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Doctor - Medical Ban

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 11:00 pm
by Rose-chan
Your byond account: ChaosRoseWitch
Your character name: Erin Ray
Their character name: Doctor
Their byond account: Unknown
Server and time: Sybil (sometime between 5-6PM EST)
Logs and/or screenshots:
Erin Ray asks, "How's that cryomix?"
Doctor says, "diddnt make it"
Doctor says, "my drug heals all"
Erin Ray exclaims, "Cryomix. NOW!"
Doctor says, "no need for it"
Erin Ray [Medical] exclaims, "Doctor, I swear to space if you don't get that cryomix done in the next five minutes I'm going to have security shove a stun baton so far up your ass you can taste it!"
Doctor is trying to inject Unknown!
Unknown drools.
Uriel Sutton buzzes, "AWell nbody setup the engine either so"
Doctor injects Unknown with the syringe!
Doctor is trying to inject Unknown!
Steve Dingerman says, "He's just been cloned"
Libsanitus Caddicus fires the laser gun!
Doctor injects Unknown with the syringe!
Doctor is trying to take a blood sample from Unknown!
Andrew Burns exclaims, "WAIT!"
Libsanitus Caddicus puts the laser gun into the security backpack.
Andrew Burns exclaims, "HOS!"
OOC: Arkatufus: dunno... the kickstarted was like, what, 2 mill?
Libsanitus Caddicus says, "Whoops."
Lana Batten [145.9] asks, "status of the disk?"
Lana Batten asks, "status of the disk?"
Jerry Tunnelsnake puts the stunbaton into the backpack.
Doctor is trying to inject Unknown!
Andrew Burns shows you: Andrew Burns's ID Card (Head of Nuke Ops and Security): assignment: Head of Nuke Ops and Security
Doctor injects Unknown with the syringe!
Uriel Sutton buzzes, "Haha"
Alec Powell gasps!
Doctor is trying to inject Unknown!
Doctor injects Unknown with the syringe!
Doctor is trying to inject Unknown!
OOC: Lumbermancer: I think it's on 20 mil now or something
Doctor injects Unknown with the syringe!
OOC: Killerz104: yeah
Unknown twitches violently.
A beaker is already loaded into the cryo cell.
Doctor puts the space helmet into the backpack.
OOC: Arkatufus: egad
Doctor is trying to perform CPR on Unknown!
Doctor is trying to perform CPR on Unknown!
Kobe Wile [145.9] says, "AI, open this door please."
OOC: Lawligagger: I bought a bikehorn in real life
Pools McClosed [145.9] says, " AI"
Doctor performs CPR on Unknown!
Doctor performs CPR on Unknown!
Pools McClosed [145.9] says, " UNbolt this door."
OOC: Killerz104: like there was news for a while that it got funded for another million every few days
Alec Powell gasps!
Reid Focell [145.9] says, " i need help at the vault pls"
Alec Powell gasps!
OOC: Zionn: 20 fucking mil?
OOC: Deirun: 47,879,206, even
Reid Focell [145.9] says, "HELP ME FUUUUUUUUUUUUUJCK"
Zaber Night is trying to inject Jerry Tunnelsnake!
Doctor is trying to inject Unknown!
Pools McClosed [145.9] says, " Ai"
Lana Batten [145.9] says, "i am omnisentient"
OOC: Zionn: Why
Pools McClosed [145.9] says, " This door."
Doctor injects Unknown with the syringe!
Wil Watamote [145.9] says, "Reid I have your plasma cutter, you can cosplay now."
Doctor is trying to inject Unknown!
Zaber Night is trying to inject Unknown!
Pools McClosed [145.9] says, " Please."
Libsanitus Caddicus [145.9] says, "REID, YOU DONT NEED ANY GOLD. STOP YELLING."
Doctor injects Unknown with the syringe!
U.L.T.R.O.N [145.9] states, "AI is dead."
Zaber Night injects Unknown with the syringe!
Lana Batten [145.9] says, "i now float"
Doctor is trying to inject Unknown!
Unknown sniffs.
Doctor injects Unknown with the syringe!
OOC: Killerz104: bc space
OOC: Lumbermancer: why people preorder games? dunno.
Unknown gasps!
Libsanitus Caddicus [145.9] says, "Don't even give him one."
Doctor is trying to perform CPR on Unknown!
Doctor is trying to perform CPR on Unknown!
Doctor hugs Erin Ray to make her feel better!
Libsanitus Caddicus [145.9] says, "He doesn't deserve one."
OOC: Killerz104: just play space engineers
Doctor performs CPR on Unknown!
Doctor is trying to perform CPR on Unknown!
Doctor is trying to perform CPR on Unknown!
Doctor is trying to perform CPR on Unknown!
Doctor is trying to perform CPR on Unknown!
Doctor performs CPR on Unknown!
Doctor performs CPR on Unknown!
OOC: Arkatufus: i did saw a couple youboob about people bragging about their star citizen ship...
This is Unknown!
He has severe genetic deformities.
He isn't responding to anything around him and seems to be asleep.
OOC: Tiftik: preordering and crowdfunding are kinda different
Lana Batten [145.9] says, "everyone to escape"
Erin Ray sniffs.
You feel nauseous.
Doctor says, "cry0 him"
Description of what happened: Doctor and I are both chemists. At round start, he grabs all the large beakers, several smaller beakers, and our plasma and begins mixing stuff. Since he says he needs them, I tell him to work on that cryo mix. I start mixing what I can to stock medbay, like Tricord and Dex Plus, while taking requests from the crew. I also attempt to get more large beakers from cargo, but it's empty when I arrive. Since Doctor has all his beakers spread out over the chemistry floor, I assume he's working on the cryo mix and leave him to it. Maybe about fifteen minutes into the round, Doctor has fucked off somewhere and not only is there no cryo mix, but one of the beakers of Cryoxadone is gone leaving one cryo tube functionally useless. At this point I start shrieking at Doctor over the medical radio that he'd better get that fucking cryomix done in the next five minutes, because any decent chemist would have had cryo stocked by then; and I wasn't left with the tools to do it myself. Finally Doctor comes back, leaving the large beakers, and offering up some piss poor explanation about how he bought some magic beans off a gu-- I mean he's made this magic elixer that only he has that will render the rest of medbay obsolete and he'll be able to administer magically from anywhere on the station while he goes off doing whatever the hell he's doing. I'm about ready to throw in the towel, in fact, I literally say as such over the radio, but then people start dragging in patients and screaming about cryo not being set up, so I go and try to make some more Cryoxadone for the other cryo pod. When I return with it, Doctor has returned and tries to fix a patience, and I spend a couple minutes watching him attempt to revive the patient before finally giving up and telling me to put him in cryo. The shuttle winds up arriving and because we didn't have a decent cryo mix, both myself and the patient get left behind.

Why they should be banned: This is not the first time I've seen this level of incompetence bordering on sabotage from Doctor. I had to ahelp him one other time when a teleport rendered my character, Aniece Seto Honkers, deaf; and I go to medbay and explain to him, then a Medical Doctor, that I am deaf, and he drags me and throws me over the desk, with the medbay bolted so I can't get back in. So I'm stuck the rest of the round deaf and with toxin damage. Funnily enough, the next round he was CMO in a blob round and just abandoned the medbay and the bodies outside it so that some poor assistant had to break into genetics and clone people to get back out and fight the blob. In none of these rounds he was antag.

Re: Doctor - Medical Ban

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 4:23 am
by Hibbles
Oh Christ, searching for a dude named 'Doctor' with no ckey in the server logs for the day is going to be literally worse than 482 Holocausts-

EDIT: Uuuuuuuuuugh. Okay so, Tac, the guy's ckey, was banned literally just an hour or two ago for randomly beating people because he was bored and Blob rounds can be long. That was the given reason. Can anybody think of a stunningly compelling reason why I shouldn't upgrade such a ban on my own authority to last, say, 482 years?
[18:23:05]ADMIN: PM: Tac/(Doctor)->NikNakflak/(Anton Newman): sorry i got bored and honestly i was just trying to be annoying
[18:23:19]ADMIN: PM: Tac/(Doctor)->NikNakflak/(Anton Newman): blob rounds generally dont last long

Re: Doctor - Medical Ban

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 4:53 am
by oranges
I recall this guy in one of my logs from yesterday, he seems to be under the impression that random killing is okay under rule 2.
DEAD: Doctor says, "who"
DEAD: Doctor says, "was"
OOC: Amelius: Time to murderbone
DEAD: Snoop Dogg Of Mars says, "Albert Hofmann"
DEAD: Platos Syrup says, "Albert Hoffman is about to get shreked"
Thomas Heeren whispers in their final breath, "Hell to... y-you......"
DEAD: C.K.D. says, "ey syndi borg, grats you eventually got me but I did get you stuck for a long time"
DEAD: Doctor says, "well"
DEAD: Doctor says, "you can kill to a certain extent"
DEAD: Thomas Heeren says, "Ahaha."
DEAD: Platos Syrup says, "No you cannot"
DEAD: Doctor says, "read rules"
DEAD: Platos Syrup says, "Unless you have antag status"
DEAD: Syndicate Cyborg-66 states, "i saved my fellow borg"
DEAD: Doctor says, "read rules"
DEAD: Syndicate Cyborg-66 states, "i did well"
DEAD: Platos Syrup says, "Doctor pls"
DEAD: Doctor says, "read rules"
DEAD: D.K.C. states, "Syndie borgs thought I was the AI"
DEAD: Chris Fischer says, "But we had Gabe. We did better."
DEAD: Platos Syrup says, "You can't muderbone unless you have antag status"
OOC: Mabelchan: the captain died and i grbbed the pointer and disk off him
DEAD: C.K.D. says, "you got a bit lucky though turrets don't work on syndicate borgs"
DEAD: Reece Sheckelstein says, "I know Platos."
OOC: Mabelchan: after he tried to put it in a wheel of cheese
OOC: Kodeth101: let's all praise gabe plz
DEAD: Thomas Heeren asks, "Who went and killed a bunch of people?"
DEAD: C.K.D. says, "and the AI flash has been nerfed so it can't stop borgs anymore"
DEAD: Doctor says, "2. You are playing a game where you are not fully in control of everything. You will be put into situations beyond your control, which will result in some rounds being ruined for you."
DEAD: Reece Sheckelstein says, "It just means next tator round will be 'half the station ded, time to recall' griffest"
OOC: Mabelchan: what the fuck game am i playing
OOC: Carnage752: cmo you did beautifully
DEAD: Reece Sheckelstein says, "because fuck you"
DEAD: Doctor says, "2. You are playing a game where you are not fully in control of everything. You will be put into situations beyond your control, which will result in some rounds being ruined for you."

Re: Doctor - Medical Ban

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 9:53 pm
by Hibbles
I'll put on a ban after the other one expires asking him to come here and explain this sort of stuff.