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[Player Report][Galen and Nelle McCune] Tesora - a bad grief that didn't got handled properly.

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 1:45 am
by Tesora
Your Byond ckey: Tesora
Your character name: Louis Daniels
Their Byond ckey(s) (if known): N/A
Their character name(s): Galen and Nelle McCune
When did it take place (or if known, the RoundID): 23/03/2019, around 22:10
What rules were broken: Could not find them.
Your side of the story: They two as engineers bolted the entire CIC, i was confused to why that happened and asked one of them to open it, so they opened it and bolted it again with me and the CPT inside, i was deleting a wall to get out when one of them came, he and the CPT asked me what i was doing (dumb CPT did nothing and even noticed what happened) this time the engineer shooted me, so we entered in a gunfight inside CIC and i died, this fact made the CPT and me as CL dies, it also made a lot of marines die after the DS crash because they couldn't enter the CIC. After that a Admin came asking me what happened, i said it and 20 mins later he said i was banned from CL.