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[NikNak] Mandurrh Abuse of Power/Hypocrite

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 3:29 am
by Mandurrrh
Today on Artyom I was roundstart antag with the objective of 'Steal Ablative Armor' I went to toxins to do bombs(Ive been working on a recipe for a few days now) AND did the research to help science department out.

Coming back into science hallway is lubed and a guy with tk is knocking us all into it. I shake a miner and help them up and walk back into science and the miner runs behind me following me in. I tell the miner I have to finish research quickly give me a moment. When I print the two boards I need to max it out the miner grabs them and pushes me out of RnD then begins printing off things for himself. I just walk out and away because I am antag and am planning bombing don't want a fight. The guy starts shouting over comms that Im a faggot and a bitch etc. I responded once to say I just walked away after you pushed me and took my things preventing me from reseaarch and didn't respond further. So Im in toxins and almost done with my burn mix but I need two lasers from RnD to be able to get the heater high enough so I goto RnD and start to print them out. The miner is still in there and runs up to me and grabs the bits I print again. I disarm him to try and grab them back and the guy starts drilling me. I run away because no weapons and run in circles trapped in RD by him. Find a toolbox take like two swings drop it and try to run again. Guy isn't stopping so I stand there and do not fight back but call for security instead over comms. I had burn mix still connected and bombs to make for my antag round and didn't want to fight the guy and get in trouble and lose my entire antag round. I end up being knocked into crit when security shows up. They all take me to cryo and as soon as I come to I am being arrested and the miner is laughing. He told them I attacked him. The science department member came after the non science crew member in science department. And despite being almost killed and the other guy having almost no injuries they believe this guy. At this point my mix is ruined and theres no more toxins so I can no longer bomb into the armory and I wasted an hour on the first mix so no time or materials left to continue with my plans. Oh and Im completely blind at this point. I can see a small circle around my head. I adminhelped while the guy was still hitting me and Niknak responded saying 'Well why did you attack him' to which I responded I didn't attack him he attacked me. He almost killed me Robbed me. Harrassed me on comms. And ruined my antag round at this point please do something. Niknak ends up just making fun of me in ahelps for pouting and whining and 'its just a video game' I gave him a verbal warning to cut it out but its not that serious I try and explain to him again How the nonantag is getting away with a lot of antag/shitler offenses while I lose my entire round and all my work for holding back and not shitflinging back at him. Niknak ends up making fun of me more and then mutes me from adminhelps saying the round is over. The round went on for another 30 minutes. Everyone asks why we don't ahelp and how do you expect us to when the admin makes fun of you for coming to them instead of just greifing the asshole. To make matters worse Niknak has his own griefer the next round. They mess with his autism containment but don't ruin it. They apparently beat him but not into crit just 'almost crit' and he calls in another admin to come in and give his griefer a one day ban.

He did not lose his work. He did not get beat into crit. He did not get robbed twice. He did not get falsely arrested. And he was not an antag so he did not lose the oppurtunity to achieve his objectives due to greif. Yet he makes sure his guy gets a one day ban for half the severity of the offenses of the nonantag that attacked me the round before. When it was a more severe greifing to someone else he as an admin laughed and made fun of me for ahelping then muted me from futher admin intervention but when the very next round he was put in a similiar but less severe nonantag griefing situation its all of sudden an important request for help and deserves a day ban.

Its blatant abuse of his position for putting his personal game and feelings above all other players on the server. Any other player being griefed its not a serious matter and the player ahelping deserves to be taunted and then muted BUT if niknak is being griefed then all of a sudden it is a serious offense and worthy of disciplinary action.

Could not have been more of a hypocrite. Throw in cruel while a player came to you for help when genuinely upset just to be taunted and I have lost all respect for you.

^Link to niknaks banning of his own personal nonantag griefer the round after he mocked and teased that the situation was not serious and I was wrong forvbeing upset.

Only griefers that count are the ones that grief niknak. Fuck the rest of the players they should be able to deal with it. But not him. Special treatment for our poor little Niknak.

Re: [NikNak] Mandurrh Abuse of Power/Hypocrite

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 5:09 am
by Brotemis
Very nice logs you posted. Either way, I have some doubts about your story.

For one thing, blinded from what? From what you said, you would have been knocked into crit from a drill, put into cry, and you come out suddenly blind?

In any case, I'll look into this and deal with the shitler. Lastly, I would remove that link in your post. It clearly says Skorvold.

Re: [NikNak] Mandurrh Abuse of Power/Hypocrite

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 5:27 am
by Mandurrrh
Brotemis wrote:Very nice logs you posted. Either way, I have some doubts about your story.

For one thing, blinded from what? From what you said, you would have been knocked into crit from a drill, put into cry, and you come out suddenly blind?

In any case, I'll look into this and deal with the shitler. Lastly, I would remove that link in your post. It clearly says Skorvold.
No need to because another admin already pulled the logs and looked into it but thank you. And that link says skorvold because niknak had to bring somone else into place the ban bc he was the one being griefed. Its relevant because hes in the same position I was in the previous round where he scorned me for asking for help but decided it was valid in his situation since it was him being griefed. I have no reason to lie so feel free to pull the logs. Thank you for offering to look into it, I really do appreciate it.

Re: [NikNak] Mandurrh Abuse of Power/Hypocrite

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 5:30 am
by Skorvold
Let's clear things up here before we start stories of he said she said. I think you and NikNak are both in the wrong here, Mandurrh for overreacting a good deal and NikNak for his inability to update Mandurrh on the situation after he had reached the conclusion of giving the player a warning. This, understandably gave Mandurrh a good bit of stress as they most likely assumed no action was taken for this. NikNak has just told me that the conversation was continued on Sybil.

Further more, I was not requested for help, I showed up to check on things and see how they were going, fixed the Icepacks incident that Nik was involved in and then moved on in life. I showed up later and reviewed the incident that Mandurrh had with NikNak.

In conclusion, I think this is an uncalled for complaint and that Mandurrh simply should have simmered down before writing such a thing.

Nik and Mandurrh should handle this personally, as a problem such as this being handled on a public forum is prone to exploding.

Re: [NikNak] Mandurrh Abuse of Power/Hypocrite

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 5:38 am
by Mandurrrh
Skorvold wrote:Let's clear things up here before we start stories of he said she said. I think you and NikNak are both in the wrong here, Mandurrh for overreacting a good deal and NikNak for his inability to update Mandurrh on the situation after he had reached the conclusion of giving the player a warning. This, understandably gave Mandurrh a good bit of stress as they most likely assumed no action was taken for this. NikNak has just told me that the conversation was continued on Sybil.

Further more, I was not requested for help, I showed up to check on things and see how they were going, fixed the Icepacks incident that Nik was involved in and then moved on in life. I showed up later and reviewed the incident that Mandurrh had with NikNak.

In conclusion, I think this is an uncalled for complaint and that Mandurrh simply should have simmered down before writing such a thing.

Nik and Mandurrh should handle this personally, as a problem such as this being handled on a public forum is prone to exploding.

How can you expect me to deal with him personally when I admin help him and get put down and made fun of for being upset? Im sorry but I disagree. An Admin should never insult players for ahelping. Read through our admin helps. I never retaliated or put him down. I tried to speak to him about it and in stead of discussing the situation at all he just made personal jabs. It continued on Sybil because Artyoms server froze. And instead of a resolved situation after putting me down even further he muted me from being able to adminhelp anymore. And I'm sorry but the admin is in the same situation the next round but with less aggravation/physicalharm/antagloss/workruined gets the non antag griefer in his personal situation banned after mocking and taunting me for even asking for help literally the round prior shows exactly that niknak received special treatment, he did not help or assist me in an upsetting situation where an admin needed to step in but made it worse, and its completely unfair.

Re: [NikNak] Mandurrh Abuse of Power/Hypocrite

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 5:40 am
by Brotemis
Mandurrrh wrote:
Brotemis wrote:Very nice logs you posted. Either way, I have some doubts about your story.

For one thing, blinded from what? From what you said, you would have been knocked into crit from a drill, put into cry, and you come out suddenly blind?

In any case, I'll look into this and deal with the shitler. Lastly, I would remove that link in your post. It clearly says Skorvold.
No need to because another admin already pulled the logs and looked into it but thank you. And that link says skorvold because niknak had to bring somone else into place the ban bc he was the one being griefed. Its relevant because hes in the same position I was in the previous round where he scorned me for asking for help but decided it was valid in his situation since it was him being griefed. I have no reason to lie so feel free to pull the logs. Thank you for offering to look into it, I really do appreciate it.
Then why the hell does this complaint exist except to bitch and moan about something unactionable. The point of making a complaint is for an investigation into a possibly actionable offense.

Re: [NikNak] Mandurrh Abuse of Power/Hypocrite

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 5:46 am
by Skorvold
He gave you a result that you didn't like. Once he has given you the appropriate result for the punishment the "administrative" part of Admin PMs is over. He has done his job in enforcing the rules, and made his final decision. The rest after that was a private argument on a player-player level. Not an admin-player level.

Re: [NikNak] Mandurrh Abuse of Power/Hypocrite

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 5:55 am
by Mandurrrh
Brotemis wrote:
Mandurrrh wrote:
Brotemis wrote:Very nice logs you posted. Either way, I have some doubts about your story.

For one thing, blinded from what? From what you said, you would have been knocked into crit from a drill, put into cry, and you come out suddenly blind?

In any case, I'll look into this and deal with the shitler. Lastly, I would remove that link in your post. It clearly says Skorvold.
No need to because another admin already pulled the logs and looked into it but thank you. And that link says skorvold because niknak had to bring somone else into place the ban bc he was the one being griefed. Its relevant because hes in the same position I was in the previous round where he scorned me for asking for help but decided it was valid in his situation since it was him being griefed. I have no reason to lie so feel free to pull the logs. Thank you for offering to look into it, I really do appreciate it.
Then why the hell does this complaint exist except to bitch and moan about something unactionable. The point of making a complaint is for an investigation into a possibly actionable offense.
I was told it was going to be looked into and dealt with. I mad the complaint to be sure the abuse, inappropriateness, and special treatment was recorded.

Re: [NikNak] Mandurrh Abuse of Power/Hypocrite

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 6:04 am
by NikNakFlak
Admin pms



I did not ask an Admin to come in, Skorvold showed up and I told him about it. From there, it was Skorvold's ruling and ban, I did not participate in the decision making process. As I was involved.

Most of your claims are biased and or misleading. The logs are provided for people to make their own judgement.

Edit: As for me thinking the server crashed, it turns out it only stalled for a good 5-10 minutes due to a bug, I however had thought it had crashed at the time.

Re: [NikNak] Mandurrh Abuse of Power/Hypocrite

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 6:22 am
by Mandurrrh
NikNakFlak wrote:Admin pms



I did not ask an Admin to come in, Skorvold showed up and I told him about it. From there, it was Skorvold's ruling and ban, I did not participate in the decision making process. As I was involved.

Most of your claims are biased and or misleading. The logs are provided for people to make their own judgement.

Edit: As for me thinking the server crashed, it turns out it only stalled for a good 5-10 minutes due to a bug, I however had thought it had crashed at the time.
You literally scorned me and put me down for asking for help when I was already upset which is why I came to you in the first place. You dismissed the entire thing and threw out personal insults instead then just muted me. How can you then turn around and think you deserve special treament in the same situation. If you stood by your word and integrity from the first situation you would not have spoken to skorvold at all or allow action to be taken against your offender when you so blatantly stated previously you didn't think it was a valid infraction.

Bottles down to: You were completely out of line and inappropriate in a position where you are put to HELP players not insult them and put them down further in an already upsetting situation. You thought my situation was a joke and I was a joke for asking for help but when you were in my shoes all of a sudden that offense you were just ridiculing me for is now a legitimate offense. But only when you are the one who was being greifed.

Re: [NikNak] Mandurrh Abuse of Power/Hypocrite

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 6:57 am
by Brotemis
[11:23:47]SAY: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : Fucking asshole
[11:23:43]SAY: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : I haven't finished research
[11:23:48]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/ : aight
[11:23:50]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/ : decon this
[11:23:55]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/ : thats what you should
[11:24:01]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/ : Why the fuck did you leave kenzi
[11:24:21]SAY: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : Because you pushed me out of the way while I was finishing research
[11:24:28]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/ : I was helping faggot
[11:24:35]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/n : And you bitch and complain
[11:24:47]SAY: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : You aren't helping when you shove me while Im finishing it.
[11:25:04]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/ : Whatever Novislav is helping now
[11:25:05]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/ : Faggot
[11:25:08]PDA: Bill Nye (PDA: PDA-Bill Nye (Geneticist)) sent "Kenzie is indeed the biggest bitch on the station, the crew have many stories to tell." to PDA-Kevin Parkinson (Shaft Miner)
[11:25:38]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/Bawhoppennn : Its done now faggot
[11:25:40]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/= : Fuck off
[11:25:47]SAY: Novislav Djajic/= : Autism intensifies.

[11:27:25]SAY: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : COME ON
[11:27:38]SAY: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : I will literally kick your ass
[11:27:39]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/ : What the fuck man?
[11:27:41]SAY: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : I need TWO FUCKIN
[11:27:43]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/ : I am trying to do work here
[11:27:59]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/ : KENZI ROGUE
[11:28:20]SAY: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : Get him out
[11:28:24]SAY: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : Help
[11:28:25]SAY: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : RND

[11:28:53]ADMIN: HELP: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): Is he antag? - heard by 2 non-AFK admins who have +BAN.
[11:29:14]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): You can't ask questions like that and you are to be more specific in your adminhelps.
[11:29:40]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): FINE adminhelp the asshole that fucked with RnD and then beat me into crit and stole my stuff.
[11:30:05]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): What is this with you trying to murder him though?
[11:30:12]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): WHAT
[11:30:26]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): HE FUCKING ATTACKED ME AFTER STEALING MY SHIT FOUR TIMES.
[11:31:32]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): I fucking ran away and yelled for help.
[11:31:54]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): Calm down. Now, it seems he attacked you for no reason other than you being pissy. You're protected from no reason killing until you do something traitoress and this seems to be the case.
[11:32:17]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): No need to type in big letters, it dosesn't help get the message across.
[11:32:30]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): I wasn't being pissy he stole my stuff four times in RnD and he's not science! I can't calm down when my burn mix is about to be wasted and my entire fucking round
[11:33:39]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): Im about to lose all my work niknak. Because this guy was being a fucking asshole, robbed me several times, shoved me from RnD while doing research, called me faggot over and over on comms, and then put me in crit.

[11:33:11]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->/(Kevin Parkinson): So far, from an IC perspective, you really didn't have a reason to attack her.
[11:33:33]ADMIN: PM: /(Kevin Parkinson)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): I stabbed them twice when they pushed me over to take my stuff
[11:33:39]ADMIN: PM: /(Kevin Parkinson)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): with a screwdriver
[11:33:39]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): Im about to lose all my work niknak. Because this guy was being a fucking asshole, robbed me several times, shoved me from RnD while doing research, called me faggot over and over on comms, and then put me in crit.
[11:33:57]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->/(Kevin Parkinson): You stabbed them twice as a miner, what do you think they were going to do? Give you a hug?
[11:34:44]ADMIN: PM: /(Kevin Parkinson)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): Well if she was acting smart she would run instead of starting a fight, and get sec to brig my ass
[11:34:53]ADMIN: PM: /(Kevin Parkinson)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): and I have proper provocation to stab them
[11:35:03]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->/(Kevin Parkinson): That is a REALLY bad excuse for provoking a fight.
[11:35:42]ADMIN: PM: /(Kevin Parkinson)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): what do you mean excuse?
[11:36:39]ADMIN: PM: /(Kevin Parkinson)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): Let me explain the whole story
[11:36:45]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->/(Kevin Parkinson): Feel free to.
[11:41:36]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): I'm still investigating, so far they haven't offered a very good reason.
[11:43:08]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): They bumrushed me in RnD. They pushed me mid research and stole what I printed. They called me names over comms. Then they stole my bits again from RnD when I tried to print the upgrades for my heater. Then he beat the shit out of me. I ran and then I grabbed a toolbox hit him a few times and ran again. Then I stood there not fighting back yelling for security.
[11:43:20]ADMIN: PM: /(Kevin Parkinson)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): So it started with me bringing the locker with mats into R&D with kenzie leading me allowing me in. Research wasn't yet maxed fully and she was printing a circuit to do the next part for research then I printed another circuit for research next and they got really mad over nothing for me trying to help research, then they come back later and I'm still working on the stuff and they're still mad over me doing that before for some reason. I am not mad at them anymore but they seem angry still for whatever reason, i keep upgrading the machines and inserting mats into the lathe and they start yelling and then push me over and try and take my RPED I had in my hands at the time, so I with good reason stab them with a screwdriver for being bitchy and annoying for no good real reason, they didn't need to fight back, its not like I kept constantly stabbing them I only did it twice and let them go away
[11:43:40]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): All of my hard work and my entire antag round are gone. Seriously I have been working my ass off.
[11:43:58]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): Stop being so melodramatic.
[11:44:39]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): Niknak please. Im not trying to be. I am legitamily upset.
[11:45:01]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->/(Kevin Parkinson): Yea but you were technically tresspassing as a miner in RnD. Sometimes scientists like to do RnD a very certain way and as far I can tell you were more or less intruding on their work. The violence started with you stabbing.
[11:45:30]ADMIN: PM: /(Kevin Parkinson)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): They let me in, and I was helping them since I knew exactly what they were planning on doing next
[11:45:33]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->/(Kevin Parkinson): You instigated the fight. Your excuse that they should have backed down instead of fighting back is shotty.
[11:45:59]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->/(Kevin Parkinson): Most of the time, miners are let in to drop of materials, not take over the job that they were doing in the first place.
[11:45:59]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): Please don't downplay my feelings. I am in tears Im so frustrated and upset. Im not being melodramatic. I am having my natural reaction to what happened. Im sorry if that is offending you.
[11:46:10]ADMIN: PM: /(Kevin Parkinson)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): I was being helpful to them
[11:46:21]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->/(Kevin Parkinson): Apparently, not so in their eyes.
[11:46:23]ADMIN: PM: /(Kevin Parkinson)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): And that was the intent originally, they got all bitchy for no reason
[11:46:56]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->/(Kevin Parkinson): As I stated earlier, certain people like to do RnD a very speicific way or they enjoy doing it and when you came in and tried to take over they got mad.


[11:51:47]ADMIN: HELP: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): That is not fair punishment. - heard by 2 non-AFK admins who have +BAN.
[11:51:59]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): I haven't done anything
[11:52:09]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): I thought you were Willy.
[11:52:45]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): what???
[11:53:13]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): Security gave him two minutes for all of it. Not a fair punishment.
[11:53:14]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): oh, referring to the brigging. I could care less about IC punishment, I dont control that and im not about to tell an officer to increase the sentance.
[11:53:25]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): I thought that ws you niknak
[11:53:36]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): Saying that was the 'dealt with punishment'
[11:53:48]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): I wasn't asking you to pro


[12:10:16]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Anton Newman)->Mandurrh/(Mandurrh): After an exstensive conversation, they were given a stern warning and called out for having a very shitty playstyle. Sorry that it effected you in such a way.
[12:14:23]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Anton Newman)->Mandurrh/(Mandurrh): If it matters so much and since you were the only traitor, feel free to pray sometime i'm on to have time repeated.
[12:14:53]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Mandurrh)->NikNakflak/(Anton Newman): Really? I have been working on this for like two days straight. I didn't call him names when he harassed me over comms. Despite being an antag I did not attack him after he chased in to rnd behind me, stole what I printed for research and shoved me, stole the bits I needed for toxins that I was working so hard on, And then nearly killed me before security showed up. I literally just stood there at the end calling for security and ran around in circles in RnD while he beat me. I lost all of my toxins work. I was arrested because he lied to security. I lost my entire antag round and I had everything set up to do it. How is that fair I got treated like that unprovoked as the antag in the situation and lost my round and all my work but he gtes off with a warning?
[12:15:58]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Mandurrh)->NikNakflak/(Anton Newman): What about all my work for the bombs to get into the armory as traitor? Can you spawn my exact work that I lost because of him that I spent an hour on in that round and two days working on?
[12:18:10]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Anton Newman)->Mandurrh/(Mandurrh): No, shit happens. I can't repair a broken bone, I can only slap a band-aid on it. It was a warning because despite the cat calling and pushing, it was only a step over the line with the killing. I know it sucks. Please understand that is a single round in a video game. You will have good and bad rounds. That one was ruined and I'm sorry. However as the admin in this situation, and based on history, in which this case wasn't that bad. I felt a warning would be more effective correcting the problem than a ban.
[12:19:48]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Mandurrh)->NikNakflak/(Anton Newman): What about breaking into RnD as a non science employess and stealing not only my research stuff but the stuff I came back and printed for my heater? He was not a science employee. He did not have access he pushed me around to get in. Robbed me. Then almost got away with killing me. And I am the antag.....
[12:20:42]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Anton Newman)->Mandurrh/(Mandurrh): According to him, you let him in to drop off the resources in the first place. He did not break in.
[12:21:49]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Mandurrh)->NikNakflak/(Anton Newman): More effective? He gets all of the stolen stuff from RnD. He got to kill me. He gets to finish his round perfectly fine. And my entire rest of antag round is ruined. So I lose game time. And he gets to get away with murder and have everything he wants in the round and beat me for to get it. I lose and he wins.
[12:23:06]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Mandurrh)->NikNakflak/(Anton Newman): No he chased me in and I tried to do research and he grabbed what I printed and pushed me out. Then started calling me names on comms. When I cam back to print the bits He ran back over and stole them again off the machine then the beating came.
[12:24:37]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Anton Newman)->Mandurrh/(Mandurrh): He did not kill you, he crit you and he healed you afterward. Your round was not ruined. You just pouted instead of making the most out of what you could. There is no losing and winning in this situation. He got punished. Either way, I'm done talking about this, because you are basing heavily on emotion. I watched some of this happen and in both ways, this is being blown out of porpotion. Either way, the server crashed right after this happened, so the round ended anyway. This is resolved. You can continue to adminhelp and complain but it isn't going to change my final desicion which was already made.
[12:24:39]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Mandurrh)->NikNakflak/(Anton Newman): I am right now still standing in this round blind and all my work gone. While hes continuing the round getting away with fucked up shit as a nonantag and everything he wants from RnD.
[12:26:43]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Mandurrh)->NikNakflak/(Anton Newman): Niknak. My round was ruined. My mix was hooked up. It was ruined because he crit me. And he only healed me because security showed up. Then I had to go in cryo. And then he had me arrested by lying to security. All of my work in toxins was ruined. All of the work to make bombs to complete my antag round was gone because of him. There is no extra toxins cannisters and I didn't have another hour and an antire different lab to start all over again. My round was absolutely ruined.
[12:27:00]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Mandurrh)->NikNakflak/(Anton Newman): The round is still going on.
[12:27:59]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Anton Newman)->Mandurrh/(Mandurrh): I see that, but you pouting while completely alive does not constitute ruined. Just because you refuse to play the round and pout does not mean ruined. That is your end. He didn't know about the lab and half those claims you made are all assumptions.
[12:28:05]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Anton Newman)->Mandurrh/(Mandurrh): This conversation is now over.
[12:29:12]ADMIN: NikNakflak/(Anton Newman) has muted mandurrh/(Mandurrh) from adminhelp, admin PM and ASAY


[20:56:45]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->Skorvold/(Skorvold): When he muted me from ahelps I messaged sos directly on irc. So .... he'll read that eventually. Then after seeing him ban someone for the same thing he just made fun of me for I did post an actual admin complaint. Heads up is all.

[19:52:00]OOC: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : Id really like to call you a hypocritical little shit to your face niknak.
[21:15:40]SAY: Ghost/Mandurrh : Can I get permabanned for shittalking an admin on the forums?
[21:16:10]SAY: Ghost/Mandurrh : I am worried niknak is going to hand me a permaban for calling him out.

Quit being so passive aggressive. You started demanding a punishment. You don't do this. You were told the situation was resolved and the decision was final. You were muted from adminhelp after you repeatedly whine and moan about it.

We get it, you're upset. Its a videogame, shit happens, things don't always go your way, especially in this particular case.

Quit being so melodramatic, at no point during the adminhelp process were you talked down to, mocked, or otherwise talked to in any such way that I would not want to handle myself in adminhelps.

Re: [NikNak] Mandurrh Abuse of Power/Hypocrite

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:12 am
by Mandurrrh
Brotemis wrote:[11:23:47]SAY: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : Fucking asshole
[11:23:43]SAY: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : I haven't finished research
[11:23:48]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/ : aight
[11:23:50]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/ : decon this
[11:23:55]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/ : thats what you should
[11:24:01]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/ : Why the fuck did you leave kenzi
[11:24:21]SAY: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : Because you pushed me out of the way while I was finishing research
[11:24:28]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/ : I was helping faggot
[11:24:35]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/n : And you bitch and complain
[11:24:47]SAY: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : You aren't helping when you shove me while Im finishing it.
[11:25:04]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/ : Whatever Novislav is helping now
[11:25:05]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/ : Faggot
[11:25:08]PDA: Bill Nye (PDA: PDA-Bill Nye (Geneticist)) sent "Kenzie is indeed the biggest bitch on the station, the crew have many stories to tell." to PDA-Kevin Parkinson (Shaft Miner)
[11:25:38]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/Bawhoppennn : Its done now faggot
[11:25:40]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/= : Fuck off
[11:25:47]SAY: Novislav Djajic/= : Autism intensifies.

[11:27:25]SAY: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : COME ON
[11:27:38]SAY: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : I will literally kick your ass
[11:27:39]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/ : What the fuck man?
[11:27:41]SAY: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : I need TWO FUCKIN
[11:27:43]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/ : I am trying to do work here
[11:27:59]SAY: Kevin Parkinson/ : KENZI ROGUE
[11:28:20]SAY: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : Get him out
[11:28:24]SAY: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : Help
[11:28:25]SAY: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : RND

[11:28:53]ADMIN: HELP: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): Is he antag? - heard by 2 non-AFK admins who have +BAN.
[11:29:14]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): You can't ask questions like that and you are to be more specific in your adminhelps.
[11:29:40]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): FINE adminhelp the asshole that fucked with RnD and then beat me into crit and stole my stuff.
[11:30:05]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): What is this with you trying to murder him though?
[11:30:12]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): WHAT
[11:30:26]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): HE FUCKING ATTACKED ME AFTER STEALING MY SHIT FOUR TIMES.
[11:31:32]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): I fucking ran away and yelled for help.
[11:31:54]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): Calm down. Now, it seems he attacked you for no reason other than you being pissy. You're protected from no reason killing until you do something traitoress and this seems to be the case.
[11:32:17]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): No need to type in big letters, it dosesn't help get the message across.
[11:32:30]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): I wasn't being pissy he stole my stuff four times in RnD and he's not science! I can't calm down when my burn mix is about to be wasted and my entire fucking round
[11:33:39]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): Im about to lose all my work niknak. Because this guy was being a fucking asshole, robbed me several times, shoved me from RnD while doing research, called me faggot over and over on comms, and then put me in crit.

[11:33:11]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->/(Kevin Parkinson): So far, from an IC perspective, you really didn't have a reason to attack her.
[11:33:33]ADMIN: PM: /(Kevin Parkinson)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): I stabbed them twice when they pushed me over to take my stuff
[11:33:39]ADMIN: PM: /(Kevin Parkinson)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): with a screwdriver
[11:33:39]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): Im about to lose all my work niknak. Because this guy was being a fucking asshole, robbed me several times, shoved me from RnD while doing research, called me faggot over and over on comms, and then put me in crit.
[11:33:57]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->/(Kevin Parkinson): You stabbed them twice as a miner, what do you think they were going to do? Give you a hug?
[11:34:44]ADMIN: PM: /(Kevin Parkinson)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): Well if she was acting smart she would run instead of starting a fight, and get sec to brig my ass
[11:34:53]ADMIN: PM: /(Kevin Parkinson)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): and I have proper provocation to stab them
[11:35:03]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->/(Kevin Parkinson): That is a REALLY bad excuse for provoking a fight.
[11:35:42]ADMIN: PM: /(Kevin Parkinson)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): what do you mean excuse?
[11:36:39]ADMIN: PM: /(Kevin Parkinson)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): Let me explain the whole story
[11:36:45]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->/(Kevin Parkinson): Feel free to.
[11:41:36]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): I'm still investigating, so far they haven't offered a very good reason.
[11:43:08]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): They bumrushed me in RnD. They pushed me mid research and stole what I printed. They called me names over comms. Then they stole my bits again from RnD when I tried to print the upgrades for my heater. Then he beat the shit out of me. I ran and then I grabbed a toolbox hit him a few times and ran again. Then I stood there not fighting back yelling for security.
[11:43:20]ADMIN: PM: /(Kevin Parkinson)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): So it started with me bringing the locker with mats into R&D with kenzie leading me allowing me in. Research wasn't yet maxed fully and she was printing a circuit to do the next part for research then I printed another circuit for research next and they got really mad over nothing for me trying to help research, then they come back later and I'm still working on the stuff and they're still mad over me doing that before for some reason. I am not mad at them anymore but they seem angry still for whatever reason, i keep upgrading the machines and inserting mats into the lathe and they start yelling and then push me over and try and take my RPED I had in my hands at the time, so I with good reason stab them with a screwdriver for being bitchy and annoying for no good real reason, they didn't need to fight back, its not like I kept constantly stabbing them I only did it twice and let them go away
[11:43:40]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): All of my hard work and my entire antag round are gone. Seriously I have been working my ass off.
[11:43:58]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): Stop being so melodramatic.
[11:44:39]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): Niknak please. Im not trying to be. I am legitamily upset.
[11:45:01]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->/(Kevin Parkinson): Yea but you were technically tresspassing as a miner in RnD. Sometimes scientists like to do RnD a very certain way and as far I can tell you were more or less intruding on their work. The violence started with you stabbing.
[11:45:30]ADMIN: PM: /(Kevin Parkinson)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): They let me in, and I was helping them since I knew exactly what they were planning on doing next
[11:45:33]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->/(Kevin Parkinson): You instigated the fight. Your excuse that they should have backed down instead of fighting back is shotty.
[11:45:59]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->/(Kevin Parkinson): Most of the time, miners are let in to drop of materials, not take over the job that they were doing in the first place.
[11:45:59]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): Please don't downplay my feelings. I am in tears Im so frustrated and upset. Im not being melodramatic. I am having my natural reaction to what happened. Im sorry if that is offending you.
[11:46:10]ADMIN: PM: /(Kevin Parkinson)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): I was being helpful to them
[11:46:21]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->/(Kevin Parkinson): Apparently, not so in their eyes.
[11:46:23]ADMIN: PM: /(Kevin Parkinson)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): And that was the intent originally, they got all bitchy for no reason
[11:46:56]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->/(Kevin Parkinson): As I stated earlier, certain people like to do RnD a very speicific way or they enjoy doing it and when you came in and tried to take over they got mad.


[11:51:47]ADMIN: HELP: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): That is not fair punishment. - heard by 2 non-AFK admins who have +BAN.
[11:51:59]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): I haven't done anything
[11:52:09]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): I thought you were Willy.
[11:52:45]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): what???
[11:53:13]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): Security gave him two minutes for all of it. Not a fair punishment.
[11:53:14]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): oh, referring to the brigging. I could care less about IC punishment, I dont control that and im not about to tell an officer to increase the sentance.
[11:53:25]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): I thought that ws you niknak
[11:53:36]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): Saying that was the 'dealt with punishment'
[11:53:48]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->NikNakflak/(Zillx Fritzer): I wasn't asking you to pro


[12:10:16]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Anton Newman)->Mandurrh/(Mandurrh): After an exstensive conversation, they were given a stern warning and called out for having a very shitty playstyle. Sorry that it effected you in such a way.
[12:14:23]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Anton Newman)->Mandurrh/(Mandurrh): If it matters so much and since you were the only traitor, feel free to pray sometime i'm on to have time repeated.
[12:14:53]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Mandurrh)->NikNakflak/(Anton Newman): Really? I have been working on this for like two days straight. I didn't call him names when he harassed me over comms. Despite being an antag I did not attack him after he chased in to rnd behind me, stole what I printed for research and shoved me, stole the bits I needed for toxins that I was working so hard on, And then nearly killed me before security showed up. I literally just stood there at the end calling for security and ran around in circles in RnD while he beat me. I lost all of my toxins work. I was arrested because he lied to security. I lost my entire antag round and I had everything set up to do it. How is that fair I got treated like that unprovoked as the antag in the situation and lost my round and all my work but he gtes off with a warning?
[12:15:58]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Mandurrh)->NikNakflak/(Anton Newman): What about all my work for the bombs to get into the armory as traitor? Can you spawn my exact work that I lost because of him that I spent an hour on in that round and two days working on?
[12:18:10]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Anton Newman)->Mandurrh/(Mandurrh): No, shit happens. I can't repair a broken bone, I can only slap a band-aid on it. It was a warning because despite the cat calling and pushing, it was only a step over the line with the killing. I know it sucks. Please understand that is a single round in a video game. You will have good and bad rounds. That one was ruined and I'm sorry. However as the admin in this situation, and based on history, in which this case wasn't that bad. I felt a warning would be more effective correcting the problem than a ban.
[12:19:48]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Mandurrh)->NikNakflak/(Anton Newman): What about breaking into RnD as a non science employess and stealing not only my research stuff but the stuff I came back and printed for my heater? He was not a science employee. He did not have access he pushed me around to get in. Robbed me. Then almost got away with killing me. And I am the antag.....
[12:20:42]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Anton Newman)->Mandurrh/(Mandurrh): According to him, you let him in to drop off the resources in the first place. He did not break in.
[12:21:49]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Mandurrh)->NikNakflak/(Anton Newman): More effective? He gets all of the stolen stuff from RnD. He got to kill me. He gets to finish his round perfectly fine. And my entire rest of antag round is ruined. So I lose game time. And he gets to get away with murder and have everything he wants in the round and beat me for to get it. I lose and he wins.
[12:23:06]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Mandurrh)->NikNakflak/(Anton Newman): No he chased me in and I tried to do research and he grabbed what I printed and pushed me out. Then started calling me names on comms. When I cam back to print the bits He ran back over and stole them again off the machine then the beating came.
[12:24:37]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Anton Newman)->Mandurrh/(Mandurrh): He did not kill you, he crit you and he healed you afterward. Your round was not ruined. You just pouted instead of making the most out of what you could. There is no losing and winning in this situation. He got punished. Either way, I'm done talking about this, because you are basing heavily on emotion. I watched some of this happen and in both ways, this is being blown out of porpotion. Either way, the server crashed right after this happened, so the round ended anyway. This is resolved. You can continue to adminhelp and complain but it isn't going to change my final desicion which was already made.
[12:24:39]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Mandurrh)->NikNakflak/(Anton Newman): I am right now still standing in this round blind and all my work gone. While hes continuing the round getting away with fucked up shit as a nonantag and everything he wants from RnD.
[12:26:43]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Mandurrh)->NikNakflak/(Anton Newman): Niknak. My round was ruined. My mix was hooked up. It was ruined because he crit me. And he only healed me because security showed up. Then I had to go in cryo. And then he had me arrested by lying to security. All of my work in toxins was ruined. All of the work to make bombs to complete my antag round was gone because of him. There is no extra toxins cannisters and I didn't have another hour and an antire different lab to start all over again. My round was absolutely ruined.
[12:27:00]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Mandurrh)->NikNakflak/(Anton Newman): The round is still going on.
[12:27:59]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Anton Newman)->Mandurrh/(Mandurrh): I see that, but you pouting while completely alive does not constitute ruined. Just because you refuse to play the round and pout does not mean ruined. That is your end. He didn't know about the lab and half those claims you made are all assumptions.
[12:28:05]ADMIN: PM: NikNakflak/(Anton Newman)->Mandurrh/(Mandurrh): This conversation is now over.
[12:29:12]ADMIN: NikNakflak/(Anton Newman) has muted mandurrh/(Mandurrh) from adminhelp, admin PM and ASAY


[20:56:45]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->Skorvold/(Skorvold): When he muted me from ahelps I messaged sos directly on irc. So .... he'll read that eventually. Then after seeing him ban someone for the same thing he just made fun of me for I did post an actual admin complaint. Heads up is all.

[19:52:00]OOC: Kenzie Smith/Mandurrh : Id really like to call you a hypocritical little shit to your face niknak.
[21:15:40]SAY: Ghost/Mandurrh : Can I get permabanned for shittalking an admin on the forums?
[21:16:10]SAY: Ghost/Mandurrh : I am worried niknak is going to hand me a permaban for calling him out.

Quit being so passive aggressive. You started demanding a punishment. You don't do this. You were told the situation was resolved and the decision was final. You were muted from adminhelp after you repeatedly whine and moan about it.

We get it, you're upset. Its a videogame, shit happens, things don't always go your way, especially in this particular case.

Quit being so melodramatic, at no point during the adminhelp process were you talked down to, mocked, or otherwise talked to in any such way that I would not want to handle myself in adminhelps.
I like how you reused every one of his insults. Smooth. Fair enough but Niknak and I both know what happened. And thats damaged any kind of respect I might have had for him from here on out. Great work admins.

Re: [NikNak] Mandurrh Abuse of Power/Hypocrite

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:19 am
by Brotemis
When I say stop being melodramatic, I mean it. To your admission, you said you had a panic attack over it, which is something no one should EVER do over a videogame, let alone 2d spessmen. Want my advice? Take some time off from spessmen and don't let yourself get too emotionally involved

Re: [NikNak] Mandurrh Abuse of Power/Hypocrite

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:21 am
by NikNakFlak
The logs are right there. I don't know what you mean by "I know what happened." and I don't care that you have no respect for me, I will continue to administrate to the best of my ability.

Re: [NikNak] Mandurrh Abuse of Power/Hypocrite

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:23 am
by Mandurrrh
Brotemis wrote:When I say stop being melodramatic, I mean it. To your admission, you said you had a panic attack over it, which is something no one should EVER do over a videogame, let alone 2d spessmen. Want my advice? Take some time off from spessmen and don't let yourself get too emotionally involved
Do you know anything about panic attacks and anxiety disorders?

Re: [NikNak] Mandurrh Abuse of Power/Hypocrite

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:24 am
by Mandurrrh
NikNakFlak wrote:The logs are right there. I don't know what you mean by "I know what happened." and I don't care that you have no respect for me, I will continue to administrate to the best of my ability.

You mean you will continue to be a fucking asshole. Congrats. This is why you should not allow 16 year olds to be admins. Its hard to drop my maturity down to his age level when HE is the admin.

Re: [NikNak] Mandurrh Abuse of Power/Hypocrite

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:26 am
by Brotemis
Mandurrrh wrote:
Brotemis wrote:When I say stop being melodramatic, I mean it. To your admission, you said you had a panic attack over it, which is something no one should EVER do over a videogame, let alone 2d spessmen. Want my advice? Take some time off from spessmen and don't let yourself get too emotionally involved
Do you know anything about panic attacks and anxiety disorders?
Which is why I say don't let yourself get too emotionally involved. If the game is causing you to become physically ill, the solution is pretty simple. In any case, I don't see any reason for action and you can take your insults elsewhere.

To the above, you can kindly get the fuck out. I'm 24, I can act immature given the situation, but at no point did niknak show immaturity, but you are in the way you are being passive aggressive and just outright insulting. He's shown far more patience than I would have.

Re: [NikNak] Mandurrh Abuse of Power/Hypocrite

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:29 am
by Hornygranny
This is pathetic. Locked, HBL can open it if he disagrees.