forever."
Dr. Pepper says, "Alright"
Dr. Pepper asks, "And Rodrik?"
Dr. Pepper says, "He's a bad one too."
Emily Ranger says, "Then when we fought back, he perma'd us."
Malphas Grant says, "Okay, that's not ok, HoS."
Robust Softdrinks beeps, "Robust Softdrinks: More robust than a toolbox to the head!"
Emily Ranger says, "So yeah."
Dr. Pepper says, "No"
Description of what happened:

So, cult round. I'm engineer, I'm bored, I want to suicide. Since I don't want to blow myself up at HoP's line, I challenge Emily Ranger to a fistfight instead. She agrees, we meet at the gym and robust each other. Before we can finish, a beepsky comes and arrests us both - then security, headed by HoS Dr. Pepper, comes for us and arrests us.
HoS asks why we are in cuffs. Emily explains that we fought in the gym, but HoS doesn't believe us and demands a real story. He keeps us in the interrogation for 10 minutes, until we slip out of cuffs and try to escape. He takes out Emily with a taser, cuffs her and drags her to permabrig, meanwhile I uncuff myself and wait for him. When he returns, he tries to tase me, but can't, since unrobust scrub. Eventually he figures out that he needs a flashbang, uses it, cuffs me and permabrigs me too.
Now, a lyrical pause. In the previous gang round this very same HoS perma'd me after my peaceful surrender, refused to implant me and left me to rot in perma with blast doors closed, so I couldn't interact with other prisoners. This round, he did it again - but since Box is not a shit map and actually has cameras, I manage to get AI to open blast doors.
We try to escape again with slip memes, but HoS brings literally every shitcuriton he can find to the permabrig, cuffs us again and demands an execution from HoP. HoP doesn't allow it, so Dr. Pepper dresses us in the memeshirts, bucklecuffs us and pumps us full of morphine. Then he fucks off and dies fighting cult, I guess.

Why they should be banned:
Textbook shitcurity. Should be jobbanned.

Re: Dr. Pepper - being shit.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:42 pm
by TheNightingale
I was the AI here. I sent Beepsky after you for harming each other, since you weren't using boxing gloves. When Emily escaped her cuffs in Interrogation, he took her to perma. Fair enough. In the meantime, you escaped your cuffs, and then he took you to perma. Not as fair, but it's still within the realms of plausibility; joint enterprise and all that.

I couldn't read the papers you flashed at the cameras, so I opened the blast doors to talk to you. Emily started smashing the lights, and you started wetting the floors. Security arrived, and Emily beat the HoS into near-crit with his stunbaton (somehow) whilst they slipped on the soap and water. I suspect that's why you were morphined and bucklecuffed - you were helping Emily kill the HoS (or at least helping her through inaction).

In the gang round, Sec didn't have any implants left, and were being attacked by pretty much everyone (including me, since I was a gangster Janitor). The HoS was ganged pretty early in, too.

Re: Dr. Pepper - being shit.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:52 pm
by Cobby
It was consensual though... There's nothing illegal about that. Even then, you don't just say 'Nah I don't believe you', interrogate them indefinitely, then perma them after they try to leave. That's pretty shit.

Also Sec and AI aren't one entity [at least under asimov], what might be ok for you may not be ok for security [See EXECUTIONS] and vice versa.

Re: Dr. Pepper - being shit.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:58 pm
by Amelius
Let me summarize the points from my perspective, ignoring the Rodrik's post, in greentext form. Note that, since I tried to kill the HoS at the end of it (and almost succeeded), any sort of complaint on my own is void, at least based on previous experience with rulings.

> You are the scientist. Okay whatever.
> Rodrik challenges me to a fist fight in fitness. I accept.
> Halfway through, mediborg cucks us, ignores that it's consensual harm, and sets beepsky to 'dangerous' mode to arrest everyone (irony!).
> Detective and HoS arrive and the latter 'arrests' us for an unknown crime. We were almost surely not set to arrest at that point.
> Dropped off at interrogation, he goes through our things. Both of us had standard starting equipment. Nothing suspicious whatsoever.
> We tell our very brief story.
> 'I don't believe you'. We're incredulous.
> He keeps us around in interrogation, cuffed for around 5-10 minutes total when we hadn't even committed a crime.
> Everyone knew we were consensually fighting in fitness since Rodrik stated his challenge on the radio and my acceptance.
> We get fed up with him, manage to uncuff ourselves one by one and try to disarm spam him/table him so we could get the hell out.
> Stuns both of us, strips us of everything in the normal cells and prepares to gulag or perma us. Leaves me strapped to the chair cuffed, pending for the gulag while he handles Rodrik.
> Uncuff myself and run out the open door (the detective came to check on me, apologizing for the HoS, but obeying him nonetheless), try to rescue Rodrik instead of beelining out of the brig.
> Fail, off to perma with both of us. Encloses us in the cells, we both, at the same time ask the AI to open up the greater brig with paper.
> Prep for escape, knock out lights, grab the soap, and Rodrik, the bucket.
> HoS walks in, manage to robust him and beat him almost to crit, failing due to slipping on Rodrik's puddle and the lack of charge on the baton and the billion security guards he brought with him.
> Both of us locked in solitary in straightjackets sleeptoxed after Malphas denied an execution.
> Malphas lets both of us out and later, I try to save his life from the cult, but fail.

The end. Really really shit player, and all he plays is HoS. Never seen him before either.

EDIT: Found his ckey. It's Makkelvi.

Re: Dr. Pepper - being shit.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:09 pm
by Cobby
Makkelvi is the Ckey

Re: Dr. Pepper - being shit.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:39 pm
by TheNightingale
Amelius wrote: Halfway through, mediborg cucks us, ignores that it's consensual harm, and sets beepsky to 'dangerous' mode to arrest everyone (irony!).
Beepsky was me. I directed the borgie there to heal you two up after Beepsky stunned you both. You were both set to Arrest, and I overrode the safeties on Beepsky after Lola intervened (the emag mode isn't actually dangerous, it just arrests everyone it sees).
Amelius wrote:> We get fed up with him, manage to uncuff ourselves one by one and try to disarm spam him/table him so we could get the hell out.
Gee, I sure do wonder why you were permabrigged after attacking the HoS. What could possibly go wrong with trying to disarm and table the guy in charge of executions and permanent sentences?

Re: Dr. Pepper - being shit.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:54 pm
by Amelius
TheNightingale wrote:Gee, I sure do wonder why you were permabrigged after attacking the HoS. What could possibly go wrong with trying to disarm and table the guy in charge of executions and permanent sentences?
The point was the arrest was made under bogus pretenses, we had nothing suspect in our bags, and our intent was made clear over the radio. The arrest was initially bogus, yet he was being a massive shit by keeping us there for as long as possible. If that continued, we probably would have been in that room forever FNR. It's not like there was one of us either, it was both of us backing up each other's story with witnesses present.

Secondly, we had no way of knowing we were set to arrest given that we had done nothing wrong and Beepsky was set to arrest everyone almost at the same time as we were 'arrested', so, we assumed that it was set to that level for the rest of us as well. Also, setting us to arrest for consensual harm and getting beepsky to ruin our fun was really really shit of an AI, given that legislatively, consensual harm is not to be construed as harm. I did not observe you shutting down robotics (wherein borging is consensual harm - the act of which kills a human) that round, ergo your actions are illogical and inconsistent.

Everything that happened after that point is irrelevant, as the impetus for them was a series of escalations originating from the HoS being a massive shitler. With no evidence, rhyme or reason for being set to arrest, is the response that should be encouraged is to leave them in interrogation until they get fed up with it, insisting that they're lying about everything somehow, then permabrigging them on that basis alone? Can't that be construed as a form of killbaiting, if anything? This is barely even toeing the line.

Re: Dr. Pepper - being shit.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:04 pm
by Bluespace
ruining the pepper name.

Re: Dr. Pepper - being shit.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:39 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
Nightingale, if you set the entire sec team and a hacked beepsky on 2 assistants for having a fight in the boxing ring then you need to re-read our silicon policy.

Re: Dr. Pepper - being shit.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:47 pm
by TheNightingale
The Sec team showed up later, I just did the Beepsky so Nyanbot could heal them up. Amelius has a good point about borging, though, I'll have to remember that one (Silicon policy states that voluntary borging isn't harmful - but nothing about fight cages or other voluntary harm, which I'd assume is down to the AI; I did request you use boxing gloves, but nope).

The permabrigging itself was provoked by attacking the HoS, but why did he keep you in interrogation for ten minutes? I wasn't listening in on the interrogation intercom, was he asking you questions during that time or just twiddling his moustache and doing the evil finger pyramid like the 2555 reincarnation of Snidely Whiplash?

Re: Dr. Pepper - being shit.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 12:55 am
by Amelius
TheNightingale wrote:was he asking you questions during that time or just twiddling his moustache and doing the evil finger pyramid like the 2555 reincarnation of Snidely Whiplash?
Mostly him saying things to the effect of 'I don't believe you' and pressing for the full 'real' story. He never even told us the reason we were in interrogation in the first place.

Re: Dr. Pepper - being shit.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 1:03 am
by Zilenan91
TheNightingale wrote:snip

As far as I know, any form of voluntary harm where both parties give consent is okay by Silicons. This includes rage cages, voluntary meat-spiking, and even one weird case where a dude asked a secborg to beat him to death and it did it.

Re: Dr. Pepper - being shit.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 1:39 am
by Saegrimr
Zilenan91 wrote:As far as I know, any form of voluntary harm where both parties give consent is okay by Silicons. This includes rage cages, voluntary meat-spiking, and even one weird case where a dude asked a secborg to beat him to death and it did it.
That last one doesn't sound okay at all. Hilarious, but not okay.

Re: Dr. Pepper - being shit.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 1:43 am
by Zilenan91
It was consensual though, and admins seemed to agree it was okay.

Re: Dr. Pepper - being shit.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 5:41 am
by callanrockslol
Zilenan91 wrote:It was consensual though, and admins seemed to agree it was okay.
Its one of those occasions its probably better go get an admins opinion. If you got blown you wouldn't really be able to complain given you majorly broke your laws.

Re: Dr. Pepper - being shit.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:13 am
by imblyings
sa ;secborg I'm a horrible harmful ling if you don't beat me to death RIGHT NOW you're breaking law one

is hilarious

re: OP's post, he's had a previous note regarding security so I'll nip this one in the bud and place a jobbanedit: most likely, I'm going to see if I can find him first online