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[Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:02 am
Byond account and character name: LNGLY/random
Time incident occured: ~20mins ago
Detailed summary: I spawned as a captain blob and made myself a platform outside escape with floor tiles and rods to avoid detection. Popped, splitted, all went well.

Skorvold announces before the biohazard alert even triggers that there's a blob outside escape in space, and thereafter reminds the crew frequently, reporting on my growth status, etc. - already really not okay for an administrator to be doing this. For the record, the server crashed, I didn't win or lose.

Then he behaved like an infant in OOC when confronted about it. These aren't verbatim logs because the server crashed again almost immediately, but close enough, and I've aired on the lenient side with my phrasing from memory:

Code: Select all

OOC: Skorvold: The crew clearly needed it. (talking about the reports on my location and growth)
OOC: LNGLY: administrators exist to enforce rules, not give the crew what it 'needs'
OOC: Skorvold: Tip of the round: I don't care.
OOC: LNGLY: cool, i'll make a complaint then
OOC: Skorvold: I can't wait to see my punishment.
This is an administrator doing admin-mandated ghosting/metagaming with the excuse that the crew would've lost if they didn't. What's more, this is an administrator essentially saying 'yep, I did something I shouldn't have, what's anyone going to do about it?'

Let's start handing out some actual punishments over administrator complaints, because otherwise this mindset is going to go on. Administrators need to be punished for their intentional misdeeds just like players are punished for their fuckups or they'll never stop. Can you imagine what would happen to a player if they did exactly what Skorvold did here? That is, if they ghosted, saw a blob in space. and told their still-alive friend to announce the blob's location? We all know the answer, and an administrator should not be given lenience just because they're an administrator.

Re: [Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:06 am
by Ikarrus
Skorvold can be a bit mouthy but this doesn't seem like much of a complaint otherwise. I haven't read the logs yet, though.

Admins are there to keep the round running smoothly with some subtle DMing, not just there to ban people.

Re: [Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:08 am
by Jeb
FWIW: The past couple blob rounds I've been a part of, it's seemed that admins have announced that it's at toxins test one way or another.

I did see the centcom message for this though saying that the blob was at toxins test, don't remember much else afterwards though.

Re: [Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:09 am
Ikarrus wrote:Skorvold can be a bit mouthy but this doesn't seem like much of a complaint otherwise.

Admins are there to keep the round running smoothly with some subtle DMing, not just there to ban people.
"the adminbus has investigated the adminbus member in question and found no wrongdoing"

This is why we need administrators to be held responsible by players, not other administrators (with whom they're often friends.) When are you going to start gibbing traitors who go on killing sprees because the crew didn't have a 'fair chance'? Seriously pathetic.

Re: [Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:10 am
by Jeb
Ikarrus wrote:Admins are there to keep the round running smoothly with some subtle DMing, not just there to ban people.
Doesn't seem like doing an announcement before the LEVEL 5 BIOHAZARD goes off flat out announcing it's exact location is "subtle". While it's shit that they decided to pop at toxins test and try to make the round take forever, it's equally shit that they were "outed" immediately.

Re: [Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:12 am
by Skorvold
It gets pretty old, working day in day out in a volunteer job to make this a better place for people to play in then have some moron sperg the fuck out and lose his shit over me helping the crew in the most miniscule way possible. So you'll have to excuse me losing my temper in a mostly thankless job when your dumbass starts threatening me with an admin complaint like I'm some kind of goddamn customer services rep who will lose his no-wage job if I don't kiss your ass and apologize.

p.s. engiborg saw the blob before i made the announcement.

Re: [Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:17 am
Skorvold wrote:It gets pretty old, working day in day out in a volunteer job to make this a better place for people to play in
Maybe you should quit if it's so rough, bud. We'll be okay.
Skorvold wrote: then have some moron sperg the fuck out and lose his shit over me helping the crew in the most miniscule way possible.
Yes, revealing the location of a blob is totally 'miniscule'. Do you think we're playing a different game from you? We're not stupid.
Skorvold wrote:(...inarticulate whining...) p.s. engiborg saw the blob before i made the announcement.
Yes, and you didn't know this, yet you did it anyway. And if the engiborg had not in fact seen the blob you would've done it anyway. You think you are justified in doing so, and should not be trying to draw heat away from the principal of the matter by saying 'well it didn't have an effect anyway!!' because all of us realize that's not the point. If another blob does this you'll do the same thing regardless of whether it's spotted beforehand, and you need to realize that the game's players, the people you're supposed to be administrating for, are telling you that isn't okay.

Re: [Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:18 am
by Skorvold
Aside from stickymayhem I am not friend with any other head administrator, I disagree policy wise an almost everything with sticky too.

I acted pretentious and self-sure I wouldn't be punished because your complaint is so dumb and insignificant that i could hardly bring myself to give a fuck that it bothered you, which is fucking hilarious because I usually bust my ass apologizing when I know I've fucked.

Re: [Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:20 am
by ThatSlyFox
As the dark matter blob that spawned from you in space I didn't really see a problem with this. Everyone that was coming to us was struggling to even get close enough to fight since spores would stop them in their tracks. We were going to win that, they didn't even start attacking the blob at toxins test site and I was like 3 tiles away from attacking escape.

I must be a idiot though, I missed the centcomm announcements completely.

Half of this complaint seems to be a complaint against the Admin complaint section.

Re: [Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:20 am
by Ikarrus

(MSO edit: scrubbed logs:

My opinion hasn't really changed.

Re: [Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:20 am
by Skorvold
No "we're" not stupid, the players are not stupid, but you certainly are. There is no "we're" on this. To compare you to any other player on this server would be like comparing a turd to a cheesecake.

Re: [Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:23 am
Skorvold wrote:No "we're" not stupid, the players are not stupid, but you certainly are. There is no "we're" on this. To compare you to any other player on this server would be like comparing a turd to a cheesecake.
The entire rest of OOC was against you. In what delusional self-created reality are you getting the idea that the majority is with you on this issue?

Re: [Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 6:17 am
by oranges
Couldn't you have waited a little while to see if the players were going to figure out where the blob was? That to me would be a better intervention, let the players have a go first and then guide them. There's no need to just automatically assume the players are so retarded that they need a map with exact directions.

Re: [Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 6:20 am
by Skorvold
I've had my fill of shitposting and took a roughly 30 minute ban for it, so I'll just explain a few things.

First off, "Admins may disregard any of these rules at their discretion when they feel its in the best interest of the current round/server/playerbase at large. They will, of course, be fully accountable for their actions should they choose to exercise this privilege. " This makes me free to modify the round in anyway I see fit with a strong encouragement towards keeping things balanced and likeable for both sides. While I know you can't see what I see, I'll try to help you understand what was going on in my mind when I decided to make that announcement. "Wow that space blob is pretty big, the crew is having a tough fucking time dealing with it." I hear someone say toxins blob in dsay, so I fly over and check it out, and see that you are a nice, plump spawn size completely capable of defending yourself against an attack. "Well fuck this guy is just going to fucking grow infinitum while the crew fight the other two escape blobs. It sure would fucking suck for them to beat two blobs by some miracle then have some cheeser who landed on the bomb site auto win due to blobs growing on space for absolutely no logical reason!" Blobs landing there isn't some kind of clever stroke of intelligence, they do it a lot now.

I make the central command announcement in an attempt to give the crew a fucking chance, hitting the "OK" prompt as soon as the engiborg drifts into sight. Despite what you said, the round and antagonists do not exist to win, they exist to create an engaging story with the other crew members so they can look back and say they had a good time win or lose.

While I don't appreciate your straight up, uncalled for attack on me in OOC, you could have easily ahelped and told me you felt wronged by me in a way that isn't along the lines of "wow fuck you dude" and I would have helped you accordingly by giving you some more blob points to help balance things out.

Re: [Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 6:55 am
by Timbrewolf
I'd love to hear what our different headmins think of the mechanics behind the decision and focus less on the banter that come about as a result of it.

Should blobs be allowed to win the game by running to some random location in space and growing where nobody can find them?

Isn't the point of blob to take over a section of the STATION, not just claim a bunch of empty space?
Skorvold you done good, kid. Next time politely ask them to make a complaint thread about it. If they continue to carry on in OOC, mute them.

Re: [Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 6:59 am
by Steelpoint
Honestly I think this is more a problem with the gameplay mechanics of Blob encouraging blob players to find very out of the way, isolated, and illogical areas of the station to make their home base. The gamemode should be encouraging the blob to burst deeper inside the station not as far away from the station as blobberly possible.

Skorvold was acting in good faith in directing the crew to the blob, but I honestly think Skor should have waited until after the automatic infection alert to sound off before doing so.

Re: [Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 7:06 am
by Scones
Steelpoint wrote:Skorvold was acting in good faith in directing the crew to the blob, but I honestly think Skor should have waited until after the automatic infection alert to sound off before doing so.
This wasn't the case? Level 5 biohazard popped and the announcement was shortly thereafter as I recall.

Re: [Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 7:10 am
An0n3 wrote:I'd love to hear what our different headmins think of the mechanics behind the decision and focus less on the banter that come about as a result of it.

Should blobs be allowed to win the game by running to some random location in space and growing where nobody can find them?

Isn't the point of blob to take over a section of the STATION, not just claim a bunch of empty space?
This is a change for the coders, not something administrators should be screwing with antagonists over. When revolver ops was retardedly broken you didn't see administrators deleting all the revolvers because 'if the crew all gets pistol whipped its not fair/in the spirit of nuke'.

Re: [Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 7:40 am
by Timbrewolf
So you're knowingly abusing a shitty mechanic and then complaining when someone calls you out on it?

Re: [Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 8:09 am
by Stickymayhem
You found an exploit and and an admin took action to stop you curbstomping everyone.

I see no problem here. You have a particular attitude that no one really likes to deal with so I'm not really concerned with Skorvold's attitude either. If you want to be abrasive all the time you can't have it both ways and be treated like a little Lord in response.

Also don't ooc in blob chat.

Unless there's further comment to be made I'll likely close this soon. There's really no substance here.

Re: [Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 8:12 am
by Timbrewolf
Sticky do you work for All State?

Because I feel like the server is in good hands.

Re: [Skorvold] Outing a blob

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 8:19 am
by Sometinyprick
I don't think this warrants any action either, this feels like an exploit to me. I'm closing this now as no action will ever come off it.