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Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 7:55 pm
by Fragnostic
Byond account and character name:Fragnostic Ooboongoo Coochoongoo
Time incident occured: 3:33 PM
Detailed summary: I was banned for an hour by Stickymayhem. He claims that I did wrong by stripping a braindead officer after they said not to. Only they didn't say not to steal. It wasn't even a warning. They just casually threw out a comment in OOC to not KILL braindead people, saying it was lame. Stealing is acceptable IC and supported. I stole an ID from the officer.
This is the ban reason: Directly after an OOC warning not to abuse the network failures booting everyone, he abuses the network failure to strip an officer and take his stuff.

Stickymayhem never issued a 'warning'. The comment was:
OOC: Stickymayhem: Server appears to be having network trouble
OOC: Stickymayhem: Incidentally, please don't abuse this to kill braindeads guys
OOC: Stickymayhem: That's really lame.

He said not to abuse it to kill braindeads, but even if someone did, he didn't say it was bannable. He just said it was lame.

Why this is wrong and 'abuse':
-Stickymayhem never issued a warning or even the consequences
-Stickymayhem's comment was an OOC message not an 'Admin Notice', like it should have been
-His so called 'warning' applied to killing, and I stole IC
-I reviewed the logs and I did it pretty much while he mentioned the network thing
OOC: Stickymayhem: Server appears to be having network trouble
OOC: BS Charon: Holy lag batman
[Common] Kayleigh Evans says, "Fuck this universe and its spacetime"
OOC: Deathhoof: the lag, it burns!
Ooboongoo Coochoongoo has grabbed Michael Name passively!
Ooboongoo Coochoongoo has grabbed Michael Name aggressively (now hands)!
Ooboongoo Coochoongoo pushes Michael Name onto the table.
[Common] MIGGY states, "Online again."
Ooboongoo Coochoongoo has grabbed Michael Name passively!
OOC: Stickymayhem: Incidentally, please don't abuse this to kill braindeads guys
Gunner Beedell says, "interesting"
You need a better grip to do that!
OOC: LindsaysAwhore: Frodo Laggins
Ooboongoo Coochoongoo has grabbed Michael Name aggressively (now hands)!
OOC: Stickymayhem: That's really lame.
Gunner Beedell says, "c4 in the middle crate"
[Common] VPR-6 states, "Systems online."
Clunwe says, "HONK"
Ooboongoo Coochoongoo pushes Michael Name onto the table.
Ooboongoo Coochoongoo has grabbed Michael Name passively!
Ooboongoo Coochoongoo has grabbed Michael Name aggressively (now hands)!
OOC: Alterpanda: that damn ad is still playing
Ooboongoo Coochoongoo pushes Michael Name onto the table.
Mayan Steve has disarmed Gunner Beedell!
-The admin made it very casually, so how was I supposed to notice/take it seriously when my heart is racing and not focused on the text part of the game.

I don't think this was a misunderstanding or mistake. This is abuse and I know Stickymayhem to be a very good admin. Maybe it was out of anger/rage from me doing it, but this was just wrong. I won't lie, this does change my stance on how I feel about them, but what does that matter? I am a small voice in this community. I just wanted to let Stickymayhem know this was wrong and poorly handled. Not angry or anything,I just can't help but feeling sad and fucked over when I thought there was that one new administrator I thought would be great. Now I can't help but feeling extremely disappointed.

Re: [Stickymayhem]Fragnostic-Abuse

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:09 pm
by Stickymayhem
Abusing server problems to strip an officer as a non-antag after I made it clear killing braindeads is bad in OOC is breaking rule 1.

The server had repeated network dropouts so I pre-emptively said in OOC not to abuse it to kill braindeads. I shouldn't have to outline every possible action you could do that would get you punished in this instance. It's common sense. HG suggested an hour ban for it and I agreed.

Re: [Stickymayhem]Fragnostic-Abuse

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:11 pm
by Hornygranny
I'd like to believe this is a joke, but I know you're serious. Stealing from somebody who got dropped during a netsplit is metagaming, and I encourage Sticky to increase your ban because you cheated.

Re: [Stickymayhem]Fragnostic-Abuse

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:35 pm
by Fragnostic
Hornygranny wrote:I'd like to believe this is a joke, but I know you're serious. Stealing from somebody who got dropped during a netsplit is metagaming, and I encourage Sticky to increase your ban because you cheated.
How is it metagaming? It affected me, too. And it had been a while after everyone reconnected, so that guy was genuinely braindead. Besides, my machine and connection is horrible, so this happens to me often and I don't complain or get people who abuse that banned.

And demeaning my complaint is poor form by suggesting I am stupid and misguided. You make an Admin Notice if you want something obeyed. HBL does it to warn people 'PREEMPTIVELY'. Or at least say, "DON'T ABUSE BRAINDEADS AFTER NETSPLITS, LIKE AT ALL." This makes it clear to not even touch them. Now Stickymayhem only said killing, but I only noticed it after I got banned. Those are raw logs, no cherrypicking or editing. But you ignore cold, hard evidence and justify it with something along the lines of, "You know better." Well, I do. It's just that I didn't see it. Granted, had I seen it, I would've assumed you can't fuck with braindeads, but I probably would've stolen that officer's ID anyway, since that OOC message implicated murder. I hate to say it like this, but that's shit judgement and defend shittery. You can't be THAT vague, make a an announcement if you're going to ban people because they should 'know better'. I do know better, I just don't know why I posted in the most useless board since nothing comes of it, even with undeniable proof.

Re: [Stickymayhem]Fragnostic-Abuse

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:38 pm
by Hornygranny
We shouldn't have to announce anything about telling you not to abuse players after a netsplit. You absolutely should know better, it is very clearly a rule 1 violation in addition to a rule 5 violation.

Re: [Stickymayhem]Fragnostic-Abuse

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:49 pm
by Fragnostic
Hornygranny wrote:We shouldn't have to announce anything about telling you not to abuse players after a netsplit. You absolutely should know better, it is very clearly a rule 1 violation in addition to a rule 5 violation.
I stole while he made the OOC comment. Didn't even see it. If it's text then: not noticable=not that important. There's a reason admin bwoinks, admin announcements, players hurting you, and other important actions have very noticable text. Not common sense, stealing is completely IC. Not metagaming, because I tabled the guy, not knowing he was braindead, took the ID and bolted. So in the face of evidence, shown in the raw logs above, why do you defend an admin who will obviously have nothing coming to him? Why is this even a board? I don't even want him to get in trouble, I'm complaining for answers because it was WRONG. Justification, maybe I am the one who is wrong. But you defend yourself and Stickymayhem as if though you really did something wrong, getting defensive like that, pretty much saying you do nothing wrong. Bluespace at least admitted wrongdoing/expressed regret/apologised even when they were in the right. Why? To compensate for the inconvenience. Now I'm being scolded.

Re: [Stickymayhem]Fragnostic-Abuse

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:55 pm
by Hornygranny
You are being scolded because what you did was terrible and you defend it saying we should have explicitly disallowed it. Stealing a security officer's ID for no reason as a non-antag would be shit without network problems. You are lucky to only have gotten an hour long ban for it. That playstyle is not welcome here.

Re: [Stickymayhem]Fragnostic-Abuse

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:54 pm
by Pandarsenic
"I did something I know is awful, but he didn't say it was BANNABLE"

omg why

Re: [Stickymayhem]Fragnostic-Abuse

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:57 pm
by Fragnostic
Pandarsenic wrote:"I did something I know is awful, but he didn't say it was BANNABLE"

omg why
Stealing an ID is awful?

Re: [Stickymayhem]Fragnostic-Abuse

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 10:16 pm
by Stickymayhem
Fragnostic wrote:
Pandarsenic wrote:"I did something I know is awful, but he didn't say it was BANNABLE"

omg why
Stealing an ID is awful?
Stripping a security officer of important gear in a public place while he is braindead due to the server booting people and you being aware that the server is doing this to the majority of players due to an OOC announcement telling people not to kill braindeads is awful yes. The fact I didn't list every possible transgression you could have committed in that instance isn't acceptable justification for doing it.

Re: [Stickymayhem]Fragnostic-Abuse

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:21 pm
by MrStonedOne
Rule 1 covers everything not explicitly listed as bannable that is dickish, rule 0 covers everything the admins think would be bad for the playerbase at large.

You got banned because it never entered your mind that hey, massive amounts of people disconnected from a network fuckup, maybe it would be a shitty thing to do to exploit that and steal the id off this officer, maybe i should just pretend i don't have that urge, because it would be kinda shitty if rather or not players still had their stuff was determined by who logged back in first.

The fact you didn't think to be nice and fair and give that officer time to come back before basically gray-tiding him is not a justification for why you shouldn't have gotten banned, its more reason as to why you should have gotten banned.

The biggest issue here, is that you seem to be more concerned with 'winning' the access lottery than with having fun and contributing to the fun of others.

Re: [Stickymayhem]Fragnostic-Abuse

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:25 pm
by Hornygranny
(1 minutes (Edit))
Expires 2014-01-23 17:47:18 [REDACTED] 2014-01-20 17:47:18 pandarsenic Unban
Reason: (Edit) "Gray tiding -- attempting to steal HOP ID for MUH ALL ACCESS, disarming and stealing the HOP's energy gun, etc. Egregious Rule 1 violation."

(1 minutes (EDIT))
Expires 2014-02-24 05:58:41 [REDACTED] 2014-02-23 05:58:41 hornygranny
Reason: "stealing the captain's ID for no reason"

The former is a permaban iirc, the second is a permanent assistant ban. Stealing somebody's ID because you want their access is not allowed. If you can't understand why, you might not be cut out to play on this server.

Re: [Stickymayhem]Fragnostic-Abuse

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 12:21 pm
by Fragnostic
Don't want to be childish, but this looks like a bunch of admins jumping in to help someone who really fucked up big time, and their only reason for doing so is in regard to all of the good deeds this admin has done in the past. Trust me, up until this point, I thought Stickymayhem was completely capable of having a clear judgement and conviction. Now I'm not so sure and I feel really let down. Double standards left and right.

But you're right. No one is begging me to play here. And I'm already daybanned by Ikarrus for a disgusting double standard, so I'm just going to take a break from this server.
Haha, and to think I'd get an apology. See you guys later, I guess.

Re: [Stickymayhem]Fragnostic-Abuse

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 12:50 pm
by elyina