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[Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 3:25 am
by Zaffinomlb
Byond account and character name: Zaffinomlb || Tim The Unclother || Snake Plissken
Admin: Tedward1337
Time incident occured: Server Time: 2016-04-20|| 01:30 - 02:30 ||
Detailed summary: Round start and I spawned as clown, my mime counterpart was a lizard who's name was later changed to "Clown Stomper". After round start I slipped him, unclothed him, and sent him off into the trash coaster. Some time had then passed and I thought nothing of it when I am then leaving medbay when the lizard mime jumps me and shoots me dead in the hallway with an "Unica 6 auto-revolver" which at the time of dying I miss-took as a syndi revolver. Right after being shot I was dragged into the kitchen backroom gibber and removed from play. I did not notice the mime wasn't an traitor until the round had ended.

I asked the admin who spawned the "admin gun" with admin help and what it was all about. The cut together log will be together at the bottom.
Proof of weapon and "Clown Stomper"
That's not me getting shot I could not cap that.
Issues: I wish to state this now that I do not wish to "REMOVE ADMIN PLS" or any such notion like that. This is a community that is here together to enjoy a game and people who admin have donated sums of their time into this community. Such individuals are hard to come by that are good enough and it is better to fix minor issues and talk about problems than getting someone the boot. Disclaimer finished I am however feeling this admin in question needs to have a re-evaluation of his judgement on admin intervention. Because of his/her actions he/she needlessly escalated a situation to which at this point had been a bloodless feud that even one party had forgotten about. Escalated it to the point of murder and gibbing after handing over the mime an admin spawned gun and an all access ID to kill someone over being slipped and stripped. If left to the mimes own wit he would have gotten out and beaten me up on his own like situations like these are supposed to be handled, ending in the clown being beaten up and thrown into medbay: not some rambo being given a licence to kill with the admin spawned weapons to do it. However the fact that seems rather troubling is the disregard for considering the error in judgement that was displayed.

I do not presume to demand judgement I just wish that rational calm minds review this complaint and it is handled with sincerity.
Best Wishes,

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 3:30 am
by Zilenan91
You griefed a guy right out of the gate and expect to not be punished for it?

Also you talk about people enjoying the game, and here you say, "here together to enjoy a game and people who admin have donated sums of their time into this community. Such individuals are hard to come by that are good enough and it is better to fix minor issues and talk about problems than getting someone the boot."

...despite you slipping and stripping a guy for no reason other than that you could. You clearly don't value other people's fun so why should anyone value yours?

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 3:35 am
by TechnoAlchemist

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 3:43 am
by tedward1337
I have nothing more to add here, I've said everything on my behalf in the adminhelps provided. A headmin also cleared this as well.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 3:44 am
by Zaffinomlb
Zilenan91 wrote:You griefed a guy right out of the gate and expect to not be punished for it?

Also you talk about people enjoying the game, and here you say, "here together to enjoy a game and people who admin have donated sums of their time into this community. Such individuals are hard to come by that are good enough and it is better to fix minor issues and talk about problems than getting someone the boot."

...despite you slipping and stripping a guy for no reason other than that you could. You clearly don't value other people's fun so why should anyone value yours?
Suffering and hardship is what this game is about. Just because you get slipped and thrown into the trash doesn't stop you from having a good round. I have been slipped and stripped many times to bounce back. Hardship make telling adventures, and should be experienced with out the admin. However the experience was cheapened when his revenge was handed to him. He should have be given the licence to kill sure I don't really care about that my shtick is all about being a punching bag anyway, making people mad over minor things and letting them beat me up. Wakka wakka right?

Zilenan91 you mistake me for not considering other people but it is part of the game and if you coddle people they get soft and never get better and never enjoy themselves through solving personal workplace conflict and complex role-playing puzzles that you find yourself in. You only serve to take away personal victories from the slipped.

Side note. No one was ever harmed in the way of my non-antag clowning.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 3:49 am
by Wyzack
Zaffinomlb wrote:
Zilenan91 wrote:You griefed a guy right out of the gate and expect to not be punished for it?

Also you talk about people enjoying the game, and here you say, "here together to enjoy a game and people who admin have donated sums of their time into this community. Such individuals are hard to come by that are good enough and it is better to fix minor issues and talk about problems than getting someone the boot."

...despite you slipping and stripping a guy for no reason other than that you could. You clearly don't value other people's fun so why should anyone value yours?
Suffering and hardship is what this game is about. Just because you get slipped and thrown into the trash doesn't stop you from having a good round. I have been slipped and stripped many times to bounce back. Hardship make telling adventures, and should be experienced with out the admin. However the experience was cheapened when his revenge was handed to him. He should have be given the licence to kill sure I don't really care about that my shtick is all about being a punching bag anyway, making people mad over minor things and letting them beat me up. Wakka wakka right?

Zilenan91 you mistake me for not considering other people but it is part of the game and if you coddle people they get soft and never get better and never enjoy themselves through solving personal workplace conflict and complex role-playing puzzles that you find yourself in. You only serve to take away personal victories from the slipped.

Side note. No one was ever harmed in the way of my non-antag clowning.
Suffering and hardship is what this game is about. Just because you get revolvered to death for being a faggot doesn't stop you from having a good round. I have been revolvered to death many times to bounce back. Hardship make telling adventures, and should be experienced with the admin.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 3:54 am
by onleavedontatme
>the clown non lethally attacking the mime is an admin issue now

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 3:56 am
by Zaffinomlb
Wyzack wrote: Suffering and hardship is what this game is about. Just because you get revolvered to death for being a faggot doesn't stop you from having a good round. I have been revolvered to death many times to bounce back. Hardship make telling adventures, and should be experienced with the admin.
When did I say I didnt have a good round? I did actually, as stated, don't mind being beaten up or killed its whatever man there are always more rounds. This isnt an evaluation of death it is just the fact that he spawned in a gun for him and then was "gibbed" that I dont like. Namely because at this point it felt to be an improper escalation of force.

Also side note I spawned back as midround antag thats just how ss13 works, I am not complaining about dying so please do not mistake me.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:01 am
by Zaffinomlb
Kor wrote:>the clown non lethally attacking the mime is an admin issue now
If no one was harmed or hurt in the actions(Slipping and stripping, not the shooting someone was obvi harmed there) does that constitute an attack though?

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:03 am
by onleavedontatme
I think you misunderstand, I am also confused why admins did anything in this situation.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:04 am
by Zaffinomlb
Kor wrote:I think you misunderstand, I am also confused why admins did anything in this situation.
It is rather vexing.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:05 am
by tedward1337
Your characters name was "Tim The Unclother". After seeing you strip the mime I had a very sure idea of what you were going to do the rest of the round.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:08 am
by onleavedontatme
Couldn't security go arrest him or something then?

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:13 am
by Zaffinomlb
Or the mime get his access back and slip strip me in revenge.
Or chase me down with a toolbox.
Or challenged me to a boxing match.
Or have sec let us have a duel with flintlocks.

You ruined his choice and sent him down a murderers path due to your "ideas" to a name.
You forced a non-harm conflict to turn into a death match where one party was gibbed.
Please consider your actions.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:14 am
by Shadowlight213
How was the mime supposed to communicate about the clown to sec? They all of their gear stripped, and the mime can't talk either. they couldn't just pda sec about it.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:15 am
by Zilenan91
Zaffinomlb wrote:Or the mime get his access back and slip strip me in revenge.
Or chase me down with a toolbox.
Or challenged me to a boxing match.
Or have sec let us have a duel with flintlocks.

You ruined his choice and sent him down a murderers path due to your "ideas" to a name.
You forced a non-harm conflict to turn into a death match where one party was gibbed.
Please consider your actions.

You're acting like it's the admins fault that the Mime wanted to kill you despite you shitting on the Mime for literally no reason.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:15 am
by Zaffinomlb
palpatine213 wrote:How was the mime supposed to communicate about the clown to sec? They all of their gear stripped, and the mime can't talk either. they couldn't just pda sec about it.
Its called a pen and paper fam, or he can mime it out. Really?

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:17 am
by Zaffinomlb
Zilenan91 wrote:You're acting like it's the admins fault that the Mime wanted to kill you despite you shitting on the Mime for literally no reason.
>Admin spawning a gun over a slip and strip
>Not his fault when mime uses gun.

Its a matter of escalation man.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:18 am
by Zilenan91

I don't think you know what that word means. Once again you, unprovoked, slipped, stripped, and made the Mime quite literally blind and unable to communicate for literally no reason.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:20 am
by Zaffinomlb
Look at what I just found in the trash room!

Looks like that is everything someone who cant talk needs huh? Dont that just beat all. Better spawn him a gun right?

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:23 am
by tedward1337
You slipped him within the first 5 minutes of the round, maybe even less. All his gear was still in the theater leading me to believe you insta-slipped him.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:25 am
by Shadowlight213
Actually, looking over this, the mime went too far in gibbing you.
Mime failing to escalate properly is more their fault than tedward's. I guess tedward probably should have bwoinked the mime over that

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:33 am
by onleavedontatme
I think it's pretty fair for a player to assume they're supposed to kill someone if an admin spawns them a revolver.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:35 am
by Zaffinomlb
palpatine213 wrote:Actually, looking over this, the mime went too far in gibbing you.
Mime failing to escalate properly is more their fault than tedward's. I guess tedward probably should have bwoinked the mime over that
The mime seemed adept at playing the role, he was using me" 's very well and was "Acting" with good body language to communicating when I was talking to him before I did it. So it seems with in reason that the player was of a good amount of time in the game, and using his own wit could and should have come up with a solution, even if being to kill me. However all of his actions were forced on him because admin wanted to show him whats behind door number one and gave him an asset to advance his plans or changed them based around it.

This part is opinion but when I have been put in situations similar I have done more creative stuff for revenge like bribing the HOP to giving you a forged copy of their id and a new pda, getting the P.R.O.V.E. cartage and getting people to want to kill said person with send alls.

He directly influenced the flow of actions with the gun.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:38 am
by Shaps-cloud
Slip and stripping is dumb yeah but I don't see how giving the mime a revolver was warranted

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:39 am
by Saegrimr
Kor wrote:I think it's pretty fair for a player to assume they're supposed to kill someone if an admin spawns them a revolver.
This, i'm pretty sure i've said it before but players WILL use whatever you give them and go nuts with it. You can't be vague with them.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:40 am
by Shadowlight213
Alright. Sure. I guess you have a point.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:42 am
by TechnoAlchemist
i think the clown probably deserved to die but the revolver probably wasn't necessary to get that done

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:54 am
by Zaffinomlb
I would just like to be clear that my main issue is just the fact that a gun was spawned for the mime, and thus forcing his hand and stifling his/her individual problem solving skills to handle the situation and thus lowering the quality of character interaction and general over all role-play within this two person conflict dynamic.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:57 am
by lollerderby
TechnoAlchemist wrote:i think the clown probably deserved to die but the revolver probably wasn't necessary to get that done
I hate to agree with technoalchemist but this is pretty accurate.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:12 am
by Jacough
palpatine213 wrote:Actually, looking over this, the mime went too far in gibbing you.
Mime failing to escalate properly is more their fault than tedward's. I guess tedward probably should have bwoinked the mime over that
Unless Zaffinomlb can give a good reason as to why he thought it'd be fine to strip the mime of all his stuff and shove him down disposals I think the he was justified in gibbing him. Getting all your stuff taken away sucks and there's really no guarantee that you're going to get it back since HoPs have a nasty habit of fucking off or getting killed. I had this same thing happen to me once as the detective a couple of months back. The hop who was buddying up with a traitor just ended up killing me and stuffing me in his locker. Personally I think Zaffinomlb should just be grateful he didn't get banned for being a dick or baiting because quite frankly, I don't think we need this cancerous type of shit here.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 11:05 am
by Bluespace
also this was handled so bad damn dude.
the clown and the mime can either be haters or lovers. in this instance the clown was a shit.
that's cool man that's part of their dynamic.
but why give the mime a fuck off revolver to kill him, like come on dude that's just not chill.
let the mime go back and toolbox the shit out of the clown, let ic shit take it's course.

>people thinking the clown needs a reason to be shit
it's literally the clown's job to be shit and get beaten to death by sec.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:15 pm
by TheNightingale
Give the mime an objective to "Teach that clown a lesson"; spawning matebas for the mime is, although pretty funny, probably not kosher if it happens often.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:49 pm
by Montyblancs
Mime here,

I relayed what the clown did at roundstart and got told the clown was valid, and then got given the gear without asking. I'll accept some blame if gibbing the clown went too far with this.

To be clear, there was a very brief 'conversation' at roundstart with the clown where I did a few emotes, and then he proceeded to slip,strip, and dump me. When I arrived in cargo, there was nobody in the office, I'm completely naked, can't talk unless I want to look like an idiot, and I'm a ligger. Additionally as I'm sitting in cargo, the clown runs by and goes 'Liggers can't be mimes' and runs off. So thanks for that, I guess.

Additionally I was going to at least try some roleplay after I got the stuff with the clown: As I walked into theater to get my mask back, the clown sees me. I stop and start typing an emote as he slips and dunks me again. So, obviously the next time I see him I just immediately shoot him dead, because apparently that's not happening.

Personally, yeah, I think me gibbing the clown was a bit too much. It probably would have been more interesting to let him get healed and continue hunting him in the halls for sport, but I think the roundstart bullshit and the 'lol fuck you' while in cargo swayed my hand.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 3:21 pm
by WarbossLincoln
Slipping someone: typical prank
Slip Stripping: a little annoying, still a prank
Slip Stripping of everything, including headset, and trashing someone FNR: should definitely make him valid

Spawning the revolver was probably a little much. I would have given the mime a claymore and had a voice in the clown's head tell him that an attempt will be made on his life, and let it play out from there. And made it clear to the mime that only the clown was valid so he doesn't go nuts chopping people.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 3:38 pm
by tedward1337
The mime did only hunt the clown. After that they spent most of their time cooking in the kitchen.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 3:42 pm
by Xhagi
Pranks gone wrong.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:01 pm
by Screemonster
> is a dick
> gets dunked for being a dick
> whines about getting dunked for being a dick

cry some more

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:18 pm
by Zaffinomlb
Jacough wrote:le personal complaint slip ptsd
You know he actually got all of his stuff back, I dont slip strip people in the halls thats rude. I do it in their offices.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:27 pm
by Shad0vvs
Screemonster wrote:> is a dick
> gets dunked for being a dick
> whines about getting dunked for being a dick

cry some more
probably should read the thread.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:27 pm
by Zaffinomlb
cmspano wrote:Spawning the revolver was probably a little much. I would have given the mime a claymore and had a voice in the clown's head tell him that an attempt will be made on his life, and let it play out from there. And made it clear to the mime that only the clown was valid so he doesn't go nuts chopping people.
Nah fuck that man thats creative and interesting. Lets just spawn a gun.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:29 pm
by Zaffinomlb
Shad0vvs wrote:
Screemonster wrote:> is a dick
> gets dunked for being a dick
> whines about getting dunked for being a dick

cry some more
probably should read the thread.
That's why I didn't respond to it fam, comment of no value.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:29 pm
by Montyblancs
Zaffinomlb wrote: You know he actually got all of his stuff back, I dont slip strip people in the halls thats rude. I do it in their offices.
I only got my stuff back that fast because an all access ID was one of the things I was given. Not to mention that when I went back to the theater you dumped me in the trash a second time because I didn't just flat out shoot you right then and there. Don't try to sugarcoat the story.

As per the actual topic on hand : All the stuff I was given to kill the clown with was probably a bit over the top. I would have probably just ended up making a stunprod, cable cuffs, and tied the clown to a chair somewhere if I wasn't given the kit.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:34 pm
by Zaffinomlb
Montyblancs wrote:
Zaffinomlb wrote: You know he actually got all of his stuff back, I dont slip strip people in the halls thats rude. I do it in their offices.
I only got my stuff back that fast because an all access ID was one of the things I was given. Not to mention that when I went back to the theater you dumped me in the trash a second time because I didn't just flat out shoot you right then and there. Don't try to sugarcoat the story.

As per the actual topic on hand : All the stuff I was given to kill the clown with was probably a bit over the top. I would have probably just ended up making a stunprod, cable cuffs, and tied the clown to a chair somewhere if I wasn't given the kit.
But did I strip you that time? No, I don't do the same gag two times on the same person. In fact you were the only person I stripped that whole round, and it only being done once.
Now dont misunderstand I wouldn't have minded if you killed me my ligger mime frienemy, and when you killed me not a single admin ping was sent. I really didn't mind that is how ss13 works. However I think at this point most of us agree the admin handled this completely unprofessionally and incorrectly.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:36 pm
by Jacough
Zaffinomlb wrote:
Jacough wrote:
You know he actually got all of his stuff back, I dont slip strip people in the halls thats rude. I do it in their offices.
That's not a reason dude. Also from what Montyblancs said you kind of initially left out the part where you not only decided to talk shit to him while he was stuck in the mailing room but you also slipped and disposaled him again when he came to get his stuff back and try to talk things out with you. So basically this wasn't out of the blue murder. If you had just stopped being a dick you wouldn't have been dunked and gibbed. Tough shit, you brought this on yourself. If you don't want to deal with the consequences of being a dick, don't be a dick.
Bluespace wrote:also this was handled so bad damn dude.
the clown and the mime can either be haters or lovers. in this instance the clown was a shit.
that's cool man that's part of their dynamic.
but why give the mime a fuck off revolver to kill him, like come on dude that's just not chill.
let the mime go back and toolbox the shit out of the clown, let ic shit take it's course.

>people thinking the clown needs a reason to be shit
it's literally the clown's job to be shit and get beaten to death by sec.
This isn't Nox. Being the clown isn't a free license to grief.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:37 pm
by Xhagi
Well on one hand you were a dick to him with slip strip bin.

On the other, he was a dick back with the gibbing (I feel killing was fine, though).

And maybe the admins were dicks with what was given to him as well as the permission.

All in all everyone was dicks and maybe everyone can learn a lesson about toning down the dickishness.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:39 pm
by Zaffinomlb
Jacough wrote: That's not a reason dude. Also from what Montyblancs said you kind of left out the part where you not only decided to talk shit to him while he was stuck in the mailing room but you also slipped and disposaled him again when he came to get his stuff back and try to talk things out with you. So basically this wasn't out of the blue murder. If you had just stopped being a dick you wouldn't have been dunked and gibbed. Tough shit, you brought this on yourself. If you don't want to deal with the consequences of being a dick, don't be a dick.
Fam at that point his name was changed to "Clown Stomper". What do you expect the clown to do in his office when someone named "Clown Stomper" comes and opens the door.
>Read name
>intent of individual painfully clear

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 6:29 pm
by WarbossLincoln
Aliannera wrote:Well on one hand you were a dick to him with slip strip bin.

On the other, he was a dick back with the gibbing (I feel killing was fine, though).

And maybe the admins were dicks with what was given to him as well as the permission.

All in all everyone was dicks and maybe everyone can learn a lesson about toning down the dickishness.
The man has a point. This is a lot of salt over an incident with a silent ligger, a gay clown, and a revolver. Might be good for everyone to admit they overreacted a little and move on.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 6:38 pm
by Zaffinomlb
cmspano wrote: The man has a point. This is a lot of salt over an incident with a silent ligger, a gay clown, and a revolver. Might be good for everyone to admit they overreacted a little and move on.
Look friend there is only salt on the revolver and nothing else. The mime getting revenge was going to happen, and when he did I was not upset or salty.

The crux of the matter is that the admin spawn a gun and intervened in an ic issue and escalated it through his actions. Even the mime agrees to this.
More over giving all access to mime and changing his name to "Clown Stomper". I feel at this point I am just repeating myself over and over again to the peanut gallery.

Re: [Tedward1337] N/A - spawning admin weapons 4 non-antg

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 6:44 pm
by lzimann
a lesson to be learned, never give anyone anything