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[BlessedHeretic]Abusing admin during nuke ops

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 8:38 am
by Fatal
Basically, nuke op round, RNG made Blessed a syndiborg, happens often to admins, I understand

The syndicate operatives were:
Earlofburger was Fridge Faqua (body destroyed)
K Peculier was Diego Faqua (survived)
PressMe was Jorge Faqua (body destroyed)
Neonwarrior was Eduardo Faqua (body destroyed)
Cheech1297 was Kaydence Faqua (body destroyed)
BlessedHeretic was Space Carp - Advanced (survived)
rainofspades was Space Carp _ Advanced (died)

He made both syndicate cyborgs reskinned as space carp, and then proceeded to murder the entire crew with his own borg, and gave the nuke ops some carp grenades which spawned space carp, making dead space carp cover a decent portion of the station, making it near impossible to realise he was a borg and not a regular carp, hence, giving OPs a massive boost

No logs, but time of round start was about 08:45 GMT

Re: [BlessedHeretic]Abusing admin during nuke ops

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 8:41 am
by oranges
I was involved in this round

People had mixed opinions, they basically curbstomped us pretty hard and it wasn't very fun for anyone but the OPS.

Re: [BlessedHeretic]Abusing admin during nuke ops

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 8:42 am
by twotwobread
OOC: K Peculier: Waaah, I could not use my meta knowledge on the carp.

How fucking DARE you want to use an ion rifle or flash on something but be unable to since you thought it was just a space carp at a glance, a mob that DOES NOT have any ranged attacks?

Re: [BlessedHeretic]Abusing admin during nuke ops

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 8:45 am
by BlessedHeretic
I confess to this, I offered the nukes a gimmic for a large sum of their TC, since it was a carp gimmic they specifically asked for I gave them some cutlasses in place of their e-swords, some carp grenades (Which are hostile to both ops and crew.) and i reskinned the borg. In hindsight the borg reskin was much to far, as CP has explained to me. I apologize for the borgs reskin in particular.

In the future I have promised to not mess around with the icon states of very deadly player controlled mobs.

Re: [BlessedHeretic]Abusing admin during nuke ops

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 8:52 am
by CreationPro
CP here, and I am just dropping by to say that I did, in fact talk to blessed about it. Blessed shouldn't be re-skinning powerful mobs and causing confusion again.