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[<Ruediger4>] Tesora - Ban Appeal (banana peel)

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 5:39 pm
by Tesoraxd
BYOND account: Tesora
Character name: Tom 'Eli' Martinz
Ban type: Server
Ban length: 15 days
Ban reason:
Time ban was placed: 21:08
Server you were playing on when banned: TGMC
Round ID in which ban was placed: ID 5791

Your side of the story: I got hugged and was almost bursting, I was yelling at the CMO about it and she just ignored me, she told me that I was going to be the last one that would get surgery(that's her words), I ahelped and got no response. She didn't had any other patients, had just finished the last one and I were supposed to be the last one, she walked over me and was going to heal someone else that had just arrived, I was about to burst(was shaking a lot) and was very angry that she didn't cared about it at all and started to punch her, then she shot me PB 5 times with a shotgun killing me, I ahelped it and an admin answered this time, the admin(Lewdcifer) told me that we were both wrong and that I shouldn't do that, I told him alright and that was handled, got no more messages.

I don't know what had happened to the CMO this time but it turns out it was a staff member that introduced himself in the discord being very childish and arrogant( The next round I was playing and in the middle of the game I got banned, the admin (Ruediger4) haven't sent me a single message, I got no warning, nothing, and the amount of bullshit and lies written on the reason is incomparable to anything else. I have asked Ruediger4 in the discord if he could answer some questions to me, I wanted to know where did he got the info to write the ban reason, he told me I could ask it on the forums, he sent me a message on the forums, I asked him where did he got the info and I got no response until now, even thought he was beware of it.

And here is all the bullshit he had written about the issue, making me look like the worst of the assholes and the CMO a hero: He said that the CMO had over 5-6 marines to do surgery, but we didn't had more than two marines there, one that the CMO had already operated and me, again I was the next she should have done surgery and she told be I was going to be the last one she was going to perform surgery, even when I was the priority there (hugged marine almost bursting). Two times the admin Eskjjlj told me that no matter what happens to you, you never shoot a marine on purpose, never, even though he's going to kill you you should ahelp instead, on the ban reason the Ruediger4 said that the CMO properly PBed me in self defense, in other hand I had done the same before, two times, shooting someone back when they shot me first two times in self defense and two times I got warned by Eskjjlj, since then I never did it again, so why was the CMO correct?. he says I attempted to excuse my behaviour, when he didn't talked to me or heard about my story, on my talk with Lewdcifer I told him that I punched the CMO because she didn't was doing surgery on a hugged marine and then proceed to PB him 5 times with a shotgun and that was it, I wasn't saying nothing that didn't had happened there, I have no reason to lie. He says I'm known for shitty, griefy behavior, while I don't have any major issue, the most bad issue I have was one that I blew up Req ASRS console by accident with a grenade that must've been replaced later. So what is written on the ban reason is just a bunch of lies, he didn't tried to know my side of the story, and certainly didn't do any research to know what it's about, making me look like a very bad griefer when I am not, I think he's protecting the staff member.

Why you think you should be unbanned: The method my ban was handled is very unfair, the admin made his own conclusions that resulted in a bunch of lies that made others think I'm a bad griefer and player, even when on my plays I try to do my best, help new players, guide others about stuff they don't know and such, I can be annoying sometimes like to grab someone helmet, beret and other items such as their guns but this is just me playing with them, I always give them it back, I'm not a griefer and would like that the staff team have this issue reviewed because things didn't happened how the ban said it did. I have a few notes on the past about light rule breaks I did, so if this appeal don't get accept I will be ok with it, I don't want to go back playing soon anyways because having a single admin making a unfair ban without any other admin or supervisor checking if it's really how it happened really make me discouraged and despondent to go back into playing.

Other info: I'm a brazilian that has learned english by himself, without any courses or anyone teaching me, so there might be some grammatical errors and words where they aren't supposed to be, sorry for that.

Re: [<Ruediger4>] Tesora - Ban Appeal (banana peel)

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 5:49 pm
by terranaut
This is the wrong subforum but let me just chime in and say that your ban has been upgraded to permanent due to your continued behavior on discord and in PMs to ruediger. Don't bother coming back without an extremely good voucher from another server. /tg/ jannies can lock this, no need to move it, we don't want it. Thanks.