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[Armhulenn] Pathofchaos1 - Stop messing with the rotation

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 1:35 am
by PathOfChaos1
Pathofchaos1 - Kevin Walker
Sybil Round ID's 74228-9? 2017-08-04 01:24-27 Server time

Seriously... you know I get it some people prefer some maps over others... But when the map rotation chooses cere, and you make a vote that randomly chooses cere. THEN MAKE ANOTHER VOTE JUST TO AGAIN ATTEMPT to change the map is ludicrous people are voting for cere, your original vote chose cere again... WHY ON EARTH did you feel the need to host another vote WITH EVEN LESS options and then choose to FORCE THE ROUND into box over I don;t know at the very least letting the NEXT ROUND be box and let this round continue to be cere? I like the other maps. I want to play on the other maps, and I'm not the only one. That last vote had 1/3 of the server voting for cere and a decent majority voting for cere in the previous vote as well. Being only like 2-4 under box. Maybe I am being an asshole here but if it happens twice in a row perhaps you should stop fucking with it? Can people just stop trying to change the map off of whatever map isnt box, or meta? The weighted map rotation system works the way it does for a reason. If were not allowed to enjoy other maps can you just.. you know.. stop pretending people have any choice in the matter with the weighted system?

Re: [Armhulenn] Pathofchaos1 - Stop messing with the rotatio

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 1:46 am
by Armhulen
for context, it was a new round and i made 2 votes to change the map, the first one's votes got skewed because i included birdboat. the second one had only two votes from the top two in the last votes excluding birdboat, box and ceres. the vote ended with box both times and i set it to box.

i don't see the problem here??

Re: [Armhulenn] Pathofchaos1 - Stop messing with the rotatio

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 2:20 am
by PathOfChaos1
Armhulen wrote:for context, it was a new round and i made 2 votes to change the map, the first one's votes got skewed because i included birdboat. the second one had only two votes from the top two in the last votes excluding birdboat, box and ceres. the vote ended with box both times and i set it to box.

i don't see the problem here??
The fact you did it to begin with? Its a weighted vote system even if your vote got "skewed" it still randomly choose cere anyway. Even further on.. the fact you started the fucking vote in the first place.. We already voted for the map. In our game preferences. 1/3 of the people wanted to play on cere so why didnt you just let the round go on and let the NEXT round be box? You forced the map change that round.

Re: [Armhulenn] Pathofchaos1 - Stop messing with the rotatio

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 2:26 am
by Armhulen
i did it because i thought the same map got picked and it was ceres, the kinda half broken one. if i was wrong sorry I guess? It just doesn't seem like a big issue, and it's not a breach in what is expected by admins so I doubt it's actionable anyways

Re: [Armhulenn] Pathofchaos1 - Stop messing with the rotatio

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 1:25 pm
by bman
we should be encouraging admins to change maps no one wants to play with seeing how rare it happens already, not ALL CAPS-ing them in the forums

Re: [Armhulenn] Pathofchaos1 - Stop messing with the rotatio

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 1:32 pm
by onleavedontatme
If nobody wants to play the map how come the map got voted for?

Re: [Armhulenn] Pathofchaos1 - Stop messing with the rotatio

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 2:31 pm
by Lazengann
Because birdboat memes

Re: [Armhulenn] Pathofchaos1 - Stop messing with the rotatio

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 3:08 pm
by Cobby
Kor wrote:If nobody wants to play the map how come the map got voted for?
Some people vote ironically since they know cere isn't well liked by a large chunk of people.

Re: [Armhulenn] Pathofchaos1 - Stop messing with the rotatio

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 3:53 pm
by onleavedontatme
I meant map rotation, which is based partially on voting

Re: [Armhulenn] Pathofchaos1 - Stop messing with the rotatio

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 5:27 pm
by Armhulen
This should be feedback

Re: [Armhulenn] Pathofchaos1 - Stop messing with the rotatio

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:36 pm
by Cobby
Kor wrote:I meant map rotation, which is based partially on voting
I know for a fact people used to set their prefs to bird and mini for memes so I guess my previous comment still sorta applies.

Although at some point people (admins) need to just deal with it and instead take it to headmins to disable it from rot.

Re: [Armhulenn] Pathofchaos1 - Stop messing with the rotatio

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 2:10 am
by PathOfChaos1
When the vote came to box vs cere it was 20~vs 10~ it is still a chunk who want to play. As well as the fact its a rarity due to peoples preferences and the weighted vote system. EVEN IF people voted memey for birdboat. There were votes for Delta, Meta, and Cere. The random vote that happened chose cere anyway so it doesn't matter. I don't agree admins should not be encouraged to change maps on a whim. We already have a system in place for map selection. Map changes should only occur if a new map is in need of testing, new features, or the current map has some horrible game breaking issue, and it being less than pleasant to some isn't game breaking.

Re: [Armhulenn] Pathofchaos1 - Stop messing with the rotatio

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 2:13 am
by Armhulen
Again, not really actionable in any way but should totally be feedback

Re: [Armhulenn] Pathofchaos1 - Stop messing with the rotatio

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 3:05 pm
by Togopal
Cerestation is liquified garbage. Good on Armhulenn for actually having the community decide instead of letting the garbage automated vote system pick a huge map with low population.

Re: [Armhulenn] Pathofchaos1 - Stop messing with the rotatio

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 2:24 am
by PKPenguin321
Lots of nasty peanut posts, please cease

Making a map vote is not really actionable since it's just a thing we let admins do. Admins could change the map completely without player input at all and it would still be valid.

Not seeing anything actionable here.

Re: [Armhulenn] Pathofchaos1 - Stop messing with the rotatio

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 6:23 pm
by imblyings
Seems resolved.