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Ban request - Gleau Tonn

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:31 am
by Shad0vvs
Your byond account: Shad0vvs
Your character name: Uriel Sutton
Their character name: Gleau Tonn
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Douk
Server and time: Sibyl around 7:30 est?
Logs and/or screenshots:
Logs start with Kennard Chapman my atmos tech calling for help.

Code: Select all

Kennard Chapman [145.9] says, "HELP ATMOS"
Saigon Sam [145.9] says, "IM COMIN FOR YOU"
Yig [145.9] says, "Door AI"
Marlee Jackson [145.9] says, "Oh a random remote signaler on the ground."
Marlee Jackson [145.9] says, "I wonder what this button does."
Lord Maximilian says, "my life is not important"
Lord Maximilian tries to remove High Larious's handcuffs.
Marlee Jackson [145.9] says, "Nothing"
You put the energy gun into the industrial backpack.
Zaber Night [145.9] says, "e Lockers are fucked, we might need an engineer with hardsuit to repair"
ZARDONTRON [145.9] states, "Alice Smith has signed up as Assistant."
Yig [145.9] says, "Cult is ded, let's leave"
John Buggle [145.9] says, "BAR"
John Buggle [145.9] says, "CULT"
Uriel Sutton [145.9] says, " AI where is kennard"
Uriel Sutton says, " AI where is kennard"
ZARDONTRON [145.9] states, "Evil acts above the bridge"
Alice Smith [145.9] asks, " what is going on?"
You fire the energy gun!
Gleau Tonn is hit by an electrode in the chest!
Nagito Komaeda [145.9] says, "SHIT THERE'S JUGGERNAUTS NEAR BRIDGE"
Gleau Tonn stammers, "HES-S-S C-CUL-L-LT"
Kennard Chapman exclaims, "THANK YOU SIR!"
Uriel Sutton tries to remove Kennard Chapman's cable restraints.
You fire the energy gun point blank at Gleau Tonn!
Gleau Tonn is hit by an electrode in the chest!
Gleau Tonn stammers, "HES-S F-FUC-CK-K-KIN-N-N-NG-G C-CUL-L-LT-T"
Kennard Chapman attempts to remove the cable restraints!
Barry Oak [145.9] exclaims, "We need weapons!"
Kennard Chapman says, "this one was breaking into atmos"
Kennard Chapman has been stunned with the stunprod by Gleau Tonn!
Uriel Sutton [145.9] says, " Help under medical"
Uriel Sutton says, " Help under medical"
Uriel Sutton [145.9] says, " IN MAINT"
Uriel Sutton says, " IN MAINT"
Kimmy Gibbler [145.9] exclaims, "Juggernaut!"

Unrecognized or inaccessible verb: Sasay;Gleautonniscult

Uriel Sutton says, " Gleau is cult"
Officer Beepsky is arresting level 5 scumbag Saigon Sam (as Boris Pepper) in the ÿCentral Primary Hallway
This is Gleau Tonn!
He is wearing a blood-stained grey jumpsuit!
He is wearing a welding helmet on his head.
He has a backpack on his back.
He is holding a blood-stained stunprod in his right hand!
He has blood-stained hands!
He has a toolbelt about his waist.
He is wearing some black shoes on his feet.
He has a radio headset on his ears.
He is wearing PDA-Gleau Tonn (Assistant).
He has minor bruising.
He has minor burns.
Criminal status: [None]
You fire the energy gun!
You fire the energy gun!
Uriel Sutton has been beaten in the head with the stunprod by Gleau Tonn!
Your armour has softened a hit to your head.
Uriel Sutton has been stunned with the stunprod by Gleau Tonn!
Uriel Sutton has been beaten in the left arm with the stunprod by Gleau Tonn!
Your armour has softened a hit to your left arm.
Uriel Sutton has been stunned with the stunprod by Gleau Tonn!
Kennard Chapman has disarmed Gleau Tonn!
Gleau Tonn fires the energy gun!
Kennard Chapman is hit by an electrode in the head!
Gleau Tonn fires the energy gun!
Gleau Tonn fires the energy gun!
Uriel Sutton is hit by an electrode in the head!
Your armor softens the blow!
Gleau Tonn fires the energy gun!
Uriel Sutton is hit by a laser in the head!
Your armor softens the blow!
Gleau Tonn fires the energy gun!
Uriel Sutton is hit by a laser in the left arm!
Your armor softens the blow!
Gleau Tonn fires the energy gun!
Uriel Sutton is hit by a laser in the head!
Your armor softens the blow!
Description of what happened: My atmos tech yells for help, I find him in the maint hallway near it, I see Gleau has him cuffed and stripped. I try to intervene nonlethally, Gleau says the atmos tech is cult. I back off because I have no clue whats going on in there, and Gleau tries to stun me. I back off and basically give him room to run but he holds his ground and then kills me. He strips me and my atmos tech of all my stuff and welds me in a locker with my dead atmos tech. Round ends and hes not cult.
Why they should be banned: Killing me and some other guy (me for no reason, I don't know if the other guy did anything to him)

Re: Ban request - Gleau Tonn

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:18 am
by Douk
I'll try and give a quick rundown of what happened here from my perspective, and I apologize for not providing logs since I did not save them from this round. I had come in late during that round to find the station overrun by cult, but I had little interest in that and just wanted to be borged. Problem was that too many people that round had already been borged, so the roboticists were lacking supplies, and thus I had to wait around a while until that got sorted out. In the meantime, I grab a few items here and there to help defend myself in case cult starts to become a problem for me; more specifically I made a stunprod and some cable cuffs.

Later I wander down the engineering hallway and am greeted by Kennard Chapman who, as an atmos tech that I had yet to see at that point in the round, starts demanding a search regarding the cable cuffs. Naturally I refuse, and he follows me for a bit before giving up. He remains in the engineering hallway a bit longer after that talking to some other atmos tech or engineer, and I remember it being a rather suspicious tidbit out of it. Probably out of context, but it arouses my already existing suspicions none the less. A bit later still, I'm wandering through maint and notice that nearly all the doors in the southeast part of the station (at least the ones connected to maint) are bolted open. Naturally I find this quite strange, but one of the last ones I notice on the route I was taking was atmos. I noticed someone was inside, so I peeked my head in for a moment to see what was up. It was Kennard. With an axe. An axe he proceeds to lodge in my chest wordlessly. I stun him, cuff him, and take him off into maint to search him for cult items (security was a disorganized and undermanned mess at this point, so they probably would take too long to handle it).

If he turns out to be cult, given the position, I wouldn't even need to kill him. I could just take all his stuff with me and wall him off until security or chaplain could deal with him. I find a spot, make a chair, and start rummaging through the atmos tech's stuff, when the CE come walking in. He pulls out an egun and open fires. I plea for him to hear me out, but the egun does not go away, so I assume he's just waiting to shoot me again if I get out of the stun. So when I finally COULD stand again, I charged him with my stunprod, and he ran around the corner of maint. This became a minute or so standoff, CE being unable to land any sort of shots into where I was, and I couldn't get close enough to hit him. I was cornered, but if CE wanted to leave, he could have. Still though, neither I nor him spoke any further words, he simply charged in and I stunned him. From there, I beat the CE into crit before he could attack again, and Kennard (having finally gotten free of his cuffs) began fighting back as well. I narrowly overpowered Kennard at that point, and both individuals were in crit. At this point, given both individuals attacked me, I assumed them both to be cult, took the hardsuit just in case of hull breaches on the way to the shuttle, and arrived in escape just as the shuttle arrived.

I killed out of circumstance. Granted, had there been a bit more communication on both sides of this conflict, things could have been avoided. Kennard was an aggressor regardless, and I have no qualms about what happened to him. The CE's death was a bit of a circumstantial event, fueled by a conflict of perspective in assuming that the "other side" was cult. Either side backing down would have been suicide, and there were valid IC reasons on both sides to assault the other.

Re: Ban request - Gleau Tonn

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:03 am
by Shad0vvs
Security was the exact opposite of disorganized. Several cultists were killed and RD gave them several upgraded weapons.

You do not plea to hear me out, you simply state "He's cult!" To which I then back off to to assess the situation, then you take your stunprod out. I try to call for help on the radio, then comms go out.
So here I am in a situation where you have a hostage, and (apparently) expect me to flee, when you have one of my workers detained with you. There was no option of leaving for me.

If you honestly think me stunning twice with an egun makes you are able to stun me back and laser me for the eguns full charge for trying to get my atmos tech back is a valid IC reason then you should get your reasons checked out.

Re: Ban request - Gleau Tonn

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:44 am
by Douk
Shad0vvs wrote:Security was the exact opposite of disorganized. Several cultists were killed and RD gave them several upgraded weapons.
I was going off personal experience of them being unresponsive. Like I said, I was latejoin.
Shad0vvs wrote:You do not plea to hear me out, you simply state "He's cult!" To which I then back off to to assess the situation, then you take your stunprod out. I try to call for help on the radio, then comms go out.
So here I am in a situation where you have a hostage, and (apparently) expect me to flee, when you have one of my workers detained with you. There was no option of leaving for me.
Likewise I was cornered with someone who attacked me and I know for a fact I cant release without being killed. There's a man with a gun at the door waiting to shoot me, and its either get further shot up and get dragged to go knows where, or fight.
Also how are you defining "backing off," because you still had the gun pointed at me. If you were backing off as you claimed, the gun would have gone back into the bag or there would have been some jesture of trust. I had no reason to believe you wouldn't just shoot me again the second I stood up like you had the last time.
Shad0vvs wrote:If you honestly think me stunning twice with an egun makes you are able to stun me back and laser me for the eguns full charge for trying to get my atmos tech back is a valid IC reason then you should get your reasons checked out.
As apposed to what? What other option was there at that point? I didnt have the means to detain you both, and I walking away from the atmos tech would just mean he'd hunt me down and kill me the first chance he got. In a station full of cult and a department who clearly had shown violence towards me, a non-cultists, I sure as hell am not going to show mercy for someone who fires on me to save the man who attempted to kill me. I understand you had to get involved, but you must also understand that I had to retaliate. Going off the assumption that the atmos tech was cult, then that would likely mean that the rest of the department was likewise cult. If you were willing to wordlessly defend him as you did even after what he was doing, then you take up a shared responsibility for his actions in your violence.

Re: Ban request - Gleau Tonn

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:32 am
by Shad0vvs
Douk wrote:
Shad0vvs wrote:Security was the exact opposite of disorganized. Several cultists were killed and RD gave them several upgraded weapons.
I was going off personal experience of them being unresponsive. Like I said, I was latejoin.
Shad0vvs wrote:You do not plea to hear me out, you simply state "He's cult!" To which I then back off to to assess the situation, then you take your stunprod out. I try to call for help on the radio, then comms go out.
So here I am in a situation where you have a hostage, and (apparently) expect me to flee, when you have one of my workers detained with you. There was no option of leaving for me.
Likewise I was cornered with someone who attacked me and I know for a fact I cant release without being killed. There's a man with a gun at the door waiting to shoot me, and its either get further shot up and get dragged to go knows where, or fight.
Also how are you defining "backing off," because you still had the gun pointed at me. If you were backing off as you claimed, the gun would have gone back into the bag or there would have been some jesture of trust. I had no reason to believe you wouldn't just shoot me again the second I stood up like you had the last time.
Shad0vvs wrote:If you honestly think me stunning twice with an egun makes you are able to stun me back and laser me for the eguns full charge for trying to get my atmos tech back is a valid IC reason then you should get your reasons checked out.
As apposed to what? What other option was there at that point? I didnt have the means to detain you both, and I walking away from the atmos tech would just mean he'd hunt me down and kill me the first chance he got. In a station full of cult and a department who clearly had shown violence towards me, a non-cultists, I sure as hell am not going to show mercy for someone who fires on me to save the man who attempted to kill me. I understand you had to get involved, but you must also understand that I had to retaliate. Going off the assumption that the atmos tech was cult, then that would likely mean that the rest of the department was likewise cult. If you were willing to wordlessly defend him as you did even after what he was doing, then you take up a shared responsibility for his actions in your violence.
How are you to judge the incompetence of sec if you joined the round late then? If a sec officer went in and did the same you would have killed him too because they were preventing you from getting your "valid" kill. You can't get someone who tries to kill you, then kill everyone who tries to stop you from killing someone.

I was preventing you from killing one of my workers and you killed me. Apparently the egun is so scary that after I had you stun and DIDN'T lethal you, you decided that I was still going to kill you. If I wanted to kill you, you would have been dead on the first stun, you know that, I don't know why you're playing dumb.

You had plenty chances to run, but you really, really wanted to kill him because he hit you with an axe, and you would kill anyone that would stop you.

Re: Ban request - Gleau Tonn

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:57 pm
by Douk
Shad0vvs wrote:How are you to judge the incompetence of sec if you joined the round late then? If a sec officer went in and did the same you would have killed him too because they were preventing you from getting your "valid" kill. You can't get someone who tries to kill you, then kill everyone who tries to stop you from killing someone.
My assertion of security's incompetence was based on my earlier attempt to flag down an officer for a different problem earlier in the round with no response. Maybe it was because they were busy or maybe he didn't care because I was just another assistant, but it became clear that their involvement in my round experience was going to be limited at best. And once again, my intent was not to kill the atmos tech if he wasn't cult. I did however need him in a safe location where other cultists would not intervene, since atmos proper had been called out by that point.
Shad0vvs wrote:I was preventing you from killing one of my workers and you killed me. Apparently the egun is so scary that after I had you stun and DIDN'T lethal you, you decided that I was still going to kill you. If I wanted to kill you, you would have been dead on the first stun, you know that, I don't know why you're playing dumb.
There's more than one way to crack an egg. Coming from a seasoned security officer, I can tell you that taking someone down with an egun laser, while easily one of the fastest methods of downing someone, is a bad decision when you are still potentially surrounded by enemies. Hell, I myself regretted using the lasers because it meant I couldn't use it after that for its more useful stun capacity. The fact that you didn't use lasers proves nothing, you could have just as easily cable cuffed me and dragged me further into maint to a convert rune. Who knows though, since your logs prove that you said nothing, and gave me no reason to believe I was to receive any mercy or open ears.
Shad0vvs wrote:You had plenty chances to run, but you really, really wanted to kill him because he hit you with an axe, and you would kill anyone that would stop you.
Except I couldn't. While you were out around the corner, you had your egun still out and had tried multiple times to shoot me, so running out would have been suicide. As I stated previously, having not used the lasers did not disprove any harnful intent: that only would have been achieved had the gun gone away or you had said more in an attempt to assess the situation, and neither of those things happened. By the time I DID stun you, the atmos tech had broken free and was attempting an attack, so he would have chased me down if I tried to run then. In the end, I was completely out of stuns and was too injured as it was to outrun either of you pursuing me. If you didn't kill me then, the atmos tech would have with little hesitation, so I had to disable both of you. It wasn't an optimal choice, but that room had only one exit minus the airlock, so let me ask you: where given all that information, where was my chance to run where I wouldn't be killed? Hell, you claim that you were trying to sort things out with me, but I can see that you already had me set to arrest before even saying anything, and were already labeling me as cult. If I didn't roll over and let you continually stun me for whatever god awful purpose you had in mind, I was going to be dead. Even if I did submit, you already were jumping to the conclusion that I was cult, so what chance did I have there either? You involved yourself in a situation you did not understand and made little effort to try and work out, and are getting mad when you are grouped together with the axe-wielding maniac you were defending. I know I can't really prove it to you, but my intention was not necessarily to kill the atmos tech so long as he was not cult, it would have been simply to prevent him from coming after me again which, as soon as he broke free from his cable cuffs, he did. This only turned truly violent when you pulled the egun without any further words to me.

Re: Ban request - Gleau Tonn

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 3:32 am
by Shad0vvs
You could have ran when I was stunned, you could have ran when I was being lasered into crit, you could have ran when I was crit. The atmos tech only got out of this bindings when I was in crit.

All you did that round was pretend to be sec as an assistant. You walked into atmos, then when you get attacked for it(wow what a surprise, maybe if you didn't enter places and stay there after being attacked you wouldn't continue to be attacked?) you decided you could kidnap him from his work area, strip him, and search him as if you were a sec officer. Axe was wielded for 24 damage, that's all the damage you took as per "He has minor bruising."

All your idiotic actions did was get two innocent people killed, kidnapping someone from their work area for 24 brute damage does not seem logical to me or a "valid ic" reason.

Re: Ban request - Gleau Tonn

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:15 am
by Douk
Shad0vvs wrote:You could have ran when I was stunned, you could have ran when I was being lasered into crit, you could have ran when I was crit. The atmos tech only got out of this bindings when I was in crit.
I will remind you though, I had sustained some serious injuries by the time I had stunned you. The window between when I fired the lasers and when the atmos tech broke free was VERY small, and I knew that going into the situation. I WOULD have run if there was more time on that clock before Kennard gave chase with foaming mouth. If that atmos tech had stopped me at any point then to the escape shuttle (which he would have), then you would have come bumbling behind him rearing to help out your dear axe-wielding buddy. It was both or bust when it came to disabling you.
Shad0vvs wrote:All you did that round was pretend to be sec as an assistant. You walked into atmos, then when you get attacked for it(wow what a surprise, maybe if you didn't enter places and stay there after being attacked you wouldn't continue to be attacked?) you decided you could kidnap him from his work area, strip him, and search him as if you were a sec officer. Axe was wielded for 24 damage, that's all the damage you took as per "He has minor bruising."

All your idiotic actions did was get two innocent people killed, kidnapping someone from their work area for 24 brute damage does not seem logical to me or a "valid ic" reason.
24 damage and an attempted pursuit. And for what? Peeking my head through a door that had been open for MANY minutes at that point. The atmos tech SAW that I had only stepped in for a moment, yet he still charged in with lethal intent. It would be different if I went streaking through the whole of atmos, taking anything that wasn't bolted down and trying to alter piping. But no, just a simple peek in to see what was going on. No words exchanged, no warning to leave, just immediate axing. Fuck, even the worst of security has better manners and common sense than to kill anyone who steps in for the slightest second. Imagine if any other department were to do this.
Step into genetics because your friend was being cloned but didn't phone in ahead of time? Monkey'd.
Door to kitchen is inexplicably open, lights are off, and there is a blood trail? Chef sees you? Stabbed and gibbed. GG no re.
Nobody is around cargo for half the round and the door is lodged open? Need a wrench from the autolathe? QM walks in? Stunned, put in front of an emitter, launched from the mass driver in disposals. Not a word.
Do you see where I'm going with this? You claim that "24 damage isn't anything," but the context and intent mean everything. A simple "get out of here greyshirt" and I would have left, but HE turned to violence. Was it wrong for me to be in atmos? Maybe, but like I said, I had only just peeked in, and no admin would tell you under such circumstances that such an escalation of violence was justified. You assert that I stayed there, and such assumptions are baseless. I high tailed it the second the tech hit me, and there was no indication he was going to lash out before then.

If I wanted to play security that round, I would have fucking played security. The slots were still open for that. My intent for this round was to be borged and peacefully repair or clean the fucking station. That's it. I didn't ask for security to ignore me when I brought my concerns and problems to them. I didn't ask for the roboticists to need to run for some basic materials and never come back alive. I never asked to be harassed by a tough-guy atmos tech with some chip on his shoulder, and later try and murder me for trying to figure out why a door was stuck open and find a way to fix it. That's the only reason I even bothered to look in. I thought maybe the person who hacked in was still in there, so I peaked in. Was that such a crime? Was that so heinous? Did I deserve to be axed for that? Is giving a shit about what goes down on the station rather than passively letting it all burn so taboo now?
And when I manage to stop this assailant in his tracks, does it not make sense that I'd want to make sure he's not with the enemy? I'd certainly hope any crew worth his salt would in any other situation: during a nuke ops round for example. He had already screamed bloody murder over the intercomms, so security wasn't going to do shit about him unless I brought proof before them of his deeds and potential cult nature. That requires time though, time I can't spend in a room about to be stormed by a whole slough of "would-be sec." Much like yourself really, hell, you even had the equipment for it with that egun and all. You judge me so harshly for trying to get to the bottom of a dangerous situation, but unlike you, I didn't go in guns ablazing. I had no intention of laying a finger on you until you shot me up and defended a man who had no right to be defended until his innocence could be proven with utmost certainty. Even then that didn't absolve him of his assault, but seeing as it was end-of-round, I could have let that go. But I will be DAMNED if I let a cultist onto that escape shuttle when I am poised to stop him and have no excuse not to at least search him. After what he did to me and security's reluctance to help me, it was a responsibility.

Re: Ban request - Gleau Tonn

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:10 pm
by Shad0vvs
I did not know he perused you, he dropped his axe in atmos, and you got hit in atmos. But you have to be on his level, what if someone who hacked the door came in a second before you and such, and he was angry with them and attacked, you would do the same.
But I suppose I see where your coming from in your side of the story and I withdraw this request.
If you saw that I set you to arrest, then you must have seen that I was implanted.

Re: Ban request - Gleau Tonn

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:19 pm
by Douk
I understand your frustration and I apologize that you died. I would not have done it if not for the circumstances at the time seeming as though there were no other options.

Also I didn't notice the implant later. Your body was in the mess of gear stripped of the two bodies by the time I put the HUDs on, so any marker for that got lost among the rest of it.

Re: Ban request - Gleau Tonn

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:24 am
by Hibbles
I appreciate you being reasonable, guys.