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Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:41 am
by oranges

Bottom post of the previous page:

sorry it should say admin lackey, not anime lackey, the two are just so confusable to me these days.

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 8:28 am
by iamgoofball
Dax Dupont wrote:
Toronto88 wrote:
oranges wrote:That's stupid, part of being in a community is getting them to act when people don't do things you like and that requires publically dragging things up.

What kind of brain dead anime lackey thinks its' a good idea to codify that it's not okay to get people involved in your cause over something that you think is wrong or unjust.

It's more than satisfactory to say that threatening real life repercussions over the game will be a blacklist-able offence and leave it at that.
was there any actual "raiding" or "doxxing" or anything like that which stemmed from this event? From what I saw Goof told his story and people got offended by how he was treated and came in and spoke their mind. Somehow to the people on the receiving end of this criticism this translates to threatening them IRL
There were threats/"""jokes""" about swatting the headmins yes. There's screenshots of this.
If you're talking about the one MSO talked about, investigation revealed it was someone known for making dumb edgy jokes in a discord where people make dumb edgy jokes all the time.

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 10:18 am
by starmute
Rustledjimm wrote:On Tuesday morning, Ausops asked the headmins if they would veto a rule 0 ban from the server, he was told that we would not veto that. Then Ausops informed MSO that he would additionally be placing a forum ban on goofball (headmins have no say in forum administration except FNR and Admin subforums.) Later in the day, Ausops came forward and clarified that the ban reason was a combination of a rule 0/1 and the previous threat made by Goofball (which was not pursued four months ago due to concerns regarding the victim's safety.) Immediately, we became concerned since we know what can happen when accusations and doxxing can get out of hand, I’m sure you will all remember incidents such as the Boston Bomber where someone innocent died after digg “investigated” and accused them of committing the bombing.

Ausops applied a ban from the server (tgstation game) for something related to the forums. I have no idea why goof was banned from the game for this.

Ausops then gives him a complete forum ban.

*Apparently the order of this was reversed the forum ban was applied then the game ban. Regardless I'm just repeating jims information that he posted.

Ausops then gives you the dets of something that happened 4 months ago. Sawge is in clear and present danger after 4 months of goofball making a comment about him posting something that was in bad taste on the internet even though it has been a quarter of a year and change.

Goof gets blacklisted.

THE VERY SAME DAY (maybe at the same time?)

I posted a thread that was about consolidating current admin policies, adding official forum and discord feedback to admin feedback forum (wew and is it apparent we need it after this), and expanding server rules to define what happens during sexual harassment issues.

Ausops tells me to go fuck myself in the forums, when I say what the hell he tells me he'll ban me from the community.

Forward it to headmins, they say they'll look into it, tell me I've done nothing wrong and ausops isn't can't ban me for what I said despite his threat.

Afterwards I hear about some shit Ausops did to Anon recently. Jesus christ.

So I guess my questions are these

1. Why was there a clear and present danger to sawge after 4 months?

2. What did goof do ingame that justified his game ban because of a forum problem?

3. After looking into the initial information at hand (that the issue was 4 months old) why didn't you investigate it together.

4. Concerning Anon and my own issues poping up at the same time: wouldn't that tip you off something was wrong?

5. Why is everyone using the phrase "bad faith" like it is a buisness buzzword. Why not say "you intended to lie to us"?

6. Why didn't you "consult" the "victim" before making a ban about something that happened 4 months ago?

7. Do you beleve Ausops mislead you about the timing of all this (IE Goof criticizes Ausops, Ausops uses Goof's arguement with Sawge 4 months ago as a catylst to get Goof banned) Did he tell you that this was a issue over a quarter of a year old?

8. Is Ausops being punished any way for breaking admin policy, forum rules, carrying out a ventetta plus acting like a schoolyard bully? Or is Ausops going to just slide on this one and keep being a "gamemaster", a rank that is confered to people who are supposed to be role-models to other admins

9. Did you/ Do you believe that Sawge was better protected by picking a fight with Goofball 4 months after the fact for something that may have been illegal (I mean not to be a ass about it but it was a argument on discord about Sawge posting something that Goof felt was inappropriate), that was used as evidence for Goof's banning out of context and without the "victims" knowledge.

10. Do you think this could have been avoided?

I'm a pessimist so here's my prediction:

So ultimately here's how it pans out for me and what I see happening. Ausops, like it or not has too many connections here and will remain a gamemaster and won't even get a slap on the wrist. We'll make a big hubabloo about issues here but ultimately we're going to not "error on the side of caution" and prevent another accident like this but instead double down on our faults. Older players will be annoyed by the administration and take long hiatuses after which admins will tell them their opinion doesn't matter because they haven't played the game (Happens constantly already). So unless the team steps up.. I don't see what is being done to prevent a issue like this where a player was blacklisted for a comment they made 4 months ago due to the vendetta of a Gamemaster.

Jim. I respect you but honestly... I don't see how the head administrators just "bought the Brooklyn bridge" here. It still seems fishy and leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. The whole thing with it being 4 months ago should have set off red flags and at least called for a investigation with the victim (and Goofballs) side of the story before a out and out blacklist. If Ausops was lying to you or omited that it wasn't 4 months ago then he probably deserves to be kicked off the Admin team at the very least, if it was your fault and you didn't investigate... I don't know what to say. I like this community thats why I keep coming back but when the admin team acts like this it makes me not want to play (then I get shit for not playing ironicly)

Anyways... please do better admin team.

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 10:29 am
by iamgoofball
Ausops applied a ban from the server (tgstation game) for something related to the forums. I have no idea why goof was banned from the game for this.

Ausops then gives him a complete forum ban.
these are reversed, I confirmed my game ban wasn't applied until after the forum ban(which makes the statement of the rule 0 being "extended" to the forums seem suspect)

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 11:08 am
by oranges
when is ausops getting busted back to trial?

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 11:21 am
by CitrusGender
From how the situation was explained to us, it was not pursued four months ago because of fear of retribution against the victim. I originally thought the ban was a rule 0/1 at first but then I realized it was something different after the ban was added.

I don't think Ausops acted correctly with your situation Starmute. There is no reason to make threats in PMs to 'not pretend to be friendly and helpful.' We do not tolerate such type of behavior.

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 12:11 pm
by starmute
CitrusGender wrote:From how the situation was explained to us, it was not pursued four months ago because of fear of retribution against the victim. I originally thought the ban was a rule 0/1 at first but then I realized it was something different after the ban was added.

I don't think Ausops acted correctly with your situation Starmute. There is no reason to make threats in PMs to 'not pretend to be friendly and helpful.' We do not tolerate such type of behavior.

Ausops SHOULDN'T make threats or hold grudges, he should act professionally but Ausops is Ausops.

As far as the Goof's situation

Why wasn't the victim consulted? From his own accounts Sawge said they had already hashed it out. Perhaps Ausops "described" Sawge's situation very differently that the truth. When making a ban you talk to the victim not doing so shows a lack of common sense and a complete disregard for them. Was there some kind of "imminent threat" towards Sawge that happened that wasn't described that made you blacklist goof without consulting either of them?

Additionally this was all because of a internet fight 4 months ago where Goof accused Sawge of posting CP. From what I understand the whole thing was a murky affair, but Sawge shouldn't be posting questionable hentai images online (especially at their age, I have to say " Sawge what the hell were you thinking"). Then again I made a few blunders at that age too, so who am I to judge.. however

For me the issue is this either the

1. The Admin team blacklisted Goof without checking up on any of the facts of the case, making a collective colossal/titanic error in judgement to blacklist someone (our worst punishment) without consulting any of the individuals and relying on Ausops words alone

2. Ausops deliberately deceived the Headmins into thinking this was a issue that needed addressing now and without any prior investigation because he wants to pursue a active vendetta against players he does not like.

The latter seems more likely, however you never know how much humans can error until you've seen the HOP line during a revolution.

Additionally, and sorry Sawge for mentioning this... you didn't investigate to see if Goofball's claims were true. If you're going to lynch someone for making a claim then you should at least take a look at the claim.

(example: I say "my neighbor is a petty drug dealer". The police should not immediately arrest me for slander because I made a claim. They should probably ask "why do you think they are a drug dealer")
A blacklist ban is usually doled out to the worst offenders. It seems like there wasn't any investigation into this other than "I guess we should do it now". I still don't get how making a blacklist ban 4 months after the incident makes it "safer". It makes it look incredibly shifty, so unless this ban was made at 2 in the morning and you haven't had sleep for weeks, its becomes more and more likely that you were mislead.

Additionally the whole resolution of how you did this made it MUCH worse for Sawge. Goof and him could have just patched it up.. if you would have just talked to Sawge plus Goof, realized that Ausops is just trying to get Goof banned and stir the collective shitpot this would have never gone this far.

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 12:26 pm
by CitrusGender
The victim was consulted by the headmin team after the ban occurred and they requested that the situation is kept secret, but it was already too late at that time (since we found out the real reason after the ban occured.) I am unsure if Ausops consulted the victim before the ban but I believe the victim said they did not. The write-up did a pretty good job describing this.

Goofball was contacted by me directly at the time specified when I posted in the Repukan thread. We initially wanted to have me, MSO, Rustled, and Arm there but Arm resigned, Rustled was Ill (and fell asleep on his keyboard), and MSO had been working recently so I talked with Goof myself.

I do agree though, unfortunately this did make the situation worse for all parties involved. It made all of us lose sleep over it, trust me.

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 1:35 pm
by Jordie0608
starmute wrote:1. The Admin team blacklisted Goof without checking up on any of the facts of the case, making a collective colossal/titanic error in judgement to blacklist someone (our worst punishment) without consulting any of the individuals and relying on Ausops words alone
To clear some confusion: Goof was never blacklisted nor, to my knowledge, considered for blacklisting.

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 2:05 pm
by Rustledjimm
starmute wrote:

Additionally, and sorry Sawge for mentioning this... you didn't investigate to see if Goofball's claims were true. If you're going to lynch someone for making a claim then you should at least take a look at the claim.

I am going to step in quickly and say that this is a rather disgusting piece of assumption. It was looked into by the previous team well before goofball even made the threatening comment in the OP because the rumours had been spread by himself and a few people prior to the threat.

edit: I don't have time to answer all your questions just now I will get around to that later but I felt strongly that this was an incredibly awful assumption to make.

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 2:21 pm
by Iatots
Rustledjimm wrote:
starmute wrote:

Additionally, and sorry Sawge for mentioning this... you didn't investigate to see if Goofball's claims were true. If you're going to lynch someone for making a claim then you should at least take a look at the claim.

I am going to step in quickly and say that this is a rather disgusting piece of assumption. It was looked into well before goofball even made the threatening comment in the OP because the rumours had been spread by himself and a few people prior to the threat.

edit: I don't have time to answer all your questions just now I will get around to that later but I felt strongly that this was an incredibly terrible assumption to make.
So they investigated just enough to see the threat, but not the broader conversation, nor the actual resolution of the conflict?
The investigation sounds like a farce. What was the thought process here?
"Oh hey, member when goof raised a stink about sawrge? Were they banned? What? Nobody thought about doing it? No problemo, I'll fix it!"

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 2:29 pm
by Cobby
Come on why would we do exactly what we didn’t want goof to do?

We’re admins for a ss13 group not internet police. If there’s damning evidence then we have an obligation to report it but we’re not going to look for it anymore than we have looked for individuals who are under 18 playing the game in the past.

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 3:52 pm
by Toronto88
starmute wrote:
Rustledjimm wrote:On Tuesday morning, Ausops asked the headmins if they would veto a rule 0 ban from the server, he was told that we would not veto that. Then Ausops informed MSO that he would additionally be placing a forum ban on goofball (headmins have no say in forum administration except FNR and Admin subforums.) Later in the day, Ausops came forward and clarified that the ban reason was a combination of a rule 0/1 and the previous threat made by Goofball (which was not pursued four months ago due to concerns regarding the victim's safety.) Immediately, we became concerned since we know what can happen when accusations and doxxing can get out of hand, I’m sure you will all remember incidents such as the Boston Bomber where someone innocent died after digg “investigated” and accused them of committing the bombing.

Ausops applied a ban from the server (tgstation game) for something related to the forums. I have no idea why goof was banned from the game for this.

Ausops then gives him a complete forum ban.

*Apparently the order of this was reversed the forum ban was applied then the game ban. Regardless I'm just repeating jims information that he posted.

Ausops then gives you the dets of something that happened 4 months ago. Sawge is in clear and present danger after 4 months of goofball making a comment about him posting something that was in bad taste on the internet even though it has been a quarter of a year and change.

Goof gets blacklisted.

THE VERY SAME DAY (maybe at the same time?)

I posted a thread that was about consolidating current admin policies, adding official forum and discord feedback to admin feedback forum (wew and is it apparent we need it after this), and expanding server rules to define what happens during sexual harassment issues.

Ausops tells me to go fuck myself in the forums, when I say what the hell he tells me he'll ban me from the community.

Forward it to headmins, they say they'll look into it, tell me I've done nothing wrong and ausops isn't can't ban me for what I said despite his threat.

Afterwards I hear about some shit Ausops did to Anon recently. Jesus christ.

So I guess my questions are these

1. Why was there a clear and present danger to sawge after 4 months?

2. What did goof do ingame that justified his game ban because of a forum problem?

3. After looking into the initial information at hand (that the issue was 4 months old) why didn't you investigate it together.

4. Concerning Anon and my own issues poping up at the same time: wouldn't that tip you off something was wrong?

5. Why is everyone using the phrase "bad faith" like it is a buisness buzzword. Why not say "you intended to lie to us"?

6. Why didn't you "consult" the "victim" before making a ban about something that happened 4 months ago?

7. Do you beleve Ausops mislead you about the timing of all this (IE Goof criticizes Ausops, Ausops uses Goof's arguement with Sawge 4 months ago as a catylst to get Goof banned) Did he tell you that this was a issue over a quarter of a year old?

8. Is Ausops being punished any way for breaking admin policy, forum rules, carrying out a ventetta plus acting like a schoolyard bully? Or is Ausops going to just slide on this one and keep being a "gamemaster", a rank that is confered to people who are supposed to be role-models to other admins

9. Did you/ Do you believe that Sawge was better protected by picking a fight with Goofball 4 months after the fact for something that may have been illegal (I mean not to be a ass about it but it was a argument on discord about Sawge posting something that Goof felt was inappropriate), that was used as evidence for Goof's banning out of context and without the "victims" knowledge.

10. Do you think this could have been avoided?

I'm a pessimist so here's my prediction:

So ultimately here's how it pans out for me and what I see happening. Ausops, like it or not has too many connections here and will remain a gamemaster and won't even get a slap on the wrist. We'll make a big hubabloo about issues here but ultimately we're going to not "error on the side of caution" and prevent another accident like this but instead double down on our faults. Older players will be annoyed by the administration and take long hiatuses after which admins will tell them their opinion doesn't matter because they haven't played the game (Happens constantly already). So unless the team steps up.. I don't see what is being done to prevent a issue like this where a player was blacklisted for a comment they made 4 months ago due to the vendetta of a Gamemaster.

Jim. I respect you but honestly... I don't see how the head administrators just "bought the Brooklyn bridge" here. It still seems fishy and leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. The whole thing with it being 4 months ago should have set off red flags and at least called for a investigation with the victim (and Goofballs) side of the story before a out and out blacklist. If Ausops was lying to you or omited that it wasn't 4 months ago then he probably deserves to be kicked off the Admin team at the very least, if it was your fault and you didn't investigate... I don't know what to say. I like this community thats why I keep coming back but when the admin team acts like this it makes me not want to play (then I get shit for not playing ironicly)

Anyways... please do better admin team.



Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 3:55 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
awesine wrote:
captain sawrge wrote: Last February a few people including Goof accused me of being a pedophile over some hentai image I posted elsewhere
sonic says:
digital pedophilia is still pedophilia
I've heard it stated by multiple people that goof was totally full of shit about the whole incident/image in question and was just starting shit to annoy sawrge when the alleged threat was mentioned. I dont know how accurate that is but do keep that in mind

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 9:01 pm
by Qustinnus
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:
awesine wrote:
captain sawrge wrote: Last February a few people including Goof accused me of being a pedophile over some hentai image I posted elsewhere
sonic says:
digital pedophilia is still pedophilia
I've heard it stated by multiple people that goof was totally full of shit about the whole incident/image in question and was just starting shit to annoy sawrge when the alleged threat was mentioned. I dont know how accurate that is but do keep that in mind
that was mostly disinformation and it was mostly because people disagree on what is and isn't legal. (I think it's also state/country dependent whether it is or isnt)

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 9:32 pm
by Shadowflame909
So does the general situation appear like this? Ausops did bully things on baiter and everyone is in the wrong. I mean two wrongs don't make a right here. So hopefully no one involved in the initial goof situation feels like they were acting particularly like an angel. It's just that some people did more wrong than others.

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 9:41 pm
by starmute
Rustledjimm wrote:
starmute wrote:

Additionally, and sorry Sawge for mentioning this... you didn't investigate to see if Goofball's claims were true. If you're going to lynch someone for making a claim then you should at least take a look at the claim.

I am going to step in quickly and say that this is a rather disgusting piece of assumption. It was looked into by the previous team well before goofball even made the threatening comment in the OP because the rumours had been spread by himself and a few people prior to the threat.

edit: I don't have time to answer all your questions just now I will get around to that later but I felt strongly that this was an incredibly awful assumption to make.
Asking if the situation had any validity to begin with is important. Considering Sawge admitted it was questionable art it shouldn't be a "how dare you", especially since we are talking about banning someone from the forums, the discord and the game. Sawge made a extremely stupid mistake posting that shit online.


At some point before the head administration team allowed Ausops to make a ban from the entire forums, the game and discord someone should have looked into the whole situation and pressed the "stop" button. The situation was previously resolved, the parties affected were okay with letting sleeping dogs lie.

I honestly think you are a good guy here Jim but this is about responsibility as well. Ausops banned Goof for one reason and then shifted the goalpost to the Sawge issue that happened 4 months ago. Despite it being a extremely serious case Sawge wasn't even spoken to.

The ability to ban someone from the game, forums, and discord server is typically held by the host and the three head administrators: either Ausops did this without your consent and prior knowledge or he did.

If Ausops applied a ban from the game discord server and forums (IE a blacklist ban) with your knowledge [Which citrus said wasn't so] then you should have investigated before allowing him to do this. If he did this without approval from the Head Administrators well then it should have been addressed sooner.

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 9:43 pm
by Toronto88
starmute wrote:
Rustledjimm wrote:
starmute wrote:

Additionally, and sorry Sawge for mentioning this... you didn't investigate to see if Goofball's claims were true. If you're going to lynch someone for making a claim then you should at least take a look at the claim.

I am going to step in quickly and say that this is a rather disgusting piece of assumption. It was looked into by the previous team well before goofball even made the threatening comment in the OP because the rumours had been spread by himself and a few people prior to the threat.

edit: I don't have time to answer all your questions just now I will get around to that later but I felt strongly that this was an incredibly awful assumption to make.
Asking if the situation had any validity to begin with is important. Considering Sawge admitted it was questionable art it shouldn't be a "how dare you", especially since we are talking about banning someone from the forums, the discord and the game. Sawge made a extremely stupid mistake posting that shit online.
>Comment on things the admins involved themselves admit were a huge fuck up
> "what u said is disgusting.. very disappointed in u.."
> :roll:

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 11:38 pm
by factoryman942
MrStonedOne wrote:Going forward, it is a non-stop trip to the blacklist the next time somebody threatens to dox/swat anybody, encourages or incites it, or even so much as publically shows glee that somebody is the target of doxing or swatting; as well as any related activities that involve doing things with the knowledge of personal information, be it contacting their work or friends or family (outside of contacting authorities to report a crime) or finding somebody's personal info (such as a personal twitter account) then taunting them with the knowledge (publically or over pm). I don't care if you find out the guy is an axe murder on the run, or a pervert with a foot fetish who works at a nail salon, the penalty remains the same.
I believe this text, or a shortened version of it, should be:
placed on the rules page, either as its own rule or under rule 1;
put in the server MOTDs, preferably in big red angry large text;
posted directly to the discord #announcements channel with a ping, rather than just a link to the thread.

edit: why do we have a [*] if it does nothing?[/i]

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 12:33 am
by Rustledjimm
First of all starmute I would just like to say that what happened between you and Ausops is being looked at and taken seriously. We aren't happy with what we saw there at all. This week has been busy though and I know you are not happy with the speed things have been moving along, nobody has been ourselves more than anyone.

Perhaps I read into what you stated badly but I felt like suggesting it wasn't looked into was a bad assumption to make at best.

Now then, Head Administration has no control over forum bans. That is forum administration which is entirely MSO's purview. Ausops placed the forum ban and informed MSO, MSO has unbanned goofball. Moving forward as you've heard we are looking to change this so administration is more streamlined and structured on the forum. This whole incident has shown that change is required in the way forum administration is done.

Ausops banned goof as a rule0/1 for his general behaviour, including the incident 4 months ago which was the worst one in the eyes of those that knew of it. Sawrge was not informed of the ban no. Ausops did ask the headmins if we would stop him placing a rule 0/1 ban on goof and I said that I would not veto such a ban. It was only afterwards that the forumban was also mentioned which I have absolutely no say in. I can only control the Admin subforum and FNR subforum, I cannot even unban a forum ban if I wanted to.
1. Why was there a clear and present danger to sawrge after 4 months?
Because bringing this up again could cause reactions again. There's a reason goofball wasn't banned 4 months ago, incase he or someone who he rallied to his side decided to carry out the threat. It's entirely possible the same situation could happen again even 4 months later. Call it an "edgy joke discord" all you want but someone on Hippie literally stated "Let's apop Citrus or another headmin". I don't care if that's an edgy joke or not. When I hear that I'm not thinking "oh haha someone is joking about doxxing me". If it was found out this was partially over sawrge he could certainly be at danger of the original threat.
2. What did goof do ingame that justified his game ban because of a forum discord problem?
Because something as serious as a threat to dox as MSO has even stated in this thread is a one-way ticket to blacklisting, forum, discord, server, all. Whether you agree or disagree whether goofball actually meant it or not a threat was made.
3. After looking into the initial information at hand (that the issue was 4 months old) why didn't you investigate it together.
I was informed of the situation by the former headmin team, one of which was on this terms headmin team, when we took over in march. The situation was looked into however it was deemed too dangerous to ban goofball over it incase of reprisals against sawrge.
4. Concerning Anon and my own issues poping up at the same time: wouldn't that tip you off something was wrong?
As I stated previously I'm not happy with the way Ausops has been handling things lately. I'm not happy with myself at the way we handled this.
5. Why is everyone using the phrase "bad faith" like it is a buisness buzzword. Why not say "you intended to lie to us"?
Sorry, we witheld certain vital information about the ban because we were worried about the real life situation to a member of our community. We made a mistake.
6. Why didn't you "consult" the "victim" before making a ban about something that happened 4 months ago?
We should have done. We have consulted a few times with sawrge about re-adminning him as he says in his statement but we never discussed the ban before it happened which is our mistake.
7. Do you beleve Ausops mislead you about the timing of all this (IE Goof criticizes Ausops, Ausops uses Goof's arguement with Sawge 4 months ago as a catylst to get Goof banned) Did he tell you that this was a issue over a quarter of a year old?
He told me that it was a rule 0/1 ban for his general behaviour including the incident 4 months ago.
8. Is Ausops being punished any way for breaking admin policy, forum rules, carrying out a ventetta plus acting like a schoolyard bully? Or is Ausops going to just slide on this one and keep being a "gamemaster", a rank that is confered to people who are supposed to be role-models to other admins
With the third headmin now in place we will certain be discussing and voting on what to do with Ausops very soon.

9. Did you/ Do you believe that Sawge was better protected by picking a fight with Goofball 4 months after the fact for something that may have been illegal (I mean not to be a ass about it but it was a argument on discord about Sawge posting something that Goof felt was inappropriate), that was used as evidence for Goof's banning out of context and without the "victims" knowledge.
At the time what I saw in goof was someone who had threatened another member of the community with losing their job. That is what I saw in him at the time. I believed I was acting to protect the community as a whole. In hindsight it was handled terribly.

10. Do you think this could have been avoided?
Oh many times. Looking back on it this will be one of those, if not the, moment(s) that I will regret the most during this term.

What I am going to do now is try to do the best from this. We are going to make changes to the way forum administration works, we are going to be changing admin conduct rules. We will be unifying and codifying expected standards on the server, forums and discord as at the moment all three have different and carying levels of standards which isn't fair on the players or the admins. There will be changes to the way admins conduct themselves in FNR and many more. For all these changes I will be pushing for player input before anything is implemented so they are kept in the know before changes go through and so they can discuss them among themselves, make suggestions, point out issues etc. etc. so we can work together to improve our policy, conduct, admin team and community as a whole. Not just admins discussing things but the whole community.

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 1:37 am
by Nabski
awesine wrote:
Dax Dupont wrote:
Toronto88 wrote:
oranges wrote:That's stupid, part of being in a community is getting them to act when people don't do things you like and that requires publically dragging things up.

What kind of brain dead anime lackey thinks its' a good idea to codify that it's not okay to get people involved in your cause over something that you think is wrong or unjust.

It's more than satisfactory to say that threatening real life repercussions over the game will be a blacklist-able offence and leave it at that.
was there any actual "raiding" or "doxxing" or anything like that which stemmed from this event? From what I saw Goof told his story and people got offended by how he was treated and came in and spoke their mind. Somehow to the people on the receiving end of this criticism this translates to threatening them IRL
There were threats/"""jokes""" about swatting the headmins yes. There's screenshots of this.
the above is a joke in itself
You say this, but having experienced someone bringing my real life into a game unrelated to it without giving them any reason to even care about me is scary.

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 2:38 am
by BeeSting12
Theres no 30th month of the year. You posted this on June 30th, so it would be 6/30. Youre welcome for fixing the typo <3

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 2:54 am
by Shadowflame909
Nabski wrote: You say this, but having experienced someone bringing my real life into a game unrelated to it without giving them any reason to even care about me is scary.
That's pretty scary, I've had the same and been made fun of by an entire community on one of the highest pop games on byond. It's not fun. But I feel like this is a false equivalency and is clearly not what transpired after MULTIPLE months have passed.

Being very blunt, waiting for four months and getting your come up it is fine and all. I guess. Yet, someone not even involved in the situation re-surging a dead and dealt with the situation after four months to get back at goof by making the highest members of the community do there bidding is pretty fucked up. It may just be "Lmao It's goof" But if such a hand was dealt with anyone where you'd get someone blatantly digging up plants that have already been planted. I find that pretty immature and would hopefully see Ausops apologize. It's not looking good from the outside-in dude.

This is at the very least petty revenge that needs to be called out and not ignored. Otherwise, history will just keep repeating itself, and we will take no actions to pre-emptively stop it in its tracks. You can hate a guy, but re-escalating an already dead situation to get rid of people and lying to make it happen is terrible. It's just not something I want to see from the leaders of my space station RPG. It's not fine to ignore it by downplaying the level of authority Ausops has either. Everyones still at the same place where they left off. I just don't think anything is getting done about this, and in time this situation will just re-occur.

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 4:01 am
by Ayy Lemoh
Rustledjimm wrote:Because bringing this up again could cause reactions again. There's a reason goofball wasn't banned 4 months ago, incase he or someone who he rallied to his side decided to carry out the threat. It's entirely possible the same situation could happen again even 4 months later. Call it an "edgy joke discord" all you want but someone on Hippie literally stated "Let's apop Citrus or another headmin". I don't care if that's an edgy joke or not. When I hear that I'm not thinking "oh haha someone is joking about doxxing me". If it was found out this was partially over sawrge he could certainly be at danger of the original threat.
It's fucking pathetic how people do this shit over a 2d game. It's even more pathetic how this has to factor into punishing someone or not because Lord Dickface may fuck over the lives of other people. If what someone did is truly illegal then just contact the fucking authorities.

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 5:07 am
by Nilons
awesine wrote:
edit: also isn't sawrge only like 15 shouldn't they be banned
arent you 15?

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 5:11 am
by Shadowflame909
How old is 15 in dog years to human years Nilons. answer me this

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 5:14 am
by Nilons
Shadowflame909 wrote:How old is 15 in dog years to human years Nilons. answer me this

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 5:17 am
by Shadowflame909
Thank you for your time

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 5:20 am
by CreationPro
BeeSting12 wrote:Theres no 30th month of the year. You posted this on June 30th, so it would be 6/30. Youre welcome for fixing the typo <3
Depends on where you're from.
US date format : mm/dd/yyyy
The sensible rest of the world: dd/mm/yyyy
awesine wrote: edit: also isn't sawrge only like 15 shouldn't they be banned
Sawrge has been 15 for as long as I've known him. The guy's an anomaly, he doesn't age.

As for the situation at hand, I think everyone fucked up a little but nothing a few "sorry I fucked up lmao"s can't fix, right?
In the end, no one got doxxed and I hope a few lessons were learned like "wew Ausops chill, don't ban people 4 months after an incident lol" and "Goofball don't be such a goofball lol" :heart:

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 5:22 am
by Shadowflame909
CreationPro wrote: As for the situation at hand, I think everyone fucked up a little but nothing a few "sorry I fucked up lmao"s can't fix, right?
In the end, no one got doxxed and I hope a few lessons were learned like "wew Ausops chill, don't ban people 4 months after an incident lol" and "Goofball don't be such a goofball lol" :heart:
This is the loveliest solution. G00F apologize for joking about "doxing" Also Ausops u apologize 2. U hab lost many trusts in the non-admin part of the community

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 12:20 pm
by Qbmax32
“Sawrge is 15” is honestly the best meme of our time

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 1:32 pm
by Barre
awesine wrote: edit: also isn't sawrge only like 15 shouldn't they be banned
The fuck kinda retarded garbage are you spewing? Sawrge's been around for at least 6 years. Are you telling me he started playing when he was 9?

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 1:39 pm
by FrozenGuy5
Barre wrote:
awesine wrote: edit: also isn't sawrge only like 15 shouldn't they be banned
The fuck kinda retarded garbage are you spewing? Sawrge's been around for at least 6 years. Are you telling me he started playing when he was 9?
Image yes? sawrge actually has 140iq

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 1:48 pm
by Ayy Lemoh
FrozenGuy5 wrote:yes? sawrge actually has 140iq
he did it all for free at the age of 9 when he's smarter than all of us combined rip what a hero

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 6:22 pm
by BeeSting12
awesine wrote:
Nilons wrote:
awesine wrote:
edit: also isn't sawrge only like 15 shouldn't they be banned
arent you 15?
arent you perma banned lol

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:05 pm
by Nabski
Qbmax32 wrote:“Sawrge is 15” is honestly the best meme of our time
I remember I pmed a headmin about it back in the day.

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 10:15 pm
by FrozenGuy5
BeeSting12 wrote:
awesine wrote:
Nilons wrote:
awesine wrote:
edit: also isn't sawrge only like 15 shouldn't they be banned
arent you 15?
arent you perma banned lol
he is and he's banned from other communities like goon and hippie.

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 2:14 am
by ZeWaka
FrozenGuy5 wrote: he is and he's banned from other communities like goon and hippie.
Just to clarify, they're no longer banned on Goonstation.

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 2:30 am
by oranges
swarge or goof?

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 2:51 am
by Rustledjimm
They're talking about awesine, oranges.

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 2:53 am
by Ayy Lemoh
oranges wrote:swarge or goof?
>about to reply to oranges that he is referring to awesine
>pc shows up a screen
>"eat shit and die we have detected a problem so we restarted have a bad day and literally fuck yourself"
>wonder why oranges casted a black magic spell on me as he clearly caused my pc to restart
>finish this post
>"they're talking about awesine, oranges" - rustledjimmy
>realize rustledjimm casted black magic just so he could get the digg points before I could

edit: realized that something may have been a bit too dark so I toned it down. Still what I imagine whenever my PC is fucking autistic, though.

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 10:27 am
by Okand37
what in the hyeck

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 12:36 pm
by Shezza
include my post in the digg post

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 12:40 pm
by Iatots
Everything past beestings first post belongs in the trash.

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 10:00 pm
by oranges
Shezza wrote:include my post in the digg post
make sure to include their entire signature

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 9:08 am
by Shadowflame909
headmins brought us ocean man so they're good

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 2:46 am
by paprika
2d spaceman game

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 3:29 am
by cacogen
paprika wrote:2d spaceman game

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 10:54 am
by Iatots
paprika wrote:2d spaceman game
Back! back to the abyss!

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 11:42 am
by iamgoofball
paprika wrote:2d spaceman game
COME Back please

Re: Statement from the Headmin Team 30/06

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:56 pm
by iamgoofball
captain sawrge wrote:suk ma dam dick n balls goof
This edit done on the 9th of this month, while funny, contained important information relevant to the incident and is needed in the event of any future admins, head admins, or hosts for the server needing to cross-reference this thread for his take on the issue. While the edit in relations to the catpeople memes is hillarious, this is pretty important for people needing to cross-reference the situation if they intend to make a ruling on this matter or related matter.

Could an administrator please revert the edit or at least append the original pre-meme post to the post?