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Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 9:42 am
by Central Core
So I have been messing around with Z levels but I ran into a problem. As I was setting up a test I made it to (Hopefully) where all my Z levels were connected (If not you will hear from me again) but it seems that the randomly placed space ruins are getting in the way...I'm not a expert so as far as I can tell they are generating there own level to hold them. so I had a set up which of 9 z levels...may be to many for the game to handle as the comments on the code line said to keep it at six but ill come across that issue at another time. On to the issue. So I had the 9 Z levels set and some seemed to work as when I went left of the station i hit my first Z level just fine but when I went north of the station I hit a random ruin and my Z level that was supposed to be there was not.

Can I disable ruins and if so how? When i tried it just well fucked about everything else up.

Thanks for reading and any help given as well as the help given on my last question and any question I have next.

Re: Ruins

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 11:39 am
by lzimann
You should be able to change the space_budget here to 0. It should stop spawning space ruins(same for lavaland budget)