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[BAN] [Pette] Savotta

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 7:47 pm
by Savotto
BYOND account: Savotta
Character name: Angela Ingram
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Shot multiple marines at cryo, one to death, logged off right after offense. Appeal on the forums if you want to:
Time ban was placed: 2020-11-06 10:06:08
Round ID in which ban was placed: 5831
Your side of the story: Well, I didn't actually fire at multiple marines at cryo. The only one I shot (to death, yes) was one Gingy McCarty, purely because he shot me first as I was climbing into a cryopod. I did log off after the offense, purely because I /had/ to leave-- It was the only reason I didn't get onto the Alamo and actually drop at the LZ, even though I was geared. Apologies for doing so, but I wasn't there to grief. IIRC I didn't actually hit anyone but them.
Why you think you should be unbanned: My ban was justified in the sense that I gave absolutely 0 explanation to my actions due to my immediate log-off. Again, I apologise for the misuderstanding, and I seriously hope I can be taken off a permaban and maybe given a lighter sentence since it was /technically/ in self-defense-- I've had one other fuck-up of the same kind, and I think a note's been stuck onto me since as a PO I've hit a MO for blocking my way into the cockpit (and later on shot them since they decided to chase me about trying to inject me with morphine after the fact).

Re: [BAN] [Pette] Savotta

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 8:29 pm
by Dolth

Even if he shot first, you did shoot them about 20 times with the disabler, disarmed them a couple of time, threw mags, a pack of cigs etc etc at them.
Then they shot at you, which isn't okay either but that's out of topic since two wrongs doesn't make a right.

Do you understand that you are never expected to shoot another member of your faction on purpose?
As the escalation part on our rule page says, occasional brawls happens but must be kept harmless.

If someone shoots at you on purpose then you're expected to ahelp, you will be ahealed shortly after and they will be dealt with.
Either way, you've deserved it lol. The ban will be lifted but you will keep a note explaining what happened.