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Chemist random killing with syringe gun

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:18 am
by UtterNewbie
Your byond account: UtterNewbie
Your character name: Kade Shaffer
Their character name: Bourg Magar
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it):
Server and time: Sybil, round previous to the round running in time of this post
Logs and/or screenshots:
Description of what happened: Bourg Magar shot a few people (including me) with a syringe gun filled with what I assume was pure plasma, caused death withing a minute or two.
Why they should be banned: Non antag random killing for no reason.

Re: Chemist random killing with syringe gun

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:44 am
by Pandarsenic
So, that's early June 5 on... which server?

Re: Chemist random killing with syringe gun

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 12:06 pm
by UtterNewbie
Pandarsenic wrote:So, that's early June 5 on... which server?
It was sybil, added it to first post.

Re: Chemist random killing with syringe gun

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 8:53 am
by Pandarsenic
Pulling logs tonight.

Re: Chemist random killing with syringe gun

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 1:41 pm
by Pandarsenic
CKEY: Douk

He appears to have been belligerent to several people and lied in AdminPMs to ExcessiveUseOfCobby after shooting two people with 15u each of mutagen. Shitty history. Bad enough that I'm going to perma him and call him here.

Whoever was supposed to be in charge of the active AdminCandidates during that round didn't speak to them at all about that, nor aid them in their investigations to any degree, leaving them without the full information necessary to deal with this in investigation or procedure.

Re: Chemist random killing with syringe gun

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 12:41 am
by Douk
Alright, here's what I remember from that round, and mind you it's been a few days and I didn't bother saving the logs since I assumed the issue was going to be let go on the assumption of "don't fucking do it again" due to the lack of further responses.

I was chemist that round, and once I had gotten some basic drugs out of the way and filled cryo with my usual mix, I made some sugar and mutagen and slipped away to the garden to do weed testing. I believe one of my first results ended up being kudzu, so I figured I would try and grow a mutated strain of it. Seeing as I didn't want to overrun the station, I take my work into the holodeck and start some controlled growth and cutting. Found out that there was a hull breach in there, so after the cold became too unbearable, I head off to find a new place to work. At this point, someone in medbay calls be a traitor since I wasn't at my post for the past 15 minutes or so. Other people start jumping on the bandwagon since the other chemist is likewise gone and likewise being called a traitor. Gets very aggressive, think about coming back, but decide against it since I'm not dealing with assholes like this today. Probably a bit of a shitty move and maybe worth a jobban admittedly, but I suppose that's not why we're here.

So I go up to the very top of chapel and start growing. A few people drop by, but go away after I explain that I'm keeping it controlled. An assistant or two even come to assist me at this point, just until we were to get a mutated strain. Then along comes Kade the geneticist. I likewise explain what I'm up to, not much actual growth there at the time anyways. Kade doesn't say a word to me, acts like I'm not there. Cuts down all my work despite mine and my assistant's protests. No words, just stares at me a moment, then runs off. Naturally, this is rather frustrating since I had been working all shift trying to produce results, and would have to start from scratch again. Naturally, I take it personally, since I knew medbay had it out for me that round as it was, and many there would have been glad to shit on my day for the sake of revenge.

I will admit, it was a slip of judgement in my rage that I took whatever I could get a syringe full of, in this case mutagen left over from the initial mutation process, and shot Kade with it. Would not have done it in the first place had they not been a geneticist who could repair the damage with a short trip to the lab. As far as I am aware as well, mutagen was heavily nerfed for this very same reason, seeing as one syringe full SHOULDN'T kill a person, and since Kade started at full health at the time anyways, I thought the longterm harm would be only moderate so long as he didn't stumble along too long and took the hint of what the genetic defects were being caused by. Apparently not, I assume partly due to other damage sustained in the meantime? Additionally, I was under the assumption that my leftover sugar and mutagen was mixed after I was done with the plant growth, seeing as that is my usual method in order to save beaker space.

This being all said, who else was shot? I don't remember shooting up anyone else that round. Again, I don't have the logs on hand, so I can't confirm anything, so info on that would be appreciated. I won't lie, it was a shitty move of me to escalate things to the extent that I did and I won't say I don't deserve some punishment for that. I just wanted to confirm that I'm not the sort of person that comes into the round and says "I'm going to kill a ton of people today for the hell of it." There was a reason, albeit blinded by emotion and assumptions that said hatred was reciprocated in the refusal to communicate in the other party outside of the initial verbal aggression earlier in the round. The intention was not to kill, only injure. It doesn't change the fact that I ruined someone's round-end in the process, but I do apologize for my actions.

Re: Chemist random killing with syringe gun

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:55 am
by Pandarsenic
[18:07:35]ATTACK: Bourg Magar(douk) attacked Bourg Magar(douk) with hatchet(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[18:07:37]ATTACK: Bourg Magar(douk) attacked Pixi() with hatchet(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[18:07:38]ATTACK: Bourg Magar(douk) attacked Pixi() with hatchet(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[18:07:39]ATTACK: Bourg Magar(douk) attacked Pixi() with hatchet(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[18:07:39]ATTACK: Pixi() shaked Bourg Magar(douk)
[18:07:39]ATTACK: Bourg Magar(douk) attacked Pixi() with hatchet(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[18:07:40]ATTACK: Bourg Magar(douk) attacked Pixi() with hatchet(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[18:07:42]ATTACK: Bourg Magar(douk) attacked Pixi() with hatchet(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[18:07:43]ATTACK: Bourg Magar(douk) attacked Pixi() with hatchet(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[18:07:44]ATTACK: Bourg Magar(douk) attacked Pixi() with hatchet(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[18:07:44]ATTACK: Pixi() attacked Bourg Magar(douk) with police baton
[18:07:45]ATTACK: Pixi() attacked Bourg Magar(douk) with police baton
[18:07:46]ATTACK: Pixi() attacked Bourg Magar(douk) with police baton
[18:07:46]ATTACK: Pixi() attacked Bourg Magar(douk) with police baton
[18:07:47]ATTACK: Pixi() attacked Bourg Magar(douk) with police baton
[18:07:48]ATTACK: Pixi() attacked Bourg Magar(douk) with police baton

[19:02:49]ATTACK: Bourg Magar(douk) shot Kade Shaffer(utternewbie) with The syringe REAGENTS:mutagen (15)
[19:05:07]ATTACK: Houfes Letynk() hit Bourg Magar(douk) with The floor tile
[19:05:12]ATTACK: Bourg Magar(douk) shot Houfes Letynk() with The syringe REAGENTS:mutagen (15)

Plus some other hatcheting, a little.

15u of mutagen is always lethal and has basically always been lethal, except when briefly it monkeyed you instead (thanks Carn). Mutagen adds RADIATION to the mob, which causes massive toxin damage.

Re: Chemist random killing with syringe gun

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 1:09 pm
by UtterNewbie
Douk wrote:So I go up to the very top of chapel and start growing. A few people drop by, but go away after I explain that I'm keeping it controlled. An assistant or two even come to assist me at this point, just until we were to get a mutated strain. Then along comes Kade the geneticist. I likewise explain what I'm up to, not much actual growth there at the time anyways. Kade doesn't say a word to me, acts like I'm not there. Cuts down all my work despite mine and my assistant's protests. No words, just stares at me a moment, then runs off. Naturally, this is rather frustrating since I had been working all shift trying to produce results, and would have to start from scratch again. Naturally, I take it personally, since I knew medbay had it out for me that round as it was, and many there would have been glad to shit on my day for the sake of revenge.
What happened from my point of view:

Wandering around station since there's not much to do that close to round end, stumbled upon some vines. Seen it was small and thought how lucky we caught it early before it spreads, started hacking at it and managed to destroy it completely. I thought all the bystanders were hacking at it too and I was helping, I only noticed after it was done that someone told me I shouldn't have done that for some reason, shrugged it off and went on my way. I did not notice anyone telling me that it was a controlled growth. At no point did I even associate the kudzu planting with you or anyone there present, as I thought you were all trying to get rid of the kudzu. I didn't know of any traitor accusations against you either.

What happened afterwards is I'm checking out morgue, suddenly someone runs past me and shoots me with a syringe. I died a minute or two after,I assumed it was plasma as it dealt toxin damage a lot. After I ghost I ahelp it (admins were afk) and follow you to see if you're an antag. I only see you shoot another random person, so I assumed you shot many more. I believe I ahelped it once more but there were still no active admins. Shuttle docks at centcomm and you're not on antag list, so I made this thread.

To reiterate: I had no interaction with you at all entire round that I was aware of, so I have no idea where "the initial verbal aggression earlier in the round" came from, but I'm assuming you meant someone else here.

Why do you think it's a good idea to plant kudzu and try to mutate it as a non antag? Even if you were a botanist I don't see an excuse. Kudzu is not a friendly plant, it is very destructive and from what I understand now you were trying to mutate it long before round was ending.

You have an elaborate excuse for shooting a geneticist with mutagen, I especially like how fast you made the connection in your fit of rage that a geneticist must be able to fix the mutations easily.

What was your reasoning for shooting the other guy? You just happened to carry a syringe gun and multiple syringes filled with mutagen loaded and ready to shoot?

Re: Chemist random killing with syringe gun

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 1:05 am
by Douk
Alright, now I remember why the second guy got shot. It was because of the tile throwing issue. He threw it at me (intentionally so mind you, he threw it into a crowd of people where it was going to hit SOMEONE in that crowd regardless). I got hit, and before he got a chance to run up and pick the tile back up for another throw, I shot him. Considering I've known that person to stir shit like that for no decernable reason, I figured I would stop him there before he continued to hit me or other crewmembers. That one I will stand by my reason of self defense.
Pandarsenic wrote: 15u of mutagen is always lethal and has basically always been lethal, except when briefly it monkeyed you instead (thanks Carn). Mutagen adds RADIATION to the mob, which causes massive toxin damage.
I was unaware of this. Last time I was traitor chemist, mutagen seemed to cause some significant damage, but didn't kill the target. This became a huge issue that round since his survival ended with me being hunted down and axed for failing the kill. Like I said, I wouldn't have used mutagen if I had known that 15u was going to kill Kade from near full health. I thought, at worst, it would take a few shots of antitox and a clean SE to patch up.

Also the mutagen wasn't my first choice for payback. My initial intention was to ruin Kade's work as he had ruined mine, by possibly get into genetics to delete any research progress he may have made outside of his clean SE. He would have still known the blocks, but getting those blocks back to the sufficient levels would have been a sufficient time sink to compensate for the time I would need to take to restart my own work. However, by that time, the shuttle I believe had been called, and I knew the likelihood that Kade was to return to his lab for any productive activity was slim outside of maybe some last minute cloning. Therefore I went for the option of moderate harm, enough that he would need to scurry away and lick his wounds for a few minutes whilst knowing his actions were not appreciated. Obviously I underestimated the power that much mutagen had, as I was keeping in mind the nerfs it had undergone back in the days it was frequently hailed the "new chloral" as well as the past failure as a traitor chemist.

The issue of Pixi was that they were a virologiest spreading some sort of blood-based disease to everyone boarding the shuttle. My banter at first was merely jest, as it was your stereotypical "I'll bash your fookin head in, I swear on me mum" britbongisms. I tried to ask what the hell he was spreading, but with no response. Then the asphyxiation started happening after whatever he was spreading got on me. Since I believe we were on the shuttle at that point and there were no major breaches, I figured whatever the hell he spread was harmful. Obviously, that backfired on me. HARD. I was taking oxygen deprivation damage though, there did not appear to be any other source, and that is around the time that a disease with such symptoms would begin to manifest and cause harm. That round was not over, and I was not about to let him get away with potentially killing the shuttle before the arrival. PLENTY of other people were gasping at that point as well. As far as I could tell, all people he had infected on the way into the shuttle.
UtterNewbie wrote:Why do you think it's a good idea to plant kudzu and try to mutate it as a non antag? Even if you were a botanist I don't see an excuse. Kudzu is not a friendly plant, it is very destructive and from what I understand now you were trying to mutate it long before round was ending.
I had been taught how to create kudzu only a few days ago. Me and a fellow chemist were trying to create a mutant strain from the safety of a sealed garden room. We were ultimately unsuccessful, but the point was that it was a new feature to us with very little external informational sources about it. I wanted to see what sort of mutants can be created and what they do outside of the two that I HAVE had experience with (the explosive red kind and the shocking black). I had attempted in various rounds in safe locations for days at that point trying to safely create said mutant strains. Every time I tried, SOMETHING would kill me before I had a chance to produce any results. This round was different though. This round I had been undisturbed the entire time trying to produce results, and I knew that the probability of hitting SOMETHING soon was relatively high given the time passed with nothing but failures. My intention was not to spread it, rather create it, destroy it (which reduces it back into seed form), then replant in a smaller, secluded room to examine its effects. I was angry because, once again, my research was foiled. Despite plenty of other people hearing my explanation and walking the other way or indeed watching, one single individual destroys it all and takes the seeds. This time I had a chance to retaliate, as before I had died from AI, gas fires, bombs, meteors, and one very angry assistant who I failed to explain I was working a controlled growth (hence the reason I explained to ALL onlookers my intentions). By either player or admin actions, my work was always cut short by death in one way or another. This time I had a chance to get back at the person that sunk an entire round's worth of effort in a matter of seconds without a single word or single acknowledgment even after pleading with him to stop. Anything to tell me that he wasn't just another angry resident of medbay out to make my day miserable because, out of a dozen rounds of me actually doing my job and being useful, this round I decided to do something self-motivated. Anything. But instead, you walked away without another word. That's what tipped me over the edge, and I apologize that it ruined your round-end. Again, it was not with the intent to kill, rather to send a loud "fuck you" and make you walk back to your lab. I understand now that there may have been miscommunications, and I was wrong in assuming that you were among the other individuals from medbay out to ruin my reputation and round.

Re: Chemist random killing with syringe gun

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:55 am
by Kelenius
Wouldn't want for it to be considered steno, but mutagen has been nerfed a few months ago, and 15u shouldn't kill you if you're at full health. Here's a PR:

Re: Chemist random killing with syringe gun

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:33 am
by KingLouisXIV
Kelenius wrote:Wouldn't want for it to be considered steno, but mutagen has been nerfed a few months ago, and 15u shouldn't kill you if you're at full health. Here's a PR:
Edge of crit. 99 toxin damage. This ticks over and increases "Eventuallyâ„¢" not to mention that you'll still go down into crit from even a jabroni burning a cigarillo on your arm.

Re: Chemist random killing with syringe gun

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:59 am
by Pandarsenic
Noted, Kelenius. Still, expecting someone not to die from 99 is a bit much, since at that point a broken disposal tube firing 4noraisins or a coffee cup will kill you (all objects I know of . Nonetheless, the matter seems resolved, so I'll lift the ban, lock this and archive tomorrow if that's it.

Re: Chemist random killing with syringe gun

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 11:26 pm
by Pandarsenic
Ban's lifted; you've served a suitable amount of time for the killings already.