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[CJS] Minertide, nontag sabotage during nuke

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 12:15 am
by Eaglendia
Byond account, and character name: Eaglendia - Braids Grenades

Admin: ForcefulCJS

Time incident occured: 7/28/16, round ended at ~6:15 PM CST

Detailed Summary: I played Head of Security during an all-in Donald Trump Captain gimmick round. Long after the Captain announced his secession from Central Command, and upon our receiving approval from other Heads of Staff, members of Security, and Central themselves, the CMO and I detained the Captain and I assumed the captaincy, promoting the Warden to Head of Security in my stead. Because the previous Captain had not secured the nuclear authentication disk, I did so when I was redressing in his office. Unbeknownst to us, stealth operatives had infiltrated the station and sowed chaos during the goings-on.

Upon re-entering the bridge, I found the clown destroying windows from outside, and he destroyed the communications console screen in view of us. I rushed outside to act on it, with most of my security equipment still in my possession, and received a lethal response to my disabler shots:


At this point, Robustin took it upon himself to stand between himself and the clown whenever possible, pushing both of us aside to ensure that my disabler shots were unable to connect. Upon being attacked by the clown again, I crit him with my rapier and dragged him into the bridge where he was saved by a medical cyborg. During this time, Robustin attempted to "break in" to the bridge, presumably to continue interfering, by repeatedly hitting the windows with his KA. I left the bridge to Robustin inciting the already-present calls for anarchy, then proceeding to attempt to kill me, resulting in me being left bleeding out at extremely low health with an embedded spear:


I used an unlinked hand teleporter to escape while he pursued, spamming KA shots at me - then, I limped toward security through the fitness room while calling for help; Robustin, moving faster than me in his current state, followed and spammed disarms on me to attempt to steal my antique laser gun. I used a flashbang which I carried from my time as HoS to escape - a stealth operative disguised as an Assistant followed me into maintenance and killed me in a fight I'd have stood a chance in were I not already on death's door. One or two shots from a stetchkin or c20-r left me in crit, and the operative escaped with the disk and planted the nuke moments later, resulting in total annihilation.

As a very obvious strike against me, this might as well be a so-called "ban request", as it's not a complaint about an admin's conduct while adminning but a matter of in-game conduct. However:


With you being the only person aboard the station trying to actually kill me over flimsy reasons, one bored admin minertider doesn't make a popular uprising, no matter how much you believe you're right and everyone else is wrong - I don't think it's a matter of whether or not this is actionable so much as I think a /tg/station vet turned admin should be holding themselves to the same or higher standards of "not being shit" as the players. But based on your behavior IC and OOC I really think you believe you're charged to do literally whatever you want with no consequences.

Re: [CJS] Minertide, nontag sabotage during nuke

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 12:23 am
by Saegrimr
I'd like to point out that Robustin already caught a dayban for this.

Re: [CJS] Minertide, nontag sabotage during nuke

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 12:26 am
by Oldman Robustin
Yea, if you want to argue go my appeal. This isn't an issue about me acting in my admin-capacity.

Re: [CJS] Minertide, nontag sabotage during nuke

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 12:28 am
by Man_Shroom
This seems to be a simple misunderstanding over the intentions of all parties involved. Oftentimes when a fight in the hallways gets deadly, bystanders will side with whoever is losing the fight. Did you and Oldman try to talk this out in OOC and explain what was happening?

Re: [CJS] Minertide, nontag sabotage during nuke

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 12:29 am
by lzimann
Not a valid complaint since has nothing to do with ForcefulCJS as admin, but as actions as a player(which he got banned for).

Re: [CJS] Minertide, nontag sabotage during nuke

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 1:07 am
by onleavedontatme
To be clear, I did say ban requests against admins were allowed in admin complaints when I closed down FNR, since it's not always possible to get things resolved with them in game.