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Kenzie Smith/ Mandurrth metagrudge

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 9:50 pm
by Fuzzeldorf

Your byond account:
Your character name: Ellise Fuzzle, Elliot Fuzzle
Their character name:Kenzie Smith
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Mandurrh
Server and time:Artyom, past few weeks
Logs and/or screenshots: Unable to provide
Description of what happened: Kenzie is attacking me IC with no explanation besides being around her, and shouting vulgar things over the radio whenever I try to resolve it
Why they should be banned: The IC hate has gotten too over the top and is now just random disarming/killing and getting close to metagrudgeing in terms of how severe this is. It needs to be toned down or stop, I can't even work as the RD without her freaking out. It's getting ridiculous

Re: Kenzie Smith/ Mandurrth metagrudge

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 10:33 pm
by Mandurrrh
Unable to provide screenshots or logs.

Thats because there are none. Only time I ever interact with you ic is when you seek me out. I observe regularly and see you talk about me to whoever will listen. Yesterday it was Knives or something. Please stop. If you stop stalking me ic there would be no reason for any interaction whatsoever. Which is what I hope for.

Re: Kenzie Smith/ Mandurrth metagrudge

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 10:37 pm
by Fuzzeldorf
I never stalk you, I say 'Hi' or ask for a medibot when in xenobio, and you do things like try and kill me and blow up the medibot. you even refuse to work in the same department as me, going so far as to come at me with a saw and make stunprods, then you get mad when I fight back and defend myself.

I honestly just want to work in science without some crazed roboticist coming at me with a saw, and refusing to help me with anything. Or say hi in the halls without getting my skull bashed in

EDIT: I say the problems that I am having with you, as in, the stuff that you do that confuses me/ pisses me off. I wouldn't do that if there was nothing to talk about

Re: Kenzie Smith/ Mandurrth metagrudge

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 10:50 pm
by Mandurrrh
Fuzzeldorf wrote:I never stalk you, I say 'Hi' or ask for a medibot when in xenobio, and you do things like try and kill me and blow up the medibot. you even refuse to work in the same department as me, going so far as to come at me with a saw and make stunprods, then you get mad when I fight back and defend myself.

I honestly just want to work in science without some crazed roboticist coming at me with a saw, and refusing to help me with anything. Or say hi in the halls without getting my skull bashed in

EDIT: I say the problems that I am having with you, as in, the stuff that you do that confuses me/ pisses me off. I wouldn't do that if there was nothing to talk about
You forget to mention all of those instances occur AFTER you come into my lab and flash or attack me. Let it go. Please leave me alone. Also I'd appreciate if you would cease bringing up my name during your erp sessions. Never going to happen.

Re: Kenzie Smith/ Mandurrth metagrudge

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 10:53 pm
by Pandarsenic
While observing or playing I've never known anything of this nature to happen unprompted.

Fuzzeldorf, if you can't provide logs or dates and times to retrieve logs, this isn't going anywhere.

I'm going to leave this unlocked for 24 hours and say that anyone who can provide logs or a date time of a specific Ellise-Kenzie incident, instigated by EITHER of them, can post, at which point I'm likely going to call this "resolved" and lock it.

Re: Kenzie Smith/ Mandurrth metagrudge

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 10:56 pm
by Fuzzeldorf
You forget to mention all of those instances occur AFTER you come into my lab and flash or attack me. Let it go. Please leave me alone. Also I'd appreciate if you would cease bringing up my name during your erp sessions. Never going to happen.
But I never attack you, in fact I try to keep you in R&D but you keep throwing a hissy fit and attack me, THAT'S when I flash you. (and I have said IC that I don't like you)

Re: Kenzie Smith/ Mandurrth metagrudge

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 2:21 am
by Pandarsenic
IC dislike doesn't justify unprompted attacks.

Logs, though, seriously.

Re: Kenzie Smith/ Mandurrth metagrudge

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 3:50 am
by Antonkr
Worth mentioning that if you do see it happen in game, do adminhelp at that particular time. Without logs/times anything, like panda said there is nothing to go along with. It seems that in general you have a particular dislike for them, so my suggestion is to try and not interact with them further if things are going to be vulgar. I ask that both of you interact with each normally as you would if that was someone else playing a particular role.

Re: Kenzie Smith/ Mandurrth metagrudge

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 12:23 pm
by Mandurrrh
I agree with anton. If you can't leave it be then just avoid interaction so no bad blood. And im fine both solutions offered. I honestly would just like to be left alone.

Re: Kenzie Smith/ Mandurrth metagrudge

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 3:14 am
by Neerti
I'm gonna lock this since there's no logs at all and it's just a back and forth he said she said thing, and pandar wanted this to be locked if nobody posted any proof in a day anyways.

PM me or someone else if this needs to be unlocked.

+1 from Pandabutt. I will also handle any PMs requesting this be unlocked if there's an actual reason.