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[DISCORD] Goblin#3446

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 1:51 pm
by Chaznoodles
Discord Username: Goblin#3446 / Chaz
Commonly Used Names: N/A
Banning Admin: Terranaut.
Ban Reason: 'actively causing drama'
Time Ban Was Placed: 28/01
Your Side of the Story: After querying if DevilIso, a mentor, was going to be unbanned from discord after they blew the whistle on a now ex-headmentor sending unsolicited sexual messages to a minor, it devolved into argument and deflections. Rather than participate and cause further problems, I left in solidarity with another community member who felt the same. Terra banned me shortly afterwards in a "you can't quit, I fire you" move. Nobody else who participated in the conversation was banned, the blame for the situation was unfairly put onto me in an announcement and further conversations to shift the topic away from the cause.
Why You Think You Should Be Unbanned: Wrongfully placed ban.

Re: [DISCORD] Goblin#3446

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 2:41 pm
by terranaut
The ban was placed because you were actively spreading the screenshots that contributed to the entire mess to random people in DMs. Instead of approaching us and letting us deal with it and letting us figure things out you were contributing to the mass hysteria and the devolvement of the whole thing into a massive argument full of drama. It was not a "you can't quit", I just wanted to make sure you didn't come back because you have a habit of being in the middle of drama and dumb arguments. This was just the proverbial straw.
It's not in my hands, of course, but my recommendation to whoever picks this up is to keep you banned. Server's better off that way.

Re: [DISCORD] Goblin#3446

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 8:55 am
by Lewdcifer
Thank you for your input, terranaut.

The reasoning behind this Discord ban has been explained and I'm inclined to agree with it. I'm not going to revoke the ban, in part because I trust terranaut's judgment on the matter as the former head administrator responsible for this ban, and also because I've seen firsthand how you can behave both in game and in the Discord.

Regardless, thank you for appealing.