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Lexorion Admin complaint - Dayban over illegitimate facts

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:04 pm
by FantasticFwoosh
Off the record - Ah. I feel slightly silly, i thought the protocol had changed recently as to having to PM admins with future complaints, sorry people who i PM'd in confidence (Shaps & Alaydorel) and thank you for your patience, though id wish you'd get back in touch to tell me my mistake if you didn't first find it hilarious sooner rather than leave me hanging.

Back on the record - I am aware of the general rules about ban appeals, but I have already served my dayban (and as such have nothing to directly appeal against) and very readily on request can re-open a appeal against the admin notice seperately to this, the primary concern of this complaint however is under the circumstances the ban was applied by Lexorion and how to a more distinguished admin i think wouldn't have even applied the same punishment least not as poorly worded and misleading as this. I do feel quite aggreived over the whole matter and it hangs over my gameplay experience.

Title: Lexorion Admin complaint - Dayban over illegitimate facts

Byond account and character name: FantasticFwoosh (Morgan Cucker - Detective)
Admin: Lexorion
Time incident occured: Ban issued (from admin remarks) 2016-11-13 18:24:38 | Sybil | lexorion (same round) : Map: Boxstation

Detailed summary: Running through a usual routine of playing a detective, there was a spate of bombings and it became apparent that there was only me and the warden who'd assumed HOS role active on sec. I was ordered to search maint for them and was going there anyway, meanwhile Tim Ebow a cook was in south maint (directly below HOP and telecomms, see Image 2#) and had defused and removed a powersink but was trapped down there, he only announced visibly to me (though i was more preoccupied with other things) "found it" as a single common channel remark on my logs and i didn't pick up on it or what he meant, OOC the first time i met him that round or even knew he existed was when i encountered him.

Via deduction of black shoe prints while i was combing maint coming from roughly that direction, encountered Tim trying to leave with (Image 1#) on his person, he then proceeded to ask me to come within melee range to open a door in the narrow corridor. I made a snap decision and pepper sprayed him, so i could subjugate him (involving beating him into crit with as less nessecary force as possible) on account that i did not have cuffs and in such a enclosed space (see image 2#) was more of a risk to me than vice versa. Instead of sensibly leaving the sink behind and calling out its position he held it in his unprotected hands (evidence if the original traitor was wearing gloves contaminated) he was attempting to make off with it, which looked like at the time more likely he was trying to conceal it by holding it and standing in a particular way hoping i wouldn't notice, as you wouldn't be able to see any identifiable sprite when your back is turned to the OOC player's screen perspective.

Summarily later after being subjugated (beaten unconscious into critical with my baton with as less applicable force as possible) and apprehended, i dragged him out of maintenance via the maint outside HOP office & cargo north (to quickly and hassle free heal him up with first aid & properly restrain & search in brig) by about bridge where he then deathgasped (image 3#). I talked to the captain dawdling outside and foolishly (I admit self responsibility and a lapse of judgement here) mentioning it was a traitor to which the captain "Sarah Romanov" ordered me to space him. I then was escorted by the captain Sarah Romanov, as i led her dragging Tim to boxmaint's garbage disposal mass driver and left both Sarah and Tim's deathgasped corpse there, as presumably he was ejected by Sarah alone pressing the button because i had left, i do not know because i left immediately after i had helped place the corpse on the conveyor and left the captain to do the act to continue with my patrol duties having fufilled the order placed upon me.

Lexorion from the logs ignored my concise details of being under orders of the captain twice, and filed the ban for a "assistant being killed in maint contrary to them deathgasping in the halls en-route to brig (to a ghost the location would be announced - evidence pending and required) which is both ambiguous and incorrect detailing of events.

There is term in law known as "Fruit of the poisonous tree" in which findings are found illegally (beating up the perp first here and asking questions later with proper investigation & co-operation to hopefully not deathgasp as to waste both our time having to clone), however the precedent here is that if i had conducted it in a 'legal' way of asking questions rather than acting on the snap informed decisions my role demands in me in such pressured times, i stand at risk of failing not only myself being a target to get dunked but the station with both inaction and compliance of a implied dangerous individual to inflict further damages, especially a cook with a sharpened hacked cleaver, concealed pockets and a sink in hand halfway across the station from their workplace in a narrow hallway with nowhere to go or dodge.

If i had conducted it legally, i would have uncovered moreso exactly the same information, as cloning their corpse (because they deathgasped as in image 3# just to whine and if I didn't talk to the captain in a alternative set of events) and interrogating them on tape for a truthful account of what happened backed up by the prints on the powersink that they removed.
Transcripted Admin PM exchange
> Admin PM from-Lexorion: Hey there,got a moment?
> PM to-Admins: Certainly but let me get this person out of maint first to medical
> PM to-Admins: Nevermind they died in transit
> PM to-Admins: Fire away

> Admin PM from-Lexorion: What happened between you and Tim? Why did you kill and space him?
> PM to-Admins: Had a sink in his hand, i told the captain on the way of dragging his ass back and the cap (Sarah Romanov) authorised it, i left it to the cap to space

>Admin PM from-Lexorion: But he literally said he found it and disarmed it in comms
>PM to-Admins: Heat of the moment, he had the article in his hands, i wasn't to know. Now i know it wasn't him its silly really, but the captain authorised and told me to space him (second time i had to re-iterate critical evidence)

> PM to-Admins: I didn't first hand space tim (i let the captain do that themselves in garbage maint), though i could say i regret rushing checking but in such a confined space like maint its a bit of a shoot first ask questions later situation
>Admin PM from-Lexorion: I mean you have enough tools to resolve this without killing AND spacing him as detective,don't you? It doesnt make a lot of sense since he disabled the powersink (applying admin metaknowledge vs IC player understanding and perception)
> Admin PM from-Lexorion: It should've been fairly obvious (at this point it appears their mind is 'made up' on the matter without any explicit reason other than the word of the cook)

> PM to-Admins: With hindsight yes. but i counter argue he shouldn't have touched it or just left it on the ground, throw it on the ground maybe? (of course with the benefit of meta-hindsight I wouldn't make such mistakes, silly question but i do exemplify that they could have just not touched it in the first place)
> PM to-Admins: His prints would have been on the article anyway for the forensic analysis after i dropped him off at brig

(No response from Lexorion and quite soon after...)

> (Image 4#) : You have been banned by lexorion.
> Reason: Killed a nonantag assitant in maint for bad reasons. Assitant disabled a powersink and announced it over comms yet the detective did not listen and killed them.

> This is a temporary ban, it will be removed in 1440 minutes.
I am not omniscient even with the tools i am provided with and the mounting pressure as a lone unit to stop what appeared like a stationwide terror plot with high damage and spread bombs exploding. I argue that a moderate admin would in a balanced fashion listen to both sides with consideration to their abstract meta-knowledge standing and the circumstances of the players and policy that they exist within.

Accidents do happen within security, be it security or the station contaminating or affecting evidence to appear distorted to analysis but if Tim Ebow (victimisation pleas for own mistakes contrary to perjury) & the Captain Sarah Romanov (abusing executive orders without knowledge of events) and finally myself (hastily mentioning they were a traitor to the captain, though not much applicable evidence i knew IC implied they were non-antag given the circumstances) had been a small amount more on task this would have been avoided.

And as such it was mis-managed, and now i have a incorrect admin remark on my history open to unfair scrutiny of whatever further playtime i have on the station and in security. I do not know precisely the OOC ID's of both Sarah Romanov and Tim Ebow if there is some metafriend or biased correlation between them and Lexorion in conclusion.

My presented evidence
My own personal game logs (In a read only format) -

Images enclosed
A example of the said hallway taken from another unrelated round as to explicitly point out the dangerous surroundings

Re: Lexorion Admin complaint - Dayban over illegitimate fact

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:29 pm
by TechnoAlchemist
Seems to me like you crit someone for no good reason as a detective, then proceeded to lie about them being a traitor which got them spaced and you banned.

I don't understand why you think critting someone in this situation is at all a good idea, if you're going to pretend to be an arresting officer atleast have the decency to bring cuffs with you.

Re: Lexorion Admin complaint - Dayban over illegitimate fact

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:59 pm
by Saegrimr
TechnoAlchemist wrote:Seems to me like you crit someone for no good reason as a detective, then proceeded to lie about them being a traitor which got them spaced and you banned.

I don't understand why you think critting someone in this situation is at all a good idea, if you're going to pretend to be an arresting officer atleast have the decency to bring cuffs with you.
Yes but this is the classic incomplete information. The worst offender here being just going straight to critting them instead of the various stun tools he has available, including the revolver he starts with.

Re: Lexorion Admin complaint - Dayban over illegitimate fact

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 9:04 pm
by FantasticFwoosh
TechnoAlchemist wrote:Seems to me like you crit someone for no good reason as a detective, then proceeded to lie about them being a traitor which got them spaced and you banned.

I don't understand why you think critting someone in this situation is at all a good idea, if you're going to pretend to be an arresting officer atleast have the decency to bring cuffs with you.
I was a lone detective (besides from my operating seniors - the warden (Scionia Scajj) and the captain (Sarah Romanov) that i was aware of *EDIT - atleast i think scionia was warden, i assumed so because they overtook HOS position let me elaborate*), quite close to roundstart ordered to look through maintenance, heading there anyway after virology exploded violently, and a steadily escalating round which could be indicative of anything. Arresting people is not within the scope of primary detective policy and as such i did not take cuffs or substitutes, but did make a effort to try and save Tim's life for prosecution and searching rather than actively murder him on the spot with gun bullets (like poor wording can imply), my intent was not to kill but to cripple and tim died of his own actions & hand.

(Again this can be proven that he didn't die in maint by taking note of his ghost death location, which would be pending information i imagine for this complaint)

Tim refused to co-operate and deathgasped, as elaborated in image 3# to protest against him being caught by myself. I have already elaborated the procedure that i was going through in the original post (subjugate - take to brig (edit-typo) *medbay* quickly as possible and restrain - search - clear with evidence or prosecute with the help of the warden godwilling with him alive or freshly cloned)

I would have had to beat them into critical regardless of having or not having cuffs, because i do not posess a reliable stun like a taser that can knock down a perpetrator reliably and safely long enough in addition to the fact I wasn't taking any chances in such a enclosed space (Image 2#) which was threatening to my safety. I engaged him in a non-lethal and appropriate way after announcing HALT! manually and pepperspraying him before quickly knocking him down with my police baton.

I arm myself appropriately but i stay within my limits and scope of my job rather than inappropriately over-arm in the case that i get dunked while investigating.

I refute that i lied about them being a traitor because as i elaborate in my original post, i had little to no indication available to me at the time with the IC circumstances that they were innocent in the split second decision i had to make to pursue, again you're drawing the same meta-knowledge pitfall as Lexorion. How could i lie about someone being a traitor, if in a very strenuous situation looking for highly dangerous individuals i come across a cook presenting himself (halfway across the station, with a sharpened hacked cleaver on his back & a powersink in his hand trying to entice me to enter melee range to open a door ) in all the wrong ways.

It was a mistake and the wrong guy got 'caught' but im being accused directly on the notice of 'murder' in completely the wrong setting & situation to the real course of events on top of being accused wrongly of directly spacing them (which I was under superior orders to escort the body and lead the captain to garbage maint and I left the captain to do)

*EDIT - And may i re-iterate at no point did i ever suggest spacing the perpetrator, as to which it was the captains ill-informed executive decision, which regrettably i influenced with by IC experience derived mis-information but did not sanction myself as i was taking the body back before speaking to cap to examine, i have already accepted responsibility for that failing.

I am uncertain if the captain was ever questioned, and that is a question i would like to press directly to Lexorion.
Saegrimr wrote:
TechnoAlchemist wrote:Seems to me like you crit someone for no good reason as a detective, then proceeded to lie about them being a traitor which got them spaced and you banned.

I don't understand why you think critting someone in this situation is at all a good idea, if you're going to pretend to be an arresting officer atleast have the decency to bring cuffs with you.
Yes but this is the classic incomplete information. The worst offender here being just going straight to critting them instead of the various stun tools he has available, including the revolver he starts with.
Forgive my disbelief but this is quite extraordinary.

I did apply the pepperspray, before critting to subjugate the perpetrator so i could take them responsibly and quickly to brig's medbay (which i have door access to and means avoiding medbay or at-least in the circumstances a secure morgue tray to re-send them to cloning under escort) for the precise reason as to avoid ammunition waste & additional harm while they weren't wearing facial protection.

You mean as to say in your context i should apply multiple gunshots to the legs in order to stagger them, given that or two gunshots at small range would be enough to start them bleeding and induce heavy traumatic damage and sufficiently dying faster on the way back? To which they would be in crit anyway, and i could be charged with over brutalising my criminals with unnessecary force, rather than trying to quickly disarm and incapacitate a felon to which they would have survived the ordeal and be processed in brig?

It would still not be enough stun-times to sufficiently get them down reliably to cuff like a taser, and the result would have been the same with them un-cooperatively deathgasping but also complaining that i shot them multiple times with a lethal weapon. If i just went around shooting (the best combination for a detectives gun is to stagger a running suspect then follow up with your baton) criminals i would amass even more scrutiny. Not to mention its especially unreliable with adrenal performance enhancers of any kind on a un-confirmed antagonist round-type.

*Edit - I was very lucky in the fact that he did not have eye protection and was vulnerable to pepper spray, which WOULD have been a appliable non-lethal alternative if i DID have cuffs on me to apprehend him intact, but the fact of the matter is precisely that. I was very lucky he wasn't wearing protection, but he was very unlucky that i didn't have cuffs on my person. Especially how common gas masks/eye protection is, its one of those things you keep handy but never really expect to do, as opposed to something you shouldn't be need to be doing typically and probably won't be called upon to do.*

Re: Lexorion Admin complaint - Dayban over illegitimate fact

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 10:14 pm
by Lexorion
FantasticFwoosh wrote: -snip-
he only announced visibly to me (though i was more preoccupied with other things) "found it" as a single common channel remark on my logs and i didn't pick up on it or what he meant
He clarified it in another sentence (not over comms). In addition to this,there was only one powersink and the power came back so I don't really understand why you thought he was a traitor for defusing it.
Summarily later after being subjugated (beaten unconscious into critical with my baton with as less applicable force as possible) and apprehended, i dragged him out of maintenance via the maint outside HOP office & cargo north (to quickly and hassle free heal him up with first aid & properly restrain & search in brig) by about bridge where he then deathgasped (image 3#).
As I mentioned in the irc,why didn't you try to clone or defib him at this point?
I talked to the captain dawdling outside and foolishly (I admit self responsibility and a lapse of judgement here) mentioning it was a traitor to which the captain "Sarah Romanov" ordered me to space him.
Lexorion from the logs ignored my concise details of being under orders of the captain twice[...]
How was the captain supposed to know all of this? I don't blame them for what happened. You did not try to stop them,either.
(beating up the perp first here and asking questions later with proper investigation & co-operation to hopefully not deathgasp as to waste both our time having to clone), however the precedent here is that if i had conducted it in a 'legal' way of asking questions rather than acting on the snap informed decisions my role demands in me in such pressured times, i stand at risk of failing not only myself being a target to get dunked but the station with both inaction and compliance of a implied dangerous individual to inflict further damages, especially a cook with a sharpened hacked cleaver, concealed pockets and a sink in hand halfway across the station from their workplace in a narrow hallway with nowhere to go or dodge.If i had conducted it legally, i would have uncovered moreso exactly the same information, as cloning their corpse (because they deathgasped as in image 3# just to whine and if I didn't talk to the captain in a alternative set of events) and interrogating them on tape for a truthful account of what happened backed up by the prints on the powersink that they removed.
Somewhat understandable but bad in my opinion. Even if he did deathgasp,you did not try to defib/clone him. Interrogating people instead of just assuming everything is better since forensic scans can be misleading. It's also Tims fault to some extend for deathgasping at that point but I still disagree with your actions.
Accidents do happen within security, be it security or the station contaminating or affecting evidence to appear distorted to analysis but if Tim Ebow (victimisation pleas for own mistakes contrary to perjury) & the Captain Sarah Romanov (abusing executive orders without knowledge of events) and finally myself (hastily mentioning they were a traitor to the captain, though not much applicable evidence i knew IC implied they were non-antag given the circumstances) had been a small amount more on task this would have been avoided.
I agree,they could've prevented this perhaps. Deathgasping was a bad idea but not trying to bring him back was just as bad.
And as such it was mis-managed, and now i have a incorrect admin remark on my history open to unfair scrutiny of whatever further playtime i have on the station and in security.
I'm willing to change the ban note since I do have to admit it's not that well-worded. I don't think it that the ban was unfair or undeserved though.
I do not know precisely the OOC ID's of both Sarah Romanov and Tim Ebow if there is some metafriend or biased correlation between them and Lexorion in conclusion.

Not metafriends,no biased correlation etc., not sure what made you think that.

Re: Lexorion Admin complaint - Dayban over illegitimate fact

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 11:42 pm
by Saegrimr
FantasticFwoosh wrote:but he was very unlucky that i didn't have cuffs on my person.
You know i'm pretty sure we've banned some other detectives and sec for running around critting people because they didn't want to carry cuffs. It's not really the best excuse to use here for that particular situation.

Re: Lexorion Admin complaint - Dayban over illegitimate fact

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 12:21 am
by FantasticFwoosh
Lexorion wrote:
FantasticFwoosh wrote: -snip-
he only announced visibly to me (though i was more preoccupied with other things) "found it" as a single common channel remark on my logs and i didn't pick up on it or what he meant
He clarified it in another sentence (not over comms). In addition to this,there was only one powersink and the power came back so I don't really understand why you thought he was a traitor for defusing it.
That sentence which isn't over comms if you're referring which could be (because again I only know what my logs tell me without meta-admin knowledge) was (Tim Ebow says, "I just annoucned to the world I found the powersink you tool.") was barely scratching the statement, when the perpetrator starts bleating literally anything after you start beating them, especially being shady like he was when he eventually changed pace from insulting me discreetly to outright screaming ([Common] Tim Ebow says, "DETECTIVE ROGUE") he starts to lose credibility at a astonishing rate like every other screaming shitter to be rolled over by sec.

Nobody at any further point took any notice of what he said and proceeded to back him up to correct me or sec.

The only OTHER instance of someone being called "Tim" over comms is the AI's apparently terrible grasp of grammar with ([Common] D.O.N.K. states, "TIM COOK, GIVE THAT MAN A MEDAL") which was neither intelligible or well worded enough since it could have passed very well for another IC player name (I do recall Tim Cook being a name and it's very credible one i think i've heard before), only really after coming away from the game does it seem more of a connection to the two. Perfect storm of mis-information.
FantasticFwoosh wrote: snip
Lexorion wrote: As I mentioned in the irc,why didn't you try to clone or defib him at this point?
I am not going to revive for all intensive purposes a antagonist who's just deathgasped on me to literally escape justice and probably salty & souldead until they are searched and processed securely. Again you display a overapplicative use of your meta knowledge as you imply that because they were non-antag (though I didnt know that IC and had no real evidence other than very poor quality unsubstantiated mutterings by Tim) i should have cloned them IMMEDIATELY to rectify the mistake i wasn't aware i was making

And your reasoning would have me take them all the way through to medical via the long route (where they could die for real en route from blood loss) around populated halls being harrassed, to have them cloned then walk free because i had no cuffs and nobody to secure them other than some limited doctors who are hardly security. The time wasted would also work into workable brig time meaning that any non-perma sentence is void and i actually have time owing to them.

And being doped up to high hell on morphine isn't fun for anyone if i can help it anyway, especially if people are over-zealous or i need to apply a big dose so they dont wake up on the trip (and even so there's possible harrassment on the way back from miscreants).
FantasticFwoosh wrote: -snip-
Lexorion wrote: How was the captain supposed to know all of this? I don't blame them for what happened. You did not try to stop them,either.
You talk like i had a roleplaying choice, (OOC of course i have a choice but play within the game rules) it was a executive order and it was decided. If i did not comply the captain would have set me to arrest or applied a reprecussion, not least in the worst case scenario stole the body off me to do it themselves if they couldn't be reasoned with. On the other hand i don't know what might have happened but id have rather have not found out, it could have been fine and i'd still be framed for murder by a whiny cook in ahelps.

Indeed, how was the captain supposed to know all this was the flaw i've already admitted to in mis-identification of the traitor, but just throwing out destructive executive orders helps no one especially if you don't care for proper security protocol (perma'ing criminals is always recommended though not obligatory, its the captains judgement and call). In hindsight i should have piped up that i wasn't finished with them yet but the order was already issued and captain made up in mind. I have my shared responsibility, and the captain has theirs. I've already admitted my own critical mistake.

The captain in the end commited to the act, as it was their idea to remove Tim from the round just on the basis of being a traitor because "the det said so" that i helped facilitate by taking the body and escorting the captain to the nearest mass driver in garbage disposal, where i left Tim and the Captain to do the act.

I re-iterate the question, did you at any point in the face of my critical evidence presented to you in my PM's question the captain at all. And how does this reflect me in the original statement and accusations being personally responsible for both murder and body destruction/spacing.
FantasticFwoosh wrote: -snip-
Lexorion wrote: Somewhat understandable but bad in my opinion. Even if he did deathgasp,you did not try to defib/clone him. Interrogating people instead of just assuming everything is better since forensic scans can be misleading. It's also Tims fault to some extend for deathgasping at that point but I still disagree with your actions.
Its perfect natural to disagree, im not going to waste time trying to pro-active revive in my eyes a criminal with great haste if they deathgasp (again you mention pro-actively cloning someone who's non antag on the basis of you meta-knowing they are non-antag instead of IC player perspective and accounts) I could afford to delay aswell given that there is a secure morgue and evidence storage while i work on other cases if things got stalled when i eventually delivered Tim to brig.

All evidence can be misleading, assume that because the original person wore nitrile gloves or just got lucky and didn't leave a glove print, only Tim's prints would be on the article, and both owning the shoes found in the tracks coming from that direction he walked through Id be pretty confident without bringing him back to interview that he was our man where i'd present him the evidence.

I had more maintenance to comb on my scheduled patrols, i don't know precisely how it would have played out if i got busy but Tim's body would be secure and ready to release to cloning ASAP after i got my evidence from him and the stuff, but id need to be called back or most likely the captain themselves to go get them securely out of cloning.
FantasticFwoosh wrote: -snip-
Lexorion wrote: I agree,they could've prevented this perhaps. Deathgasping was a bad idea but not trying to bring him bad was just as bad.
This is your account of cloning a criminal first as 'bringing them in' as opposed to securing the body of someone i couldn't change the outcome of deathgasping opportunistically despite my best efforts to save their life securely with as little time to waste as possible. If i really wanted them to die i would have (with cuffs) shot them and tied them to a pipe or (without cuffs) shot/beat them into crit, taken the sink and leave them in maint describing literal murder FNR.

Im curious as to what you would have done differently personally. With all i've mentioned im a little confused how you interpret "not trying to bring him in", which beating him into crit as quickly and cleanly as possible dragging his ass to brig medbay to patch him up and stablise him a bit is exactly what i was doing, and on failing taking him alive, i was going to take him in dead for the same objective purpose and send the corpse ahead to be cloned and captured when the sensitive stuff is removed and analysed. I wasn't leaving him there, and the evidence of his ghost log in the hallway outside the west entrance of bridge will prove that godwilling.
FantasticFwoosh wrote: -snip-
Lexorion wrote: I'm willing to change the ban note since I do have to admit it's not that well-worded. I don't think it that the ban was unfair or undeserved though.
Thanks, that was the most annoying part of this whole ordeal. Each to their own opinion.
FantasticFwoosh wrote: -snip-
Lexorion wrote: Not metafriends,no biased correlation etc., not sure what made you think that.
When you un-circumstantially appear to trust someone's word over someone else's then create a report as poorly worded as this one (detailing the wrong place of death, the wrong person and making it ambigious), not to mention apparently fail to acknowledge in any conclusive way evidence you are presented with, and make quick decisions to ban someone based off 1 account of events (re-iterating my captain question here and now) it certainly draws it into scrutiny.

Saegrimr wrote:
FantasticFwoosh wrote:but he was very unlucky that i didn't have cuffs on my person.
You know i'm pretty sure we've banned some other detectives and sec for running around critting people because they didn't want to carry cuffs. It's not really the best excuse to use here for that particular situation.
Well that's interesting to hear. I guess supposing detectives should be actively endorsed to be wannabe officers rather than actually investigating, running around the station not for clues but for perps to beat (without being explicitly ordered to search maint like i was) lets not forget causing life threatening injuries with their lethal fire-arms for the act of stunlocking them with legshots until they pass quietly into crit and hemmoraghing blood. Its not my job and in most realities those offending detectives probably went out unnessecarily to flaunt the rules when officers could have went, rather than a literal last resort.

So people have been banned for following policy to the book, just because it is deemed inappropriate to NOT carry them in a circumstance or at all times. That is a abstract policy issue that needs to be amended and i am unphased by the implication to my own case. As i point out circumstantially they were just unlucky I found them first rather than some plushy imaginary sec officer with a taser and cuffs not present on the round.

I engaged properly, using my self defence spray and beated them into the only compliant state short of aggressively choking them i had availible with as least amount of force to be quickly transferred to a safe enviroment with little hassle, where they are medicated and processed. Most of my stuff is for self defence while im out on the case, if someone attacked me it would have been roughly fair game for me to shoot them or beat them dead/into crit no questions asked, and i had to be creative and restrained when taking Tim in while still remaining within my role so the big guys if backup EVER arrives can take over. I even orchestrate the clean up and evidencial sorting, how much more blood from my veins do you want?

In the words of a few famous men "I didn't sign up for this shit" but apparently the administration have stamped small print on 'how you should play sec' all over it already that is somewhat contradictory.

Re: Lexorion Admin complaint - Dayban over illegitimate fact

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 1:13 am
by Cobby
If you are going to imply you had to do the officer's job [because it was just you <and the warden>] then turn around and say "Well, it's not my job to carry cuffs" I don't really know what to tell you except learn from the ban instead of posting walls of text no one has interest in reading over a day ban.

Re: Lexorion Admin complaint - Dayban over illegitimate fact

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 1:39 am
by imblyings
Security is empowered under existing rules to go to somewhat extreme lengths in the course of their job in making assumptions so they don't expose themselves to unnecessary risk.

What security isn't empowered to do is then use assumptions made in a past split second decision due to lack of gear rather than reasonable lack of doubt in validness to assist in removing someone from the round. At the extreme minimum, this requires no looking in sally's box. All of it rests on you having said the wrong thing to the captain instead of continuing with the correct course of action you were on, which was compensating for the over use of force by healing the guy. You admit it yourself, so it's not that tricky to understand.

You control the quality of play experience of innocent and unarmed players who usually can't resist security too well and regardless of sallyanne arguments, players in a position of power should be responsible enough to understand that.

Tldr if you're going to crit a guy because you don't have cuffs, don't then misrepresent the situation so he gets spaced. Its negligence at best, malice at worst. A note for negligence leading to someone's round being wrecked would be quite fair.

Throwing in a light accusation of metafriending at the end of a tldr is also the most insulting thing but ok i guess who knows eh

Re: Lexorion Admin complaint - Dayban over illegitimate fact

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 1:43 am
by onleavedontatme
I'm going to pretend I'm still headmin and resolve this. Everyone else in this thread has already done a job of explaining why you were in the wrong and there is no reason for anyone else to have to suffer through trying to read that.

Re: Lexorion Admin complaint - Dayban over illegitimate fact

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:36 pm
by Okand37
I think kor has about summed it up well enough, aside from slight wording issues, I don't believe Lexorion did anything wrong here. I hope you were able to understand the points made by the other commentators and that you'll be able to learn from this for the future.