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[BAN] [<Aurelien3189>] <JorgimTheGuy>

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 12:54 am
by JorgimTheGuy
BYOND account: <JorgimTheGuy>
Character name: <Jorge Silve/Jorgim Silveira>
Ban type: <Job Ban.>
Ban length: <Permanent.>
Ban reason: <Banned from Roles: Chief Medical Officer, Medical Officer permanently - As a Medical Officer, mucked about through the round offering vodka, eventually got bored and repeatedly attempted to commit suicide as another player informed them of cryo "leave me alone nerd... Let me die" Banned from primary medical roles.>
Time ban was placed: <2019-03-18 23:59:11.>
Round ID in which ban was placed: <Doesn't show up.>
Your side of the story: <I remember it very badly on account of it being so long ago, but by looking at the dates its probably one of my first games of SS13, i think one of the mentors tried helping me to get to know the medical system, then i got bored and started mucking about.>
Why you think you should be unbanned: <Its been over a year and a half, the admin that banned isnt even active anymore, also i was very new on the game.>
References of good conduct: <Most of my ban notes are from around this time (most i didnt get a chance to defend myself), ive played on tons of different servers and probably gathered over 200+ hours after this, also i wanna play doctor.>

Re: [BAN] [<Aurelien3189>] <JorgimTheGuy>

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 2:25 am
by Eskjjlj
Seems like this is for TGMC.

Re: [BAN] [<Aurelien3189>] <JorgimTheGuy>

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 2:30 am
by Vekter
That appears to be the case - he has no bans on record for normal /tg/. Moving.

Re: [BAN] [<Aurelien3189>] <JorgimTheGuy>

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 7:35 am
by terranaut
Unbanned, be good.