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Melody Fea: Random killing

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 6:15 pm
by rascal1002
Your byond account:
Your character name: Corvin Atano:

Their character name:Melody Fea

Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it):Unknown
Server and time: Artyom APOX 1:40 Est

Logs and/or screenshots:Sorry I can't provide any because it went away by the time I found out she wasn't a traitor.(I hope you guys have a way to view them if not sorry for wasting your time and such.)

Description of what happened:So Danny stole my ID when I was testing something and got myself stunned. I arrested him and took him to the education chamber to robust him before brigging him for theft. The captain walks in hits me with her baton and lets Danny go. I walk out of the room to follow them, she then stuns me with her energy guns, sets it to kill and fires it at me rapidly. Because of all the armor I was wearing I didn't die but got close to it. I then take shelter in the armory trying to hide from her. She comes in stuns me, then takes me to robotics to force borg me, after failing to borg me (I am assuming she does not have much exp in the robotics field) she beats me to death with her gun.

Why they should be banned: I never attacked Melody or Danny and yet she attempts to force borg me and kill me for no reason other then I wanted to smack around a prisoner before brigging him.

Re: Melody Fea: Random killing

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 6:30 pm
by titanlord142
I play Melody Fea, so i'll give you my side of the story. The HoS arrests Danny for stealing his ID. Fair enough, he then asks me "If he can beat him to near death for it" I say no. He then goes ahead to the education center to do it anyway. I smack him with my telescopic baton and take Danny to be brigged for six minutes or so for theft. I see him come after me with a baton. I panic and try to laser him into critical so I can get a set of handcuffs and such. (shitty response by me I admit) I laser him, not being able to bring him into critical I call the other security member Narn Iliam to help me out and arrest him. I find out he's bunkering down in the armory, the then traitor CE decided to take his side and try to save him. I manage to arrest them both. Interrogate the CE, and release him with restricted access, I then realize that the saftest thing to do with the HoS is to debrain him, seeing how the CE will try to have him cloned or released from perma-brig. The CE interrupted me half way through debraining, and manages to free him, so I lasered the life he had left out of him and arrested the CE. Bringing the body on the shuttle.
I have Narn Iliam (I have no idea what his byond key is) And Danny to vouch for me aswell

Re: Melody Fea: Random killing

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 2:23 pm
by Kavaloosh
yeah this happened, nobody should be banned though, everyone's pretty much in the right

except me ehehe

Re: Melody Fea: Random killing

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 8:20 pm
by Antonkr
You were pretty much in the wrong for trying to get someone killed/beaten for a crime, and it's understandable Melody would assume you want to harm him. Rest seems IC.

Declarin this resolved