Statbus Development Log and Announcements

(Mainly the wiki)
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Statbus Development Log and Announcements

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #693285

It has come to my attention that some have lately called me a statman, as if such a term were shameful. I ask you, what greater endeavor exists than that of statistics? In our current unparalleled codebase, refusal to consider statistics is simply a refusal to grow—an insistence on forking, if you will. Has SS14 refused to collect data? It has not. It crept forth boldly while its brethren remained on the byond hub, with soft and hard player caps forever staring newbies in the face, ignorant and doomed despite their eternal vigilance. Would we model ourselves after CM? TGMC? Are all the accomplishments of tgstation fated to be nothing more than a few gigabytes of database tables and logs, sandwiched between IRC and an eon's worth of shitposts in #admin-auditorium? In order to be true to SS13, and our destiny, we must aspire to greater things. We have outgrown our tgdb. It is futile to cry for mothbus, when our true sustenance awaits us among the stats. And only the application that small minds call 'Statbus' can carry us there. Therefore I say, yes, I am a statman. We must all collect statistics, willingly, eagerly, if we expect to reap the benefits of Statbus.

And reap we shall.
Statbus is back, baby. Sort of. Being a personal project and a labor of love, a lot of my time is spend writing and then re-writing the application. I am once again undertaking that endeavor, with the intent that this will be the final draft. The ur-Statbus, if you will. To that end, this thread will serve as the nexus for news about Statbus; what's been developed, and what will be developed.

Project Updates
Relevant Links Comments? Questions? Feedback? Awesome! Open an issue on the relevant Github repository, or start a discussion. Please do not post bug reports in this thread or in Discord DMs!
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Re: Regarding Statbus

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #693286

The initial site is back up! Currently only letting people view their bans, and you can only login via discord. But it's progress!

I'm still waiting on database access from MSO, so unfortunately there's not much to report here, yet.
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Re: Regarding Statbus

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #693287



A fun little tool that lets you generate ID cards of your characters!

As a side-effect of ongoing work, BadgeR has expelled a page with all of the colors defined in the game's code:

BadgeR has been re-launched! Due to a lot of changes in how mob sprites are built by the game, I had to rewrite a lot of the application. But the heavy-lifting is done, and now I can focus on implementing the missing functionality; like the ability to create mobs that aren't human.
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Re: Regarding Statbus

Post by Vekter » #693419

We're so back.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: Regarding Statbus

Post by c4g » #693532

idk if you might already be working on this since you've got a big color sheet made, but it seems like badger isn't applying the skin tones properly, especially with the darker ones. here's the side-by-sides of my chars so you can see what i mean
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Re: Regarding Statbus

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #693959

Renders of the game maps, straight from github. This has been an on-again/off-again project for some time and I'm glad I can finally give it a proper home. There's lots of work being done on it still, but it's in a good enough shape that I feel comfortable showing it off :)
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Re: Statbus Development Log and Announcements

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #698099

There's been a ton of updates to Statbus. I'll let the changelog speak for itself:

[1.5.0] - 2023-08-07
Player pages at;ckey&gt;
Also view their achievements!
[1.4.1] - 2023-08-07
Stacked admin ranks now render as the first rank specified, while still showing the full rank.
Added missing ranks to the rendering list
Urgent ahelp tickets are now indicated as such
[1.4.0] - 2023-08-05
A continuation of 1.3.0, now admins can see tickets, and tickets by round, from TGDB!
[1.3.0] - 2023-08-04
A ticket viewer, so you can see tickets you were involved in!
And a way to embed them with BBcode!
[1.2.0] - 2023-08-04
Round information pages
[1.1.0] - 2023-08-03
Admin roster + activity information
[1.0.1] - 2023-08-02
This changelog!
A privacy policy

Comments? Questions? Feedback? Awesome! Open an issue on the relevant Github repository, or start a discussion. Please do not post bug reports in this thread or in Discord DMs!
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OOC: Pizzatiger: God damn Atlanta, how are you so fucking smart and charming. It fucking pisses me off how perfect you are
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Re: Statbus Development Log and Announcements

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #698441

You can now log in with the forums!*

Admins can set the link to their feedback threads!

*If you get a 404 error on log in, just click on the statbus logo in the header. There's a known issue I'm still trying to resolve.

Comments? Questions? Feedback? Awesome! Open an issue on the relevant Github repository, or start a discussion. Please do not post bug reports in this thread or in Discord DMs!
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Re: Statbus Development Log and Announcements

Post by EmpressMaia » #698458

fuck yeah
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Re: Statbus Development Log and Announcements

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #698608

Notes & Messages are back!
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OOC: Pizzatiger: God damn Atlanta, how are you so fucking smart and charming. It fucking pisses me off how perfect you are
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Re: Statbus Development Log and Announcements

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #698760


Admins get a fancy new popover that shows up for any player badge they hover over. Regular players aren't being left out though, you get a popover too, just with less information.

I've overhauled some of the design system, so things should look a little more coherent. I'm not 100% satisfied with it though, so expect more changes.

TGDB pages have a new !BLUE! background for admins.
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OOC: Pizzatiger: God damn Atlanta, how are you so fucking smart and charming. It fucking pisses me off how perfect you are
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Re: Statbus Development Log and Announcements

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #698858

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OOC: Pizzatiger: God damn Atlanta, how are you so fucking smart and charming. It fucking pisses me off how perfect you are
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Re: Statbus Development Log and Announcements

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #699607


In my un-ending quest to add (dumb?) features to Statbus, you now have the ability to download a copy of your antag status for a given round. Just look for the camera icon and click it to download an official, certified copy of your status.

Check it out today.
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OOC: Pizzatiger: God damn Atlanta, how are you so fucking smart and charming. It fucking pisses me off how perfect you are
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Re: Statbus Development Log and Announcements

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #699941

stats are back on a round-by-round basis.

still working on aggregating stats. that's a much more difficult problem to tackle.
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OOC: Pizzatiger: God damn Atlanta, how are you so fucking smart and charming. It fucking pisses me off how perfect you are
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Re: Statbus Development Log and Announcements

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #700739

Statbus is down while I resolve an issue. Please do not panic.
we're so fuckin back
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OOC: Pizzatiger: God damn Atlanta, how are you so fucking smart and charming. It fucking pisses me off how perfect you are
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Re: Statbus Development Log and Announcements

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #700892

Atlanta-Ned wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 5:21 pm ImageImage

In my un-ending quest to add (dumb?) features to Statbus, you now have the ability to download a copy of your antag status for a given round. Just look for the camera icon and click it to download an official, certified copy of your status.

Check it out today.
This now also exists for commendations!
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OOC: Pizzatiger: God damn Atlanta, how are you so fucking smart and charming. It fucking pisses me off how perfect you are
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Re: Statbus Development Log and Announcements

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #701617

[1.16.0] 2023-08-26

  • Expiration information to bans
  • Ditto for notes
  • Global search bar
  • TGDB Enhancements
    • Recent activity listing on homepage
    • Known alts for player pages
    • Live feed of tickets from the servers
    • List of active watchlist entries
  • More round information
    • Deaths
    • Now shows player job at time of death
    • Round end result data (# of people escaped, station integrity, etc)
  • Commendations now have a "save a screenshot" tool.
  • Visiting a link for a ticket that's not yours will prompt admins to view the ticket in TGDB
  • Poly blocking the authentication menu
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OOC: Pizzatiger: God damn Atlanta, how are you so fucking smart and charming. It fucking pisses me off how perfect you are
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Re: Statbus Development Log and Announcements

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #701812

Hello! I've addded an analytics tracking tool to Statbus! Please familiarize yourself with the changes to the Statbus privacy policy:
If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to ping me 🙂
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OOC: Pizzatiger: God damn Atlanta, how are you so fucking smart and charming. It fucking pisses me off how perfect you are
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Re: Statbus Development Log and Announcements

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #716591

I just released version 1.18.0 with:
  • The query for showing tickets by ckey has been updated to now include ANY ticket a given ckey was involved in, even if they didn't start it or finish it.
    • This mirrors the functionality available on mothbus (<3 mothbus)
  • The list of ckeys involved in a given ticket is now displayed in the ticket sidebar
  • Dynamic threat information now shows the advisory level that corresponds to the threat
  • A duplicate book finder for the library
  • Manifest entries on the timeline view now show job badges
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OOC: Pizzatiger: God damn Atlanta, how are you so fucking smart and charming. It fucking pisses me off how perfect you are
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Re: Statbus Development Log and Announcements

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #727889

Obviously I didn't wind up using this thread as frequently as I'd hoped. I am however updating the changelog on Statbus itself, so be sure to check that out.

IN OTHER NEWS, Statbus has a Patreon. I've never made a big deal about it before; Statbus doesn't require a lot of resources to run. It's been on a $6/mo VPS for forever.

With that being said, I've been unemployed for almost a year now (hence the fancy(?) new Statbus). This isn't been an existential threat, but being able to cover the cost of Statbus with a little left over for whatever other ancillary costs pop up would be nice.

Aside from a sense of pride and accomplishment, I can't offer any benefits to supporters yet. I'm working on a way to give Patreon supporters a cute little badge on their player pages on Statbus, and I've got some more ideas in the pipeline.

So if you've got some spare $ lying around and think Statbus is worth it, consider supporting Statbus on Patreon.
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OOC: Pizzatiger: God damn Atlanta, how are you so fucking smart and charming. It fucking pisses me off how perfect you are
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Re: Statbus Development Log and Announcements

Post by regie » #729099

Any plans to include statbus for TGMC?? Could be bomb...
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Re: Statbus Development Log and Announcements

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #729111

regie wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 8:27 pm Any plans to include statbus for TGMC?? Could be bomb...
I have a version of Statbus set up for TGMC, I just ned to actually get it hooked up properly. I'll work on that :)
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OOC: Pizzatiger: God damn Atlanta, how are you so fucking smart and charming. It fucking pisses me off how perfect you are
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Re: Statbus Development Log and Announcements

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #729985

Atlanta-Ned wrote: Sat May 25, 2024 12:10 am
regie wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 8:27 pm Any plans to include statbus for TGMC?? Could be bomb...
I have a version of Statbus set up for TGMC, I just ned to actually get it hooked up properly. I'll work on that :)
j/k it's a thing now
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OOC: Pizzatiger: God damn Atlanta, how are you so fucking smart and charming. It fucking pisses me off how perfect you are
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Re: Statbus Development Log and Announcements

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #732030

added a policy.json viewer so you can see all role policies in one place
this feature WAS NOT requested by anyone and was solely my own idea
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OOC: Pizzatiger: God damn Atlanta, how are you so fucking smart and charming. It fucking pisses me off how perfect you are
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Re: Statbus Development Log and Announcements

Post by Striders13 » #746702

can you split tickets made by admins and tickets admins answered to? Cause if I wanna see what I ahelped I have to slog though every ticket I answered
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