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[BAN] The Secret Slav Banned By AverageJerry

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 10:37 am
by The Secret Slav
BYOND account: <BYOND account.>
Character name: <Character name at time of ban.> Something of arabic origin
Ban type: <Server/Role/OOC/etc.> Server
Ban length: <Permanent, 5 days, etc.> Permanent
Ban reason: <Copy this from the server. If this is a server ban, attempt to connect. If it is not a server ban, view your notes with "View Admin Remarks" button under OOC tab in-game. An image is suitable, but do **not** paraphrase or otherwise modify the reason.> Permanent ban for constantly being close to rules and being a dick in general. You can't behave despite given countless notes and warnings. The final straw was when accidentally driving over a few teammates, you primed a frag grenade and screamed "ALLAH AKBAR" when given a beating.
Time ban was placed: <Try to get this from the server when you get the ban reason. If it was a note, the note has a timestamp. If it was a server ban, it will also have a timestamp. Both of these times are in UTC.> 2020-07-12
Round ID in which ban was placed: <Round ID, should be present in ban reason from server. Can be excluded if it cannot be found. Example: 101235.> 4270
Your side of the story: <Explain what happened in your own words.> I jacked some vehicle and tried to drive it around then accidentally ran over some people, said sorry after then got stuck, attempted to get out of my stuck position and accidentally ran over more people, then got the car destroyed and then got ganged up and beat into orange or red I don't remember and primed a nade while attempting to run away to get my attackers off of me which critted me and then they beat me to death for defending myself
Why you think you should be unbanned: <Why should you get this opportunity to return, what value do you bring back to the community? Was your ban unfair? Justify it.> I waited like 5 months bro come on, plus it's christmas plus I'm sorry
References of good conduct: <If serverbanned and **especially** if permabanned, have you played on other servers during the time you were banned? Name them here, in many cases good references of conduct and character can be crucial to a successful appeal. Otherwise, feel free to remove this portion.> I played on escalation

Re: [BAN] The Secret Slav Banned By AverageJerry

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 5:43 pm
by AbsoluteJerry
Slav I hate to tell you this, but you didn't even bother to make a proper appeal.

Considering it has been 5 months, you could have been unbanned if you had a good voucher for improved behavior.
We asked the staff on Escalation, and you have shown bad behavior there, even for Escalation.

Sorry man, but I will have to deny your appeal. Come back when you atleast have a good voucher.

Re: [BAN] The Secret Slav Banned By AverageJerry

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 5:46 pm
by The Secret Slav
Come back when you find the right escalation