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[ Ban ] [ Jooks ] OperationPaperclip

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 10:46 pm
by OperationPaperclip
BYOND account: OperationPaperclip
Character name: Maj. Jason Rhomer
Ban type: Command/Server
Ban length: Command - 1 Month / Server - 7 Days
Ban reason:
Time ban was placed: 2020-12-02 19:11:19
Round ID in which ban was placed: 6242
Why you think you should be unbanned:

I believe I should be unbanned due to the fact that I have a sincere intention to actually benefit the servers overall atmosphere. I know that my actions were rather " memey ", however it was all in good fun. I thought that it would be a pretty decent and fun way to improve upon everyone morale and get everyone to more readily coordinate with each other - but this isn't really an excuse. There are plenty of other ways that I can facilitate this without breaking rules.

As for the RO situation, I allowed their behavior over the course of several rounds to get to me. I know that how I retaliated definitely broke rules, and that isn't okay. Having warned them beforehand isn't a good excuse either. This won't be an issue in the future either.

I am a bit unsure if this is going to mean anything, but absolutjerry did mention that it was a shame that " someone with so much potential " was engaging in such LRP behavior. I'm inclined to agree. I like to think I'm normally decent at FC whenever I play.

Anyways, should I be shown a bit of leniency in the matter - this type of behavior wont happen in the future. I appreciate your time and consideration in reading this.

PS: I'm appealing both.

Re: [ Ban ] [ Jooks ] OperationPaperclip

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 10:31 am
by AbsoluteJerry
Your name in that round was Jason Alt Right Rhomer. I don't exactly know how nothing clicked in you that this isn't allowed, but it isn't. You do have a note for something similar.
This already puts you on a bad position, because this makes it seem you will never learn from mistakes and warnings.

I can kind of understand where you come from. You are trying to unite the marines and be a respectable FC through memes and all.
However your memes are both breaking the rules, and straying into LRP territory. A good rule of thumb is: "Would a future military force do this?", if not, don't do it.
By telling marines that you had intel of furries being on the colony, and your marines would have to stop them from spreading their convention to the ship, you broke rule 3 and rule 5 for both an LRP announcement, and LRP behavior as a FC.

We can't catch every single person for it, but the more important a role is, the more scrutiny you are put under. And you can't be suprised that we are tough on it especially when making a CiC announcement.

You just got unbanned from a command role ban, you have a history of bad behavior.
I won't lift the command role ban, I want you to take it and learn from it.