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idk discussion about tanky marine

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 7:41 pm
by outtogetya
i think melee marine is one of the more interesting fun playstyles, i've especially taken a liking to robot heavy armor tyr shield machete and just tanking insane amounts of damage while dishing out consistent damage with the blade - but has anybody else found success being tanky with some other sort of playstyle? the shield really limits your options because onehanded but i'm curious specifically if anybody's found a good way to use a gun mainly while still being heavy tyr and shield it really seems like the lack of range is my major downfall. i carry 2 mp-19 machine pistols in an armor general storage but they're not quite strong enough to really do much and i'm interested if anybody's found a good way to potentially even ditch the melee and just use a ranged weapon as your primary while still shielding up idk you could also just post about your tanky builds if you want i'm open to suggestions i just feel like i'm not quite living up to my potential with the machete robot build :?: