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[BAN] [Soulstolen] <Muller Hauptmann>

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 12:04 pm
by HumbleServant
Discord Username: HumbleServant#5100

Commonly Used Names: Whitebell in TGCM Discord Server.

Banning Admin: Soulstolen.

Ban Reason: Banned for Magdumping a marine (Without intent of removing them from the round, otherwise they'll be dead) who "Accidentally" shot a TAT round exactly to the crowd of marines.

Time Ban Was Placed: 2022/10/30 14:48:13

Your Side of the Story: (Censored Version/Clean, You can check the #help at Discord because I am really frustrated to this admin) Prison Round, we got everything set up. Barricades, Sentry, all that roundstart shazam. Shutter goes down, we push west to kitchen BUT There's only one problem, this one stupid particular marine manning the TAT that can't stop shooting TAT to CROWD of marines pushing to kitchen. NOT ONCE, NOT TWICE BUT THRICE they shoot the marines in the back pushing them to the kitchen. They even point blanked our medic leading to Round-end of that character in the operation so of course, as a good marine, I shoot that marine with P90 but didn't kill nor do I have intention to kill them otherwise they'll be thrown into the crowd of xenos which would led to their round-end. (To note: It was not me who pushed him to tadpole landing. It was the other marine. He wasn't moving at the time so the other marine pushed him.)

Why You Think You Should Be Unbanned:
Now here's the kicker, Why's my ban is unfair and unjust.
All the admin got is a log to see the situation, they are not even with us @Soulstolen || Ash Halbrader They are in the FOB, doing dumbshit instead of helping three dead marines in that push. Second, The marines totalling to 6, (1 KIA Medic and 3 marines, 1 SG if I remember correctly) who was with me(Emilyo 'Bayani' Mercado) at the time can testify this marine who shot our back not only did it once or twice. They don't care if they shoot the marines as long as they score a hit. The admin claim its an ACCIDENT which I do not BELIEVE because the explosion happen very close, right in the middle of the marines pushing, It is INTENTIONAL GRIEFING.

References of good conduct:
I have been into this a similar case as my OOC Admin Remarks says, I also Battlefield Executed a marine as Captain of the ship (Heinreich 'Wulfe' Hartmann) of the time who was making a big fuse about being removed as Leader then planted a C4 to my doors and finally shot me until I retaliate but after that, the operation is smooth sailing. I was told that my action is unfit by admins but it is completely understandable since the guy is making a fuss about it. I didn't get banned nor kicked out since it is understandable. My actions may not 'FIT' to rules stipulated by the admins but it is justified when a player such as this TAT Marine shoots the marines in the back twice.

I would understand the situation if it was a grenade because alot of variables contributes to the Accuracy of a player but to THINK, a TAT cannon shooting in the middle of the crowd of marine with AIM MODE OFF and called an AHELP on me for magdumping HIM without KILLING HIM is unacceptable and that I will not change my unapologetic attitude and as I said, I WILL DO IT AGAIN, must situation arises again.

I've been in this game ever since 2020 and so far I didn't get involved to any case as hard as this where my action (From what I think) is called for.

Re: [BAN] [Soulstolen] <Muller Hauptmann>

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 3:05 pm
by nallein
Hello, I was the TAT operator that round to give my side of story:

I was a regular marine that round and since no one was using the TAT, I brought it to kitchen entrance to support the push, load APHE and aimed. Now it's not my intention to shoot at the marines, however at that time I was under the impression that the TAT behaves similarly to the mortar/howitzer (exploding where I aim at or at least close to it) and shot my first round which I aimed at xenomorphs ahead of the marines, unfortunately the round explodes into the marine push, most likely from direct hitting a xenomorph. It didn't immediately occur to me that TAT cannot be a field artillery, I quickly loaded a HE round next and shoot, again ahead of the marine group and expecting it to behave differently, same shit happens.

I'm not sure if I shot a third nor point blanking a medic since I haven't checked logs but afterward I got magdumped and since I did deserve it, I just stood there and take it. I left the TAT and returned to hangar since I got broken chest and shrapnel in me and sat in Alamo where I got contacted by an admin asking if I was intentionally magdumped for missing a TAT shot. I answered yes, and that it was deserved. Admin replied something along the lines of not a proper escalation and didn't question further. After getting fixed up I went back down and the round continued. I'm not sure who got pushed and gibbed by Tadpole but it wasn't me.

At any rate, it's never my intention to grief and as I'm the only one getting magdumped (with justified reason), I also ask for HumbleServant's ban to be cleared or at least lowered.

Re: [BAN] [Soulstolen] <Muller Hauptmann>

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 5:49 am
by Soulstolen
Hey there, sorry for the late response but here we are, and I'd love to clarify something right off the bat. This ban wasn't for what you did, it's for how you conducted yourself.

I'd like to thank Nallein for their response, because they weren't the one who ahelped, they actually believed they were wrong and everything that you did to them was completely deserved. Accidents happen, and in this case, a recent change to the way TAT works has made this exact issue happen quite a few times, I even witnessed the same thing happen just last night. You believed it was intentional, and you've played here since 2020, great so you should know the rules that you should never take matters into your own hands. If this was intentional you would have ahelped the issue in regards to someone griefing the marines purposefully, no? Well that immediately leads me to believe you don't actually believe it was intentional, because any long-standing player would alert the admins of a griefer. No this was a respected player who has a lot of hours, who made a mistake twice not realizing there was a change to the TAT.
My actions may not 'FIT' to rules stipulated by the admins but it is justified when a player such as this TAT Marine shoots the marines in the back twice.
This is incorrect, never is it okay to take matters into your own hands, and yet again you didn't kill them, you let them continue to use the TAT, and you didn't notify an admin.. So again, why should I believe you when you say you assumed it was intentional, when your actions go against everything you are saying?
NOT ONCE, NOT TWICE BUT THRICE they shoot the marines in the back pushing them to the kitchen
Ah, a good quote as it counters the previous one, it went from thrice here to twice. You seem to be able to recall the details very greatly on the exact number of marines and their roles injured, only for you to get the number of times they shot the marines wrong.. That seems like something I'd remember a lot more than the roles of the marines.
they are not even with us @Soulstolen || Ash Halbrader They are in the FOB, doing dumbshit instead of helping three dead marines in that push"
Right.. I was doing dumbshit, that being aghosted in FOB because I got an ahelp (being the only admin on) from someone else that was not involved that you had mag dumped someone for them hitting marines with the TAT, I only have logs, which say everything. Though this is where I loop back to what I said in the beginning, this isn't just because of your actions, which you claim are justified but aren't, and also don't add up with your beliefs. This is about how you spoke about them, how you spoke to me, and your response to the situation.

I'm not even going to get into how rude and profane your sort-of appeal in the discord was, that alone makes me not even want to take the time to do this but alas this is the responsibility I have signed up for. Though let's take a look at what made me drop this ban.
If that's a fucking mistake, they wouldn't dare to fucking shoot A WHOLE SQUAD
I'd like to just quickly point out that, this sentence doesn't make much sense.. If it was a mistake, then them shooting the squad would have been on accident, a 'fucking mistake' can't be purposefully done to someone. How does one unintentionally kill someone on purpose?

Conclusion:Your actions don't add up to what you believe, and your words are not only extremely toxic, but you tell me that you will do it again despite the fact you know that's not the proper escalation, as you've played since 2020 so I assume you do-- and with the previous note history that you yourself mentioned in your post, you have faced similar issues. I'd like to also restate that you believe the person who ahelped was the person you magdumped, but it wasn't, it was someone else and the person you did it too genuinely believed they deserved it, yet that does not make it right for you to have. Recapping, you believe it was intentional yet you didn't ahelp, you didn't kill the person, nor did you stop them from using the TAT, why would you let someone who's obviously intentionally griefing off the hook, and allow them to continue using the gun you claim they were intentionally griefing with live without ahelping? You tell me you'll do it again, and you tell me to mind my own business-- not to be snarky but, this whole situation is my business, the moment it was ahelped and even if it wasn't. You broke a rule, your beliefs don't match your actions, you insult me and take me out of the round to have to deal with your actions, and ridicule me by saying I was doing dumbshit in FOB, when that doesn't matter at all, where I was in game means nothing, it's an ad hominem, a logical fallacy.

If you disagree, you can write up an admin complaint and bring this up to any of the senior staff. I hope you take this time to realize that not only your actions, but your words have consequences too.
