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[Nabski] Vlad Paler - Worst fucking idea ever.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 4:15 am
by PonyHitler
Byond account and character name: RapeMeBaby/Vlad Paler

Admin: Nabski

Time and Server(Bagil or Sybil) incident occurred: Bagil, round-wide event at around 10:30PM EST


Detailed summary: The round before this was a shitty round where there was constant greytiding and apparently security had done some dumb shit. In response, Nabski decided to make it so that the next round, all crimes were now counted as two levels higher than they would ordinarily be (so anything above a Minor Crime would be considered a capital crime), but that Security now had to fill out paperwork for every execution. This led to, predictably, mass riots as people were absolutely pissed that admins were encouraging shitcurity. And due to the level of rioting that was going on, security had to be even MORE shit than usual to even have a chance of dealing with it. However, we were so massively outnumbered that even then we couldn't stand a chance. There was nonstop fighting and a lot of on-the-spot kills during fights out of necessity. The round became the very embodiment of hell.

Firstly, the idea of a punishment being put on literally every person in the game for the actions of the few a previous round is ridiculous. There were countless people who got caught up in something that Nabski outright STATED in OOC beforehand was a "Punishment." It was also meant to be evenly applied to both security and the shitters of the round, but all it did was make their shittery twice as bad. I'm sure they had twice as much fun too. Thus it made the punishment on security even more intense. Not once throughout this entire round did the "Punishment" get lifted, even when it was obvious the station had gone into total grief mode. Nothing was changed to try to bring it under control. And given we had Central Command agents breathing down our necks constantly and outright arresting (if not killing, since I know he ended up dead) the HoS that round, we couldn't do much to change how we approached it either.

tl;dr the round was shit, punishing everyone for a small group of shitters is retarded, you should realize when youve fucked up and try to fix it, and we should never do this again

Re: [Nabski] Vlad Paler - Worst fucking idea ever.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 4:26 am
by Nabski
See this thread about complaints on events.

Yeah, the event didn't go nearly how I hoped it would. I had HOPED that there would be less greytiding because it would be punished more harshly. It was the opposite. There wasn't a remotely good IC way to say "hey guys go back to treating security like normal despite the fact that there's massive weapons on both sides and the station is flooded with knock out gas".

There was a centcom official watching over security to try to make sure there wasn't too much abuse on either side. This was a random player. At the point when both they, and the lawyer, were stunned and attempted to be taken down by the HoS I sent a ERT to go return him to centcomm for a demotion. He was brought back, interviewed, and his reasons for his actions were valid(basically everything you said above) so the ERT was told to return him to the station and let him go. The central command units continued to have issues between being hunted by the heads of staff and hiding from the fire, so I eventually made another ERT with firefighters.

tl;dr the round was shit, I realized I fucked up when you ahelped to pass out lethals and I said yes to avoid making everyone in security have a completely shit round. I tried to salvage it while creating unique RP. I'm never doing this again

Re: [Nabski] Vlad Paler - Worst fucking idea ever.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 10:00 am
by Screemonster
As per this post in the feedback thread on this incident though, it was implied that you'd be banning people who didn't go along with the event. While "ran a shitty event" isn't worthy of an admincomplaint, "threatened to ban players for things that aren't actually rules" certainly is.

Re: [Nabski] Vlad Paler - Worst fucking idea ever.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 2:57 pm
by Nabski
As a security officer your options were:
Enhance all your punishments, but do paperwork. (The point of the paperwork was so that if someone ahelped about an officer, the officer would be able to defend their actions as "I was just following the event" as opposed to "I was told I could kill people for small crimes").
Act as normal.

I was trying to get ahead of the "I just joined security to kill people" meme that gets thrown around sometimes. Despite me mentioning it a few times in deadchat that if you had issues you should ahelp I only got two ahelps. One about the HoS (at which point they had bodies all around them that they had organized in the firing range). That one I attempted to deal with in an IC manner as mentioned in the other post because from the looks of it his actions were reasonable. The other was a miner who didn't realize they had walked into the main area of conflict (dorms where people were handing out spears and shields) and had been killed/looted. I talked to the officer and found their reasoning valid. The miner was already being cloned, so I finished the timer on it and gave them a new set of mining gear, with a speed potion and hardsuit to offset the other losses. They seemed happy with this outcome.

It's very hard to run an event that makes security have a better time. The easiest "event" tends to be creating more antagonists. There's station neutral events, with the easiest example being some kind of trader. The round before that I had hoped would go that way, with the station being given 500 conveyor belts and an announcement about it (I don't think anything happened with them).

Apparently overnight the player making this complaint was banned, then evaded multiple times until they were permabanned. I would like to state that I was asleep and had nothing to do with this.

TDLR EDIT: I ran an event and the player didn't like it. They had a job that could lessen the impact of it significantly IC (Captain), and instead chose to double down and hand out guns to security. I had implied that I would be harsh on people who abused the event to be an asshole, but didn't have to really act on it.

Re: [Nabski] Vlad Paler - Worst fucking idea ever.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 11:27 pm
by Arianya
This is functionally an event complaint. In the same way that administrators can loosen certain rules (i.e. battle royale events, TDM events), they can also place an emphasis on certain rules in aid of an event. The counterweight to this is that the admin puts themselves on the line for what results from their event.

Nabski has admitted the flaws here and in his own feedback thread, so I don't see anything actionable here.

As a general point of procedure, I'm just going to remind admins in general that events are a measured taste, and shouldn't be happening every round.

Any other headmin may post.