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[Gouty] - Rebooted my heart

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 5:20 pm
by pubby
Asshole: Gouty
Round: 74133
Detailed summary: A machine called the "TG/Station 13 Bagil Experimental Unidentified Platform LXVII Master Controller" was spawned in the exp. lab with no announcement accompanying it. Nobody knew that it was there. A few minutes later a player (the RD?) found it and broke it. This caused Gouty to reboot the game.

It just seemed like a boneheaded decision to pull the plug on everyone's round for the sake of a joke that only Gouty gets to enjoy. Round-ending admin events can be fun, but they need to have effort put into them.

Re: [Gouty] - Rebooted my heart

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 5:36 pm
by Gouty
"TG/Station 13 Bagil Experimental Unidentified Platform LXVII Master Controller" was made as a TC trade and I checked it was ok on adminbus. I didn't realise at the time that it was a play on something Goon have, I have since looked it up.

There was an announcement, including explicit instructions to to touch it.

Code: Select all

[15:43:00]ADMIN: Gouty/(Carlos Danger) has created a command report: Crew, we've left some very important hardware in the experimentor room.  This does not [mean] experiment on it!  In fact we have no idea what may happen should you tamper with the /TG/Station 13 Bagil Experimental Unidentified Platform LXVII Master Controller, though we have heard that the outcome would not be good.  Probably best to leave it alone.
Apart from that, yeah I made a bad decision, I didn't anticipate someone just deconstructing it (it had like 2K hit points), I thought at the time, in for a penny, in for a pound, commit to the meme, no master controller = no server. What I should have done was announced we had a backup, or slowly started causing anomalies and things (making out the server was crashing).

I didn't think it was that far into the round (20mins?) and everyone that was antag got the same a few rounds later.

I am very sorry if you were put out by this, and I have most definitely learnt from my mistake.

Gouty broke the server again.

Re: [Gouty] - Rebooted my heart

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 8:03 pm
by MrStonedOne
Gouty wrote:Apart from that, yeah I made a bad decision, I didn't anticipate someone just deconstructing it (it had like 2K hit points), I thought at the time, in for a penny, in for a pound, commit to the meme, no master controller = no server.
So, protip, next time, in the mc, set the subsystems list to null then makeruntime to 1. This will make the mc recreate and recover itselfs (from a "backup" so to speak)

Re: [Gouty] - Rebooted my heart

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 9:37 pm
by pubby
Thanks. I forgive you.

I'm having trouble finding the Centcomm report in the public log though. Maybe those aren't logged there?

Re: [Gouty] - Rebooted my heart

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 9:50 pm
by Gouty
Thanks for being understanding.

Yeah I couldn't see it in the logs either, I had to grab it from the copy/paste I did from my client at the time.

Re: [Gouty] - Rebooted my heart

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 4:38 pm
by imblyings
Parties involved have come to an understanding.