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Xargav, Non Antagonist sleep-toxining.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 9:42 pm
by Spacemanspark
Your byond account: Spacemanspark
Your character name: Matthew Crysten
Their character name: Tzargav Romanov
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Xargav
Server and time: Artyom; 7/9/14 Approximately 4:00.
Logs and/or screenshots: Full logs are here: down below in the spoilers are some of the key parts.
Tzargav Romanov fires the energy gun!
Matthew Crysten is hit by an electrode in the head!
Tzargav Romanov fires the energy gun!
Matthew Crysten is hit by an electrode in the head!
Your armor softens the blow!
Tzargav Romanov fires the energy gun!
Tzargav Romanov puts the energy gun into the briefcase.
Matthew Crysten stammers, "F-Fuc-ckl-l"
Tzargav Romanov fires the syringe gun!
Matthew Crysten is hit by a syringe in the head!
Tzargav Romanov puts the syringe gun into the satchel.
Matthew Crysten [145.9] stammers, "Sec-cur-r-rit-t medl-lab-b-b, s-son-n-n-n."
Matthew Crysten stammers, "Sec-cur-r-rit-t medl-lab-b-b, s-son-n-n-n."
Matthew Crysten [145.9] says, "You sleep toxining little fuck."
Matthew Crysten says, "You sleep toxining little fuck."
Dustin Stewart asks, "are you ok?"
Matthew Crysten says, "He shot me with sleep toxin..."
Dustin Stewart says, "he fucking tazed me"
Matthew Crysten says, "I noticed."
Tzargav Romanov fires the energy gun!
Matthew Crysten is hit by an electrode in the left arm!
Your armor softens the blow!
Tzargav Romanov fires the energy gun!
Noah Robinson is hit by an electrode in the head!
Tzargav Romanov fires the energy gun!
Dustin Stewart is hit by an electrode in the head!
Tzargav Romanov puts the energy gun into the briefcase.
Tzargav Romanov is trying to put handcuffs on Matthew Crysten!
Matthew Crysten stammers, "H-Her-r-re w-we g-go ag-g-g-gain."
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
Current Admins:
WJohnston is a AdminObserver

... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
Matthew Crysten says, "Aw shit."
Matthew Crysten [145.9] says, "Cremator room."
Matthew Crysten says, "Cremator room."
OOC: Nyvrem: define communism
Matthew Crysten [145.9] says, "Be fast."
OOC: Spacemanspark: No, seriously, who was that?
Round trip ping-pong took 0.34 seconds.

OOC: Allura: it was xargav
OOC: Xargav: Hey, I saw a chance to fuck with Matt, so I did
OOC: Xargav: And I never said I killed him, I just lightly implied it
OOC: Spacemanspark: And sleep toxining a security officer and locking him into the crematorium for no reason isn't very funny.
OOC: Spacemanspark: I still wonder how you got the all access.
OOC: Xargav: I thought it was hilarious
OOC: Spacemanspark: It was pretty damn shitty.
OOC: Xargav: and some guy had the HoP ID and gave me all access
OOC: Spacemanspark: Damn it, chemist.
OOC: Spacemanspark: That was litterally all you had to say, Xargav.
OOC: Xargav: I know
OOC: Xargav: But fucking with you was soooooo much fun
Description of what happened: It's a lowpop round, quiet, and undisturbed. The HoP suicided at the beginning, but before he did he gave the first person to reach his desk all access, which ended up being the chemist. Later in the round, we get a captain (Trevor Donklestoop or something like that.) who joins. Eventually, the captain says to revoke whoever has all access from it, and sends me, and Tzar, on a goose chase. Tzar had already, at this point, asked for Sleep Toxin, Syringes, and a syringe gun for "Science". So he was already being a suspicious fuck. Later, I found the all access person, the chemist. They hole up in the CMO's room while we talk. During this, Tzar walks into medbay, grabs what he asked for earlier (The syringe gun(s?) and toxin shit.) and walks out. I try to contact Trevor, who doesn't respond. Suspicious, I asked Tzar how he got his all access. He responds with:
Matthew Crysten asks, "Right. How'd you get all access?"
Tzargav Romanov says, "It just happened"
Matthew Crysten asks, "It just happened, huh?"
Tzargav Romanov says, "YEah"
And then...
Tzargav Romanov says, "Yeah so i dont know where the captain is"
Tzargav Romanov says, "BUT STOP ASKIN QUESTIONS"
For some reason the chemist doesn't speak up and announce she gave him all access. Ok, well, I'm extremely suspicious at this point that Tzar did something to the captain. I set him to arrest, just planning on detaining and interrogating how he got the access. Soon after he knows Beepsky is after him, and knows it's me, as I'm the only security officer. And he's pissed off. I'm then set to arrest, which I easily fix. Soon after that, I'm talking to a doctor who is in genetics, while standing next to the door to the morgue. Out of nowhere, Tzar jumps out, and fires a syringe with sleepy toxin at me. It misses, and he runs. I'm lagging WAY too much to give chase, so I tell the doctor to arm up with the security stuff in the medical locker. As soon as that's done, Tzar barges in, stuns me and the other medic, and shoots me with sleep toxin. I get up, walk out, Tzar runs out, and the chemist and another doctor walks in. Tzar runs back in a second later, tases me, and cuffs me. I fall asleep. He stuns the others as well. He drags me off to the crematorium, and leaves me there, removing my ID. When I wake up and break out of the cuffs, we have a discussion over the security chat. It is lightly implied he killed Trevor. I decide to stay in the crematorium and wait for him to come back. He decides not to, though, and the AI goes offline (It was made lateshift.) after calling the shuttle, I believe. Hence, I'm stuck in the crematorium for the rest of the shift.
Why they should be banned: General shitty behavior.

Re: Xargav, Non Antagonist sleep-toxining.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 3:35 am
by Xargav
Sup its me. I only ever LIGHTLY implied I killed the captain, first off. And me and the chemist were bored and you were being a dick that round, so we decided to screw with you in the form of secret shadow group controlling the station. We agreed to never kill you, I left you alive in the crematorium with a headset because I wanted you to get the AI to get you out. We kept telling you thing like "stop asking questions" and all that because honestly I was bored. Sorry if you got hurt by us leading you on an eventful and tense chase for a underground sleeper organization, but we never wanted to hurt you or anyone.

Re: Xargav, Non Antagonist sleep-toxining.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 7:09 am
by elyina
what did he do to be a dick? anything to warrant being trapped in a room with ID stolen?

Re: Xargav, Non Antagonist sleep-toxining.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 7:50 am
by Spacemanspark
elyina wrote:what did he do to be a dick? anything to warrant being trapped in a room with ID stolen?
Only thing that might have been dickish was setting beepsky on him after I believed he had killed the captain. And the reason for that was interrogation.
The chemist might have been upset at me for attempting to remove the all access at first, but I eventually just let them keep it.

Re: Xargav, Non Antagonist sleep-toxining.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 7:58 pm
by Spacemanspark
Can we get a final verdict on this?

Re: Xargav, Non Antagonist sleep-toxining.

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:53 pm
by Spacemanspark
Spacemanspark wrote:Can we get a final verdict on this?

Re: Xargav, Non Antagonist sleep-toxining.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 1:36 am
by CreationPro
All right, action taken. Treated this as a random murder since you pretty much were taken out of the round.

Re: Xargav, Non Antagonist sleep-toxining.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 4:41 am
by Spacemanspark
Thank you, case closed.