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[Cedarbridge] Artyom18 - bad logic

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:50 am
by crocodile18
Byond account and character name:
Artyom18, Slippyboi


Time and Server(Bagil or Sybil) incident occurred: Sybil
Detailed summary:

I come to Medbay to find mime's body to clone him as clown.

CMO doesn't let me in, right next to the access button
Decide to break in because CMO is being an asshole and I need to find mime.
Break into Medbay, HoS pursues, stuns CMO, take CMO baton, run away.
Run around halls for a while trying to find mime body because I didn't find it in medbay, HoS stuns me while I'm talking on radio, brings me to brig.
Once in a cell the CMO shows up and injects me with her meme poison that she says is "medicine" in a note to the HoS.
HoS leaves me in cell with no timer, and I vomit and eventually end up in crit because of the "medicine."

Roboticist saves me, brings me to medibot while I'm on the brink of death.
Ahelp about getting poisoned by the CMO, and this happens.
PM to-Admins: cmo injected me with a genetic defect

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: What were you doing before he did that?
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

PM to-Admins: i broke into medbay because he wasnt letting me in

PM to-Admins: annnd now im in crit
PM to-Admins: literally injected me with poison

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: So, if I'm understanding your story. You smashed up medbay and the the CMO shot you for smashing into medbay?
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

PM to-Admins: no he injected me with a genetic defect that now has me in crit after the hos tased me as i was typing
PM to-Admins: if i survive this dont intervene

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: So tell me again then what you did before he injected you
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

PM to-Admins: i broke into medbay because he was denying me treatment
PM to-Admins: he was right next to the door

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: So when I sumarized that as "you smashed into medbay and he attacked you for it" and you told me "no" that was?
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

PM to-Admins: what

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: Players, especially heads of staff are allowed to defend their workplaces. You smashed into medbay with a guitar. He can rightly do what is required to defend his workplace. You're essentially inviting what happens to you at that point.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

PM to-Admins: medbay is where the meds are
PM to-Admins: and he wouldnt let me in
PM to-Admins: what do you not understand about that

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: He's not obligated to give you anything.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

PM to-Admins: okay well then im obligated to break in for meds to save myself and kick his ass if he tries to intervene

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: The fact that there are meds in medbay does not mean you are entitled to smash up medbay to get them
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: No, that's not how that works.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

PM to-Admins: besides he didnt even touch me in medbay he only touched me when i was brigged by the hos
PM to-Admins: defending medbay doesnt mean going to brig to inject someone with a genetic defect that kills them

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: Breaking into a place where you don't have access and taking things that aren't yours is called "theft"
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: I don't know why you keep talking about genetic defects since none were ever involved here.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

PM to-Admins: okay then what put me into fucking crit then
PM to-Admins: poison?
PM to-Admins: the fact is it doesnt matter
PM to-Admins: i was in c r i t i c a l c o n d i t i o n

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: You're right. You broke into his department, you should not have broken into his department. <----- Twisting my words, strawman argument, changing the subject.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

PM to-Admins: you're really starting to piss me off with this autistic logic
PM to-Admins: you're not supposed to be a sarcastic troll as an admin

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: I'm sorry that the rules make you upset, but they are the rules.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.


-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: There's no sarcasm involved here.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

PM to-Admins: now since the CMO put me in crit im going to do the same to her

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: If you do so I'll probably have to ban you.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

PM to-Admins: if you do that ill make a complaint

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: If that's a threat I'm sure it will go very far.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

PM to-Admins: no its not a threat
PM to-Admins: its what (i say) im going to do
PM to-Admins: because you arent listening to my logic

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: I listened and told you why it was incorrect. <--- He did not do this, he changed the subject as in the middle of my explanation.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

PM to-Admins: why am i incorrect?

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: Are you asking honestly or would the explaination be too autistic?
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

PM to-Admins: no tell me
PM to-Admins: You may defend your workplace from trespassers who damage or steal property within that space with significantly greater force than elsewhere. If someone is severely disruptive and returns after ejected, this opens them up to "fun" of the creative workplace death variety.
PM to-Admins: this is the rule
PM to-Admins: and you are wrong
PM to-Admins: i broke in once

Point 1 The rule states that if you are severely disruptive and return after ejected, you're open to harm from anyone in the workplace, all I did was break a window to get into medbay and then left after the HoS and CMO chased me around a bit and stunned eachother. I didn't interrupt anyone's work. Not only did the CMO come all the way from Medbay to inject me with deadly poison in the brig, which is obviously not defending your workplace if you are about 100 tiles from it, she lied to the HoS, saying it was "Medicine" that she injected me with and, wasn't even justified even if she would've done it inside the medbay.

PM to-Admins: and she injected me with literal poison
PM to-Admins: she attempted to kill me
PM to-Admins: i will return the favor

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: You, as the clown, broke into medbay when the CMO told you not to do so. You did so anyway and you were sent away. The CMO pursued you and injected you. Pursuing you may not have been correct, but you were the instigator in this case. returning now to kill them is just being shitty.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

PM to-Admins: i wasnt sent away
PM to-Admins: i left
PM to-Admins: and then hos stunned me
PM to-Admins: she told me "just wait" for about a fucking minute
PM to-Admins: wait for what??

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: I'm having a very hard time being sympathetic here when its clear you just want an excuse to kill somebody. Irrelevant assumption, again, changing the subject.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

PM to-Admins: lol
PM to-Admins: implying the cmo didnt want an excuse to kill me with her shitty fucking meme poison
PM to-Admins: its revenge
PM to-Admins: if the cmo didnt inject me with actual poison that wouldve killed me in brig if not for the roboticist
PM to-Admins: i wouldnt want to kill her

Point Two Even if the CMO was justified in near killing me, and putting me into crit. I have the right to seek revenge and kill her, attempting to kill someone for breaking into medbay is an extremely shitty thing to do, especially when you go behind the back of the deaf HoS to do so. If the admin refuses to intervene in my favor then I have every right to deal with it myself on my own terms, AKA it's an IC situation and the person trying to kill me if protected by the rules then I don't see why I can't attempt revenge.

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: You haven't listened to anything I've told you thus far Again, changing the subject, avoiding my points.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

PM to-Admins: yes i have
PM to-Admins: in the rule it says if you come back repeatedly

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: Do you know what Rule 6 says? I've already said this about three times but again, changing the point.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

this is where i start to get a bit salty

PM to-Admins: i broke in once then left and the cmo pursued me to the brig after the hos had caught me just to inject me with poison
PM to-Admins: holy fuckl
PM to-Admins: i dont give a shit that doesnt apply

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: You don't get to cherry pick the rules friend. Using friend sarcastically, I called him out on this earlier
Click on the administrator's name to reply.


-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: I'm not going to argue with you. If you murder the CMO as a non-antag in this round on only this excuse I will dayban you. Period Then, uses the "I am an admin I am right," reasoning, after ignoring all my arguments.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

PM to-Admins: if you make an attempt on my life, i will make an attempt on yours, that is simple logic in this game
PM to-Admins: what the f u c k do you not understand about that I try to tell him my argument again, get the same old response.

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cedarbridge: When an administrator tells you "no" it doesn't mean "maybe if you keep arguing."
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

PM to-Admins: "im not going to argue with you the admin is always right the end"
PM to-Admins: literally the basis of facism

Then I wrote this complaint
-The CMO went out of her way to poison me in the brig, I was not valid to her.
-If the admin refuses to assist OOCly when someone is trying to kill me ICly, I have the right to defend myself or take revenge against that person.

I realize now that when Cedarbridge told me to look at rule 6 I accidentally read the rule 6 precedents, if I'd read the actual rule I probably would've made this complaint earlier.

Re: [Cedarbridge] Artyom18 - bad logic

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 8:20 am
by imblyings
None of this is actionable

You brought this to the attention of the admin, the admin looked into it and warned the CMO about overescalation. You stated an intent to continue to pursue the matter IC despite an admin already having been called in. At this point if an admin tells you to drop something, you drop something. At most Cedar should have told you the CMO was warned but I can forgive them for not doing so due to your attitude.

> If the admin refuses to intervene in my favor then I have every right to deal with it myself on my own
