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Brotemis Complaint Thread

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 10:48 pm
by Timrod
I was just in a round with maximum-strength Shitcurity, including multiple 10-minute brig sentences on false charges simply because I was an assistant. When I ask for help from the admins, this is what I get:

Jack Steiner says, "Wait warden"
PM to-Admins: Excuse me. Warden needs an immediate job-ban for both meta and shitcurity.
William Garrison says, "Yeah"
CONSERVAPEDIA [145.9] states, "Allen Guess has signed up as Assistant."
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Brotemis: how so?
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
CONSERVAPEDIA [145.9] states, "Power alarm in bar. Again"
Joe Gillian [145.9] says, " AI HELP HUMAN HARM"
Joe Gillian says, " AI HELP HUMAN HARM"
Jack Steiner says, "We can make you some sweet gear hold on"
William Garrison asks, "Oh?"
CONSERVAPEDIA [145.9] states, "Joe, you are being arrested. That's an honor in this station"
Queef Ledger says, "i want some gear"
William Garrison says, "Queef, take him and lock him up."
PM to-Admins: They arrested me twice for no reason, one of them just harmbatonned me, and they have flashers set up in the brig for no reason.
CONSERVAPEDIA [145.9] states, "Someone has disassembled the bar's APC"
CONSERVAPEDIA [145.9] states, "Great."
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Brotemis: thats not meta. And so?
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: The warden also arrested me for the sole purpose of stealing my gloves and tools, which he is now wearing.
Max Fattkins [145.9] says, " ai, lead me out into hallway, please"
Camron Mccune [145.9] says, "ai Open maint please"
Camron Mccune [145.9] says, "stuck"
CONSERVAPEDIA [145.9] states, "Hunter Heckendora has signed up as Assistant."
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Brotemis: How did you acquire them in the first place?
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
Camron Mccune [145.9] says, "next to EVA"
You are buckled in to the bed by Queef Ledger.
CONSERVAPEDIA [145.9] states, "Camron, I can't see you in maintenance"
Azerthene Severn tries to remove Joe Gillian's backpack.
CONSERVAPEDIA [145.9] states, "There you are"
PM to-Admins: The vending machine in assistant storage.
Queef Ledger tries to remove Joe Gillian's handcuffs.
Queef Ledger tries to remove Joe Gillian's handcuffs.
Queef Ledger tries to remove Joe Gillian's handcuffs.
Queef Ledger tries to remove Joe Gillian's handcuffs.
Rin Lindessaer says, "hey"
Queef Ledger tries to remove Joe Gillian's handcuffs.
Azerthene Severn says, "What now"
Rin Lindessaer says, "I have the cable ties he used to kidnap gary"
Queef Ledger puts the handcuffs into the security backpack.
Max Fattkins [145.9] asks, " so, now me, please, AI?"
OOC: Amelius: Graphics lag. Bizarre.
Rin Lindessaer says, "his prints are all over them"
PM to-Admins: Tools and gloves are also not a valid arrest reason, nor are they a valid reason to stab people in the eyes or harmbaton.
Priority Announcement

This is Captain McBackflip speaking. It's an honor to serve with all of you aboard this fine station. I've appointed Dude Mcdrunkertun as interim head of personnel. Please see him if you have issues regarding job placement and IDs.

The reinforced window has been hit by Gay Superhero with the clown burger.
Simon Belmont says, "gentlemen, feast your eyes on the spoils of war"
The reinforced window has been hit by Gay Superhero with the clown burger.
Simon Belmont has thrown the camera bug.
Simon Belmont has thrown the mini energy-crossbow.
Azerthene Severn says, "Kidnapping and illegal weapon."
Queef Ledger says, "HOS ordered this man to brog"
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Brotemis: I dont see them using the gloves or tools
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
Queef Ledger says, "said to lock him up"
CONSERVAPEDIA [145.9] states, "We seem to have acquired a second corgi on the station"
Queef Ledger says, "i dont know what he did exactly"
PM to-Admins: Are you fucking blind, the warden has insulated gloves and a toolbelt on that he stole from me.
Jebediah Kerman [145.9] says, "Totally didn't steal the candy corn from the labor camp"
Jebediah Kerman [145.9] says, "Honest"
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Brotemis: Alright then. Valid
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
Gay Superhero has thrown the clown burger.
Gay Superhero has been hit by the clown burger.
Coolguy McBackflip [145.9] says, " ALSO PLEASE DO NOT BE ALARMED if you see me with energy swords. They were relics passed down to me by our former captain."
PM to-Admins: I'm going to file an admin complaint because you're not taking it seriously.
Gay Superhero has thrown the clown burger.
The reinforced window was hit by the clown burger.
CONSERVAPEDIA [145.9] states, "......SYNDI-CAKES."
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Brotemis: Go for it, champ. Look at whos outside your cell
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: I would, except I'm blinded.
You unbuckle yourself from the bed.
OOC: Gundorf: Why do people say they gain weight in college
the security beret bounces off of the disposal unit's rim!.
the security beret bounces off of the disposal unit's rim!.
OOC: Hanz Ketchup: no parent-decided meals
the security beret lands in the disposal unit.
OOC: MatrixOne: people usually grow some balls at that time
the flash lands in the disposal unit.
Wesley Chagrin says, "YES"
the flash bounces off of the disposal unit's rim!.
the flash bounces off of the disposal unit's rim!.
the flash bounces off of the disposal unit's rim!.
OOC: FishoftheDerp: they say things because they mean it?
PM to-Admins: I demand a more competent admin handle my case.
OOC: Pybro: They get lazy and just eat tv dinners
Azerthene Severn places the flash into the disposal unit.
OOC: Gundorf: I have to hook a belt loop on some of my pants around my button to keep them up because of the weight I've lost
Kush Pushin' Keith [145.9] says, " shitcurity should die"
Camron Mccune [145.9] says, "ai open next to eva please"
OOC: Gundorf: maybe that's just depression making me not hungry
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Brotemis: Very funny
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
OOC: Cheridan: Pizza for breakfast pizza for lunch pizza for dinner
OOC: Pybro: And all the alcohol. Lots of alcohol.
CONSERVAPEDIA [145.9] states, "Andrew Burns has signed up as Assistant."
OOC: FishoftheDerp: also beer add ALOT
CONSERVAPEDIA [145.9] queries, "Camron, you are stuck again aren't you?"
Wesley Chagrin has punched Ol' Scruff!
Wesley Chagrin says, "YES"
Ol' Scruff says, "OH GOD WAIT"
Ol' Scruff says, "WHAT"
Wesley Chagrin says, "SHOW ME YOUR MOVES"
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Brotemis: Maybe you can tell me why you were arrested just now
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
OOC: FishoftheDerp: pybro knows whats up.
OOC: Gundorf: alcohol, as in, the ethanol itself, has alot of caloric value
CONSERVAPEDIA [145.9] states, "Eric Wright has signed up as Assistant."
Ol' Scruff says, "I'M FALLING ASLEEP"
Leonid Pavel [145.9] says, " HOP"
Ol' Scruff attempts to feed Wesley Chagrin the clown burger.
Ol' Scruff attempts to feed Wesley Chagrin the clown burger.
Ol' Scruff forces Wesley Chagrin to eat the clown burger.
Ol' Scruff attempts to feed Wesley Chagrin the clown burger.
Ol' Scruff attempts to feed Wesley Chagrin the clown burger.
Ol' Scruff forces Wesley Chagrin to eat the clown burger.
Ol' Scruff attempts to feed Wesley Chagrin the clown burger.
Ol' Scruff forces Wesley Chagrin to eat the clown burger.
Ol' Scruff attempts to feed Wesley Chagrin the clown burger.
Ol' Scruff attempts to feed Wesley Chagrin the clown burger.
Ol' Scruff forces Wesley Chagrin to eat the clown burger.
Wesley Chagrin says, "Burgin'"
Ol' Scruff has punched Wesley Chagrin!
Wesley Chagrin has punched Ol' Scruff!
Jebediah Kerman [145.9] says, "yay i found a monkey and some handcuffs in space"
Ol' Scruff asks, "DO YOU FEEL SLEEPY TOO?"
CONSERVAPEDIA [145.9] states, "The bar is now open for self-serving"
Kade Shaffer [145.9] says, "AI please locate Joe Gibson"
PM to-Admins: For trying to get revenge on the RD, who is now valid because of his false arrest.
Rose Budd [145.9] exclaims, "Electricity's out in kitchen, I NEED power to cook, everybody's getting hungry!"
OOC: Gundorf: i want to rejoin the god damn round'
OOC: SkipsPro: saaame
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Brotemis: No they arent. Thats not your call
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: You're literally taking the Richard Nixon view of shitcurity, and it needs to stop.
Jebediah Kerman [145.9] says, "check your apc, its probably had all its wires cut"
PM to-Admins: So it's perfectly okay for them to false arrest people just to steal shit?
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Brotemis: And you need to stop whining. Ill leave it at that
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
George Fuchs [145.9] asks, "Cargo, are you still alive?"
Alberto Hawking [145.9] says, "Yes"
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Brotemis: How did you end up in RD in the first place?
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: A roboticist let me in.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Brotemis: and if the RD wants you out...
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: I told security this multiple times.
Nyarlathotep [145.9] asks, "What's happenin' on this station sec?"
Nyarlathotep [145.9] says, "Feels like Invasion of the Body Snatchers."
Simon Belmont [145.9] says, "s resisting arrest"
PM to-Admins: He could have asked before screaming multiple times.
George Fuchs [145.9] asks, "If I shove a whole fuckton of wooden floors into the disposal will you be able to grab them?"
Joe Gillian says, "Captain"
Joe Gillian says, "I need help"
Joe Gillian says, "I am blind"
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Brotemis: screaming multiple times what?
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
Azerthene Severn talks but you cannot hear them.
Rin Lindessaer talks but you cannot hear them.
PM to-Admins: Okay, tell me you did not just see the warden detonate a fucking IED on me.
Azerthene Severn talks but you cannot hear them.
William Garrison talks but you cannot hear them.
Arthur Dent talks but you cannot hear them.
You cannot hear yourself!
You cannot hear yourself!
Andrew Burns puts the metal into the satchel.
William Garrison talks but you cannot hear them.
William Garrison talks but you cannot hear them.
William Garrison talks but you cannot hear them.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Brotemis: I didnt. Quit bitching
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
William Garrison talks but you cannot hear them.

Brotemis is unprofessional, doesn't take complaints from anyone seriously, and is one of those people who believes that security can do absolutely no wrong and anything they do is perfectly valid, up to and including murder. At this point, I had been completely, 100% blinded by security spamming flashes. I feel that Brotemis takes sides with Security automatically, to the point where he does not listen to even valid complaints. He's a bad admin, and I think he needs to be removed from power immediately.

For the record, I have been told from multiple admins, multiple times that setting up auto-flashers in the brig without reason is meta. However, Brotemis seems to take the view of Richard Nixon on this: "When security does it, it's not illegal."

Re: Brotemis Complaint Thread

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 11:17 pm
by Deuryn
>Gets arrested
>Gets told it's valid
>Makes a premature admin complaint
>Guy was a traitor at the end of the round

This is why when we tell you it's valid, it's usually valid.

Re: Brotemis Complaint Thread

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 1:32 am
by Stickymayhem
I was the RD and can confirm this guy was an asshole. He broke into Science wielding a stunprod and generally being a nuisance, frightening my staff.

Anyway he breaks in and gets thrown out by myself, being belligerent for no real reason.

He later comes in to either beat or kill me with a stunprod, with a security officer on his tail. At the time I didn't realize this was his intention, but the logs he posted above show that he thought I was somehow valid since I was in some warped way responsible for him being brigged for breaking in. Essentially he was looking for trouble.

I did find him in some earlier logs and I can't find anything he says that isn't either enraged, really poor form or in all caps. Often all three.

This attitude is clearly an OOC one judging by his similarly shitty attitude towards Brotemis.

Re: Brotemis Complaint Thread

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 4:08 am
by Timrod
The problem there is that at the time, I did not know that there were two wardens. One was the traitor, another one was the actual Warden, who arrested me for no reason and then took all my shit. I pointed out that the traitor had my gloves because he claimed that no one in Sec had gloves or tools... except one second worth of checks would make this obvious.

Re: Brotemis Complaint Thread

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 4:15 am
by elyina
PM to-Admins: Are you fucking blind, the warden has insulated gloves and a toolbelt on that he stole from me.

PM to-Admins: I'm going to file an admin complaint because you're not taking it seriously.

PM to-Admins: I demand a more competent admin handle my case.

PM to-Admins: You're literally taking the Richard Nixon view of shitcurity, and it needs to stop.
This is how you get admins to not take you seriously or care what you have to say

Re: Brotemis Complaint Thread

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 6:12 am
by Deuryn
The other warden was in fact the lawyer, who had been given the extra access. So, a jump to each of the actual security members would have revealed no gloves.

Re: Brotemis Complaint Thread

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 6:17 am
by Aurx
Deuryn wrote:The other warden was in fact the lawyer, who had been given the extra access. So, a jump to each of the actual security members would have revealed no gloves.
Which is why you use NAMES when adminhelping. Somebody seriously needs to remake the old "how to send a good adminhelp" sticky.

Re: Brotemis Complaint Thread

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 9:16 am
by Stickymayhem
Timrod wrote:The problem there is that at the time, I did not know that there were two wardens. One was the traitor, another one was the actual Warden, who arrested me for no reason and then took all my shit. I pointed out that the traitor had my gloves because he claimed that no one in Sec had gloves or tools... except one second worth of checks would make this obvious.
Right but that doesn't excuse you breaking into a department for no reason with a stunprod.

Why would you scream he was a traitor if he was arresting you for threatening me, breaking and entering and having an illegal weapon if you weren't an antag. It's just silly.

Re: Brotemis Complaint Thread

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 10:35 am
by Stickymayhem
Aurx wrote:
Deuryn wrote:The other warden was in fact the lawyer, who had been given the extra access. So, a jump to each of the actual security members would have revealed no gloves.
Which is why you use NAMES when adminhelping. Somebody seriously needs to remake the old "how to send a good adminhelp" sticky.

1.When you adminhelp do not say things like 'is it valid?' or 'being griefed', give details of what is happening and ideally who is doing it, job and character name.
2.If you see someone doing something that seems out of line adminhelp right then, do not wait until round end to see if they are a traitor then adminhelp next round. It makes it a lot harder to deal with.
3.Do not lie in PM's and avoid being aggressive, unhelpful or insulting to admins, lying while being questioned over an incident will cause you to receive a longer ban and being consistently insulting or aggressive will get you muted.

From the Wiki

Re: Brotemis Complaint Thread

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 7:37 pm
by ShizCalev ... 0pm%29.htm

You can see in MY LOGS the exact reasons why he was arrested.

Arrest #1; Breaking into robotics and chased RD around with stunprod & cuffs. After being arrested, he was found to have three weapons in his possession.
Azerthene Severn says, "Thee counts weapon, one count theft, one count B&E."
Arrest #2; Attacking officer Gary Witenfield with stunprod, cablecuffing and dragging him into maintenance.
Gary Witenfield [Security] says, "I was kidnapped by Joe Gillian, but detective made it in time to save me"
Rin Lindessaer says, "I have the cable ties he used to kidnap gary"
Rin Lindessaer says, "his prints are all over them"
Arrest #3; Attacking me immediately after being released.
Your armor softens the blow!
Joe Gillian has punched Azerthene Severn!
Your armor softens the blow!
Joe Gillian has punched Azerthene Severn!
CONSERVAPEDIA [145.9] states, "Dead body by tech storage"
Your armor softens the blow!
Joe Gillian has punched Azerthene Severn!
Your head starts pounding.
Joe Gillian has attempted to punch Azerthene Severn!
You fire the energy gun!
You fire the energy gun!
Joe Gillian is hit by an electrode in the chest!
including multiple 10-minute brig sentences on false charges simply because I was an assistant.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Brotemis: Maybe you can tell me why you were arrested just now
PM to-Admins: For trying to get revenge on the RD, who is now valid because of his false arrest.

I never wear shit that is confiscated from prisoners unless the AI is malf and bolts us in or some shit. Jack; You were arrested for B&E, stunprodding, and cuffing someone, to which you received a sentence for kidnapping and illegal weapon. Your equipment was put into evidence, as per procedure with spacelaw. If you confused my BLACK GLOVES and SECURITY BELT as your toolbelt and insulated, then I'm sorry but you might want to adjust your monitor's color settings.

The flashers were set up under the order of the HoS. I myself will most likely never set up flashers unless we're in a code red situation, as I'm a firm believer in that metafortress-sec is a really shitty horrible thing to do.

Nice job lying, shithead. I suggest you break that habit of attacking personnel for no reason that you've been developing as well, as it seems to be an ongoing theme with you.
A few rounds after this one, it was blob and you decided to roam around beating the shit out of people infront of medbay FNR.

Re: Brotemis Complaint Thread

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 8:45 pm
by elyina
are you suggesting that timrod is a retard, idiot, liar and has a massive ego?

because that would be rude

Re: Brotemis Complaint Thread

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 8:56 pm
by Psyentific
elyina wrote:are you suggesting that timrod is a retard, idiot, liar and has a massive ego?

because that would be rude
It would also be redundant. And true.

Re: Brotemis Complaint Thread

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 9:05 pm
by Aurx
Psyentific wrote:
elyina wrote:are you suggesting that timrod is a retard, idiot, liar and has a massive ego?

because that would be rude
It would also be redundant. And true.
Sounds about right. If memory serves, this is the guy who ragequit /vg/station when he learned that using exploits to make a combat mech every round was against the rules.

Re: Brotemis Complaint Thread

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 10:14 pm
by MrStonedOne
I was on as an Admin Observer that round.

To clear a few things up:
PM to-Admins: The warden also arrested me for the sole purpose of stealing my gloves and tools, which he is now wearing.
A tator assistant in some sort of warden-like getup had a pair of gloves and tools and was seen near OPs birg cell, but no idea if those were from the OP.

Hence the reply from bro, saying valid.

Re: Brotemis Complaint Thread

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 1:29 am
by ShizCalev
Wasn't lying in FNR & adminhelp bannable?
I was just in a round with maximum-strength Shitcurity, including multiple 10-minute brig sentences on false charges simply because I was an assistant.
PM to-Admins: They arrested me twice for no reason
PM to-Admins: The warden also arrested me for the sole purpose of stealing my gloves and tools
Admin PM from-Brotemis: Maybe you can tell me why you were arrested just now
PM to-Admins: For trying to get revenge on the RD, who is now valid because of his false arrest.