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Nabski [Nukes shuttle over shit event]

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 4:27 am
by Eraukon
Byond account and character name: Eraukon, Miremar
Admin: nabski
Time and Server(Bagil or Sybil) incident occurred: 2018-08-21 03:05:35 Basil
Detailed summary: he sent in a medical shuttle event during an already traitor round, blocked my solars, asked him to move his ship, he did not. In return I was killed by reskinned syndicate borgs after people looted the ship TWICE. Then admin proceeded to spawn OPS and nuke the station.

You can't fuck up rounds just because your event got meme'd and shat on. He then makes another event that again ruins my solaring halfway in and when questioned he gives a "Hmmm?" and ends the conversation instead of explaining his shit actions.

Re: Nabski [Nukes shuttle over shit event]

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 4:32 am
by Ayy Lemoh
A complaint was already made by Asskek. Post your story there.

Denied by non-admin man.

Re: Nabski [Nukes shuttle over shit event]

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 4:39 am
by Nabski
I appreciate that you think shuttles are something that you can just move, but this is typically not the case. The shuttle needs somewhere with an west facing opening at least five tiles tall. This leaves about 4 places for it to spawn. You cented the windows to the shuttle, after an announcement was already made about the ship

Admins do not exist only as rule enforcers and mediators. We are.also DMs.

The memeing on you the next round on solars may not have been in the best taste, but the other admin online recommend it and it was funny without actively harming you in any way, just messing with "your" solars.

Re: Nabski [Nukes shuttle over shit event]

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 4:44 am
by oranges
You can't fuck up rounds just because your event got meme'd and shat on.

Re: Nabski [Nukes shuttle over shit event]

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 5:08 am
by Eraukon
So we do things in bad tastes because other admins recommend it? Something about you guys needing to be held to a higher standard?

Re: Nabski [Nukes shuttle over shit event]

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 5:12 am
by Dax Dupont
TL;DR: If you have a problem with an event, it no longer goes here. Use Event Workshop for critique and ideas, use admin feedback to talk about a specific admin's events, and use singulo to bitch. Remember you can also talk to any admin by adminhelping, finding an admin you trust and PMing them or in #supportbus.

Re: Nabski [Nukes shuttle over shit event]

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 5:12 am
by Eraukon
All you have proven to me and others is that, not only can you not DM without ruining the round when it goes awry, but that you cannot enforce or mediate with the disgusting attitude you gave me the round after.

Re: Nabski [Nukes shuttle over shit event]

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 5:13 am
by Eraukon
Dax Dupont wrote:
TL;DR: If you have a problem with an event, it no longer goes here. Use Event Workshop for critique and ideas, use admin feedback to talk about a specific admin's events, and use singulo to bitch. Remember you can also talk to any admin by adminhelping, finding an admin you trust and PMing them or in #supportbus.
I'm not going to jump through hoops to tell you guys that your doing an awful job.

Re: Nabski [Nukes shuttle over shit event]

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 5:16 am
by Dax Dupont
Eraukon wrote:
Dax Dupont wrote:
TL;DR: If you have a problem with an event, it no longer goes here. Use Event Workshop for critique and ideas, use admin feedback to talk about a specific admin's events, and use singulo to bitch. Remember you can also talk to any admin by adminhelping, finding an admin you trust and PMing them or in #supportbus.
I'm not going to jump through hoops to tell you guys that your doing an awful job.
Don't worry, you won't have to interact with the admin events if you keep getting banned for ban evasion.

Re: Nabski [Nukes shuttle over shit event]

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 5:19 am
by Eraukon
Dax Dupont wrote:
Eraukon wrote:
Dax Dupont wrote:
TL;DR: If you have a problem with an event, it no longer goes here. Use Event Workshop for critique and ideas, use admin feedback to talk about a specific admin's events, and use singulo to bitch. Remember you can also talk to any admin by adminhelping, finding an admin you trust and PMing them or in #supportbus.
I'm not going to jump through hoops to tell you guys that your doing an awful job.
Don't worry, you won't have to interact with the admin events if you keep getting banned for ban evasion.
Real becoming of an admin. I won't have to interact with it because it'll probably crash the server and ruin the round that way.

Re: Nabski [Nukes shuttle over shit event]

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 5:20 am
by Eraukon
Dax Dupont wrote:
Eraukon wrote:
Dax Dupont wrote:
TL;DR: If you have a problem with an event, it no longer goes here. Use Event Workshop for critique and ideas, use admin feedback to talk about a specific admin's events, and use singulo to bitch. Remember you can also talk to any admin by adminhelping, finding an admin you trust and PMing them or in #supportbus.
I'm not going to jump through hoops to tell you guys that your doing an awful job.
Don't worry, you won't have to interact with the admin events if you keep getting banned for ban evasion.
On top of that, stay focused on the point of the thread, it's not yours to derail kthx.

Re: Nabski [Nukes shuttle over shit event]

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 5:22 am
by Dax Dupont
Eraukon wrote:
Dax Dupont wrote:
Eraukon wrote:
Dax Dupont wrote:
TL;DR: If you have a problem with an event, it no longer goes here. Use Event Workshop for critique and ideas, use admin feedback to talk about a specific admin's events, and use singulo to bitch. Remember you can also talk to any admin by adminhelping, finding an admin you trust and PMing them or in #supportbus.
I'm not going to jump through hoops to tell you guys that your doing an awful job.
Don't worry, you won't have to interact with the admin events if you keep getting banned for ban evasion.
Real becoming of an admin. I won't have to interact with it because it'll probably crash the server and ruin the round that way.
You've indicated that 1. you don't follow this boards rules nor want to
2. You were just caught evading a permaban f(that was placed for absolutely terrible behavior) and thus you have no regard for server rules.

These two combined shows that you probably shouldn't be throwing stones in a glass house regarding peoples behavior. It's very relevant to the thread because the thread must follow the stickied topic about events or it's invalid, which you state not to care about.

Re: Nabski [Nukes shuttle over shit event]

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 5:26 am
by Eraukon
Dax Dupont wrote:
Eraukon wrote:
Dax Dupont wrote:
Eraukon wrote:
Dax Dupont wrote:
TL;DR: If you have a problem with an event, it no longer goes here. Use Event Workshop for critique and ideas, use admin feedback to talk about a specific admin's events, and use singulo to bitch. Remember you can also talk to any admin by adminhelping, finding an admin you trust and PMing them or in #supportbus.
I'm not going to jump through hoops to tell you guys that your doing an awful job.
Don't worry, you won't have to interact with the admin events if you keep getting banned for ban evasion.
Real becoming of an admin. I won't have to interact with it because it'll probably crash the server and ruin the round that way.
You've indicated that 1. you don't follow this boards rules nor want to
2. You were just caught evading a permaban f(that was placed for absolutely terrible behavior) and thus you have no regard for server rules.

These two combined shows that you probably shouldn't be throwing stones in a glass house regarding peoples behavior.
Why should I follow board rules when it is very clear they are used to negate negative feedback to admins? This is used to provide feedback, not jumping through several links to hopefully gather one of your autismos attention.

2. I know I was caught evading a permaban, (Funfact, I take my attitude after seeing several of my brothers killed infront of me in germany on shitty admins and have since stopped) you need not remind me with every post.

I know your real focal point is that I have been banned before, so why does that excuse you and nabs shit behavior? You are implying that if people don't obey the rules, neither should admins.

Re: Nabski [Nukes shuttle over shit event]

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 5:29 am
by Eraukon
I'll take your shit talk into consideration when 1. The server doesn't crash every 2nd round. 2. your admins are held accountable at all times, not only when they get caught doing dumb shit by players 3. you bring actual points into this discussion. Until then eat shit.

Re: Nabski [Nukes shuttle over shit event]

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 5:49 am
by Eraukon
/endthread I'm moving servers. byeeeeeeeeeee

Re: Nabski [Nukes shuttle over shit event]

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 2:56 pm
by imsxz
I suggested placing stuff on the solars in the following round, I'll take any and all responsibility/reprimands for it if it ever becomes relevant.

Re: Nabski [Nukes shuttle over shit event]

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 3:48 pm
by Dax Dupont
Eraukon wrote:/endthread I'm moving servers. byeeeeeeeeeee
Appeal resolved

Re: Nabski [Nukes shuttle over shit event]

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:36 pm
by BeeSting12
Eraukon wrote:/endthread I'm moving servers. byeeeeeeeeeee
no big loss you're ban evading anyway

Re: Nabski [Nukes shuttle over shit event]

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 12:51 am
by Deitus
to be honest the whole "you can only post complaints about our events in the event workshop" thing is a load of crap and you damn well know it. events are actions that admins take and if they do something that ruins the round for some people like in this case (not to mention probably fucking over the traitors and actual round antags) they should be held accountable for it. the admin brigade swooping in for damage control and the classic "you did [x] in the past so that completely invalidates anything bad you have to say about me" thing (inb4 its used on me for this reply) is a massive red herring and is a bunch of bullshit. if you're gonna preach to players about how they should act you should take responsibility for your own actions and at the very least apologize for fucking people over.

seeing what nabski did and how they are reacting to being called out on it is an unexpected and unwelcome surprise, as i had them pegged as one of the (increasingly few) admins that have a firm head on their shoulders and would never have thought they would pull something like this; im frankly incredibly disappointed in them.

ill leave this here until pkp pulls some random excuse out of his ass to delete the comment.

Re: Nabski [Nukes shuttle over shit event]

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 10:00 pm
by bandit
this thread is basically a salt reserves thread now so why not make it official

Re: Nabski [Nukes shuttle over shit event]

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 9:15 am
by PKPenguin321
On second glance it looks like this thread is a duplicate of another thread so I'm gonna shut it down