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[ Ban ] [ Lewdcifer ] OperationPaperclip's Ban Appeal

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 11:15 pm
by OperationPaperclip
BYOND account: OperationPaperclip
Character name: Jason Rhomer
Ban type: Server.
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Several instances of behavior against the rules, as shown in his notes record. After several warnings and being told next time would be a permaban, well.... here it is. Don't bother appealing unless you have references of good conduct from other servers.
Time ban was placed: 2021-01-13
Round ID in which ban was placed: 6842
Your side of the story:

I vaguely remember what happened exactly - however I believe this all occurred around a time whenever I was having issues with a particular RO. The RO and I have butted heads on several occasions. Really, I try to handle it professionally by reaching out to staff after handling an arrest - but somehow the situation always escelates with the RO in question. I believe there was a gunfight between us both where I put away my lethals the instant it occurred and tased them, before arresting them and taking them into CIC, where I awaited admin response on the next steps in the process.

There was another incident where there were mortars being fired, I'm not necessarily remembering too much about that. From what I do remember it was a misunderstanding.

I understand exactly why I have a large number of notes. Although, my notes aren't caused by any form of intentional griefing. Going back to the RO situation as an example - a lot of what I have on my record really boils down to misunderstandings. I have had bad behavior in the past, though. For that I do take complete accountability.

Why you think you should be unbanned:

Some time has passed and I have learned my lesson. I can attempt to get a reference from another server - however this server wouldn't be from SS13. I did some pentesting for a couple of garrysmod servers to test their security considering the fact that I have recently been studying cybersecurity and wanted to get my feet wet with kali linux. The references in question would be from server owners in particular, so high ranking community members ( If they'd be willing to sign up, and throw in a good word for me. )

I took a break from SS13, and roleplay in general. This being said, I hope that will be considered. It's been a little while for me - as well as anyone else involved, so I am sure that things have blown over by now.

I believe I still have a job ban, although I'm not entirely sure. I'm really not looking to get that lifted.
References of good conduct: I can definitely see about getting these owners I did work for from communities outside of SS13 on this appeal. As I'm waiting I'll be speaking with them. Although, I would ask you consider my history on the server. I believe I have a pretty decent record in terms of a willingness to contribute to the overall atmosphere of the server. Hopefully some staff members will remember me and attest to this.

Re: [ Ban ] [ Lewdcifer ] OperationPaperclip's Ban Appeal

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 3:54 am
by Lewdcifer
17 notes of misbehavior, which include but are not limited to: blatant griefing, posting unwanted and/or erotic/creepy media, killing allies for no good reason, and other things.

The reference of good conduct must come from another SS13 server, I'm afraid. Until you present one such reference, and with the above in mind, I will be denying this appeal.

Have a good one.