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[ScaredOfShadows]Amelius - Answers own adminhelps, baiting

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 7:49 pm
by Amelius
Byond account and character name: Amelius, Silas Faust
Admin: ScaredOfShadows, as Pushes-And-Shoves.
Time incident occured: 2:30 ESTish.
Detailed summary: I arrived as the HoS at the 3 minute to shuttle ETA mark. Everyone was complaining about the (deposed and killed at that point) Captain attempting to implement Sharia law or some sort of other nonsense. I suit up, and head for the shuttle, as the situation had already culmulated, and I had no business sticking my neck into something I wasn't there for.

Now, SoS (as Pushes-And-Shoves) is running around with no ID and a gasmask on. Under code blue, you cannot randomly search people, however, it is a targeted search since he's running around with his ID in his bloody backpack and showing up as unknown while there is a prevailing threat to the station. What does he do when he's arrested for a routine search, and taken to the boxed off security area (as a scientist was trying to run off with him)?

He answers his own adminhelp. Of course, this is after I released him, because there was nothing incriminating. Just an idiot assistant.

Pushes-and-Shoves hisses, "And no, you can't randomly sssearch people unlessssss it'sss red or delta"
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Scaredofshadows: It was a random search
Silas Faust says, "Code blue is sufficient for that."
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Scaredofshadows: Learn security.
PM to-Admins: You aren't supposed to answer your own adminhelps.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Scaredofshadows: Watch me
PM to-Admins: It's not a random search to search someone who is suspicious under code blue, who has no ID and is wearing a gas mask, and someone tried to free them.
PM to-Admins: That is called 'doing my job'.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Scaredofshadows: I rule that it is a random search
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: I challenge that. Play security instead of assistant.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Scaredofshadows: I have been
PM to-Admins: Sir, it seems you learned NOTHING from the last time. This is very unprofessional. (Referring to the Schlomo Gaskin case that occurred bloody 5 days ago).
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Scaredofshadows: Listen, this is my server. I make the rules and rulings.
PM to-Admins: You said you would follow their judgement. You betrayed the trust of everyone in command on this server. (referring to the second judgement emplaced three days ago).
PM to-Admins: And everyone that plays here.
Admin PM from-Scaredofshadows: For telling you not to randomly search people under blue / green?
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
The round has ended.

No ban was handed out, and the somewhat hostile discussion never culmulated, but it was very unprofessional from the onset. What justifiable reason is there to run around with your ID/PDA in your backpack UNLESS YOU'RE COMMITTING/COMMITTED A CRIME? You plain aren't supposed to answer your own adminhelps, and acceptable cause for a search is exactly that - code blue prohibits RANDOM searches, not searching with reason. Despite his claim, I have yet to see SoS in a security role doing security-related things, only perpetual Assistant shittery and baiting.

Re: [ScaredOfShadows]Amelius - Answers own adminhelps, baiti

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:08 pm
by scaredofshadows
No bans, jobbans or notes were applied.

You were asked to not randomly search people under code blue.

Yes, I have the ability to adminPM you out of the blue. No, we're not going to have another rousing round of 'dehost scaredy' whenever someone gets their butt frosted over being adminPMed.

What can I do to make this right in your eyes?

Re: [ScaredOfShadows]Amelius - Answers own adminhelps, baiti

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:18 pm
by Amelius
scaredofshadows wrote:No bans, jobbans or notes were applied.

You were asked to not randomly search people under code blue.

Yes, I have the ability to adminPM you out of the blue. No, we're not going to have another rousing round of 'dehost scaredy' whenever someone gets their butt frosted over being adminPMed.

What can I do to make this right in your eyes?
Stop answering your own damn adminhelps. Stop running around with a gasmask as unknown with your PDA/ID in your backpack if you don't want to be searched and demasked. Similarly, don't run around covered in blood with a miner hardsuit as a scientist if you don't want security to be asking questions. Code blue prohibits randomly searching without cause. With cause, it is not random, otherwise you may as well ban every competent detective ever.

That's all I want. I only made this admincomplaint because you seemed narrowminded in that you seemed to think that 'all searches are random searches', and that you do not fully understand the constraints that security has to work with, especially with limited information. I understand that I was somewhat hostile from the start, because I'm terrible at dealing with adminhelps for (from my perspective) justified action (especially when you were already released).

Re: [ScaredOfShadows]Amelius - Answers own adminhelps, baiti

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:20 pm
by scaredofshadows
Sorry if I riled you up, that was not my intention.

I will keep the targetted search and security constraints in mind.

Re: [ScaredOfShadows]Amelius - Answers own adminhelps, baiti

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:24 pm
by Vekter
Look, I'm just gonna say, if I handled my own adminhelp I'd probably lose admin for it

Searching someone who is being suspicious isn't a random search. If I see someone running around without an ID with a mask on you bet your ass I'm searching him. That's super suspicious in my book.

Re: [ScaredOfShadows]Amelius - Answers own adminhelps, baiti

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:43 pm
by Timbrewolf
Cross posting from IRC discussion:

SoS if you could write up your expectations for security and how you want them to play we could look at incorporating that into policy and rules. At the end of the day it's your server so you can decide that part of the "flavor" of how you want things to operate here.

But it's clear that what you want and the current atmosphere are different, and trying to personally change that one incident at a time isn't going to end well. I think maybe another roundtable might be in order? Maybe not.

Re: [ScaredOfShadows]Amelius - Answers own adminhelps, baiti

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:53 pm
by Saegrimr
Unknown in a gas mask running around? I'd slip and search him myself even if I wasn't security. That's like prime "this guy is clearly up to no good" material. Hardly even a search at that point.

Re: [ScaredOfShadows]Amelius - Answers own adminhelps, baiti

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:15 pm
by youngbuckliontiger
SoS you do own the server and you make the rulings but atleast follow the rules that you set up. That means no answering your own adminhelp.
Saegrimr wrote:Unknown in a gas mask running around? I'd slip and search him myself even if I wasn't security. That's like prime "this guy is clearly up to no good" material. Hardly even a search at that point.
If you did that to SOS, you would probably be permabanned by SOS cuz play2win playstyle that SOS really hates.

Re: [ScaredOfShadows]Amelius - Answers own adminhelps, baiti

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:33 pm
by scaredofshadows
Saegrimr wrote:Unknown in a gas mask running around? I'd slip and search him myself even if I wasn't security. That's like prime "this guy is clearly up to no good" material. Hardly even a search at that point.
I suppose this is true.

I was wrong to adminPM Amelius. There's no bans or notes, so there's nothing to remove.

Re: [ScaredOfShadows]Amelius - Answers own adminhelps, baiti

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:46 pm
by Ikarrus
Thank you for your complaint. We've had an internal discussion with SoS and this sort of thing shouldn't happen again.

If you have any questions or further concerns, please send me a PM. Until then I am declaring this resolved.