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[Extended] Ban Request on Pot Stirrer

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 3:49 am
by Lovecraft
Your byond account: Henchie
Your character name: August Finster
Their character name: Luck
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Iteq
Server and time: 11 pm-ish on Artyom
Logs and/or screenshots: Have none, but I'm more than certain someone can dig them up.
Description of what happened: This was a doozy of a round.
I start as Captain, Luck begins screaming about gangs, and I just pitter patter around until the bar in maintenance gets functional.
I go down, with Luck, and others, and after explaining to Luck that he was, in fact, white, he pushes me. Push turns to stun, stun turns to me getting cuffed and headset removed.
He starts blathering on about gangs, I request assistance from others in the bar (get none), and he takes my ID and energy gun.

Eventually my Security team finds their way in, and the conflict leaves me in crit. and a gang with all access + a gun. The detective dies in this fight as well I think.
I a-help, Skorvold was extremely helpful throughout it, and I continue.

I go and get two new IDs, get a headset again, begin barking orders at my Security department, and go back to the bar.
Luck is told by Skorvold to give me my ID back, which he does, after I head over to the bar to see him. At this point the bar is filled with armed gang members who are actual antags.
I get the ID back, gang leaves, and I stun and cuff Luck because that's the rational thing to do.
Gang comes back, and kills me.

I chat with Skorvold some more (really helpful guy) and I'm finished getting cloned. At this point, I'm naked, tired, frustrated, but I get over it and get dressed.
The shuttle was already called due to the gang running wild, and the round ends swiftly afterward.

Why they should be banned (for longer): To clarify, Iteq was already banned for 1 hour for this. I just don't think it's enough for someone who ruined an entire round as a non-antag.
If Iteq were to just have yelled "VIVA" at round start, and say a bunch of suggestive things regarding heads of staff (which they do constantly anyway), that's fine.
Even if the station does burst out into gang violence, I am, on some level, okay with that, as long as it's done properly and naturally throughout the entire round
That round was Iteq standing at the top of a hill with a giant boulder, and pushing it down on everyone else. Sure, was Iteq killing people? No, it was the actual antagonists that made up the gang.
Was Iteq going overboard and escalating things too quickly? In my opinion, yeah. I'd like this bumped up to a day ban, if possible.
If it's just labelled as IC escalation I'll suppose I'll have to accept it.

Re: [Extended] Ban Request on Pot Stirrer

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 3:59 am
by lumipharon
Would just like to say that It was me that started the gang (and armed them, for the most part). As far as I saw, Luck didn't kill anyone, I know for certain it was antags that killed you (there were three traitors in the gang, including me), althought I can't say for certain what went on when I wasn't around.

Luck was pretty agressive and being a bit belligerent early on however, doing a lot of shouting and pushing and shit. He wasn't being massively violent however, as far as I could see.

Your death was ultimately up to luck calling for help, with you getting surrounded and ganked by antags. If he was causing other shit that I didn't know about, then that's something different.

Re: [Extended] Ban Request on Pot Stirrer

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 4:12 am
by Lovecraft
I know Luck wasn't an antag, and that the entire gang essentially was besides him, my trouble is that none of it would have happened as far as it did if Luck wasn't involved at all.
He jumped the gun in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, his routine works in certain rounds, but in others like this it just causes a lot of headache that didn't need to happen.

Re: [Extended] Ban Request on Pot Stirrer

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 7:11 pm
by iamgoofball
Hi, I was Billy Donka, I was an antag this round and was part of the "gang", and was directly involved in this guy's death. Some random name greyshirt asked me if I wanted to join, so I did for shits and giggles.

At roundstart I got welded into a locker, and was dragged around for like 5 minutes until a friendly greyshirt let me out. I got people to suicide via Cuban Pete arcade machine, until someone took my emag.

Then another greyshirt asked me "hey do you wanna be in the gang?". I said yes for shits and giggles and offered to supply traitor gear such as syndie soaps and the like, since I didn't have a full set of tc left.

I hung out in the bar, got drunk and shit, got high, and in general fucked about helping replace the windows with walls using my esword I had ordered. Then the captain who I thought was part of the gang stuns Luck and runs out the door.

When you died, August, it was me and the mime, who was later revealed at round end to be an antag if I recall correctly, that killed you. You stunned Luck so I ran out to see what's going on, saw the mime beating on you with your own egun, and I decided to join in on the fun with my esword so I could scan your ID with my syndie card and have all access, and so I could complete my objective, which was to Assassinate August Finster, the Captain.

Oh, and if you need to look through logs, ctrl+f for "Bloods" as that was the name of the gang.

Re: [Extended] Ban Request on Pot Stirrer

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 7:27 pm
by Lovecraft
Don't get me wrong, again, I know Luck wasn't an antag and those killing me were antags, my entire problem with the round that I wouldn't have been killed if Luck wasn't pushing the envelope with the whole cuffing and stripping my equipment routine.
Though asking for an extended ban, only for a day, seems kind of petty to me now, so I'll just lock the topic.