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[BAN] [<SpaceLove>] <Cowbin>

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 7:38 pm
by Cowbin
BYOND account: <Cowbin>
Character name: <Bob Flowers>
Ban type: <Server>
Ban length: <Permanent>
Ban reason: <The ban reason is: - You have done extreme grief and it is clearl with the linked evidence. Appeal in forums for the ban. This ban (BanID #1780) was applied by SpaceLove on 2021-04-07 04:38:39 during round ID 8245. This is a permanent ban.>
Time ban was placed: <2021-04-07,though the round which I was banned for occurred sometime on or before 2021-03-24>
Round ID in which ban was placed: <8245, the actual round for which I did the actions which led to the ban was before this point, I was not in this round>
Your side of the story: <I was using a flamer that I picked up off the ground when someone on harm intent pushed me into fire and they insulted me. I then flamered where I thought they were going to walk with the intent of putting them out instantly after, as fire damage causes no permanent injuries and I had the meds on me to heal them. At that point I used my unique action hotkey to switch to water but it kept double triggering, causing every time I tried to put them out only for me to put more fire onto them. Later I tried the hotkey and it actually worked but I believe there is a bug report on github for it currently. I was not bwoinked for this action, as it was pretty obviously accidental and I can count on two hands the number of times people casually FF on purpose once or twice. Two weeks after the incident I received a perma ban from the server, I only just learned of this today as I was away from home for a while.>
Why you think you should be unbanned: <I should get the opportunity to return because the vast majority of the FF was due to a bug, and because of the lack of bwoink (Note: I played the rest of the round so that is not due to me leaving early). Without a bwoink I was unable to defend myself and the video pretty obviously shows that after the first one I was screaming shit and accidentally flaming, even the name of the video is "Retard" (Note: as of 6 PM they have changed the title to "Nerd") in reference to my inability to actually function the flamer. I could maybe understand a week ban or something for the first FF, but not a permaban by any means. This is also my first ever instance of this, the only note I have is for deploying groundside as a shipside role in over 100 hours of play.>
References of good conduct: <As I have only just returned after this ban I have not played on any other servers since then, but I do not have a record of grief on any server. I have only played on TG and TGCM and in the case of TG almost all my notes were as antag on MRP.>

Re: [BAN] [<SpaceLove>] <Cowbin>

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 8:51 am
by SpaceLove
I permabanned you so you will come and discuss this in forums. As that is now fullfilled, I will come to my original decision.

Watching the video, I very much doubt you unintentionally hit him that many times and moved everywhere to flame him. It is possible your hotkey bugged out, however I do not understand how you managed to flame him 1,2,3 times and yet not realise the hydrocanon was not on.

I will reduce the ban to a 1 week ban. I will await a headministrator input as the ban is appealed. However if you agree with the 1 week ban, I will close this and mark as resolved.

Re: [BAN] [<SpaceLove>] <Cowbin>

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 4:51 am
by SpaceLove
I have discussed with other Administrators and have thought about the bug and your clear notes history more. I will turn the ban into a 2 days ban, however since that is now already over, you will be out of ban.

Please keep this in mind, you are still under thin ice regarding this. Thanks for appealing.