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Grey tiders, non antag murders.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 10:39 pm
by Ivan Issaccs
Your byond account: Ivanissaccs
Your character name:Donkle
Their character name:Kyla Driscoll, Ellis Island
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Unknown
Server and time:Artyom, GMT 23:00
Logs and/or screenshots: I unfortunately don't have them, thought it was dealt with at the time.
Description of what happened: Late join round as Mime, Go to HOP desk, Captain makes me the bridge butler, gives me various tasks around bringing alcohol, askes me to repair broken lights. Go to fix them in his office, see the aforementioned characters have broken in, run off to fetch Captain. Firefight ensues, Captain is trying to chain stun the pair in different rooms, I crit one with the bat she dropped, run off and get cuffs, shes brought back into health. One then uses the hand tele to escape, I chase them down, crit them, cuff them and take to the brig, heal them up. They're each given ten minutes.
Round progresses, Captain makes me the new Captain and ghosts, various shenanigans go on, walking through the halls later, the same pair attack me with an alcohol bottle, murder and space me. One later claims she killed me to join the mafia. Round ends, neither are antags.
Why they should be banned:
Severe grey tiding, I was told they had been breaking into a few places, non antag murder.

Re: Grey tiders, non antag murders.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 11:18 pm
by Mandurrrh
I was in robotics for this round and had to ghost out. The same time I ghost the 'gang' starts breaking down robotics window yelling at Johnto open up its a robbery. They had makeshift weapons and were breaking in for what reason I'm not sure but the gang thing is getting a little out of hand.

Re: Grey tiders, non antag murders.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 9:30 am
by NikNakFlak
I told you to make the ban request. I also saved the logs. The specific date for the logs (my time) are: 2014-05-26 3:05pm.
Jordie was dealing with another ahelp and was sort of flooded at the time. Here are the logs I have, and of you making the ahelp and our conversation. Its 2:30am where I am, so they are pretty raw.

Just Ctrl-F Ivanissaccs/(Donkle) or just Ivanissaccs

Re: Grey tiders, non antag murders.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 12:14 am
by Cipher3
I suppose I'll start inside the captain's quarters, since I don't remember anything before that anyways.

Ellis Island - Artyom
Inside the captain's quarters, I quickly screwdriver-crowbar-screwdriver the captain's reinforced window at his desk, then wrench down the desk itself. Grab the hand teleporter, but remember that it's more than likely fruitless with two people. Start hacking into the backroom door. Kyla Driscoll started banging to break open the captain's antique laser case, which I had ignored because I wasn't interested in attempting to engage in lethal combat with anyone. Open the door, no spare ID, no surprise there, really this was a high risk low gain break-in from the start. Standing in the doorway, the door to the room from the bridge opens and I catch a glimpse of someone, but the door then closes and I never got to see them. It clearly wasn't the captain or security, so I suspected they were breaking in to the bridge themselves. (This later turned out to be the mime.) A minute later captain, then mime, then someone from Security all enter, it's pretty much all over but I fumble for the hand teleporter which I had in my backpack. It fails, and the captain has us both down and ready for cuffs rather easily. (Random note: Captain: August Finster) Then the mime steps in, grabs a metal bat which was probably in my pack seeing as I doubt I would have drawn it, and starts beating me to death. He lands me in crit, I can only presume the captain stopped him. I'm dragged out into the main room of the quarters since I was behind his desk, and slowly resuscitated by the guards or perhaps a doctor who arrived. They apparently never cuffed Kyla once I started getting beaten with the bat, so she takes the hand teleporter out of my satchel and uses it to teleport. Mime runs off with my bat. I'm dragged off to brig, and in the process see a chat message of the Mime beating Kyla to death with the bat as well, though I never saw it. Eventually she is brought into the brig as well and we're both at least mostly stripped and given ten minutes. After we get out and get our stuff back from the (surprisingly friendly and competent) warden, we march on. The captain and security were clearly just doing their job, but there's a mime running around the bridge and such secure areas who tried to murder us. We quickly arm up, end up stunning him in halls and start dragging him into maintenance. The chaplain shows up well after he's already down and briefly tries to stop me with a null rod while the maintenance hatch is bolted with Kyla Driscoll on the outside, so I assume the AI has seen something. I manage to stun the chaplain down, but ultimately am not interested in him and a SecBorg comes into maintenance, so I high tail it, forced to leave the mime behind. I exit out arrivals and find that Kyla Driscoll has already spaced the mime, and it is now floating in a locker just outside arrivals. The shuttle arrives and we depart.

A note on the other posts: Those logs don't appear to have the captain's office incident NikNakFlak
Does stenography not exist anymore?
Sorry Kenzie, that definitely wasn't me. I actually main as a responsible science character, being assistant generally only happens rarely or when I late-join.

Re: Grey tiders, non antag murders.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 3:24 am
by NikNakFlak
It's all the logs I have. Stenography does not exist at this time.