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[Lewdcifer] Levianaught Ban

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 6:04 pm
by Levianaught
BYOND account: Levianaught
Character name: I can't remember dude.
Ban type: I don't know. A ban type of ban?
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Banned by host: You, or another user of this computer or connection (Levianaught) is banned from playing here. The ban reason is: As a squad marine: shot several marines in the Alamo for no reason, and disconnected afterwards. Please appeal for this ban and explain to us why you did it! This ban (BanID #1527) was applied by Lewdcifer on 2020-12-24 20:58:30 during round ID 6548. This is a permanent ban.
Time ban was placed: 2020-12-24 at 20:58:30
Round ID in which ban was placed: Round ID 6548
Why you think you should be unbanned: The only reason I got so fucking pissed was because I was RPing with another character, doing my thing. We were joking around, and we were talking about having sex with men or something. It's not a big deal, this other homophobe marine started threatening me and I laughed it off. He gets out of his seat and pulls out a machete, and he machetes me in the face.

So heres the deal. I already was pretty done with the whole breaking immersion thing, but you're just gonna literally machete me in the face for making a joke about sucking dick? It pissed me the fuck off. It was completely uncalled for so I unloaded on the guy and logged out because at that point I didn't wanna RP. So yeah, I shot a guy and went a little crazy on the Alamo, after being RP FAIL attacked by another marine, with a machete, in the face, on the Alamo. I never do shit like this, but that moment of Fail Rp, and the time of year, I really wasn't in the greatest of places.

I say unban me because of why I did what I did, and I can promise not to do such again. If I do, perma-ban me forever and you won't hear a word from me again, however I can say with certainty if given the opportunity to return, I will elicite more respectful and appropriate RP behavior.
References of good conduct: I mean, not really. I used to just play CM alot. I play a guy named Dirt Serpent. I'm sure you could ask a good number of people in that forum or around and they would put a solid word out for me.

Re: [Lewdcifer] Levianaught Ban

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 7:06 pm
by Sylphet
This is a TGMC appeal so it's been moved there.

Re: [Lewdcifer] Levianaught Ban

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 4:01 am
by Lewdcifer
Thank you for moving this to the appropriate forum, Sylphet!

Regarding the ban; I'm gonna choose to believe in you, especially since it was your first offense at the time and you had no previous notes nor bans in your record, but please bear in mind the following things specified in our rules:
  • You are not allowed to harm allied units regardless of reasoning. If someone does this to you, please ahelp it instead of taking justice on your own hands!
  • Making erotic or creepy jokes can make people uncomfortable, and that's understandable. We have a rule about it too, so please bear it in mind.
I will go ahead and lift your ban now. Thanks for appealing.