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Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 6:09 am
by Jembo
Admin Involved TechnoAlchemist

Players Name / C-key Josh Morris / Jembo

Player Involved Slays-The-Fox / Kodeth101

I feel like this admin he could of handled this situation differently, if he didn't like how I interacted with the player he could of PM'd me and had me release him. But instead he made him an antag who went around killing a bunch of players. Also if I wasn't as level headed in the situation, TechnoAlchemist could of easily job banned me for back talk, or even banned me in general for throwing a player in perma if I wasn't able to properly defend myself during the initial round of questioning. As he already deemed me to be in the wrong against a player who made bomb threats with a bag full of bombs.

Summary I heard the AI say a scientist was making bomb threats, Kodeth101 So I go to science to investigate the situation myself where another officer Helps-In-Part already had him cornered. Both the AI, and Helps-In-Part said that Kodeth101 made bomb threats. When searched he had a pack full of bombs and I had no choice but to take his threats seriously. Upon being brigged though my questioning of him he continued to insult me, and someone attempted to break into the HOS's office, as well as a plasma fire broke out. So I had no time to deal with him. I threw him in perma, and began to sort out the other station issues, which was becoming a longer, and longer list the longer I tried to get the truth out of him, though his insults. Shortly after I get an admin PM from TechnoAlchemist asking my why Kodeth101 was in perma. They seemed satisfied with my response, and I treated with with a great deal of respect and even offered up my logs showing I had two witnesses stating he made bomb threats.

The round continued as normally, and I got hit in the leg with a throwing star and began to bleed out when I noticed him running around the halls. We have a short fight but I collapse and pass out from a mix of the throwing star, and him not being able to stay down after getting stunned. *And me being unrobust* He drags me into my captains office, using an emag strips off my PDA, takes me into my back room and kills me hiding my body in the showers. I then spoke to TechnoAlchemist though admin PM and I feel like the logs tell a good enough story.


My interactions with the admins that round.
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): Got a moment?
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): Sure do
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): Why did you perma Slays-The-Fox?
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): Bomb threats comfirmed by the AI, and another sec officer by the name of Helps-In-Part
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): He also had a pack full of bombs at the time of his arrest
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): Alright, thank you.
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): Do you want my logs where I had both people telling me he made threats or is that enough?
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): I believe that he did make the threat, just seeing the validity of the perma ect ect.
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): Ah thank you, well have a nice day.
HELP: Jembo/(Josh Morris): Hello I have a complain to make - heard by 4 non-AFK admins who have +BAN.
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): Alright
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): So I got admin helped by a traitor, was overtly being a traitor?
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): Then he magically broke out and killed me?
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): I wanna know why someone can admin help, when they're obviously in the wrong and got caught in the wrong just to ban the person who caught them out.
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): Nobody got banned
PM: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): Looks like an admin gave him a free antag status and some free emag to go with it.
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TheBibleMelts/(Xemo): Oh really?
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): But let's say I wasn't as level headed when you did message me, and lost my cool I could have easily gotten banned or job banned.
PM: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): Techno made him an antag and spawned some things in his cell so he could escape because he felt the sentancing was improper.
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): We don't job ban for bad attitude.
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): At least I don't
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): No but you have bans captains in properly perma brigging people
PM: ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis)->Jacough/(Kreyvn Morhed): From what I heard from the two ais: Plasma was still in secuirty and the person who was causing all of this was still walking around.
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): Or taking people out of the round.
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): I wasn't planning on banning you, I was just seeing what the terms of the permabrigging was. IT was an investigation not a witchhunt.
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): I apologize for inadvertently ruining your round.
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): You didn't ruin my round, but this kind of shit would easily ruin another players round
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): So you didn't like something that happened ICly, that the captain did so you gave the other player the tools to kill the captain and free'd him?

End Round Report showing that he's not an antag, even though in the logs given to me he was made one.
The traitors were:
Steve Mic(Kaptin alexander) as a Shaft Miner (survived) (used 0 TC)
Objective #1: Prevent Alondra Straub, the Assistant, from escaping alive. Fail.
Objective #2: Die a glorious death. Fail.
The traitor has failed!

Artotrogus Tasius(Aloraydrel) as an Atmospheric Technician (survived)
Objective #1: Prevent Wynter Pearsall, the Scientist, from escaping alive. Success!
Objective #2: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Success!
The traitor was successful!

Chlorals-the-chaplain(Madeppymage) as a Cargo Technician (survived) (used 20 TC)
Objective #1: Steal the chief engineer's advanced magnetic boots. Fail.
Objective #2: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.
The traitor has failed!

Tyrone Jones(SheriffTubbyNips) as a Station Engineer (survived) (used 0 TC)
Objective #1: Steal the hypospray. Fail.
Objective #2: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.
The traitor has failed!

Viktor Hark(PrinceOfIgor) as a Lawyer (survived) (used 20 TC)
Objective #1: Assassinate Kreyvn Morhed, the Atmospheric Technician. Fail.
Objective #2: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Success!
The traitor has failed!

The code phrases were: Mining Dock, fat.
The code responses were: Barbara Baker, Research and Development, rub
Full Admin Logs Thanks to TheBibleMelts
HELP: Kodeth101/(Slays-The-Fox): The Captain is permabrigging me for making bombs and allegedly making bomb threats, despite me only having the bombs in science. - heard by 4 non-AFK admins who have +BAN.
ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis) spawned /obj/structure/stool/bed/chair/janicart at (131,76,2)
TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart) jumped to Kodeth101/(Slays-The-Fox)
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Kodeth101/(Slays-The-Fox): I'll look into it, did you actually make bomb threats?
ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis) modified janicart's icon_state to engineering_pod
ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis) has used rudimentary transformation on ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis). Transforming to human; deletemob=1
ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis) spawned /obj/item/key/janitor at (131,76,2)
PM: Kodeth101/(Slays-The-Fox)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): I told a Security Officer, before I was even making the bombs, that I was going to bomb the CMO. I told him it was a joke, though, and that I had no intent to do so at all.
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): Got a moment?
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): Sure do
ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis) used gibself.
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Kodeth101/(Slays-The-Fox): Alright i'll talk to them, give me a bit.
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): Why did you perma Slays-The-Fox?
ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis) jumped to Kodeth101/(Slays-The-Fox)
PM: Kodeth101/(Slays-The-Fox)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): The officer was a lizard as well, named Helps-In-Part
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): Bomb threats comfirmed by the AI, and another sec officer by the name of Helps-In-Part
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): He also had a pack full of bombs at the time of his arrest
ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis) : sounds like he dug his own grave
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): Alright, thank you.
TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart) : Yeah honestly.
HELP: Aliannera/(Kinuia Seaweaver): This AI is a joke. It refuses to listen. Just sayin'. - heard by 4 non-AFK admins who have +BAN.
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): Do you want my logs where I had both people telling me he made threats or is that enough?
PM: ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis)->Aliannera/(Kinuia Seaweaver): which one?
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): I believe that he did make the threat, just seeing the validity of the perma ect ect.
PM: Aliannera/(Kinuia Seaweaver)->ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis): Both of them. We cleaned up the plasma but it still did not let me into the bridge despite calling on Law 2.
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Kodeth101/(Slays-The-Fox): Yeah I would say the perma is valid, but let me help you out bruddah.
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): Ah thank you, well have a nice day.
PM: Kodeth101/(Slays-The-Fox)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): Alright, thanks.
TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart) spawned /obj/item/device/multitool/uplink at (102,181,1)
TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart) healed / Revived Kodeth101/(Slays-The-Fox)
HELP: Jacough/(Kreyvn Morhed): Can you investigate this AI? It refused to allow the shuttle to be recalled because of some law 1 bullshit that wasn't even enough of an issue to warrant an emergency shuttle call. Specifically a plasma flood in escape that was cleaned up in like two minutes with absolutely no harm done to anyone - heard by 4 non-AFK admins who have +BAN.
PM: ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis)->Jacough/(Kreyvn Morhed): Both of them?
PM: Jacough/(Kreyvn Morhed)->ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis): Yeah both of them
ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis) jumped to Jacough/(Kreyvn Morhed)
TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart) added a new objective for Slays-The-Fox: Get revenge on the racists who inhabit this space station.
TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart) toggled the win state for Slays-The-Fox's objective: Get revenge on the racists who inhabit this space station.
PM: ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis)->CandyClown/(H.E.L.P.eR.): Hello
PM: CandyClown/(H.E.L.P.eR.)->ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis): Hey.
PM: ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis)->CandyClown/(H.E.L.P.eR.): Whats up with not allowing the shuttle to be recalled?
PM: CandyClown/(H.E.L.P.eR.)->ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis): There was plasma. A lot of it.
PM: ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis)->CandyClown/(H.E.L.P.eR.): where at?
PM: CandyClown/(H.E.L.P.eR.)->ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis): Arrivals, escape, and security.
PM: ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis)->Summoner99/(VPR-6): Hello
PM: Summoner99/(VPR-6)->ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis): Yes?
PM: CandyClown/(H.E.L.P.eR.)->ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis): At least at the time, there was.
PM: ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis)->Summoner99/(VPR-6): Whats up with not allowing the shuttle to be recalled?
PM: Summoner99/(VPR-6)->ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis): Is this about the CMO who wanted to recall the shuttle even though we had human harm issues, plasma flooding and station damages?
PM: Summoner99/(VPR-6)->ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis): Have* is the term, as it was occuring as we held it
ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis) : is there any actualy ruling on Ais forcing shuttle calls?
PM: Summoner99/(VPR-6)->ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis): We still have yet to capture the man doing the damages, as he is in space and security is doing a wacky chase around the station trying to stop the non-human
TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart) : Honestly no
SubtleGraces/(Carl Shady) : Always thought it was funny how AIs are barred from recalling and yet they're allowed to call, despite being hardwired to be insanely fussy and preventionary.
TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart) : They could recall until fairly recently
ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis) : Honestly they should be able to call at all
PM: ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis)->CandyClown/(H.E.L.P.eR.): Ok cool
TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart) added a new objective for Slays-The-Fox: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
PM: ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis)->Summoner99/(VPR-6): Ok cool
PM: CandyClown/(H.E.L.P.eR.)->ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis): OK.
TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) checked antagonists.
TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) : how did slays the fox escape
PM: CandyClown/(H.E.L.P.eR.)->ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis): Have a nice day then.
ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis) jumped to TheBibleMelts/(Xemo)
PM: ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis)->CandyClown/(H.E.L.P.eR.): you to man
TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) : he's killing people
ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis) : yea
PM: CandyClown/(H.E.L.P.eR.)->ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis): Don't tell me what to do!
TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart) : He is an antagonist
TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) : was he always?
TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart) : No
Madeppymage/(Chlorals-the-chaplain) opened a canister that contains plasma at 122, 87, 1
PM: ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis)->CandyClown/(H.E.L.P.eR.):
HELP: Jembo/(Josh Morris): Hello I have a complain to make - heard by 4 non-AFK admins who have +BAN.
TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) : why would you give someone who has a grudge and got their own ass imprisoned valids
ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis) : should have let him rot in perma
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): Alright
PM: CandyClown/(H.E.L.P.eR.)->ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis):
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): So I got admin helped by a traitor, was overtly being a traitor?
PM: ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis)->CandyClown/(H.E.L.P.eR.):
PM: Jacough/(Kreyvn Morhed)->ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis): Still investigating?
PM: CandyClown/(H.E.L.P.eR.)->ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis):
TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart) : I felt the conditions of his perma sentence were stupid
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): Then he magically broke out and killed me?
HELP: PrinceOfIgor/(Viktor Hark): What's the policy on anything explosive on the escape shuttle - heard by 4 non-AFK admins who have +BAN.
TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) : if you felt his conditions were stupid you should have just talked to the captain not gave him a goddamn validboner
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->PrinceOfIgor/(Viktor Hark): Don't do it if you're not an antagonist
TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) : his round was ruined because of his owns actions, ultimately
PM: ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis)->Jacough/(Kreyvn Morhed): Annoying thing to do but not really against the rules.
ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis) jumped to Jacough/(Kreyvn Morhed)
TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) : you gave him a free pass out of perma and let him ruin someone elses round
TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart) : Apologies
TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) : seriously man don't warp people in magical emags
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): I wanna know why someone can admin help, when they're obviously in the wrong and got caught in the wrong just to ban the person who caught them out.
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): Nobody got banned
PM: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): Looks like an admin gave him a free antag status and some free emag to go with it.
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TheBibleMelts/(Xemo): Oh really?
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): But let's say I wasn't as level headed when you did message me, and lost my cool I could have easily gotten banned or job banned.
PM: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): Techno made him an antag and spawned some things in his cell so he could escape because he felt the sentancing was improper.
TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) checked antagonists.
TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) delayed the round end.
PM: Jacough/(Kreyvn Morhed)->ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis): Wait what? It's a pretty blatant violation of its laws. There was no danger. The plasma flood was clearly dealt with and the AI even said itself that it was. Therefore, Law 2. AI was ordered to open the bridge so the shuttle could be recalled because there was no danger. So no, the AI can't just claim Law 1 because as I said, issue was long since taken care of and wasn't even severe enough to do any long term damage
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): We don't job ban for bad attitude.
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): At least I don't
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): No but you have bans captains in properly perma brigging people
PM: ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis)->Jacough/(Kreyvn Morhed): From what I heard from the two ais: Plasma was still in secuirty and the person who was causing all of this was still walking around.
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): Or taking people out of the round.
PM: ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis)->Jacough/(Kreyvn Morhed): I can confirm both
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): I wasn't planning on banning you, I was just seeing what the terms of the permabrigging was. IT was an investigation not a witchhunt.
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): I apologize for inadvertently ruining your round.
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): You didn't ruin my round, but this kind of shit would easily ruin another players round
PM: Jacough/(Kreyvn Morhed)->ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis): Fuck it. If it's alright with you I'd like to get some other people to weigh in on this on the forums
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): So you didn't like something that happened ICly, that the captain did so you gave the other player the tools to kill the captain and free'd him?
SubtleGraces/(Carl Shady) spawned /obj/item/weapon/gun/energy/xray at (143,99,2)
SubtleGraces/(Carl Shady) spawned /obj/item/weapon/gun/energy/xray at (143,98,2)
SubtleGraces/(Carl Shady) spawned /obj/item/weapon/gun/energy/xray at (143,97,2)

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 8:01 am
by TechnoAlchemist
You're right I could have handled this much better.

I am sorry for ruining your round.

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 3:11 pm
by Hibbles
I'm curious, why was the decision made to give Sly the ultimate revenge setting on his character? Like, we've established that it happened and Techno has apologized, but why in the first place?

EDIT: Also to address your more general issue with administration, yes, if you flip out and lose your shit in PMs rather than talk about things like a human being it can sometimes backfire on you spectacularly. Less because 'banned, admin disrespect' because look around for four seconds at the people we could remove if we wanted to do that, but because we need to be able to talk about this reasonably. If we PM a person about why they toolboxed the Botanist and we get a ASDGHHJHTJAFDF MARXISTS scrawl, what exactly do you expect us to do?

Especially when players have definitely expressed in the past that they always prefer admins to talk to them before placing bans (for understandable reasons)?

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 7:55 pm
by TechnoAlchemist
My misguided reasoning for giving them *revenge* was because they made an empty threat after a bout of IC racism, and was given a perma sentence for this reactionary threat. So he was given a perma sentence and I felt it was unfair for that player to be taken out of the game for such a small thing, even though it was valid IC because bomb threats are serious.

That's it really, it was in fact a mistake.

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 9:01 pm
by Vekter
Were you aware of the fact that he had TTVs in his backpack?

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 9:53 pm
by TechnoAlchemist
I was aware that he made bombs inside of toxins and that the bombs did not in fact leave science.

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 11:47 pm
by Jembo
I know that personally that some people on staff were making racist remarks. I wasn't one of them, and never referred to anyone in such a manner. Given the long stream of insults by the player I was questioning I feel as though I was rather patient when dealing with them. He wouldn't even admit that he made the threats as a joke, just denied them flat out all together despite having two witnesses stating otherwise. One being a lizard crew member, and thus proving that he couldn't be trusted.
EDIT: Also to address your more general issue with administration, yes, if you flip out and lose your shit in PMs rather than talk about things like a human being it can sometimes backfire on you spectacularly. Less because 'banned, admin disrespect' because look around for four seconds at the people we could remove if we wanted to do that, but because we need to be able to talk about this reasonably. If we PM a person about why they toolboxed the Botanist and we get a ASDGHHJHTJAFDF MARXISTS scrawl, what exactly do you expect us to do?

Especially when players have definitely expressed in the past that they always prefer admins to talk to them before placing bans (for understandable reasons)?
I have seen a player perma-banned for using a word an admin didn't personally like, despite not being against the rules.

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 7:17 am
by Hibbles

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 10:29 am
by Jembo

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 2:44 pm
by Hibbles
You mean that ban which was lifted (as in, ruled invalid by the administration) within a single day of the appeal being made, six months ago?
One of the things that always struck me about TG is how well the oversight works, especially if we're grading on a curve. When admins fuck up, guess what happens. You go onto the forums and raise a stink about it. Well, I should specify. If it's a legitimate thing, you go on the forums, raise a stink about it, and the other admins are often the first to agree. So even if a bad call is made, it's lifted, and the more obviously bad the call is, the faster it's resolved.

That's not always what happens, yeah, we're flawed just like anybody else. But we're doing our best, man. We really are. Look around you.

Look at this actual very thread.
Do you have any more recent examples, or bans that were sustained?

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 4:15 am
by Jembo
You mean that ban which was lifted (as in, ruled invalid by the administration) within a single day of the appeal being made, six months ago?
Yes please downplay an admin permabanning someone for saying a word he didn't like. Let's not forget the flip flop on ban reasons, or the change your behavior even though you didn't do anything wrong. It's kind of a common trend involving the administration on this server, and I've been playing for a long time.

I mean where's the accountability for what Techno did? If this was a player who set off a bomb, or killed a few people they'd get day ban, maybe longer depending on how they acted and how many people they ended up inconveniencing though the round. But because it's an admin, we the player base can basically expect they're gonna get off Scott free?
PM: TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart)->Jembo/(Josh Morris): I apologize for inadvertently ruining your round.
PM: Jembo/(Josh Morris)->TechnoAlchemist/(Breaks-The-Heart): You didn't ruin my round, but this kind of shit would easily ruin another players round
I am sorry for ruining your round.
I mean how am I supposed to accept an apology when it's so blatantly insincere, it's basically a slap in the face and what's great is they didn't even think it was their fault. When they revived a player and gave them a free objective to kill me. *Let's be honest it might as well of been assassinate the captain.*

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 7:45 pm
by Hibbles
What do you think we should do with Techno, then?

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:22 pm
by Jembo
Hibbles wrote:What do you think we should do with Techno, then?
If I was in charge of this sorta thing, I'd de-admin or ban Techno for one day for each person that got killed by Slays-The-Fox / Kodeth101 .

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 10:22 pm
by Vekter
If a character reference helps his case, Techno has been one of our better trial admins and I'm extremely glad to have him with us.

I think he's learned his lesson, but it's not up to me.

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 10:40 pm
by Jembo
Vekter wrote:If a character reference helps his case, Techno has been one of our better trial admins and I'm extremely glad to have him with us.

I think he's learned his lesson, but it's not up to me.
Off topic, not ruling in the case, and wasn't there please remove.

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 11:21 pm
by Stickymayhem
This wasn't particularly well handled but Techno has acknowledged the problem and this isn't a case where deadminning people is him is going to be necessary.

I'll warn him about this incident.

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 10:49 am
by Sometinyprick
Jembo wrote:
Hibbles wrote:What do you think we should do with Techno, then?
If I was in charge of this sorta thing, I'd de-admin or ban Techno for one day for each person that got killed by Slays-The-Fox / Kodeth101 .
How many people died because of him?
Do you know?

unlocked for the moment so you can respond.

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 10:57 am
by Jembo
TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) : how did slays the fox escape
PM: CandyClown/(H.E.L.P.eR.)->ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis): Have a nice day then.
ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis) jumped to TheBibleMelts/(Xemo)
PM: ThatSlyFox/(Jim Otis)->CandyClown/(H.E.L.P.eR.): you to man
TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) : he's killing people
I am unsure on the matter, I was talking to admins trying to figure out what was going on. But from the logs I got from TheBibleMetls, it would seem like more than one, unless the wording was a little screwy which happens it is text on the internet.

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 11:00 am
by Sometinyprick
If you can give me the timeframe for the round I will be able to work it out, if you can remember that is.

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 11:23 am
by Jembo
05/24/2015 Around 12:03 a.m.

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 11:27 am
by Sometinyprick
Alright I can't load up logs atm, but I will take a look at this in a few hours or so when I'm at my actual computer.

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 2:23 pm
by Sometinyprick
I intended to ban TechnoAlchemist for two days but sticky disagreed, I will talk to hg when I get a chance.

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 2:33 am
by Kodeth101
Yeah, I don't know why he decided to give me antag. Kinda fucked up, I really deserved to be perma'd. I shouldn't have ahelped when I noticed Techno was on, I kinda had a feeling something shitty would happen.

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 3:28 am
by oranges
Would techno have been hanging out in the same teamspeak as kodeth and tedward?

Because I see a pattern.

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 12:36 pm
by tedward1337
oranges wrote:Would techno have been hanging out in the same teamspeak as kodeth and tedward?

Because I see a pattern.

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 12:50 pm
by DemonFiren
The conspiracy is revealed.

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 1:15 pm
by Tsaricide
Have you talked to HG yet about this stp?

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:35 pm
by Skorvold
TechnoAlchemist was not in the Teamspeak with Kodeth when this happened.

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 7:46 pm
by TechnoAlchemist
I find Kodeth to be pretty insufferable and would never communicate with him outside of IC means.

Just saying.

Re: TechnoAlchemist

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 7:59 pm
by Stickymayhem
No one likes kodeth and he's permabanned now anyway.

There's no pattern.

Also STP has apparently stopped existing again so I guess my decision remains. Techno has been warned. He's been exceptional up until now and this is his first issue. Even then, it was an attempt to make someone happy, and clearly not a malicious act.

If he makes similar ignorant mistakes in the future he'll get the stick. I'll lock this now.