This election will clearly be decided by d20 gaming systems, should we have a D&D campaign to choose the winners?
How the vote works - viewtopic.php?f=38&t=9965
1)Only post a candidate thread in this forum if you are planning on running - viewforum.php?f=38
2)You must not be permabanned or blacklisted
3)Do not ask headmins about a particular players conduct, generalise your question, this is not a forum to use the headmin candidates to attack other people
4)If you want to ask every single headmin a question, post your question here - viewforum.php?f=52 - read the rules, this subforum is strict, spamming your question across every candidate thread is a good way to get your question deleted.
5)Low effort posts deleted on candidate request
6)No bribes, or offers/things that could be construed as bribes, you'll get one warning, then you'll be disqualified. This includes coding PR's for votes.
7)Don't advertise on the codebase or abuse it's PR announcer for your own means
8)Do not campaign in the game in an IC fashion, such as Captains Announcements or Stations names etc. Keep it OOC and do not abuse your admin privileges such as global narrates, talking on ooc while its disabled, and so forth.
9)Only players with 90 minutes of playtime in the past 45 days may reply to candidate threads or talk in the debate forum.[/u]
General Discussion on elections/policy/stuff goes in here
The election period starts on the 11 of Aug, when this thread officially becomes a global sticky. (I'm late)
Candidate pre-entry opens - 15th Aug New threads can be made, but no posting may happen.
Discussion starts - 18th Aug, forums unlocked, this thread is postable in.
Candidate entries close - 20th Aug
Voting begins - DDAY - 25th Aug
Voting complete, results announced - 1st of September
Then the handover period for the old Head admins to hand over to the new ones begins, with the official switchover date being the 15th of September
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Host Vote (Usually granted to the headmins) - TBC
Admin Vote - TBC
Player Vote - TBC
Past Winners:
October 2014: anon3, hornygranny, ikkarus
March 2015: sticky, hornygranny, stp
August 2015: jordie, ausops, lollerderby
January 2016: shadowlight, kor, hornygranny
June 2016: shaps, kor, lzimann
October 2016: tehsteveo, okand(replaced by lzimann), krusvik
Mar 2017: ausops, pkpenguin, joan
Sep 2017: kor, ausops, armhulen
Mar 2018: rustledjimm, armhulen(replaced by owegno), citrusgender
Sep 2018: naatli, arianya, nervere
Mar 2019: wubli, nervere, hulk
Sep 2019: karp, hulk, mortosasye(replaced by plapatin)
Mar 2020: phuzzylodgik, coconut, twat
Sep 2020: domitius, naloac, coconut
Mar 2021: jimmius, naloac, coconut
Sep 2021: NamelessFairy, Dragomagol/Tattle, RaveRadbury
Mar 2022: Timberpoes, Mothblocks, MrMelbert (all coder supremacy win)
Sep 2022:Spookuni, Raveradbury, San7890
Mar 2023: Timberpoes, Keith4, Misdoubtful(hugs)
Sep 2023: TheBibleMelts, Cheshify, Fikou.
Mar 2024: Dendydoom, Keith4, Tattle
Sep 2024: Burgerman, Timberpoes, DrAmazing343
Finally a bonus at the end