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Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:12 pm
by Jordie0608
MOD NOTE: Admin v. Admin incident as per Relevant posts are moved here for clarity of ban appeal. This discussion will continue in the Admin Complaints forum for transparency of administrator conduct and process as was requested to me. If anyone involved in this has concerns regarding this then please PM me.
ADMIN NOTE: No, really, no sterno. Please take all sterno to: we are getting tired of deleting posts here.
Stickymayhem wrote:
RG4 wrote:Are we all allowed to post on this? Or just the people currently involved because I'd like to give character witnesses fro Blessed,BS, and Sticky.
It might get removed. I'm not sure of the policy regarding more serious admin complaints.
This thread follows the the board rules.
2. If you are not an admin or directly involved with the complaint (You are the guy who was banned, you saw what happened, you were his victim, etc.) then do not post in the complaint.
All parties involved in the initial complaint are admins and thus the only people who should be posting in this thread are any admins.

Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:17 pm
by Brotemis
Alright folks, heres the main event, the shitstorm

[16:11:15]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner) : For future though it's a good idea to get wrongfully killed players back in the round
[16:25:59]ADMIN: Bluespace/(Boris Pepper) : missle rack the warden
[16:26:04]ADMIN: Bluespace/(Boris Pepper) : increase max health var
[16:26:06]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner) : I will exact terrible vengeance on the Warden for great justice
[16:28:15]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner) : spawn phazon
[16:28:21]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner) : Make sure to choose /loaded
[16:28:22]ADMIN: Bluespace/(Boris Pepper) spawned /obj/mecha/combat/phazon at (128,75,2)
[16:28:34]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner) has used rudimentary transformation on Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner). Transforming to human; deletemob=1
[16:28:35]ADMIN: Bluespace/(Boris Pepper) spawned /obj/mecha/combat/marauder/mauler/loaded at (129,75,2)
[16:28:48]ADMIN: BlessedHeretic/(Doge Coin) has traitor'ed Jack Steiner.
[16:29:30]ADMIN: BlessedHeretic/(Doge Coin) added a new objective for Adminbus: Assassinate Horatio Chopin, the Warden.
[16:29:32]ADMIN: Bluespace/(Boris Pepper) modified Mauler's name to Revenge

[16:31:13]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Adminbus) : Worth it to fuck that warden
[16:38:37]OOC: Adminbus/Stickymayhem : He saw a mech and instantly killed it and me FNR and I cried until I got a marauder
[16:38:53]OOC: Horatio Chopin/Feretal : But arguing with an admin is probably a bad idea

[16:40:29]OOC: Adminbus/Stickymayhem : RESPAWN AND MURDER
[16:40:38]ADMIN: BlessedHeretic/(Doge Coin) : I'm not trained for this bit
[16:41:00]ADMIN: Bluespace/(Boris Pepper) : ckey is feretal blessed
[16:41:11]ADMIN: Bluespace/(Boris Pepper) : apply ban as usual
[16:41:52]ADMIN: HELP: Kuroi Honoo/(Sven Grey): RD here, I think Sticky losing his mech is partial my fault. I heard there was a rogue Mech. I asked the Warden to come check it out. I tried to talk to the Mech, Sticky aproached. Then Warden came in. I guess he thought you were coming after me? - heard by 3 non-AFK admins who have +BAN.
[16:44:25]OOC: BlessedHeretic/BlessedHeretic : I deadmin once again.
[16:45:07]ADMIN: PM: Bluespace/(Bluespace)->BlessedHeretic/(Blessed H. Legionare): What is his ban reason you want me to put in?
[16:45:53]ADMIN: PM: BlessedHeretic/(Blessed H. Legionare)->Bluespace/(Boris Pepper): Killed sticky FNR, Captain confirmed Stiener was a helpful member of the loyal side, Warden outright murdered him and declared him rev for having a flash (he was a robo.), Also hid the body to prevent cloning after the fact.
[16:46:19]ADMIN: PM: BlessedHeretic/(Blessed H. Legionare)->Bluespace/(Boris Pepper): Suggested jobban for regular duration of class abuse ontop of the dayban.
[16:46:31]ADMIN: PM: Vaba300/(Vaba300)->Bluespace/(Boris Pepper): He permabrigged me for vandalism, and I was trying to get his attention to tell him I was starving to death, but he ignored me
[16:47:16]ADMIN: bluespace has banned feretal.
Reason: Killed Steiner FNR, Captain confirmed Stiener was a helpful member of the loyal side, Warden outright murdered him and declared him rev for having a flash (he was a robo.), Also hid the body to prevent cloning after the fact.
[16:47:37]ADMIN: PM: BlessedHeretic/(Blessed H. Legionare)->Bluespace/(Boris Pepper): Also suspected lying to admins, no one that was loyal seemed to indicate that Stiener was a rev, much the opposite in fact. Yet he told me straght up "someone" told him he was rev to justify the murder.

So. With these logs and these posts, I'm gonna say fuck whatever rules exist for this situation and go ahead and do this...

Since Its a bitch to copy and paste shit from logs, Feretal's ban has been lifted and daybans have been applied to Bluespace, Stickymayhem, and blessed for their involvement in this.

I'm all fine and dandy for ending rev rounds but in this case, this is pretty bad admin abuse considering:
1) Stickymayhem, being the one who died, favoritism can definitely come into play when applying a ban
2) Its a rev round, its hands off for a reason
3) Spawning yourself in and giving someone, let alone a fellow admin a marauder with increased health and powercell capacity
4) doing all of the above as admins in adminchat.

Son, I am disappoint and I accept whatever punishment comes to me from headmins or SOS.

Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:17 pm
by Aurx
[16:11:15]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner) : For future though it's a good idea to get wrongfully killed players back in the round
[16:25:59]ADMIN: Bluespace/(Boris Pepper) : missle rack the warden
[16:26:04]ADMIN: Bluespace/(Boris Pepper) : increase max health var
[16:26:06]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner) : I will exact terrible vengeance on the Warden for great justice
[16:28:15]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner) : spawn phazon
[16:28:21]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner) : Make sure to choose /loaded
[16:28:22]ADMIN: Bluespace/(Boris Pepper) spawned /obj/mecha/combat/phazon at (128,75,2)
[16:28:34]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner) has used rudimentary transformation on Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner). Transforming to human; deletemob=1
[16:28:35]ADMIN: Bluespace/(Boris Pepper) spawned /obj/mecha/combat/marauder/mauler/loaded at (129,75,2)
[16:28:48]ADMIN: BlessedHeretic/(Doge Coin) has traitor'ed Jack Steiner.
[16:29:30]ADMIN: BlessedHeretic/(Doge Coin) added a new objective for Adminbus: Assassinate Horatio Chopin, the Warden.
[16:29:32]ADMIN: Bluespace/(Boris Pepper) modified Mauler's name to Revenge

[16:31:13]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Adminbus) : Worth it to fuck that warden
[16:38:37]OOC: Adminbus/Stickymayhem : [omitted] I cried until I got a marauder
That's really bad form there. I'm with Brotemis on this. This isn't acceptable behavior for an administrator.

Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:17 pm
by Stickymayhem
A lot of this is taken out of context. OK WITH SOME HELP I GOT THE LOGS.

Brotemis wrote:
[16:11:15]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner) : For future though it's a good idea to get wrongfully killed players back in the round
Firstly, BlessedHeretic was candidating, and he is who I was referring to at the start of those logs. He handled the case questioning the Warden and me, and when my body was hidden, I said that, with a pretty explicit reference to getting people cloned if their bodies are hidden.

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[16:11:34]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner) : At least ensure they get cloned or something
Brotemis wrote:
[16:25:59]ADMIN: Bluespace/(Boris Pepper) : missle rack the warden
[16:26:04]ADMIN: Bluespace/(Boris Pepper) : increase max health var
So it turns out without my realization this did actually occur

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[16:29:44]ADMIN: Bluespace/(Boris Pepper) modified power cell's maxcharge to 150000
I had absolutely no idea this had happened and wouldn't have consented if I had known. Although Brotemis was incorrect in his assertion that the health was modified.

Indeed Bluespace's logs confirm this:

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[16:37:32]ADMIN: Bluespace/(Boris Pepper) : mech be dying
[16:37:35]ADMIN: Bluespace/(Boris Pepper) : need to weld that shit
I was actually just dodging and picking my targets well.

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[16:26:15]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner) : Too much flustering
Although it isn't perfect out of context, this was me saying that increasing the max health was too far. He didn't mention the charge and I didn't expect it to be edited.
Brotemis wrote:
[16:26:06]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner) : I will exact terrible vengeance on the Warden for great justice
[16:28:15]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner) : spawn phazon
[16:28:21]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner) : Make sure to choose /loaded
As for the spawn phazon, again BlessedHeretic first asked how to spawn one. I told him the exact command spawn Phazon. My comment to choose /loaded was general advice for spawning mechs. I was not commanding him to spawn a Phazon. He asked how to and I told him the command.

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[15:54] <Stickymayhem> [16:24:52]ADMIN: BlessedHeretic/(Doge Coin) : Revenge of the Steiner in a Phazon if the timer hits another 10.
[16:28:06]ADMIN: BlessedHeretic/(Doge Coin) : How do I speed build a mecha, it's not on the listing.
[16:28:15]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner) : spawn phazon
[16:28:21]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner) : Make sure to choose /loaded
Brotemis wrote:
[16:28:22]ADMIN: Bluespace/(Boris Pepper) spawned /obj/mecha/combat/phazon at (128,75,2)
[16:28:34]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner) has used rudimentary transformation on Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner). Transforming to human; deletemob=1
[16:28:35]ADMIN: Bluespace/(Boris Pepper) spawned /obj/mecha/combat/marauder/mauler/loaded at (129,75,2)
[16:28:48]ADMIN: BlessedHeretic/(Doge Coin) has traitor'ed Jack Steiner.
[16:29:30]ADMIN: BlessedHeretic/(Doge Coin) added a new objective for Adminbus: Assassinate Horatio Chopin, the Warden.
[16:29:32]ADMIN: Bluespace/(Boris Pepper) modified Mauler's name to Revenge
I spawned myself as a human on the thunderdome. I was given the objective to kill the Warden so I planned to kill him.

Brotemis wrote:
[16:31:13]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Adminbus) : Worth it to fuck that warden
[16:38:37]OOC: Adminbus/Stickymayhem : He saw a mech and instantly killed it and me FNR and I cried until I got a marauder
[16:38:53]OOC: Horatio Chopin/Feretal : But arguing with an admin is probably a bad idea
The final OOC does not mean I whined until I got a marauder, as the snippet suggests, but that I was upset until Bluespace put me in a mech, at which point I obviously felt better.

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[16:38:04]OOC: Adminbus/Stickymayhem : I'm no longer upset at the shit warden
Brotemis wrote:
OOC: Adminbus/Stickymayhem : RESPAWN AND MURDER

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[16:40:20]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Adminbus) toggled respawn to On.

While Blessed was learning the admin commands he was a little slow at roundend, so to make up for it I toggled Respawn so everyone could go nuts for a few minutes instead of twiddling their thumbs. Hence that declaration. It had no relevance and appears to be here as some kind of suggestion I was referring to myself smugly or something.

Brotemis wrote:
[16:41:52]ADMIN: HELP: Kuroi Honoo/(Sven Grey): RD here, I think Sticky losing his mech is partial my fault. I heard there was a rogue Mech. I asked the Warden to come check it out. I tried to talk to the Mech, Sticky aproached. Then Warden came in. I guess he thought you were coming after me? - heard by 3 non-AFK admins who have +BAN.
This was ahelped well after the end of the round so it wasn't of any actual use to the situation, and I was not coming after anyone, but walking down a hallway to cargo to get some ore.

As for the actual situation. It was a quiet portion of the revround, I walked down the hallway minding my own business when suddenly I was exploded in seconds, lascannoned and had my corpse actively hidden. This should never be acceptable behaviour regardless of the roundtype. I am entirely unaware of any policy that security is essentially given antag status during revolution. It appears to be one of your personal beliefs about how the game should work but I have never in my year of play and two months of adminning seen this occur. Security can't just go killing people, particularly people who have been obviously and actively helpful to the round. I gav the Captain a mech, was supplying loyalists and spoke for a while to the HoS about who I could help apprehend. The Warden acted completely out of line, leaving the brig with an ion rifle seemingly just for an excuse to kill a mech. I had caused no harm, and I didn't deserve to die, let alone be hidden because I had a flash on me in the middle of constructing a cyborg. I would enforce this ban regardless of who was involved and I would honestly do it again unless there is some specific policy that lets security do whatever they like during Rev I am missing.

Brotemis you edited down these logs in a really shitty way for some reason. I'm not sure what your motivation was other than to use the shiny adminban button, because this is in no way as bad as you made it seem.

As for the situation, some additional notes:

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[16:05:30]SAY: Horatio Chopin/Feretal : Did you just say the durand was piloted by a nonrev?

[16:06:10]SAY: Horatio Chopin/Feretal : Was this pilot even a rev
And yet he left my corpse in the permabrig hidden, even after realizing his mistake, for about forty or so more minutes.

I helped the Captain and he entirely supported my mech building:

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[16:08:11]ADMIN: PM: Theroboticone/(Danny Shekelstein)->BlessedHeretic/(Doge Coin): he protected me and even made me my own mech. Jack is one of the better players this round.
I didn't personally push for his ban at all. I was asked to be treated like a player and I was.

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[16:07:26]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner) : Treat me like any player

[16:08:24]ADMIN: BlessedHeretic/(Doge Coin) : Captain confirms, Banning warden for a day for unjustified murder.
[16:08:30]ADMIN: BlessedHeretic/(Doge Coin) : Is that ok with everyone?
[16:08:38]ADMIN: Stickymayhem/(Jack Steiner) : I can't comment

Finally, the round was incredibly long and Most were sick of it:

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[16:39:59]OOC: Kimmy Gibbler/Slammo1 : why did this round take forever?
[16:39:41]OOC: Ivan Ivanovitch Ivanovsky/Greyhoundfd : Why did the revs not do anything
[16:38:43]OOC: Lucas Bowchiew/K9Dane : passive revs suck ass
[16:37:34]SAY: Ghost/Amelius : Because almost 2 hour long rev round with no progress on either side
[16:33:20]SAY: Ghost/Bob Dobbington : If admins are on they need to end this fucking round and ban whoever's preventing the shuttle
[16:28:21]SAY: Ghost/Zswords : It's all the fun of an extended round, but with a fun, Can't call the shuttle twist!
[16:28:07]SAY: Ghost/PKPenguin321 : badmins please intervene
[16:28:02]SAY: Ghost/Theroboticone : round is pretty boring
[16:24:16]SAY: Ghost/XX_Hellafied_Xx : do more badminning
[16:20:37]SAY: Ghost/Cedarbridge : This is the rev that doesn't end
It brought a way too long round to a close and was close enough to the two hour point of no return that it made no difference anyway. Something was needed to end the round and I suppose BlessedHeretic took my "Treat me as any player" literally and wanted to make up for a ruined round.

This situation has been blown extraordinarily out of proportion and the logs were cherry-picked to make us look as bad as possible.

Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:18 pm
by Bluespace
brotemis the crusader saves the day. o7

Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 1:19 pm
by BlessedHeretic
These are my recollection of the events that transpired during that round.

At the beginning I was admin'd up by Deuyrn, I started observing, took in round information (Revolution) so I could easily sort out shitlers quickly should anyone start anything. Such as the mime firebombing stuff without being Rev'd.

Anyway, Most of the round was stale for over an hour, The rev was not accelerating, and implants were not being handed out quite harshly, if at all. A few minor events were done to keep the round fresh (Demon to kill an annoying chap constantly raving about how booze was ruining their life. Proven correct when the Demon of Whiskey came, and Cows being ckeyed. And then when horribly murdered, Cow Ops. And a miner captured by science and detained due to his narsie loot being given cult status , a sword and a few soul stones.)

An unusual Ahelp occurred coming from Sticky, I was told to treat him like a regular player, and told him I had to investigate it as such and put his claims into a skeptic point of view. I interviewed the captain , the highest authority about Steiner's actions and it was proven that Steiner was extremely Pro-Loyal with no actions implicating him as a Rev. To the extent he had armed heads of staff with combat mechs.

Thus Steiner's complaint that the Warden had outright murdered him for no reason appeared valid, and the "evidence" the warden supplied for an authorized execution was invalid. He had the option ask Steiner to willingly be implanted, to destroy his mech and implant him after a stun, or at worst, kill Steiner and clone him, cuff him and then implant.

He was told after murder Steiner was extremely unlikely to be a RevHead, and his evidence for him even being one was hilariously skewed. A flash on a Robo? Something that their workplace has and is supplied to them to do their work? On the robo? Insanity! Not to mention giving MECHS to Heads of Staff is not something a HeadRev would want to do , ever. But still he took it upon himself to hide the corpse in the Insanity Ward.

I waited about 30 minutes after the event before accelerating the round end by reviving Steiner, giving him assassinate the warden and getting help from bluespace to arm him in a bigger mech for the revenge.

At this point in the game (1 hour 40 minutes) The revs were not aggressive, nor was the heads of staff. It was a round morphed into extended by cowards. I had put a lot of plans to end the round into action. The HoS was given the Nuke Code and the objective to end the revolution once and for all, and Steiner was given a mech to purge.

I fumbled the end round Day ban planned for the warden, and job ban for abusing his position to arm himself murder people for the slimmest justifications.

Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 1:31 pm
by Bluespace
why are people even concerned about this
we, as in the collect admins online, decided to end the round by giving someone who was a victim of security that round a chance to end it
i would've ended it some other way had it not ended like that
the round was amazingly stale

Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 2:49 pm
by Stickymayhem
Does anyone have any kind of legitimate reason as to why ending a 100 minute round in which nothing happened is bad?

Does anyone have any kind of legitimate reason as to why daybanning someone for randomly destroying a mech and murdering the occupant with no evidence, then hiding the body is bad?

Only two people actually had a problem with the way this round was handled. Feretal and Brotemis.

Every other player on the server had no issue with the round being ended via mech.

What I mean to say is that the round absolutely needed to be ended and almost everyone was appreciative of the fact that it finally did. At the time and in the logs I saw no real complaints except from Feretal in the OOC afterwards


Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 3:50 pm
by Stickymayhem
Jordie0608 wrote:-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace
Date: Tue Aug 05, 2014 1:39 am
From: bandit
To: Jordie0608
bandit wrote: Sticky said this: "Only two people actually had a problem with the way this round was handled. Feretal and Brotemis."

I think this is very unfair given the rules of the thread. Sticky's mech killed a lot of people, not all of whom were admins, but the OP says only admins are allowed to post. I do have a problem with the way the round was handled, because I got killed by the mech, but I can't say that, so there is no way to refute that statement, even though it's false.
Fair enough. That was a sweeping statement. What I really meant was that the vast majority of the server was appreciative of the round finally coming to a close, and the way to end the round was to kill the revheads. People need to die for the round to end in most cases, whether from meteors, aliums, extra antags or in this case a mech. I'm happy to retract that statement but as evidenced by some of the logs I posted, the round very much needed to end.

Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:04 pm
by TheBibleMelts
Ending rounds via "give one person ultimate power" is generally not the thing to do in a situation where a round needs to be finished.

Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:12 pm
by Hibbles
The fact that you banned an admin of equal rank to yourself(!) without consulting either active Headmin or SoS(!!) and then to argue for it, appear to have deliberately cherrypicked logs and removed context to build a stronger case(!!!) is a really bad sign. I wasn't thrilled when I heard about this, but to be honest, what I just mentioned concerns me far more than what these guys are alleged to have done.

Brotemis, you're not John Wayne in space. I'm going to speak to each person accused here individually about this and find out more, but for now, I want these admin bans removed immediately, and I'm going to place one on you just until you come to IRC and explain yourself to Dueryn, SoS, or preferrably both. I would say me too but I dunno if I'd be on or you'd be up to listening to anything I had to say.

This kind of behavior from you, towards any member of this community, whether players or fellow admins, is ogre as of now.

Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:35 pm
by Brotemis
Have I argued at all? Not in the least, I made the post and informed those online of what I was doing. And as stated in the post, its a bitch to copy and paste from the logs.

The bottom line is that it is unacceptable behavior for admins to not only dip their hands into rev-rounds in full swing by inserting themselves; but to ban a member of security for making a potential mistake, one that was noted by the RD in an adminhelp after the round and before the ban was placed; to be using anything but the adminhelp interface rather than ASAY because you didn't deadmin yourself and then use human transformation on yourself to bring yourself back into the round; To give a fellow admin antag to specifically kill the person that killed them; to give them a fully loaded modified marauder to attack and kill security team members; and lastly to condone any of these actions and not recognize what it is: Abuse of the admin position, the trust put into it for recognizing good judgement, and the authority that comes with it.

I did say I would accept any punishment that comes to me and will take my ban, but I will not remove the bans or reapply feretal's ban. And I will not return to admin in any such time that HBL continues to condone this behavior. I make myself no john wayne, or shining beacon of light or anything else. We are representatives of the server and SOS' rules and I am just as disappointed in you considering your behavior toward fellow admins and players alike.

Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:48 pm
by Hibbles

FAKE EDIT: spoken with Bluespace and Sticky about the value of not doing stupid things (a subject upon which I have loads of firsthand admin experience) but this isn't exactly the apocalypse when you look at it in perspective, IMO. It was a series of bad ideas. And since I'm the one making the ruling, then welp. As for Blessed, I think this might unfortunately slow down the whole candidate trial thing given what happened, but I'll need to speak to them as well personally.

Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:50 pm
by Aurx
Hibbles wrote:The fact that you banned an admin of equal rank to yourself(!) without consulting either active Headmin or SoS(!!)
I see absolutely no reason whatsoever that admins should be somehow exempt from being banned by their peers when they are deemed to have done wrong. Admins aren't special privileged existences that can do no wrong, they're players like anyone else. When they fuck up, as they appear to have this time, they should be held accountable like any player would be.

Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:00 pm
by Brotemis
Hibbles wrote:Okay.

FAKE EDIT: spoken with Bluespace and Sticky about the value of not doing stupid things (a subject upon which I have loads of firsthand admin experience) but this isn't exactly the apocalypse when you look at it in perspective, IMO. It was a series of bad ideas. And since I'm the one making the ruling, then welp. As for Blessed, I think this might unfortunately slow down the whole candidate trial thing given what happened, but I'll need to speak to them as well personally.
The biggest problem for me was that an admin spawned a mech for another admin, who proceeded to kill the person who killed them, and then another admin banned said person who was killed.

Were I the person on the receiving end of all this, I would lose faith in the administration of the server

Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:06 pm
by Bluespace
the warden was going to be banned anyway.
i said wait till the end since it was rev.
the mech was basically dual purpose kill the warden/heads anyway.
i spawn mechs for players all the time.

Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:27 pm
by Stickymayhem
Bluespace wrote: i spawn mechs for players all the time.
Brotemis you do this frequently as well.

Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:22 pm
by MrStonedOne
I make this post not as the forum host, but as a trial admin. Take it as such.
Ok, the way i see it, sticky shouldn't even be involved in this.

Bro, regardless of rather or not you were in the right for banning the others, stickys part in this was making a complaint to other admins, then later on, telling an admin trainee how to do something when asked.

Banning him was out of line plain and simple. I can't see any argument for a ban against him considering his role was telling a admin trainee how to do something when asked, and being on the receiving end of admin powers provided by other admins in a situation he asked to be treated as a player.

Brotemis, Your feedback thread has multiple players (including myself) bringing up the concern that you rush to judgments too quickly, and that once you get it in your head that someone is a bad player or someone is shit, this tends to color your judgement.

The banning of sticky is obviously one of those cases.

You rushed to a judgement way too quickly, and the invoking of rule 0 to skirt admin guidelines is kinda the worst situation to be rushing to a judgement.

The log snipping around context just adds a fucking cherry to the top. You say its hard to copy and paste logs, yet there is a tool to help you sort thru the logs linked in the admin memo that shows up every time you connect to the game.

A search for "admin:" in that tool would have given you every spawn, asay, ahelp, and apm in one listing, since every log line relating to admin actions or admin communication starts with the word "admin:"

With how long you have been admining, you should know this by now.

The closest thing you have to a reason to banning him was that he turned himself into a human from a ghost. "bring yourself back into the round" as you called it. But as we have learned, this happened in the thunderdome, something you couldn't have known without asking them first, and something you Didn't do. The most telling fact is that you took action that broke admin guidelines under rule 0 without even asking any questions.

So one of two things happened, you misread logs by not using the log viewer to filter thru them currently, then took action based on incomplete information without asking the people you were about to ban anything. OR your actions were clouded with malice and this is the exact situation the admin guidelines you broke were designed to prevent.

Neither look good on you.

Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:26 pm
by leibniz
Brotemis wrote:2) Its a rev round, its hands off for a reason
Rev isnt "hands off", it's just what we say when we can't be bothered to investigate something (which happens often in rev).

Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:38 pm
by Brotemis
Logging in to say that Mrstonedone is steno, and I actually don't spawn mecha for people to end rev rounds. Only time I have ever spawned mecha was for event rounds.

Reason rev is hands off is because it's a shitty round type, people die for very little reasons and unless a very clear cut case of griff, we shouldn't be stomping on people's toes for it otherwise everyone ends up banned or dead or both. Personally, the only person I'm waiting for comment from is SOS

Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:48 pm
by Hornygranny
It's not steno. I wrote the rules for this subforum, and he is very clearly within his rights to post here. Did you not read the rules, or do you not read our private forum/follow IRC?
Hornygranny wrote:2. If you are not an admin or directly involved with the complaint (You are the guy who was banned, you saw what happened, you were his victim, etc.) then do not post in the complaint.
MrStonedOne wrote:I make this post not as the forum host, but as a trial admin. Take it as such.

Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:34 am
by Swagile
I feel a lot of this was rushed by Sticky and the administration currently online.

I do not have the logs currently, but when I was observering, someone in dchat told me "hey guys, marauder in thunderdome. ghost to adminbus".

So I looked for Adminbus and lo and behold, I saw a marauder. I thought an admin was just dicking about in thunderdome until I heard something about "revenge on the warden"(?). Before that, I prayed to be a monkey to fight the marauder.

And then, suddenly, the marauder is teleported away. When I TP to Adminbus, said player (Sticky) was stomping around in bridge hallway with an announcement of a "dangerous mech on the station".

Said marauder makes a beeline to security and murders EVERYTHING.

Now, sticky's reasoning for doing this is because A) warden is shit for shooting him in his mech and B) the rev round was stale.

But a lot of it was because he disliked the player in question, which is similar to the grey tiding incident in which he was fucking with hop, got dunked, then admin PM'd him. Except this time he sent a marauder against said player. This can be backed with logs of him saying how shit the warden is in dead chat. Several other players were also upset with the administration currently on as per the logs if checked.

Had Sticky investigated this and/or asked another admin to investigate, he'd realize that the Warden actually opened fire because there was several radio calls about a "assistant in a durand". In rev rounds, security is extremely edgy, and with no way to identify who is in a mech except putting yourself in danger, id assume the warden would opt for a less dangerous solution of gunning the durand down instead of trying to figure it out by putting himself in harms way.

P.S. I was in the round, both living when I heard said radio calls, and dead later on (forgot why I was dead, but yeah, I died). It all boiled down to a huge IC misunderstanding from what I can recall which turned into admins spawning a mech to deal with it.

P.S.S If these points were already covered, sorry, couldn't be arsed to read all the walls of texts.

Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 2:27 am
by cedarbridge
Swagile wrote:Had Sticky investigated this and/or asked another admin to investigate, he'd realize that the Warden actually opened fire because there was several radio calls about a "assistant in a durand". In rev rounds, security is extremely edgy, and with no way to identify who is in a mech except putting yourself in danger, id assume the warden would opt for a less dangerous solution of gunning the durand down instead of trying to figure it out by putting himself in harms way.
I watched the original altercation with the Durand as well as the Marauder. A bit more context might help I suppose.

There were two Durands. The first was made and taken to the library. It was left with the librarian. It was hijacked by somebody else and they tore off into maint or something. Sticky was moderately upset about this so he went and got his second Durand, kitted it and walked it out into the hallway. At the time it arrived at the chef's counter, the warden appeared with the Ion gun in one hand and the Las cannon in the other and opened fire. The Durand got popped by the ion shots and the Warden instantly transitioned into full kill mode las cannoning the pilot without even verifying it was "an assistant" or anything else. He then drug him to cloning where he found a flash in his (a roboticist) backpack, declared that he must be a headrev because why else would a roboticist have a flash, and dragged him through the brig, past the original durand which had been captured by sec and straight into the sanitarium where it was left for the remainder of the round.

That is the details of the incident as I saw them from start to finish.

Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 2:33 am
by Swagile
cedarbridge wrote:
Swagile wrote:Had Sticky investigated this and/or asked another admin to investigate, he'd realize that the Warden actually opened fire because there was several radio calls about a "assistant in a durand". In rev rounds, security is extremely edgy, and with no way to identify who is in a mech except putting yourself in danger, id assume the warden would opt for a less dangerous solution of gunning the durand down instead of trying to figure it out by putting himself in harms way.
I watched the original altercation with the Durand as well as the Marauder. A bit more context might help I suppose.

There were two Durands. The first was made and taken to the library. It was left with the librarian. It was hijacked by somebody else and they tore off into maint or something. Sticky was moderately upset about this so he went and got his second Durand, kitted it and walked it out into the hallway. At the time it arrived at the chef's counter, the warden appeared with the Ion gun in one hand and the Las cannon in the other and opened fire. The Durand got popped by the ion shots and the Warden instantly transitioned into full kill mode las cannoning the pilot without even verifying it was "an assistant" or anything else. He then drug him to cloning where he found a flash in his (a roboticist) backpack, declared that he must be a headrev because why else would a roboticist have a flash, and dragged him through the brig, past the original durand which had been captured by sec and straight into the sanitarium where it was left for the remainder of the round.

That is the details of the incident as I saw them from start to finish.
Thank you for verifying this, it seems I was mistaken about the after math part of the incident as I only heard about it from others in deadchat and watched a bit of it.

Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:39 am
by Stickymayhem
Blessed's investigation was fine. As the a say logs showed I was not the one investigating and told him to treat me like any player.

I'd recommend you read the walls of text before contributing as they have the relevant logs.

Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:50 pm
by Brotemis
As a reminder to those not involved, this is what happens when you admin greytiders who offer empty apologies (without even knowing what they apologize for) and the defense of "cherrypicked" logs, then proceed to gloat.

This complaint can be closed since HBL has condoned these actions I'm out until HBL is gone.


Re: Brotemis v. Blessed, Stickymayhem, Bluespace

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:53 pm
by Bluespace
I actually spoke to HBL in adminbus and asked for your ban to be lifted.