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[DaxYeen] Affurit - Notes

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 10:08 pm
by Affu
Byond account and character name: Affurit - FLIT
Admin: DaxYeen
Time and Server(Bagil or Sybil) incident occurred: 2018-06-25 12:35:59 Bagil
Detailed summary: ... 70#p434470
Following on from this, the note was edited in a way that I'm even more unhappy with, and the third note remained as grandiose and ridiculous as it was. Dax has said that they want a headmin to look at this, so I've decided to post this here to make sure that it is seen by the right people.

This isn't really anything against Dax, but I really resent how this was handled both initially when the note was placed and then afterwords when Dax actually went onto the server and edited the note. That's about it.

If a resolution in my favour is reached, I'd ask that both the second and third note be removed. The third was due to the second (though still completely out of the blue) and both notes are not only incorrect and unfair, but actually insulting coming from two people who have majorly misinterpreted silicon policy in a wild way.

I'm assuming Dax also called for the thread to be called before any judgement was made on the third note. No real final statement was made other than Dax's, which isn't how that should have worked, right...?

Re: [DaxYeen] Affurit - Notes

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 9:57 am
by Dax Dupont
The note was only edited once. I said I would edit the note to better reflect the situation, the human harm which was the bigger issue I should've added in the first place.
I said I would edit it and I only edited when I said I had edited it.
My only error was not making the note about the harm in the first place.
Besides headmins declined to give their opinion and they moved it into resolved.
You've show a clear issue with how you play as AI and you keep trying to rule lawyer your way out of it. This is reflected in your public and secret notes.
You harmed someone as AI because you wanted to take it a cultist.

Re: [DaxYeen] Affurit - Notes

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 11:37 am
by Affu
Bullshit. My opinions of you have dropped drastically. The only positive thing is that you directed me to the link account button.

The human harm isn't even up for discussion at this point, I outright don't believe it happened, it's just an excuse to justify yourself at this point. If it did happen, it was a fluke and not noticeable.

I've not at all shown an issue with how I play AI and the third note isn't even me as an AI.

Secret notes? I don't recall any situations where I'd have gotten one. DO share.

I'm an AI. I don't rules lawyer, I follow the policy, which are the rules.

You make policy up to suit your urge to note me. Unless you're reading from a different set of rules, show me what I've done wrong.

I harmed a moth as an AI, a consequence of blowing up a borg that was breaking laws to assist cultists who wanted to tear apart the station when it should have known better. It has no excuse and at this point I'm entirely convinced you were either that borg or the moth from how you've been about this and a few other hints. The cultists were an active danger.

This might seem like a rude tone, but what you did was pathetic and childish, and you know it was, I'm a bit entitled to be pissed off.

Besides, you're hardly being cordial, are you?

Re: [DaxYeen] Affurit - Notes

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 1:30 pm
by Dax Dupont
Affu wrote: The human harm isn't even up for discussion at this point, I outright don't believe it happened, it's just an excuse to justify yourself at this point. If it did happen, it was a fluke and not noticeable.
>I'll just claim it didn't happen even though the admin saw it happen.
You make policy up to suit your urge to note me. Unless you're reading from a different set of rules, show me what I've done wrong.
Asimov AIs aren't supposed to harm humans. Blowing borgs right next to humans is harm.

Within a month of joining you acquired 2 public notes and a week job ban for all heads.
Two of them being about bad behavior as an AI, and one about uploading laws to the AI.

Granted since then you've cleaned up your act somewhat and want those bad marks of your record, that's understandable. The note was factually incorrect as you noted in the appeal, so I corrected it.

Sure, with a little snark but we're more than allowed to be snarky if people are being rude and hostile.

If you want to appeal the note again in a few months, go for it. Nothing I've done is worthy of an admin complaint as far as I see it and this forum isn't for note appeals.

Re: [DaxYeen] Affurit - Notes

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 1:33 pm
by Lazengann
The note
As an Asimov blew a borg that was helping a cultist moth, under law 2 orders to help that moth, and ended up harming a human with the blowing of that borg in their thirst for valids.

Re: [DaxYeen] Affurit - Notes

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 1:34 pm
by Affu
I don't believe at this point that you're a reliant witness, Dax. You just seem insistent on trying to throw weight around.

Think of how much you must have messed up for me to consider you an unreliable source, then wonder why I'm making this complaint, and the actions that you've taken.

Re: [DaxYeen] Affurit - Notes

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 1:41 pm
by Dax Dupont
Affu wrote: Think of how much you must have messed up for me to consider you an unreliable source, then wonder why I'm making this complaint, and the actions that you've taken.
Your opinion about me is about as relative as the guy who got angry about me about not giving them a free uplink, your feelings are irrelevant.

You're arguing about the correctness of the note and what I've observed, that's not for the admin complaint forum.

If you're upset about my snarkiness, you're right that we're highly paid professionals who are held to a golden standard.

Re: [DaxYeen] Affurit - Notes

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 2:19 pm
by Affu
If you're not to held to any standard then what is this forum for?

This is a complaint because your behaviour is just petty and childish at this point. If you can't take being challenged or criticism then don't claim positions of authority.

Actually, Dax, what don't matter here are YOUR feelings. You're the one being judged this time.

No disrespect, but you honestly don't deserve respect.

Re: [DaxYeen] Affurit - Notes

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 2:27 pm
by Dax Dupont
Affu wrote:If you're not to held to any standard then what is this forum for?
We're held to some standards, but we're not required to be ultra professional.
No disrespect, but you honestly don't deserve respect.
If you say so.

Re: [DaxYeen] Affurit - Notes

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 2:29 pm
by Affu
Right next to humans is a load of crap as I've said earlier. You're flat out lying at this point. My last note and head ban was a result of your note anyway, which I've already stated was completely unfair and incorrect.

The third note is ABSURD. It makes ZERO SENSE, and has NOTHING at all to do with silicon policy. This is completely disregarding the context.

One note wasn't for "bad behaviour" as an AI, it was a MISTAKE.

The second note's context wasn't even ME breaking silicon policy, I'm still in awe that you haven't in any way noted the borg that was assisting a group of mostly non-human blood thirsty psychopaths and instead have fixated on my preventative actions.

I'll make a complaint if I feel like this deserves a complaint, thank you very much.

Re: [DaxYeen] Affurit - Notes

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 2:41 pm
by Dax Dupont
I'm sure the headmins will offer their view on it soon.

Re: [DaxYeen] Affurit - Notes

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 2:44 pm
by Arianya
Peanut Policy: citing a rule
Admin Complaint Rules wrote:
So far as I can tell, this complaint is about how Dax handled the appeal/corrected the note, which wouldn't normally be open to an admin complaint.

Re: [DaxYeen] Affurit - Notes

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 2:48 pm
by Affu
Good, I wonder how they'll see the fact that you justified yourself with actions taken after you made yours.

I can't wait to see how they react to how you changed the ticket reason when you realised your original note didn't hold much water.

I don't need anyone to point out that you have no real knowledge of silicon policy, you make that clear enough.

I'm fine with holding your stupid little comments on my notes until sees fit to remove them.

I cannot believe that you even ATTEMPTED to be diplomatic after editing your note.

I'm not sure what you were trying by telling me that this wasn't an admin complaint and then saying I couldn't appeal the notes, this is an admin complaint for a reason, because I'm complaining, about you, an admin.

I have had a splitting headache for the last three days and I'm really not in the mood for any more pointless back and forth comments, so thank you for stopping.

We'll see what the higher ups think.

Edit: I'm going to call the last comment a peanut. It's citing a rule stupidly. I'm not appealing anything. I'm making a complaint. What you're saying is that we can only report specific things? I count what Dax did as an abuse of power anyway, so whatever.

Re: [DaxYeen] Affurit - Notes

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 2:53 pm
by Arianya
Affu wrote: Edit: I'm going to call the last note a peanut. It's citing a rule stupidly. I'm not appealing anything. I'm making a complaint. What you're saying is that we can only report specific things? I count what Dax did as an abuse of power anyway, so whatever.
The cited rule is for the Admin Complaint section of the forums, not the Appeals section.

The rule, as written, means that one can only use this forum to complain about a specific incidence of in-game issues with an administrator. If your intent was to complain about Dax's in-game handling of the original note I'd recommend rewriting your OP to that effect.

Re: [DaxYeen] Affurit - Notes

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 2:57 pm
by Affu
The correction of the note was done from the server and the initial placement of the note was done from the server. Both are as in-game as things are going to get.

I know that's the rule for the reports section. I mean that this isn't about the note anymore, it's about Dax.

I might make the OP a bit clearer tho.

At no point have I been unreasonable. At first I didn't even mind the notes being there, all I wanted was for you to properly explain them.

Instead, you decided to go completely the other way, and just be rude and snarky and dishonest.

Re: [DaxYeen] Affurit - Notes

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 3:20 pm
by Dax Dupont
I've not been dishonest.

Re: [DaxYeen] Affurit - Notes

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 3:35 pm
by Arianya
Affu wrote: I'm assuming Dax also called for the thread to be called before any judgement was made on the third note. No real final statement was made other than Dax's, which isn't how that should have worked, right...?
As far as I'm aware, Dax made no "call" for the thread to be resolved.

The official guidelines for this is that appeals can be approved/denied by the relevant admin, and then a period of minimum 24 hours (but ideally longer) is given for the appealing person to see it and offer any response, as well as for headmins to see the thread and decide if they want to overrule/comment, but after that period it can be resolved by the administrator assuming no headmin has intervened.

For reference, the appeal was moved to resolved by a headmin.

Re: [DaxYeen] Affurit - Notes

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 3:54 pm
by Dax Dupont
Arianya wrote:
Affu wrote: I'm assuming Dax also called for the thread to be called before any judgement was made on the third note. No real final statement was made other than Dax's, which isn't how that should have worked, right...?
As far as I'm aware, Dax made no "call" for the thread to be resolved.

The official guidelines for this is that appeals can be approved/denied by the relevant admin, and then a period of minimum 24 hours (but ideally longer) is given for the appealing person to see it and offer any response, as well as for headmins to see the thread and decide if they want to overrule/comment, but after that period it can be resolved by the administrator assuming no headmin has intervened.

For reference, the appeal was moved to resolved by a headmin.
It did get locked because peanut posted started, but aside from that it was moved by the headmins, unless someone else moved it.

Re: [DaxYeen] Affurit - Notes

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 3:59 pm
by Affu
Well, apart from the lie you've been very honest Dax. Apart from the fact you decided to conceal any and all context and construct your own on top of the note, you're practically a paragon of honesty.

The appeal was moved to resolved with 0 comments or closing statements from a higher up. I've decided to escalate this and take this out of Dax's hands for a reason, which everyone can see.

Funny signature by the way.

Edit: Can we get the peanut taken out of this or is it going to continue? No offence but there are no good points being made here that are truly relevant. Just dancing around the issue and weak justifications and attempts to throw out the thread without facing the real issue.

It's literally spam at this point, copying what Dax has said and taking up space, taking away from discussion.

Re: [DaxYeen] Affurit - Notes

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 11:46 pm
by Affu
Apart from the fact that it's obviously passive aggresive, there's also that it's outright wrong?

No one else in the situation came away thinking those thoughts, and the original reason was taking the borg out of the round. It didn't hold water when I provided my point of view (and everyone else's) so Dax tried to paint me as some validhunty AI, somehow.

Wouldn't be surprised if Dax was a cultist or that borg in that round due to the reaction.

Re: [DaxYeen] Affurit - Notes

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 12:45 am
by CitrusGender
This is not actionable. Dax did something after the headmins declined to give a comment on the thread. I don't believe Dax has acted petty or childish, they're making an opinion and that is well within their right to do so as an admin unless it is off the wall and egregious. I don't see anything here that falls within those parameters.

This complaint is declined, any other headmin may post.