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[Cheridan]Yocutzo-Allowed people to grief me

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 2:14 am
by beaner

Byond account and character name:Yocutzo,Reid Focell
Time incident occured:18:50
Detailed summary:
Round is about to end so i ask admins if we could get nations next and ask them to make a nations vote
Both choices are "no"
then people start asking if we can get nations
again admins say no.
new round starts and a centcomm message says that i am an independant republic and that i can be declared war on.
i obviously get killed,complain because they made an ocky in icky on me and they tell me to stop icking in ocky.
then i ask an admin and he tells me his name was cherridan
i feel like its an admin abuse because he allowed other people to grief me for no reason but asking for nations

Re: [Cheridan]Yocutzo-Allowed people to grief me

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 6:17 am
by Cheridan
Isn't that the point of Nations, though? To be able to declare war on people? I only gave you what you asked for.

Re: [Cheridan]Yocutzo-Allowed people to grief me

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 7:22 am
by Jacough
I was in this round. People were spamming OOC asking for a nations round, and I jokingly chimed in a couple times as well. I can't say I blame Cheridan for laying his foot down and saying enough is enough.

Re: [Cheridan]Yocutzo-Allowed people to grief me

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 8:52 pm
by beaner
Cheridan wrote:Isn't that the point of Nations, though? To be able to declare war on people? I only gave you what you asked for.
So you only did it on me,then?i was the one to get fucked?