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[Penterwast] Lack of communication

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 12:09 am
by ChaptainHailee
Byond account and character name: Biggestpenisking - Hailee Fiscina
Admin: Penterwast
Time and server: Terry 2018-12-17 23:10 GMT
Round ID: 98778

Detailed summary:
[Context] I was the chaplain. The captain wanted Ian to be the "God" and gave me his spare ID for my role as Ian's protector. The captain then murdered the janitor, so an engi-borg walled the captain into one square to prevent him from causing more harm. A few minutes later I disassembled the wall myself but the captain was catatonic. I took his stuff to continue Ian's legacy and cremated his body (since he wasn't going to come back). I declared myself "chaptain". I had spoken to the HoP and had been seen walking round the station but then I was set to arrest. I went to Sec to explain my situation to them and they perma-ed me on the spot saying "its grand theft" without listening to the circumstances or considering that I had come to sec voluntarily. This is when I complained to the admins that I had been unfairly arrested.

Penterwast said that he would look into the situation and I heard nothing else from him in the 25 minutes that I was in perma. I even asked after about 10 or 15 minutes if there was an update on the situation and got no reply. Eventually the sec officer came back and released me but by this time the round had already been ruined.

The reason I am making this complaint is I was stuck for almost half an hour in perma without any updates about whether the admin was doing anything or if I had just been left to rot. This meant I couldn't leave because I had to listen for admin responses but couldn't play the game because I was stuck in perma (where the communal area had no oxygen and low air pressure meaning I was essentially confined to a cell). Penterwast didn't even respond after the matter was dealt with.

Waiting for 25 minutes in perma for an admin to look into the situation would be bad enough on its own, but the total radio silence made this a truly awful experience.

Re: [Penterwast] Lack of communication

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 2:54 am
by penterwast
I apologize for the lack of communication that round. I wound up having a very long conversation with that HoS, both for your permabrigging and about another situation, and that conversation dragged on for a long time. He was definitely in the wrong there, and I believe he released you as a result of our conversation. I did message you later that round:

[2018-12-17 23:42:19.548] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Penterwast/(Shines-The-Light)->Biggestpenisking/(Hailee Fiscina): Sorry that took so long, hopefully it shouldn't happen again.

Taken from ... 8/game.log

But that was after no communication from me for about 49 minutes. I apologize again, I should have followed up earlier when you asked for an update, but I had my hands full at that point in time.

Re: [Penterwast] Lack of communication

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 2:11 pm
by ChaptainHailee
Sorry, I didn't see your later message because I had alt-tabbed and gone AFK by that point. Thank you for the apology!

Re: [Penterwast] Lack of communication

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 12:13 am
by Arianya
Given that the admin in question and the player have come to an understanding regarding what happened, and it seems like the cause for complaint is resolved, I don't see any reason to deal with this further.

OP, if you did still intend for the complaint to go ahead, please PM me!