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[TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reasons.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 11:18 pm
by Zaffinomlb
Byond account and character name: Zaffinomlb || Tim The Unclother || Snake Plissken
Admin: TechnoAlchemist
Time incident occured: Server Time: 2016-05-23 22:38
Detailed summary: Normal round start, spawn in as clown, and I am running around by the kitchen. When I got to the counter I saw the chaplain starting to cut the head off of a suicide. He then dragged the bloodied corpse to the chapel at which time he continued to hack at it. I then threw a pie at his face and took the sword he had. He chased me but too easy to ditch him I was in the clear hiding out in my theater room. Then the message came over the comms that there was a blob, so I was heading to where it was sighted, and the chaplain runs up and welding tool/fuel tank bombs me and then beat me to death.

Best part is he didnt even take his sword. He just killed me and left.
I tell ahelp and no reply and so ahelp again with more information and Technoalchemist replies.
ahelp log

Side note, I didn't threaten I stated what will happen. Just as I did with Ted when he was off the reservation.
Complaint: I feel TechnoAlchemist acted inappropriately and showed a serious lapse in judgement. None lethal pranks where no party is harmed should not be meet with lethal fucking murderboning force. It must be known that he never once called for sec to arrest me either[This was incorrect, mb], just went into murder mode.

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 11:25 pm
by oranges
Taking someones weapon and then whining to admins when you get your shit pushed in by someone more robust than you is shit behaviour.

Take your time off like a man and in future if you want to be a griefing shit get robust first.

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 11:28 pm
by Hornygranny
He's right, you're wrong. If you continue instigating like that you probably won't last long here.

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 11:29 pm
by iamgoofball
>doesn't get what I want
>its not a threat i swer on me mum

yeah and I'll revert goonchem and make a bugfix

go home, wait out your dayban

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 11:30 pm
by Cheridan
yeah this Talos guy is a known griefer, i don't think he'll be around for long now that this has come to light

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 11:31 pm
by Lumbermancer
But pets are sacred too...

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 11:36 pm
by Saegrimr
Isn't Talos Kor's character?

Either way that's a shitty fucking way to cry about something after being a shitter to someone.
Like do you think you making an admin complaint about something you caused is gonna mark bad boy points on his permanent record?

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 11:38 pm
by Tornadium
Holy shit not even I am this stupid.

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 11:43 pm
by Wyzack

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 11:48 pm
by Archie700
>saying an admin will get an admin complaint when things don't go your way
>it's not a threat guys

Why did you think Techno will back off just because of an admin complaint?

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 11:55 pm
by Zaffinomlb
Point taken language should have been worded differently.
However my core complaint is just that the chaplain seemed to have escalated force a little too far, just saying.

Archie, tbh it was just more of a declaritory statement of intent; later expounded apon with "Just telling you what will happen." Should have been less ambiguous because to be frank I was already making the thread. j/s

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 12:30 am
by J_Madison
No, his escalation of force was perfectly reasonable; license to honk means licensed to be honked. You're not licensed to be an asshole, and you bare the consequences of being an asshole.

I would have done the same. Hell I'm surprised he didn't go the full nelson and cremate your ass.
I'd sure hope I never see your character ingame if this is the way you treat other players.
Hypocritical how you get pissy when they retaliate and you get your own medicine.

This game doesn't revolve around you. And when you think it's in your entitled right to mess with someone's round, it's in their right to prevent that.

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 12:42 am
by Zaffinomlb
J_Madison wrote:No, his escalation of force was perfectly reasonable; license to honk means licensed to be honked. You're not licensed to be an asshole, and you bare the consequences of being an asshole.

I would have done the same. Hell I'm surprised he didn't go the full nelson and cremate your ass.
I'd sure hope I never see your character ingame if this is the way you treat other players.
Hypocritical how you get pissy when they retaliate and you get your own medicine.

This game doesn't revolve around you. And when you think it's in your entitled right to mess with someone's round, it's in their right to prevent that.
I just feel that if this was the proper escalation of force then the definition is far more aggressive than my own.
Don't get me wrong I was expecting to get my ass kicked, knocked into crit, cuffed, what not, but straight "hit till dead" killing seems so wrong for an item being taken from you.
I am sorry that you don't like how i play, ill be more in line with your sensibilities next time.

Kor even said that this whole event only lasted five mins.

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 12:48 am
by J_Madison
There isn't a defined force escalation. Just because you think it's reasonable to steal someone's stuff doesn't mean you'll get just a beating for it.

Why are you so shitty to steal stuff as a "prank" and act all surprised when you get your shit kicked in.
You're every reason why people hate people ingame. If you use the clown as an excuse to be a massive asshole, you're playing the job wrong.

How about you act like a human being and play reasonably. I'd cuff cremate you in 15 seconds if you tried this shit on me. It's the epitome of shittyness to instigate shit like this and complain when your behaviour is prematurely ended.

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 12:59 am
by Zaffinomlb
J_Madison wrote:"I'd cuff cremate you in 15 seconds" "It's the epitome of shittyness"
Wow 15 seconds, impressive fuse.

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 3:21 am
by WarbossLincoln
People are allowed to defend their workspace to a much higher degree than in public. In the same vein, stealing a unique item job perk from someone will almost definitely get you killed. If you stole the detective's revolver or CMO's hypospray for absolutely no reason they would probably do the same thing too.

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 6:32 am
by Zaffinomlb
cmspano wrote:People are allowed to defend their workspace to a much higher degree than in public. In the same vein, stealing a unique item job perk from someone will almost definitely get you killed. If you stole the detective's revolver or CMO's hypospray for absolutely no reason they would probably do the same thing too.
So by that vein of logic, if someone stole the clowns pda, for no reason, said clown could kill them.

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 6:34 am
by Saegrimr
Zaffinomlb wrote:
cmspano wrote:People are allowed to defend their workspace to a much higher degree than in public. In the same vein, stealing a unique item job perk from someone will almost definitely get you killed. If you stole the detective's revolver or CMO's hypospray for absolutely no reason they would probably do the same thing too.
So by that vein of logic, if someone stole the clowns pda, for no reason, said clown could kill them.
Of course now that you've stated your intentions of going and looking for ways to get valids on people, you've just fucked over any chance of us caring when it happens to you.

Its probably better that you just stop entirely before you fuck yourself over any further.

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 6:37 am
by Zaffinomlb
Saegrimr wrote:
Zaffinomlb wrote:
cmspano wrote:People are allowed to defend their workspace to a much higher degree than in public. In the same vein, stealing a unique item job perk from someone will almost definitely get you killed. If you stole the detective's revolver or CMO's hypospray for absolutely no reason they would probably do the same thing too.
So by that vein of logic, if someone stole the clowns pda, for no reason, said clown could kill them.
Of course now that you've stated your intentions of going and looking for ways to get valids on people, you've just fucked over any chance of us caring when it happens to you.

Its probably better that you just stop entirely before you fuck yourself over any further.
I am exposing the bull shit, and now see here many of you people know this to be true, but when the tables are turned and I'm not an antag I do not kill people straight up. I gave them 2 chances, because you can fool me once and maybe twice but not the third. I do die alot because of this but whatever.

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 11:34 am
by peoplearestrange
Relevant to the thread:

There is a huge amount of irrelevant opinion and meme shit going on in this thread.
Don't make me start deleting shit because no one wins when that happens.

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 7:00 pm
by kevinz000
Edit: I can't read antag lists I'm sorry.

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 7:06 am
by Zaffinomlb
kevinz000 wrote:This guy is a huge griefer. He has taken my headset and tried to strip me in some corner of the station as non antag when I was captain or some other important position. Then cried when he couldn't get good and I managed to get help
You butthead I was antag, I was a lone gang member, a.k.a all my gang was dead, or a normal rev some sort of group thing I remember. I kidnapped you, by slipping you on the bridge. I mean come on what kind of captain just lets the clown walk onto the bridge. Went to locker/laundry and took off your radio. I was trying to wall you up, and I needed tools so I went to engineering. Sec everywhere, dead. I remember this man.

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 8:14 am
by kevinz000
Edit: I can't read antag lists I'm sorry.

Re: [TechnoAlchemist] N/A - Banning murdered person b/c reas

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 3:34 am
by lollerderby
Headmin responded, complaint invalid, this has been dead for like three days so I guess I'll bin it.