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Re: Trialmin Review: lmwevil

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 12:12 pm
by Arianya

Bottom post of the previous page:

I can understand subject's concern with connections, since generally speaking an admin's connections go down post trial and not up, but equally we've had admins with healthy connection counts who burn out two weeks after promotion and retire. While I'd love to see lmwevil more, understandably everyone has real lives and we can't all be Lexia "2000 connections in the past 2 months" Black.

Additionally, they cover the Oceanian Time Zone, which is of immense value since it can cover the early American morning/middle of the EU working day, a time period we've had issues with in the past.

I've not had the chance to admin alongside lmwevil much due to that time difference, but the positive feedback from players in this thread is good to see.

Re: Trialmin Review: lmwevil

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 6:41 pm
by subject217
The thing is, I'm not demeaning them for being too busy to admin. It's perfectly understandable, and one's time is probably better spent doing things in real life than administrating a 2 dimensional atmospherics simulator. All I'm saying is that we have seen very little of them compared to pretty much any trialmin that didn't ghost within the past year or so. For this reason, I believe that a trial extension would be appropriate so that they can admin more. Their current activity level is perfectly fine and if they were just as active for however long the extension is with no problems they could easily be promoted.

I'm not comparing them to Imsxz. I'm comparing them to ANY trialmin.

By the by, just for kicks I crunched the numbers on Imsxz's total trialmin connections. 2201, which is absurdly high.

Re: Trialmin Review: lmwevil

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 11:00 pm
by Arianya

As noted earlier, while we're aware of their connections, we don't think this is something that would change with an extension of their trial, and ultimately we appreciate the time that lmwevil is able to give us.

I hope they won't slip any lower on connections post-promotion but ultimately that's a bridge to cross when we come to it.