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[Aranclamos] An0n3 - Permabans people he doesn't like

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 6:24 pm
by Timbrewolf
Let me tell you a story of how I first met Aran and why it's all been downhill ever since:
Back when I was head of bans I had a permaban appeal come up for one agentdovakhiin. You can see he was originally permabanned for some wacky shit on October 11th, 2012. Randomly for whatever reason, between calasmere and yinadele it was decided that calasmere would put the permaban in on yinadele's authority, or some such technicality. I believe Aran might have been present for these events but I'm not sure. He may have just heard about it secondhand from yinadele, apparently the two of them were close.

Fastforward six months later to April 2013, when he makes a ban appeal. As the head of bans I sit this one out until calas decides that, yeah he'd give the guy a probationary period but it's kinda yinadele's call. Unfortunately, yinadele had left by then in a big huff and there was some rough stuff going on between her and some other admins. Still, I managed to track her down to talk about this situation. She says it was weird but if calas is fine with the situation then it's fine to give him another shot.

I post to that effect in the thread, calas removes the ban on 4/22, 6pm server time.

Very soon after Aranclanos messages me pissed off telling me I'm abusing my authority and I shouldn't just go around removing other peoples bans. I talk with him and explain that I contacted everyone involved, and everyone was cool with it. He mentions that he'll have to go talk to them about it and that's that.

I get a hold of yinadele again and ask her what the deal is with this guy. She gives him a vote of confidence and says I should do my best to cooperate with him, he's a good dude, etc. etc. Fair enough. I call it a night.

At 4pm the next day, only 20 hours after the ban was lifted, Aranclanos has reapplied his own permaban. The reasoning being "he was being an ass to everyone."

I look into the OOC and admin logs and find out Aranclanos had found this player when they logged in and began verbally harassing and provoking them until such a time that Aran decided he was "an ass" and that he had some IC justification to reapply the perma.

And now this is where I fucked up, and this is one of the least ethically responsible decisions I've ever made as an admin in this game, but for whatever stupid reason I decided to cover for Aran. I edited the ban to imply that someone had second guessed their decision to unban him, since that's at least a better justification than an admin assaulting a player until they crack and get banned for it.

I chewed Aran out, we had our first NO FUCK YOU ASSHOLE exchange as I told him to keep his goddamn biased hands off the ban controls from now on.

But he didn't. He kept fucking up enough until the point where he actually had ban taken away from him for a little bit.

But now he has it again. For what it's worth some of his bans look good. There's some good stuff in there, and he's a hard workin' coder. I don't hate him as a person.

But goddamn are there still a lot of shitty bans in there.

I was hoping when I came back I would be able to avoid Aran or we could just mutually not give a shit about eachother but he made the first snide remarks, and then I noticed he almost immediately had a public shitty ban and an admincomplaint and I knew...nothing had really changed.

Re: [Aranclamos] An0n3 - Permabans people he doesn't like

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 6:29 pm
by Antonkr
Can you post specific examples of shitty bans then? I don't really see much use in a complaint that's about something that happened a decent while ago.

Re: [Aranclamos] An0n3 - Permabans people he doesn't like

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 6:37 pm
by Timbrewolf
Conveniently between all the forum switching and threads being removed I can't, beyond the anecdotal account I have above.

The FNR clips off at such a decent pace here, short of posting portions of his actual ban history from his user profile in the database I can't.

You'll just have to take the word of someone whose job it was to oversee all the bans that his bans were not good.

Re: [Aranclamos] An0n3 - Permabans people he doesn't like

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 6:39 pm
by damiac
His recent ban of Paprika seems like a good example. I sort of thought his behavior toward Oldman got him kicked permanently off the admin list, but apparently it was just a long hiatus. Or maybe he was let back in as a 'fuck you' to Intigracy.

Re: [Aranclamos] An0n3 - Permabans people he doesn't like

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 6:44 pm
by Timbrewolf
Once upon a time there was a whole list of terrible bans with aranclanos' name on them that people would appeal and argue.

It was called FNR.

If you don't need to be spoonfed, try typing his name into the unban panel and scrolling down all his bans and see how many of them were removed or unbanned by another admin or by himself prematurely.

I'm not actually asking for anything to happen as a result of this, I just wanted to get this shit off my chest and maybe show some of the other admins why Aran and I hate eachother so much.

I've genuinely felt guilt about this for years. This is one of maybe only three things I've ever done, or situations I handled in which I felt "An0n3, you really fucked that one up."

I wish I'd never covered for you or listened to yinadele.

Re: [Aranclamos] An0n3 - Permabans people he doesn't like

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:44 pm
by deathhoof
+1 respect to an0n3, feeling guilty about a game for years takes a whole lot of something.

Re: [Aranclamos] An0n3 - Permabans people he doesn't like

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:47 pm
by Hibbles
If you ever see a specific incident of an admin doing a bad, come directly to me after making a calm, collected, precise, not-shitty Admin Complaints thread if you want to be productive. I'll listen to anybody, even people who annoy the Hell out of me, because this is important, yo.

Re: [Aranclamos] An0n3 - Permabans people he doesn't like

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:59 pm
by Timbrewolf
The situation is as much my fault as anyone else's because I made the horrible unethical choice to cover his ass and obscure what happened.

Everything was in a state of flux and people's tempers were through the roof. I thought if people saw admins were doing this it would undo everything I was trying to change with FNR policy and the Head of Bans position. Ultimately by obscuring the truth I did exactly that, used the position I had helped create for the worst, shittiest thing.

It was his bad to put the ban in this way but it was an equal abuse of authority for me to change the reason and smear some pretenses over it to make it look right.

So I felt like a shit and I let someone else take over the position and focused on other things because I made a huge mistake and didn't feel like I was justified to do much.

Going forward: If Aranclanos and I can pretend neither of us exists, which includes not talking about eachother to other people, and stay out of eachother's business/way I'll be comfortable with that.

Re: [Aranclamos] An0n3 - Permabans people he doesn't like

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:53 pm
by Pandarsenic

The one that got he deadminned last year. CJS asked if it was a bug that his AI Voice Track by clicking was taking him to a ling using a fake voice power. Aran immediately goes "EXCUSE TO BAN!" and has it lifted almost immediately.

There was, in the old forum, the thing about him harassing CJS with a mute for saying once cult is confirmed, you should use suit sensors to track cultists, calling it unacceptable play-to-win powergaming.

When I asked why he had +BAN in the Admin Forum again, he posted a picture of several Nazi soldiers saluting with my avatar's head on one

Clearly we need to make him headmin immediately

Re: [Aranclamos] An0n3 - Permabans people he doesn't like

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:59 pm
by damiac
So was he actually legitimately given ban powers, or are his current powers just the result of shenanigans?

Re: [Aranclamos] An0n3 - Permabans people he doesn't like

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:05 pm
by NikNakFlak
I think this thread stirs needless drama.

Re: [Aranclamos] An0n3 - Permabans people he doesn't like

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:09 pm
by paprika
Hibbles wrote:If you ever see a specific incident of an admin doing a bad, come directly to me after making a calm, collected, precise, not-shitty Admin Complaints thread if you want to be productive. I'll listen to anybody, even people who annoy the Hell out of me, because this is important, yo.
Is this a subtle way to ask for me to talk to you on IRC again HBL i'm so flattered :oops: :oops: :oops:
NikNakFlak wrote:I think this thread stirs needless drama.
Drama complaints that pop up every month due to Aran's abuse of ingame administrative power stirs more drama overall. Now is a good time to sort through this.

Re: [Aranclamos] An0n3 - Permabans people he doesn't like

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:12 pm
by Hibbles
No, it's not. This all ends, now. I've spoken to Anon and I've spoken to Aran.