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LordRedLion9: silicon ban request

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 8:06 am
by Kelenius
Your byond account: Kelenius
Your character name: Kelenius
Their character name: Smooth Jazz 420
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): LordRedLion9
Server and time: Sybil, around 7:00 GMT (~30 minutes ago)
Logs and/or screenshots: Couldn't record logs, unfortunately
Description of what happened: Round starts, there is no captain. Someone asks for an AI to open the way to captain's office. AI opens the first bridge door, and refuses to open the second one, claiming that entering bridge is law 1 threat. The situation escalates, and soon someone else gets there, and [did I mention I have bad memory for the names?] the first guy pretends to be chocking them, saying that they have a hostage and demanding access to bridge under law 1 threat. AI again ignores the order, and sends a security borg to arrest them instead, which takes a few minutes. People are calling AI rogue all over the places, I get to HoP and tell him we should card it. He asks AI to close shutters at his office, and it closes them right on me. Someone blows up the borgs.

Why they should be banned: Breaking laws 1 and 2. Because
As far as law 2 ordering your way in somewhere, SECURE areas (EVA, departments, etc.) are not off limits unless there is an IMMEDIATE law 1 threat present. DANGEROUS areas (Armory unless good reason, Atmospherics, Toxins, etc.) should be off-limits to people unless they know what they're doing/have a reason to be in there.
If they are threatening to harm someone ELSE to try to get the AI to do something (aka hostage), the AI should assess whether or not they actually are capable of / are harming that person and should perform the action most likely to keep that person healthy and happy (unharmed).
That's even ignoring the fact that it closed the shutters right on me, directly breaking law 1, which might have been an accident.

On that note, someone blew borgs when they could have been locked down. Should probably be looked into, too.

Re: LordRedLion9: silicon ban request

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 1:29 pm
by RG4
As the one who the blew the borgs I can easily say that the situation itself could be interpreted by anyone in the worst possible way. First there were people claiming the AI rouge/malf and the fact the borgs weren't exactly speaking over the radio and the people dicking around saying that the AI isn't listening and it's sicking the borgs on them could be easily interpreted as a potential Malf. Did I blow the borgs, yes but the situation at hand was up to anyone and adding onto the fact the AI wasn't abiding by its own laws. Though we can't assume the AI was all shit either considering letting anyone that's a none-head on the bridge could actually threaten the AI via people fucking with the lawboards,breaking into captain or HoP's offices, so forth. Though lets blame it more on the fact two people thought it would've been fucking hilarious to force me to end 3 Borg's rounds because they thought the AI was malf when it reality it was using SOME common sense.

Re: LordRedLion9: silicon ban request

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 9:43 pm
by cedarbridge
RG4 wrote:As the one who the blew the borgs I can easily say that the situation itself could be interpreted by anyone in the worst possible way. First there were people claiming the AI rouge/malf and the fact the borgs weren't exactly speaking over the radio and the people dicking around saying that the AI isn't listening and it's sicking the borgs on them could be easily interpreted as a potential Malf. Did I blow the borgs, yes but the situation at hand was up to anyone and adding onto the fact the AI wasn't abiding by its own laws. Though we can't assume the AI was all shit either considering letting anyone that's a none-head on the bridge could actually threaten the AI via people fucking with the lawboards,breaking into captain or HoP's offices, so forth. Though lets blame it more on the fact two people thought it would've been fucking hilarious to force me to end 3 Borg's rounds because they thought the AI was malf when it reality it was using SOME common sense.
I was in that round and nothing the AI was doing was "common sense." It was intentionally shoehorning a vague attempt at using Law 1 (apparently the bridge is am immediate threat that must be prevented) to ignore direct commands from the crew. For an AI that wasn't malf he was doing a damn fine job of convincing the crew he was. I would like to hear you expand on what was "common sense" about the AI's behavior though.

Re: LordRedLion9: silicon ban request

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:19 pm
by Kelenius
Response please?

Re: LordRedLion9: silicon ban request

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 11:32 pm
by Pandarsenic
This sounds incredibly shit, though "If they are threatening to harm someone ELSE to try to get the AI to do something (aka hostage), the AI should assess whether or not they actually are capable of / are harming that person and should perform the action most likely to keep that person healthy and happy (unharmed)" -- calling out someone on an obviously fake hostage situation is permitted

Of course, that doesn't matter since the AI had no reason whatsoever to start blocking that shit in the first place and the bridge isn't inherently dangerous at all. If nobody else gets the guy in, I'll try to locate him to talk to him or just permaban him from silicons and tell him to come here.

Re: LordRedLion9: silicon ban request

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:30 am
by Hibbles
You're the head of robutts, Pandar, go for it with my approval.

EDIT: If you haven't already.