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The Official HBL Event Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 5:05 pm
by Hibbles
I've decided to re-purpose this thread as my official announcement/feedback/ideas/requests/scheduling thing for my events, in order to provide a more normalized, regimented, and fascistic Hitler-esque Sticky-like approach to administrating.

I will be running an admin event on Server 2 (Bagil) at: TBD.

For now, my focus will be on running events on Bagil to encourage people to check it out, breathe some life there, and provide things actually happening there. This is the official (since I said so) thread to offer suggestions, feedback, ideas, event discussion, requests, i dunno, anything on this topic is welcomed. Aside from calling me a faggot, that's not contributing anything to the conversation, we already knew that.

If you want to attend, feel free to, and if not, consider yourself fore-warned to pick the other server. I would ask my fellow admins to consider not running events on Sibyl during this time just so people have the option not to get butt-fucked by us, for once. You know, shake things up a little.

Re: Scheduled Event Discussion 2: The Quickening

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 5:08 pm
by Stickymayhem
I think this encourages the kind of railroading events that can end in failure.

It's a decent idea but everyone should absolutely remember that the players are never going to do exactly what you want unless you limit their options so heavily they get frustrated.

Re: Scheduled Event Discussion 2: The Quickening

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 5:23 pm
by Saegrimr
What do you even say? "I'm doing SOMETHING tomorrow!"

Anything more than that would give out too much info.

Re: Scheduled Event Discussion 2: The Quickening

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 5:27 pm
by Fayrik
On the one hand, I can see that trying to railroad events is never going to work...

Yet, I think if the players involved know what they're getting into ahead of time, then we'll get a higher rate of engagement, and that should lead to smoother, more enjoyable events.
Basically, working to a time schedule isn't the same as working to plot schedule, so we can mix and match to get the best of both.

Also, would anyone be opposed if I were to set a time and place for my next event?
I.E: Round starting after x o'clock, on server y.

Re: Scheduled Event Discussion 2: The Quickening

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 6:26 pm
by Hibbles
Go for it, it could be like our test thing. If you need a thread about it stickied or whatever I could do that.

Also regarding what we say about it, I'm not sure that's an issue. Either we really do just go 'SOMETHING SPECIAL is gonna happen tonight at 8pm est!' which I guarantee will fill them player slots up, or we give details everybody would know anyhow. It's not like a Nations round happens in secret. We hope.

Re: Scheduled Event Discussion 2: The Quickening

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 6:49 pm
by Falafox
Wouldn't the facist station people are talking about need this kind of thing?

Re: Scheduled Event Discussion 2: The Quickening

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 8:04 pm
by Fayrik
That's a point actually, Quartz' thing is pretty much what I was thinking of, in terms of organisation, so I'll wait for him to finish with that and see how that goes before rushing to find event ideas.

Re: The Official HBL Event Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:05 pm
by Hibbles
OP updated, hbl.ogg intensifies.
OOC: ThatSlyFox: you disgust me
OOC: Bgobandit: I want a fucking bagel
OOC: Mastigos: Who cares HBL always leaves mid-event and makes other admins deal with it and inevitably ruin everything :^)

Re: The Official HBL Event Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:55 pm
by ThatSlyFox
Do nations.

Re: The Official HBL Event Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 3:25 am
by Allohsnackbar
Is this where we request events/ suggest ideas for new ones?

Re: The Official HBL Event Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 3:56 am
by Hibbles

Re: The Official HBL Event Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 5:27 am
by Allohsnackbar
Full round event:
At round start a SMALL number of players will be traitors and given uplinks. Their mission? Hinder NT's operations on SS13 to the point that the whole operation becomes unprofitable and they withdraw their personnel (Escape Shuttle) and shut the whole operation down, leading to possibility of a Syndicate shell company buying the station from NT cheaply.
However, there is a condition: It must be done with as little damage as possible, as creatively as possibly, and as EXPENSIVE for NT as possible. This could include wiping research, to snipping a few wires and making the power grid all kinds of fucked up, to sabotaging the Stations mining operations.
Now, the "covertly creatively thing" isn't necessarily s rule, it's an incentive. Should the Saboteur follow these guidelines as the round progresses,he will be rewarded with additional amounts of TC and/or new and experimental equipment to utilize in his mission.
Now, for those who were not chosen as the Saboteur(s), as the round progresses, the Saboteur will be given side objectives, encouraging recruiting other crewmember/influencing them to assist in these side quests, which could also include bringing players back into the round.
Examples include bringing a player back into the round as a business man coming to invest in NT's operations in the sector, and the Saboteur may get a side mission to scare him off/ rob him. Many more scenarios could play out involving many more players then the chosen antags.

Welp. That's my idea that I have been sitting on for a while.

Re: The Official HBL Event Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 5:33 am
by DemonFiren
As veteran QM that idea has me imagining emagging the cargo shuttle and sending to the Syndicate every single gram of plasma, uranium and diamond the miners drag up from the deep.

Re: The Official HBL Event Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:06 am
by Allohsnackbar
DemonFiren wrote:As veteran QM that idea has me imagining emagging the cargo shuttle and sending to the Syndicate every single gram of plasma, uranium and diamond the miners drag up from the deep.
A prime example: Saboteur bribes the QM and emags the shuttle, and maybe even instigates a cargonia movement to disrupt cargo and mining operations. Naturally, the people who are bribed could be just be antaged by an admin observing the event(with objectives to not murderbone or something)....
And in exchange the QM gets Fukton of unlocked gun cra- Gun cargo here we come

Re: The Official HBL Event Thread

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 1:18 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
Mini event:
An ascended shadowling is spawned in the bar and set to be anchored. Occasionally forcesay the clientless mob to say something menacing/ominous. No matter what people do, nothing happens.
Objective: See what the crew do with it